12 - Parking Lot 6 Soil Treatment and Disposal Project~owl~oF MEETING DATE: 06/21/10 ITEM NO: 4G' `os G A'~~S COUNCIL/AGENCY AGENDA REPORT DATE; JUNE 9, 2010 TO: MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY C ~~ FROM: GREG CARSON, TOWN MANAGER/EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ~~~~' SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 07-16A -PARKING LOT 6 SOIL. TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL PROJECT 411-817-0702 AUTHORIZE THE TOWN MANAGER TO EXECUTE CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE AND NOTICE OF COMPLETION ACCEPTING THE WORD OF GALEB PAVING INC. AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING BY THE CLERK ADMINISTRATOR RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Town Manager to execute Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion accepting the work of Galeb Paving Inc. and authorize recording by the Clerk Administrator. BACKGROUND: Parking Lot 6, located along West Main Street, between Victory Lane and Lyndon Avenue, was reconstructed and resurfaced in the Fall of 2009 and successfully opened for public use prior to the holiday season. Prior to this project, the Town's Redevelopment Agency acquired the adjacent property located at 224 W. Main St. for the purpose of adding space to this parking lot, the overall expansiol~, of downtown parking capacity and the eventual development of a-mixed-use project including affordable housing. The acquisition of t11is property allowed for the expansion and improvement of Parking Lot 6 within a single project. DISCUSSION: During the construction of the expanded parking lot, it was determined that the soil tinder the property located at 224 W. Main St. was itaminated and could not be disposed of tluough normal methods. ----~-°°~ PREPARED BY: TODD CAPURSO Director of Parlcs and Public Works Reviewed by: t 'start Town Manager/Deputy Director E n Attorney/General Cotuzsel •Clerlc Administrator/Secretary ~C/ Finance Community Development N:\PPW\MANAGEMENT\COUNCIL\COl1NCIL REPORTS\2010 Reports\.iune 21\07-] 6A.parking.lot.6soil:disposal.cert.doc PAGE 2 JUNE 9, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ ~'~ ~, CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ~ ~' SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 07-16A -PARKING LOT 6 SOIL TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL PROJECT 411-817-0702 DISCUSSION (cont'cl); Additional soil testing was performed to determine the. best treatment and disposal method. To keep the project schedule on-time, -the excess. soil from this site was moved to a separate location and the parking lot project was completed. Staff secured the services of a reputable soil consulting fern and testing laboratory to evaluate the best disposal method of this. soil stock pile. It was determined that the most economical and ` practical approach to dispose of the soil stockpile was to treat the soil with cement on site, which would neutralize the contaminants and create the possibility of reusing the treated soil as base material for roads and parking lots. Staff prepared a scope of work, in collaboration with a geoteclulical consultant, for the treatment and disposal of this soil stockpile and bids were solicited fiom three contractors. according to the Town's infornal bid process. At its regular meeting held April. 5, 2010, the Town Council/Redevelopment Agency awarded the contract for this work to Galeb Paving Inc. for the treatment and disposal of the soil stockpile resulting from-the reconstruction at the Parking Lot 6 site. The contracted work has been ,,,.,5 satisfactorily completed by Galeb Paving Inc. and is accepted by the Parks and Public Works Department. Ten percent of the faithful performance bond will remain in effect for a period of two (2) years to guarantee any needed repair and/or replacement caused by defective materials and workmanship. The execution and. recordation of the Certificate of Acceptance is now required to finalize the Town's acceptance of the project. CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Town Council/Redevelopmeilt Agency authorize the Town Manager to execute a Certificate of Acceptance and Notice of Completion accepting-the work of Galeb Paving Inc, and authorize recording by the Clerk Administrator. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT; This is a project as defined Linder CEQA but is Categorically Exempt (Section 15301c). A Notice of Exemption will not be filed. ~~.._ ~~. PAGE 3 JUNE 9, 2010 MAYOR AND TOWN COUNCIL/ CHAIR AND MEMBERS OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY SUBJECT: PPW JOB NO. 07-16A.-PARKING LOT 6 SOIL TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL PROJECT 411-817-0702 FISCAL IMPACT: The project was completed within the project budget as demonstrated in the fiscal table below. 1'':1RKIN(, LC)T~.C, RFGU~V~,Ti2UC''T'10'V PKOJG,CT-t11-817-07112 Available Expended/ h Budget Encumbered A~ ~ilahle FY 2009/10 Fiscal Impact Funding To Date Balance Project 411-817-0702 $ 443,636 E $ ~ 436,050 e S :~ 7;86 _ TOTALS $ 443,636 $ 436,050 ~ ti - 7,586 ~.. 1'O'h.~L I-;X1'f', niT>£T'TZFS B}', -- - ... C' 1TEGORti': ~r ~.: __ ,..,..~}__ _._....._ ~.. _ .~ . ~ _ Construction . $ 394,052 Consulting Services 35.,052 Staff Labor ~ 5,725 r Materials 1,221 TOTALS $ 436;050 ~~ ` 1 T~IIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 4y.~~,„ a