Ord 0591-AMENDING SECTION. 3.02, OF ORDINANCE NO. 392ORDINANCE NO. 591 i AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN.OF LOS- GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA,. AMENDING SECTION. 3.02, €DF ORDINANCE NO. 392 OF SAID TOWN, The Town Council of the Town of' Los Gatos does ordain as follows: SECTION I.. Sectional District Nos..3.02.31 and 3.€32.34 of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos, which said maps were adopted as a part of Ordinance go. 392 of said Town, together with. any amendments thereto are hereby changed and amended by substituting for Sectional. District Nos. 3.02.31 and 3.02.34 as shown on said maps, as amended, new Sectional District Nos.: 3.32.31 and 3.02.34 maps of - which sa d ; Sectional Districts are attached hereto and entitled "Amended Sectional District Nos. 3.02.31 and 3.02.34. of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos." SECTION 2. Sectional District Nos. 3.02.31 and 3.02.34 as shown upon the.Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos as.the same was adopted as a part of Ordinance No. 392, as amended, of said Town are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. The exterior boundaries of Sectional District Nos. 3..(32.31 and 3.02.34 of the Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos are shown on that certain map entitled "Index Map-to Sectional District Maps, Zoning Map of the Town of Los Gatos," which said. Index Maps were adopted as a portion of Ordinance No. 392 of said Town of Los Gatos on the 2nd day of June 19 and the 17th day of November , 1958 together with any amendments which may have hereafter been made, which said Index Maps of Sectional District Maps is referred to in Section 3,02 of said Ordinance No. "'392. SECTION 4.~This Ordinance shall be published once in Los Gatos Times-Saratoga Observer, a newspaper of general circulation, print- ed and published in the 'down of Los Gatos The above and foregoing ordinance was duly and regularly introduced at a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the lst day of May , 19 61 , and was thereafter on the 15th day of May , 19 61 duly and regularly adopted by the following vote: AYES: COLrITCILMEN: James E. Donati. John Lincoln Wm. E. Masora Gail E. Packard Alberto E. Merrill NOES : COUNCILMEN: None ASSENT: COUFCILMEN: None -.a p M R THEY TOWN F L A_T AT-TEST: TOWN C OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIF. THIS MAP CONSTITUTES SECTIONAL DISTRICT NO. 3.02.31 OF TRE ZONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS,-COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. T1415 MAP CORRESPONDS TO THE INDEX MAP OF SECTIONAL 015TRICT MAPS AND AMENDS `SECTION 3.42. OF ORDINANCE NO. 392 OF T14E TOWN OF LOS .GATOS. We hereby Certify that the Town Planning Commission of the Town of Los Gatos; County of Santa Clara, State of California, did on theJ°~'day or 44z--:o0 ,1961, adopt by re,solution this Sectional District Map of the Zon 1nq Map of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clal a, 5tafe a CQlifoin Ia. t 1/k /Cho' irman ecretary We hereby Gertify that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of Catifomia, did adopt fhis Sectional District Map and accompanying index Map as a part of Ordinance No. =rgl of said 'own on thee. day of 1931. Mayor -low n C cr4 INDEX MAP TO SECTIONAL D15TRICT MAPS C MAP OF T14E TOWN OF L05 GATC SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALL THIS MAP AMENDS SECTION 3.C 392 of THE. TOWN OF LOS GAT05 CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA A SECTION 5.02.31 OF THE INDE ZONAL D15TR1CT MAPS OF THE L05 GATO S. DENOTE5 5ECTIONAL D15TIU FIN`r.D IN 5ECTION 3.00 AND 3.01 O A5 AMENDED, OFTNE TOWN OF L05 C-1-S R-1 11 U R 2 0 NunDREP FEET ----DENOTE5 015TRICT BOUNDARY A5 DEFINED IN S AND 3.01 Or ORDINANCE- NO. 392., AS AMENDED, OF LOS GATOS. SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAP 'EON I NG MAP OF TN E TOWN OF. LOS GAT ®UNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIF. THIS MAP CONSTITUTES SECTIONAL. D15TRICT NO. 3.02.34 OF THE TONING MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS, COUNTY OF SANTA :LARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. THIS MAP CORRESPONDS TO "NE INDEX MAP OF SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS AND AMENDS 'ECTION 3.02 OF ORDINANCE NO. 392 OF THE TOWN ATO 5. OF LO5 We hereby Certify Mal i ne Town Pio nn; of ine Town-bf Los Gatos ~~:~unfy of Sclntu ~-jgrQ ?jv tP of Caii¢orn;a, did on trte ~daj o. -l ,1961, adopt by reso{ufion this Secrionai D:stncr Mop cT the '^i-,nc; MJ of ;he Taw- of Los G0105 County of Sonia Clan®. 510fe o ICJ irman eC.r6,t We hereby Certify that the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of- CaCrfornia,did adopt this Sectional Disfricf Map and accompanying Index Map as a part of Ordinance No- .-W of said Town on fhe/,~i-=day of ;k '1961. ayo, own C 4j~"11 r IN DEX. M P TO SECTIONAL D15TRIC_ T MAPS OE MAP OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATO~ SANTA CLARA, 5TATE OF CALIFi TH11.MAP AMENDS SECTION 3.02 392 OF THE TOWN OF LOS GAT05, . CLARA, STATE Or cALIFORNIA.'AI 5EC.TION 3.02.34 OF THE INDEX IONAL DISTRICT MAP5 OF THE ZOB L05 GATO5. J. / t 10 I ~,N d d 3 a. ay " R-1s aI Ro. p 400' • •8 O NINO AV E. Q 0 Cl) PAN D l 6 ~ 4 0 * 0 DENOTES SECTIONAL DI AS DEFINED IN SECTION ORDINANCE NO. 392 OF TH DENOTES DISTRICT B®UNE DEFINED IN SECTION 3.C 3.01 OF ORD I K I C E ? T NE TOWN OF LOS Gib