Ord 0696-WINTERBROOK MANOR #1 - ANNEXATION~' ORDINAiVCE ?~©. 696 A?~ ORDIi~3AI'ICE A~PP?IflVING T1zE ANI3E~ATION OF CERTAIN U1V'INHAEITED 3'ERftITftRY, DESIGNATED '°~iINTERBR00K NUMBER. O~IE ANNEXA~l06~°1 TO THE TOWN OF L(}S GATOS THE TflWi~ C013NCIL OF TiIE TaWN OF LOS GATi3S D®ES ORDAIN AS ~'OLL(3YdS WHEP~.EAS on the 18th day of March l9 63 , the Council of the Town of Los Gatos did pass and adopt a Resolution giving notice of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the dawn of Los Gatos, said territory being therein designated as 9°Winterbroo€c Dumber One Annexation99 , and Said action being taken by the Council of said Town as the legislative body of the. Town pursuant to a written getition therefore, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said Town; and WHEREAS, said Resolution did contain a notice of the day, hour and place when and where the said Council of said Town would hear protests made bar aoy person owning real property with- i?~ the territory proposed to be annexed, the time of said hearing being not less than twenty nor more than sixty days from the date of the passage of said Resolution; and WHEREAS, on the ~6t~ day of May _ -, l~3 , at the hour of 8x00 o~clock, PeM, in the Los Gatos Council Chambers in the Town Hail of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, said time and. place being the day, hour and place fixed in said Resolution for hearing protests to said annexation, the said Council of said Town did hear and pass upon all protests made to said proposed annexation and did determine that no protests ~:o said proposed annexation have been made by or on behalf of the owners of one-half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the equalised roll, nor by p~rblac and private owners of equal to one-half of :, -;~+~. 'r a: .~~ -- , Page of Pages • • the value of the territory presposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative boa~y; and t~~$E~3.]EAS, said territory is contiguoa~s to the Town of Los Gatos, and is uninhabited te~°r~.:tory in the County of Santa Clara, and all of the groced~aral requirements of the annexcation of T3niashabited Territory pct of ~.~39, particularly Government Code Sections 3554(?-and 3531 inclusive have been dully complied with; ATOVd, THE~F®~E, the said Council of the Town of I,os Gatos does hereby approve the annexation of sa:.d territory, hereinafter described, to the Town of Los Gatos and does hereby ~aarther ordain -- that the said territory be and is hereb~t annexed to the Town of I.os Gatos. That said territory, the annezcation of whioh to the Town of Los Gatos is he~°eby approved, is all that territory situate in the County o~ Santa Clara, State o~ California, wore particularly described as follows: ~. Page o€ Pages • • `~t+t;NfiEB81iDl}K ~Sa I RNNEXAT t ON" Beginning at the Northeasterly corner of thst certain parcel of land conveyed in the Deed from Paui &ah~iel, et ux to R.R, Metzger, et ux, dated February 2$, 1956, recorded March 6, 1956 in Book 3431 Official Records, Page 157 Santa Clara County .,.Retards, said paint of beginning being also a point ix~ the Sown Limits 1':ne of the Town of Los Gatos and the Southerly line of Blossom Ni11 Road; 40 feet wide; Thence, running Westerly along said Southerly Tine of Blossom Nili Road and the Town Limits line of the Town of Los Gatos to the Northwesterly corner of said hereinbefore mentioned Metzger parcel; Thence, llortherTy along the Northerly prolongation of the .Westerly line of said Metzger parcel to the point of intersection with the centerline of the original Blossom Hi11 i;oad 4fl feet wide; Thence westerly along the centerline of the original Blossom Bill idad to the point --~ of intersection of said. centerline with t#xe Souther`T y ,pr~iT c~~xgat ion ~f tlae ,cuter line o~ ~inter#~r-ook Road, ~s t#~~; same .~aow ~xl~~s Thence, ~tor~hec~:~r ~`:l ong tl~~ Souther#y ~:~~.ix~rng~TE.i~o ~t ~aix~ ce~,tea~ T l,~:e cif ~Jinter3~rs~ok .~aad d further #~ortrly agog sar: cetaerl Tie of I~.T:n~erbrQC~c. load to tl,~ pc~%:tt~ off' ~ nt~r~ect i;an as t ~ ~ see tn€i t tie Gtes~el` T y prol ~n:gat i on of ~k~e ~vrther i y 1 i.~o of ~c~t , as ~shawn upon- that cert~ i-~ dap :of Tract ,i~t~. <4.6T~, T"F ~ rrte~brr~Ql~ Suhda v i s i on, T` ~ fed far re~ot~ .ln, tie #~ff a,~,~ ~f' ~~ ~iec~r~er ~aT< 5atata T~ i`ara ~outtiTr~+ n ~ooi~ ~ Hof ,. ,. Maps , a~~ Pane 2~: . ~her~y Ti:c-e~. ~T Lots ~.# aid ~ ~of said Tract No. T~xence laster~y aTc~~g the Mo- . 46fl, ~~.~terb.r-a~pk. Sph~fii~z.lsion: tct~ lT~e ~ort#aeast ~~aT'ne:r of sa~~ T.o:~;t . - ~ ~:. Tk~~race, 5outhetT~y a-:~o~g the. Ea.~t+~rly line of so~c~ l.oi; ~::,~ Tract l~.a. ~6Q,'~i.~,lrerbroofc Sud~ar~~.Ton the pc~i•n~ of in~ter~sec~tron of aaT~ Tate v~~t~ ~a ~rtherly ~i~+e tel: B'"lo~~ ;~:T`~ ~ A.oai~ ass ~~e game nflu~ pact ~~s, ,. 'i`iae~ce*. ~eneraTfiy Isaster~y a~:~~ ~t~e. NortTaer3:y Tr:~ sa~,d 63~~s:c~m ~#.~:~~ ;odd, a:s ~fi~: seine a~ctr-r ex~s~s, ea the pi~;i _t ~-r~tersectr'-:ors ~~~~. ~,s~ne ~ ~~~ ~lo,~t~#rly Pr~sTtir~gat.'ior e~f~ tie c~i:t~r ~' i.ne ~~ tl~ ~a-x~`i~ciE~ l~'1`as~sr»'a ~~~~' R~acl~. a~: shown crtT t~i~ Sarz~a C~'~ra ~su'nty ~Xsses~snr %~ T ~~ l~or~k ~~, #'age~ ~~x; T#iehce 'f r~ T I aw ifing ~ ~i,a r ~ orb coca i~'ses aacT d ~~a races ~l< sa.~ ~ ~e~t'~:P ~ i rye of sa i d cr~gnna'~ ~.i~'~ a l'T: ~, ~~therT;'y ~~ este:rT; tQ t3~te :ar~rt DoT' zater.~;t~o~ Hof .. ,. , said T~ With t#~i°e. Norh~r~y p~rdlanget~~on ~ Tree 1=~st~~ `~.ra~ of :t~e~~Taer'eknbe~re ~iecxt ~che~ ~~9et~ge~ .~xarc ~"i~eiace„ ~~t~3ierly ado ~~~ :6r~h~x-ly ,prolargat~~~ of r~a~ril •.East+'~x~~y ~':~~xse said .. ff l~t~e>t.zg~r~ pa~"~~~ the <p~%'n ~cf 'Tr`e:g~~ra~~g. L . ~ ~ . . , • • Introduced at a iZegular ~ ;' ~ - : meeting of the Town Council o~ the Tcwn o~ Los Gatos, State of Cali~arnia, on the .6th ddb of May , 19 63 PASSED AND AI3OPTED AS AN OItI?INANCE DF T~iE TORN OF LQ}S 4rATOS, CAZ,YFC~,NIA, AT A Font Hued i?egular MEETING DF THE TtZWN CCiJNCIL, HEM DN THE 13th Dr1Y OF May 19 63 AYES; CDiJIdCI.L3YiE~t : Henry C'. Cra l 1 James E. D"onat NEE S : Al ber~o 1=. titer r i 11. J.ae Whelan ,John Lincoln COt31~CILMEN : Nor-e AHSENT : CCt7NCI1,NdE?d : None ATTEST: TO N CLEft F ~ TO DF I,DS GAT4S Page. o~ Pages