4 - Vista Del Monte Permanent Installation of Traffic Calming DevicestpW N OF ^:~~~. , '~'d 'e+Y~"', !ps~^- ~AjpS DATE: TO FROM: COUNCIL AGENDA REPOP.T JULY 19, 2010 BZEETING DATE: 08/02/10 ITEit4 \TO: , i MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL GREG CARSON; TOWN MANAGER ~" SUBJECT: VISTA DEL MONTE PERMANENT INSTALLATIOI~x OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES ACCEPT REPORT ON THE PERMANENT INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES FOR VISTA DEL MONTE NEIGHBORHOOD RECOMMEI~tDATION: Accept report on the permanent installation of traffic calming devices for Vista del Monte neighborhood. BACKGROUND: At the December 7, 2009, Town Council meeting, the Council approved the traffic cahnhlg proposal for the Vista del Monte neighborhood. The proposal included temporary installation of tluee-way stops signs at the intersections of Harding, Vista de Sierra and Vista del Campo. The temporary devices were installed in December 2009, with the purpose to slow down vehicle speeds. Prior to installation, the 8~[I' percentile vehicle speeds averaged 31.8 mph. Staff gathered traffic data to assess the effectiveness of this proposal for approximately five months after die stop signs were installed. Data collected indicates vehicle speeds have decreased to 29 mph. The last step in the Traffic Calming policy process is to inform residents of. the data findings and conduct a final vote on the devices. A final ballot was sent to residents in June 2010, asking if residents would be in favor of permanent installation of these traffic devices. A total of 68 ballots were mailed originally, however, due to residential vacancies, 3 ballots were retxu-ned. Out of the 66 mailed ballots, 39 residents responded. The Traffic Calming policy requires 67% approval rating from the votes returned in order to forward the proposal to Town Council for review. 1 - t, ~,'~} ~w~) PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parks and Public Works __...,._. __.._~__._ ~ ~`~ ...A__._ ~_. ._.._.__ ___.._______ __._ Reviewed by: ~S.~Assistaut Town Manager ~~Ufown Attorney Clerk Administrator !Finance Commxmity Development NiPP0.r,,~lANAGE~IGNr\COUNCIL~COUNCIL REPORTS'~~010 Repors~Augus[ 2\Vis[adel\~lon[e.Traffic Calmine Permanen[ Devices.docx PAGE2 JULY 19:2010 MAYOR AND TO~T~~N COUNCIL SUBIECT: VISTA DEL MONTE PERIv1ANEI~IT Ii~iSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CALM11~tG DEVICES BACKGROUiv'D (cont'd): The vote breakdown for permanent installation of these devices was as follows: o In favor of permanent installation 79% o Against permanent installation 21% DISCUSSION: Vista del Monte residents formally submitted a traffic cahning petition in 200, requesting staff consider their street for a traffic calming project. Over 50% of the residents living on the street supported the petition. After reviewing the petition, staff collected vehicle speeds and volume data at two intersections in the neighborhood, Harding and Vista de Sierra, and found the daily traffic volumes to be approximately 705 vehicles per day. The 8~°i percentile speeds averaged 31.8 mph. In order to qualify for the Town's Traffic Calming program, the 85th percentile speeds of vehicles traveling tluough the neighborhood must exceed the posted speed limit by 5 MPH, or the average daily traffic volume must exceed 1500. Based on the traffic data collected, staff concluded the Vista del Monte neighborhood qualified for the traffic cahning program because of high vehicle speeds. This project request was placed on a waiting list while other traffic calming projects were being processed andlor cmnpleted. Staff hosted four neighborhood meetings between October 2008 and September 2009, to explain the Town's Traffic Calming policy process, and to engage residents in a discussion about possible traffic calming options. Residents were notified of these meetings via US mail. The average attendance was 17 residents per meeting. The Santa Clara County Fire Department as well as the Los Gatos-Monte Sereno Police Department were present at these meetings to provide feedback on the impact of the traffic cahning devices on the neighborhood's streets. Residents discussed various traffic issues at these meetings; and speeding vehicles was the consensus of the attendees. During the neighborhood meeting process, staff ~vorlced closely with residents to discuss potential traffic calming proposal options for the neighborhood. At the May 14 meeting, staff presented a traffic calming proposal based on the feedback received at the first neighborhood meeting. Residents as well as representatives from the public safety agencies provided feedback on these options. The residents in attendance agreed to conduct a vote on tluee proposal options: hvo speed humps and two stops signs, rivo stops signs, or none of the above. Because vehicle speeds are high on Vista del Monte, To«n engineering staff reconunended the combination of two devices (two speed humps and t\vo stop signs) as the most effective method to reducing vehicle speeds. PAGE 3 JULI' 19.2009 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL SUBJECT: VISTA DEL MONTE TEMPORARY lI~tSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES DISCUSSION (cont.): A neighborhood vote was conducted in June 2009 to see if residents favored one of the above traffic calming options. Ballots were sent to all residents of Vista del \~Ionte, as well as to residents on the Vista del Monte intersections of Harding and Vista del Campo. Ballots were mailed out to 68 residents, of which staff received 50 responses. The vote breakdown for this traffic proposal was as follows: ® Two stop signs and two speed humps 58% ® Two stop signs only 18% ® None of the above 24% None of the options achieved the required 67% voter approval, Therefore, the proposal did not pass. Because of the high voter. turnout and the concerns received from neighborhood residents; staff decided to hold one final meeting in September to review alternative traffic cahning options. On September 10, staff introduced an alternative option to residents which included three speed Immps and two stop signs. The majority of residents in attendance at this meeting did not support the installation of speed humps because of the aesthetic impact it would have on the neighborhood. The consensus of those in attendance was the temporary installation of tluee stop signs at three intersections on Vista del Monte; Harding, Vista del Campo and Vista Siena. Residents had the option to vote in favor or against this option. Ballots were mailed out to 68 residents, of which staff received 48 responses. The Traffic cahning policy requires 67% approval rating firom the votes returned in order to forward the proposal to Town Council for review. The vote breakdown for the temporary installation of three stop signs at Harding, Vista del Campo and Vista de Sierra, was as follows: hi favor of three stops signs Against three stop signs 71% 29% At the December 7, 2009, Town Council meeting, the Council approved the traffic calming proposal for the Vista del Monte neighborhood. In December 2009, the traffic calming devices were temporarily installed, In May 2010, new traffic data ~~~as collected to evaluate the effectiveness of the devices. The data indicates that the vehicles speeds have decreased to 29 mph on Vista del Monte. Staff conducted another neighborhood vote in June 2010 to inform residents of the new data collected and to also solicit input on the permanent installation of the traffic devices (Attachrnent 1). PAGE 4 JULY 19, 2010 MAI'OR AND TOV,TN COUI~TCIL SUBJECT: VISTA DEL MONTE PERA~ANLNT INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES DISCUSSION (cont.): Based on the ballots returned, the Vista del \~Ionte neighborhood residents support the permanent installation of the three stops signs at Harding, Vista del Campo and Vista de Sierra. Residents were notified that if the project received the required voter support, the project would be presented to the Town Council for their review at the regular Town Council meeting on August 2. Upon the Council's acceptance of this report, staff will complete the final steps to make the signs permanent. CONCLUSION: Staff recoimnends that the To~~m Council accept the report on the permanent installation of traffic calming devices for the Vista del Monte neighborhood. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT: This is a project as defined under CEQA, but is Categorically Exempt (Section 1~301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed. FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact. Attachments: Final Neighborhood Vote for Traffic Calming Devices ATTACHMENT 1 'TO~','N OR LOS GATOS Patusn~oPottt,tC~VoarsDLrnaT~ts~'r Seavic[Crvrea Pno~e (408) 399-5770 41 A4iLrs Av[xcr r.tx (408) 35=1-3529 Los arnos, cn 95030 Tune 7. ?010 "1'0: Vista del Monte Residents P.1/: Pinal \eighborhood Vote for Traffic Calming Devices Dear Resident(s): As many of you kuow~, the Vista del Monte nei~?hborhood has beau involved in a temporary- traflic calmiug project over the last several mouths. "I'he main objective of this project is to reduce vehicle speeds in the neighborhood. After a neighborhood engagement process. which included neighborhood meetings and a neighborhood vote, the Town Council approved the temporary installation of three-way stop sietts at the intersections of Harding; Vista del Campo and Vista de Sierra. StatTgatltered tra~[ic data to assess the effeetiveuess oFU'af19c calming- approximately ii~•c iuonths after the new stop signs were installed. The h'affic data collected show+s au improvement in slowing down vehicle speeds. On Vista del i~fonte loath of Worcester the 8~'~ percentile speed decreased from 31 mph l0 29 mph. Additioualh~; on Vista del A~Ionte north of Harding; dte 8~°i percentile speed decreased Iirom ,3 mph to 29 mph. "Ihe Bata collected demonsh'ates that the temporary stop signs have bean effective in reducing the vehicle speeds in the Vista del \4onte neighborhood. As part of the nest step of this project, resideuts are asked to vote to determine w=nether these temporary stop signs ta~ill remain iu place permanently. 1n order to become permanent, 67°% of the ballots received must vote in favor of the project. If the project receives the required voter support. the project will go to Town Council on August 2"`~ for final consideration. Please complete and return the enclosed btillot by ~~'ednesda}~, June 30. "Chank}goo in advance ford=our participatirnt in this process. Sincerely, ~~ Todd Capurso Director of Parls and Public 1Vmis TC%rk c. 9 o~~~n Council Grey Larson. torvn T`~lana~er I{evin Rohani, ;~ssistanl DirectorlTown GnRineer ]ally Pu; l'rafGe 6neineer SergeantJR Lander, Los Gatos-A9onte Sereno Police, Deparunent VISTA DEL NIONTE NEIGHBORHOOD BALLOT TRAFFIC CALMING PROJECT FINAL NEIGHBORHOOD VOTE Print your name: Print your sheet address: INSTRUCTIONS Check the corresponding box to indicate your vote. Only one vote per street address is permitted. If you have any questions regarding this proposal contact Jessy Pu, Traffic Engineer, at (408) 395-2859. PROPOSAL Permanently install tlu~ee-way stop signs at the below street intersections. This proposal includes all tluee (3) intersections. Refer to the map on back of this ballot for specific locations. HardinglVista del Monte Vista del CampoNista del Monte Vista de Siena/Vista del Monte [am: 0 IN FAVOR OF PERMANENT INSTALLATION AGAINST PERMANENT INSTALLATION Please submit this ballot no later than Wednesday, June 30, 2010 by 4 pm to: Parks and Public Works Department ATTN: Vista del Monte 41 Miles Avenue, Los Gatos, CA, 95030 r r.. 7 D r r z r G Z . D (A O n ~_ r: vt'1'-~'- y jSll~ THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK