Ord 0698-AMENDING ORD 544-FACILITATE FEES, RENTALS, AND CHARGE FOR SERVICES ~°~ ~?~Ir~F~Tu ~ lv ~ m 698 ~~1V +~~~N ~~ ~L~+~~~.e ~". P:+.~~`?~)V:.~'±~ef ~s ~~,e" b ~J~i.c_17"..~5~'.j Lit ~tm .~~?`t 'c~J ya 4'~.Y~.: :-re T -'e ~~++~~ ra a'1 r•, r"a rn~-: ~ ~' r'o .:,~ - -,~TN" '~ '}i S~F~ '"' ~.. ~i, `+!T~'h .Le~i`'~";~1w ~s vV~:J iS~.~."vim iv ~';'.y.~ 3..rY2~: ~: 9 :.t:.. Ja:: q c _" Z-a ,n rvrT r'a ,7 n r~r'+ ,-7 ?';1,T h'^ ~^ i:~1` f T~?,~ ("' f 4T yy `~' ~~a' -. .~ +~'~ 6 2.,; (~ ~T N ~ ~ mew ra ~..+'v vA? a~LS ~.~ 5 t.y..~ :~' it'=.1 .~~ 9 i.R.'_. " t J_v :-h~.~.+. J i 2 ~:~4 +"' 7~ ~i ~ rr1a `y ih f'•'7 ~a s ~r 5 d :.i~v~ t~ t~s. d., ~ ~~ ~.~ s .e ;S z.J _'~.1a ~ ,? ~.~a.J C'} ~T v rs{~vp '+"+ r• ,-^+ T T ra ~T~I T"s; .n :-{~T .nt4'S t.T " °TT'~T k ")Sre :J1 +~i~~ ~'+/~~:'~L~4 ~~~ fJ IJ~ ~.C:~.~V~ .~~~ °J l..r~v !~.. ~^J l.l'.. 't.+~L~: .. 1=E.~1 LS.i r~ \+ n y a7 ~~:1` ~ ~~i A ~. J'! V '`:: ~ ra ~."~_'~a ~'.~:~''. ~?.S= s a `~ ~~~ i ~ai,~.~:a , . . TC7 ~+,,~r^y~ ~ ~^~ ~ n v ~a T-+ s ~ , m , ~ n,-, ,~'v n r', E-°, C -r, n>~ :` r9-."~ ~ ;, ~s'._ iUYr'~i'~ 'i.o ~Li'U ~d.J~1.o ~.a.,y ~ti! ~e .~t~,~Jr'''.l~ Zvi ~.s~:~ i3.f'~~'<..3~ ..7 .:.'n:~ '..i rt_1..a~~~ ~~~'L:~~~.s. ~ ~ v~7 .~. m A:5.1 C^'. ~ ... ~ ~' ~ ~ C ~ ~ ~ 9 .~ c 11'w~? ? C ? `+..'.._ CY _. i~F ~- ~ c ~ LV C m. ... r "Ll' Ei'3:t:.1.,'~i~'°.CS y ~~`~i7 ~~C,C =ri~.~C;E U.ti t:.'^.:' ~'C~o7t? O'er` l.,G~~ ~~ SOS e"fl ~'aeSC'~~ ~¢:; ~ n ~ ~ N o `~'rJ~s.S m y.c3 +~eS '_~_E~ &,u"~.~'_S c?2~~ ~ :iE".= ev~_sE, ~_nc :,c.~~ ec.~~ e~.S, v':c ~oES fJ~' ~€':,'_°V'_ti:.eS ~:~.~~ 2'~.~'.:~~.._e .~'S ~iL:"~.Ss~`:ti '~~7 ~a° :~'flC,z~^~, p;~ ~flS ~c").'~OS "s~i~,L3T3r3~°C L.~ t?I] T4' ~ 4. C. ' C.S ' >cc~'._~Gc i.~_v~v7~'" ':ant,?e'_"c`l~° `~/ Si:"EmS y ~~ r T „ n .~ c"?.SSe~ ci:2C~ cC.C~~.e~ J~ ~~-?E'. LO'~;l,, ~u~i:;^~' C1 ~~E Afl'~T~P G ACS .:~~~,5 O~ ~`~c=`~7 3.% ~ i~i`~ p ~E9 cii1E1 L'r;~ie Sc`-.1ZS~,' S i'~.a-:~C~~y"y ~cl~eip•''y+'r~' ~O ~.-~c"",.A^ c:.S .O t ._.OLv'S T b r ~ ~~r~ . ~_i2e1G S 1~~1 L'~\~ y ~~'J -!S e~ ~1i~ C_°`J JAG +~i~~~.4 ~^J LiY ~C:. cLL 'J' ~k~..liS? J r~.1 ~. t'"3?.z7~i3~ '~-°~ Seen~e~ Cfl~£:gEc~iJ~3 Gu? '~.i',. :y~E Se+niE"s_c,~° S fu~iiEi`"~ OL ~~E v:v;:a G:~ .~'JS Su2iL`flS c>~ 2i3i~u.~.~ SE'^"~7"C°~... c:.i~.c:Y_°~~° G: r2~~e:c~ ~c'~'.~c;^i~,.~ ,GLh'•~ c:'t~ '_L? c^.Y3c't.ii3G~1T'i',~". ~S iG~...C)'G?3: eA c^:. j ~~~ d \""~ 6 `~ ~, 4 -r r^, ;"1 ~~''O". crc3cL'3 S~_?1~E ~c.;`:9-wf7 +C^T°~ :3'j ~ ' . ':, ~ ~n~ ea~~~ e~L~:~c~ ''~- o C.~ ~~'~"..sY VY.S~~.. CJ G. ~~.r y,ay9 ~~~c~,. 9 Gi, _;~c..,~1..,?xd~i. i. ~.~. ~, ~_....~_. ~' ." J'~: i 1. '-(~ o 'iJ \J' e . ~,CG~.~?'.~i~ i~0`.3.SES ~ '~Oc^^~"~" ,sx~ ~.;yi3.S~.S c ^Gb ~"C3fliY4? i^?~ 'fl3..7."-.~~ '~G'.L ~"Ee^9',.~.::=' I'a~ ~ ~_w2~i:S~' i~?^~GEC~.s: c~'S~j7 t1~._~C':. ~~~.:"C~.'_~c^:'~~~.;iJ 'J z. ,y:ie %'J'"/7~i :~,r x ` . ~ y v T _ '7 y i i1.fliS a~._3C:~. C.. .~}S ~J L~~' .I_ :~v~~ i~~J_. ,fJ. ~:i. ~~S C :J __~'.},'Q' 4 e ...GL~_. ... ~`% cG':aey~~.. LSD Cra"E ~' .aLC'. _._ J C. ~% .~J m `a vd e O OMME~R~ I~~I. (a) i°~or each laundry, ~~.ospztal, rest home and. college ~Z00.00; _ (b) ror each unit of a tra~_ley court, motel or hotel, ~~.0~?; (c> ~°or each unit of an of Tice ©r co°xmercial 'Choi ldi ng where such unit i s provided w~_~th sanitary facilities inclo:ding caash 'aasi n and sink and for each ciu'®, i odge, :~rate-r~i ty o:~ s0~'t?ri ty i1~~Je, restall.rc'int, restaurant and bar,. ice ~^,rea~ rsrlor, --may - theater and for each other commerc?ai esta~lis~sment $i~.k.~~;. `~n.e owners of the establishments set forth i r~ scab-- oaragraphs (a) and fib} above may ~.vail themselves of ~ service charge to 'oe determined by the fax °;olle~ctor ~-? accordance =pith the average use of water by such. e~ta'~lishment during the months Df v~tober, 1~OVember, ~2Cember, ,;anazary, s'e'oruar~7, M2.r~~iZ, ~~.pril and May as follows: The owners of said esta'ol~_shments will present evidence to the 1'a~ ~,allector of the total consumpttion of water on said premises for said eight months period, and the 'Tam ~;ollector will divide said total by 3 to determine the basic average consumption of water of said establishment and upon the same being determined, the service charge wiZ1 be based thereon as follows: First 500 cubic feet $i.80; p.ll over 500 cubic feet $1.00 for each 100 cubic feet or fraction thereof. ~'or the purpose of this ©rdinance the term "°Unit"$ s.s herein defined as follows: (1) Each available trailer .space of a trailer court, whether occupied or not, is one °°Unit. "° (2) A duplex, whether occupied or not, shall constitute tcao PFUnits.°° _Z.. t • i (3) Each'separate apartment in an apartment house, whether occupied or not, sha~:1 constit~o.~e ore ~`~3nit. F~ ' (4) Each housing. a~co~amodati on desig~ied nor occupancy by a. sing:~e ~aerson or one ~ami~y irrese~ective ~~ ~~te num~ser z~tu~.i~;r occupying s~.id acco;:~moda.tion aid whether- o~.Cllpied or i~ot ~_n u '`court'" Gr a '0iiat'` sha~i.i c~nsti tut2 one "Uric •~<,° (5) Ea.c:n room o~ a iodging ~~.ous~, ~oardinc;~~ious~, ~r ''_~a.C7i:.e~ O`s: fl'~.i^er E'f]iS.it~±Jle Ctv+ies.~°~.ino ++~?eSi~n°CY ~fli" S ~ ee~"~ng c~.C~.,(~G?l~Ilt3C'i.c"~- y '[ L'_fl Lim ~. l~J"i 1~~~~. fly- ~t~~'~ tnd~..~.d l.~. G. 'is~ ~L'+Tt,e ~tl.~?~ 'J:rC ~.~ied 1~~. .{~,~2., .71^iG'~.Y~... C'"V Z.37 .. __.r FU'~:,e one 'tJ ~~~_f... .. (a) ~°cr e~?c~i ~ nd~~st:~y, cac~mer:::~ab ~ack~ng ~si«n~,, vream~ry ialiLt~~cC''t~°J.:x:2:~ (~~° S~_m"='.~a~ ~'S"~ oJ~~ s~"1~2C~t ~~ts!~~i.v~.., 'i'iie flT'7nei:S t~'.~ ~~C `sta?3~~_s2C17e~htS a...~~~0.~4:.< n 5:...t..-~?3~~cozc,.~3~9. (ctJ c.:`~Og/° :Z9c~ ag72_i ~"~32t?hsOiVCS O.~ c~ s°~i'ti.i.Ce c:._~"t~._C~? V., G4 ~e'Cti..^i.eiti:~1°G. ~~ ':.i"4C~"+.~:~~ ';Oi:~_eCtC9r 3.n aCC.O:i~c"Civ£ =PT'_::Li i:.~"3.e. a~Je=~.gc t.~.$e fli.w~~.t~i ~~ ~i."r.Cii CS f'c~'.3 i =_s~"tmen% L41:E~ ~ n~ t.YC ~Oia ~:? S G~ •~~+~tD~~~ 7 TvOsa2m~E.'~° ~ :'.~'2C~~'t~e~° ~ ,,SCn~.~.a":'y, At 2'"J :.i~.c.!~y y ~"~c":"Ci3.y i`.,.•~+JC.L? dnrY ~~ic"`•.y as ~O ° r_O~i's `~'s~.E'. t~wners di: sa.~ ~s i.c"i ss.i s~imen t~ ,,ti ~ ~ ~ r-es C?i t ev ~ d~'nCE' Z~.rJ ti;2 "av ~rJi ~eC~(7` O "iC?~2 l..C>'t`.c`li C©nSL3.Pi~i'iJt'.On t?-~" `vTc'LG" rJk"e sc.`.:C'i !i:~'PEI3.~_S2S for SG.i_~Y ey_~>$i.. monk iYs T,~C-'~.LCG, a+iCi t.1ie i~S ~Ci ~ eCLGYi: w~_z? d.iliC?e Sc^._Ea tOtc.~ ~y e3~lit (~;~ tt~, deGes:miZ1C tie 'a7.e:s=C c^.:!°uY"~.ge CO'sl-' s4?P1?_bt? CSn ®i `i;tiTCitOy O.t Said e8%u.~J~_isi.l?Ten'~: an c' t17.0d tx° 5c~~.CIle TJ~ ^_rig ~de~~e~°mw_ned, tie se~~~a~_Ce C:iarge wi ~ ~ ~e 'used t <e~:eon ;as ai ~ oE~s: L-'?.~_ OV~~ ''yq~,~~~ Ct1J~a: ~CCi. ~.s.~~,~.^~ pe% ~,~v~~ CL1~3:C r°eu ~e~ ~ ~$ fl rte.. C ~ ~~°a..n ~;c... ~ SCiiG'J~..,~ ~ a c t. w..e. i Ct^~.2.i'~e ~aSe~ Ll~fli.~ w.1iC c:~1i"=a~C CEct?_ j1 a tt~kiG~.'c.i i..e Gzi.~.`~ __'c'? j ~:.~.C s.:~^iOG.~ ties :" OS. ~y`,Ri.'1 a ~'.~'.~ ~C'L' ~"v"21"cloy '~c".ii~" c!a~'~Cnd~ Ce. ('o) ~ or Ixig~ sc~oo:~.s a~:,aa?nu~.? c~~.at~oe ~ase~ u~an ~:~~e aza7e~c;~e C4c''..:t.1.y aCCet'~~ai3Ce C'13.i:__Y3~ .,~° SC~40O.z Jf.'a.i_ y ? ~.~C g9...:.t~ ~i~ f"s ,orb,. c:'xiCd cCiU..l, C~c^SSeS O~ ~:.~~ ;per c^,.V~.~~be C.tC:F_A~ c",.~,e:"C;c~Ce. •~; ~'~+~"7'T •{-e''" ~, iT ~' ~:~ H"'9 ";'3 ,~ ~ ~ d'.,.xj ~C ``~ ~Y ~ ~ ~.,~ s ~'~°.u 1'..1 , Yti: ~.L' ~2.! 0.4. eaC~i S?:DAL c~.~ii'_'__L~ L''CU A ~_~.i:l~ fl4.: S . tx i~.e ~Ov'v':3 G_ T,DS ~c.L.t"~iS d.•?eie ~~ 2ei:e~.~~ b eV_et~ c.3~~ cr.S3eSSCG ~.^3Dz`i e.'~_ '!= ~C:cCi~. s.~rez'_1.? SeS ^.~c: VT_ii~ ~ SeF~7ei Ca:.l~§e~.:, t:~0?3 rs7 ~ L~i i.~e SeTrJera oe S~ S'%el:: D - =.h.~e ~~DrrJ~ D ',DS ~~.&:.DS Dr "~tiD.? Cif. _S C~'~S~.dAa;:`C~x1~ Sei'J2.~ye v`7~i: C~~ ~t~..>~y~!3c.'~Gs_~J 3'iaSSeS '~~?a;'Da.?~~`' S:.~E.' SeF^Jea~B S~J'S ~Cn Dom. Lae ''DCn.~~ D s x OS ~°ac!LL3S c. a~;i?i7.ai C~xar~e ~~,~ "_'D">" °aCt~ fl1^eC!;=SeS flz:'_`3.e'= c'~.a'~c.E1 ~, S~E".IaLe ~a"til,?. ~s7 :~G~~e~h..L:yi?b 'v'~L.SiCe fl ~~.e ~.'O~~`3'i? ^,..r'[ ADS ~`c^^.:,oS '~':^ie SerVs_^° C"1.arp+S ^~": rex~4~'.~L Sr3.~~~. fle Gie~eL'IYE:~£leC': s~57 tL~e 1DCv'~'i °„D~~T3C ~_;.. a~ ,.~E'.JOi`1.~.~ ~.D~i c^~a. ~ e i'.~1T3e a~~ ~ ~ Ca.~t? o~ s s r~a~.e D"~ se~.,~pr servs,C~ a~ ~~e oGa~ie~r D~ sa~.c~ ~re~n~ses {r` Z•~~~? CaL~ o~~ ~~r a se~,aer c~~re~a~o~~ ~FDr ~~-e~s ses Du~~s_a_e D1 ~1~e iflWsl Di p,IIB ~a~CDS ~ ? CL'x .S ~CrJ rD°1. Col~~.flC-'C.L`eLI etiry"~. ~~e SeT~'eY°a~2 3 .~ ~,et~i O~ "~.!le '~D~.n7fi D:~ LDJ a~'xa~D~i Cr sr7~i? CL3. ~' S i:.t3 Ct ~ SC?"3.c^:~e 5ee.~Yc,.oe tnr'zp.~•~;€~ y ., _y ia~~?_€~~a~te~!y basses ~~.ro~.g'~ a_L~.e seFaera~e svs~em Da ~~.e oc~a~a o~ CDs ~ci a~".flS S~xaLA. ~e 111aC4Et~t reC ~~ ~ Vfl %?Ze '~DarC bi `.3:%.t'eC 4`".o.k. S Di C,~eDL~I.~~J ~.: a1'~'L 7..a t~,~D~ J~.~i. Li ~. C:.~ !~: {.10 ~ ar ~`~°~. LrF ~"u~'k. .~i ~_ra.r a. ~~f~.ii l~~y~ c~1.~~ C~. i:.a~,~ 'Di ~..i4e 2TY3s~. ~ ~.Cc t~. DP~`x 5.~•aLL '~..`e ~~'°5ei7~eCt ~a :~e iDtitir~ ~.: D6~iC31.. fla 'C~i'if.' OL"'3L~ O~ ~:CS Ca•o^.~DS.~T?e 1DG7"t'3 ~D'..3f1Ca.i D~ ~~7,e i'DWi~ D~r iL_•OS ~c:~DS ieSE."i'VeS ~i'B.e r~=a:~.~: ~~fl de~erm~ rye w~.ethe~ Dr ~D~ ~~?e ~.?z~'3 ~:.Cafi:~.flTt Gr~~_~"s_ ne aecep~:ec~ ar re~~~ec~"e~. ~C~ ~'i~xe Cfli3E:1eC'(:^_Ddl aid 's. YTSx7eC~LiDTi "~~eeS rDr S? ~~L2 ~ctCi:_~i~7 ~Gre~. ~ r_n~s si~.a? o tie ~ ~ ~~ , ~~ . ~ aid fees s~.a~'~ ~e ~aya~~e a.~ as~variee ~D v€~.e '~'DCv'~l fl?' .~.,os ~a~DS ',~v tee a~p~iCa~~~. `e3 ~'D'.," D~i~.er ~'_+'?ai4 S:~i~oLe .L2.1T3.L~7 O~Gv'e.~1:IgbS ~F'9.° CU13L~eC'~? O!'''1 crdau '~i~,S?JeCi.~' O~ ~E'_e5 S~iai fle C~e~er~l:P.x`~ed ~~7 ~r~e ~.DtrT~1 ';OU.CICi..E. Di t~3.e ~OG7T2 o r ~.fls ~•a~os aid s~.a~1 ~~ ;o2,.g~~b~e era a.avarae ` c'? rec~~y tD ~~ze _~... ~ ~ d Y Town of Los Gatos by the appl.acant: Section :3. ~*1HEN CHANGES UU~ ~,.i1 accounts are due and payable by the owners of the premises annually as follows: (a) The first half thereof on November 'ist of each: year and of unpaid, .are de~inc;uent ~ecembe~° 1(3th at 5:0~ ~.I~?. ('o) The second b.alf thereof on z ebruary lst of each year and if unpaid, are delins~~aent FApri1 lath ~t ~:~~ .x.11. '~_e entire account m~.y be paid on or prior to December 1~th s.t ~ : CC ~ . i~. The second half may 'oe paid separate~.y only~f the f~.~st half has 'Dean pa~_d. ~'or: new connect:~ons, the serv~_ce charge for t=~~elve (12) months or portion thereof sb.a?1 be prorated and shall. be paid at 'the time application for se~,~zer co~snectaon permit _ is made. 5ectaon 3. C;n or before November 1st of each year, the Town s;~a1"s. cause to be mailed to the owners of premises having any sewer.. connection with the sewerage system of the .Town of Los Gatos or premises discharging sewage ~~hacb. u? tam~.tely passes thro~.g~. the sewerage system os the Town, a statement of the charge levied and assessed upon each such premises. ~aad notice s~~.al1: be m~.a lid to each of said owners at has address as the same appears on the' last assessment roll of the Toxin of Los.: Gatos... Any fa.i~.ure Lo mail notices ~,.s aforesa_d or faal~.re o-f the owners of sa;,d premises to rece_ve said no Laces shah. not invalidate the ~er~ice charge or rental charge levied and assessed upon each suci~ pre~aas~s not anvaladate any proceedings to enforce this ~srd~_nance. ~~ TiGN 2, This Crdanan.oe s'n.a~.~. he ~ubl~.shed once: an the Los Gatos Tames-Saratoga Observer, a newspaper published an the Town of Los Gatos. T;.ze above and. foregol:ng ~Jrdanance was duly and regularly introduced at a regu?ar meeting of the Town Council of the .Town , _~_ J . , _ ~ ~ . ,. of Los Gatos held on the l3ti~. day o~ day, ~ °~3, and was there- of te:c, at a regular meet~_rag of the ~'oc.~,n Gounc~.l of the Toaan of dos Gatos, on the 20th day. of ~Iay, 193, duly and regularly adopted ~y the following vote: ~°xY1J~: ~'GUN~,ILI~i~'N Henry C. Gral t ~ . James E. Donati .Alberto E. Merril l Joe Whelan . ~,, John Lincoln N~3ES : G°~UNvIIS~'IFN Nine ~:_~S1vNT: , GGUNGILM1;IeT None ~~TT>;ST: G~EP`K GF a ~ TQv1N GAM lu®S GA'1'OS -'~