Ord 0451-CREATING A PENSION PLAN FOR TOWN EMPLOYEESZ Lf 0 f l1 ~.T (9 r~'. 1,'~ 451 G. ~U V..l.. 1i•.._1~~1L: ~~_L...~r1 _.~:lF ~ _U .'v Ul' 1 L\ F C`111 LIB; The Town G'ouncil of the Town of All os Gatos does ordain as .i.O.~~q nTS . f7' l le i `71l Lr:!J C t ~l D (JeflSiCii plan, to be known as the "Los Gatos Toojn employees ;Pension Plan? is hereby created and established PL . The .urpose of .,h is ordinance is to establish a -pension plan and, provide relat-ed be_ ne.fl' for certain employees of the Town of Los Gatos, SECT iG NT 3 . D: i_-~ 1I' ,~IvS s The 'off l oln~ Flo „cords and phrases 'as used hereinafter, unless a diffe'ren.t meanie,' is plainly required by the conteXt, shall have the _-ollo ing meanings (a) "Pension Plan'? or "Plan" shall mean the Los Gatos Town ~_mployees Pension Dian created herein. (b) " moloyee" shall mean any person, including any person generally classed as an "officer" or 'official", in the emnlojT of the To,%n whose ccmpensation for such 'employment is i4iolly paid by the said Town a.nd i ho is regularly employed by the Town on a full- time basis; but does not includethose persons holding elective offices or those persons employed temporarily, or those persons employed on less than a full-tinge basis (c) "Member" shall mean any person included in the member-- ship of the Pension Plan 4n accordance with the -orovisions of Section 5 of this Ordinancem (d) "T ow-n "l shall mean T ouch of Los Gatos a (ell "Board" shall mean the "Pension Board" as hereinafter created. e (f) "Service" shall mean employment of an employee by the To-v-m on a full-time basis (g) "Pension Effective Date" shall mean January 1, 1958° (h) °'_ntry Date" shall mean the first day of January, 19589 and the first day of January in every year after 1958., _1_ I I {i) "Anniversary Date" shall mean any anniversary of the pension effective date or of any entry date on which the member, as to . whom the term is applied, became a member. "Past Service" shall mean all continuous full-time service Prior to the pension effective date. or t'_ne purpose of computing past service, periods of such service of less than six (6) _calendar months shall be disregarded, and periods of such service six (6) calendar montb. s or mpr e in any one year shall be considered a year oz" past service. (=K1 "Current 3~ervice¢g shal'i mean :all continuous f-Ljll-time service after the pension. e'f'fective dated (l) Ft Age 11 means the age of- a perSOn On his nearest birthday. (m) _vormal l tlremenu ,p le ` gate" 'shall mean, ;,Then apIJL1P.(~ t0 any member nho becomes ;a ,merriber as of or after the ,-)ensi,.,n of "ecti ve date, the first date of the meth. coincident with or next following his 65th birthday. `:'it- tine- approval of the Council, a miember may -emna r in service a=Ler his normal.,.Tci.irerne=?t date as defined here-in; but 1f he noes so, (1) no "contributions shall be maJ.e to the elan 2 ± the by the eA:iployee or t ?e Toi^Tn 'after em!oloyee' S nb=-ic^ ± re- ' reme-_r t date, and (ii) the pa-v meat of benefits hereunder: shall be deferred until his actual retireiment from service, (r) "Early Retirement Dates` shall mean the first ay of any month, after the -ceini sio:? effective date, but net more than 1,10, calendar years prior to the normal retirement date of the 'nenber to w om the terra is applied, oZi r3hiCll-.4 any imember, twenty (20) year's or -more of serv? ce, and at lea= t . five years oF current service lo ar t , ci r a,ion in t h i s Plan, shall- `elect to ret-r•e from service. (o) LIJ arT.r Le~,.ve'r shall be t i, -leave of absence status of a permanent employee or probationer who leaves a -oSltlon to serve in the armed _Or'Ce[J of the United ~ States t ~es in l;t~ . U of national emergency or ;Mate military emergency, or T,,Tho is _drafte d under the ±:<<tional Conscrrinticn of the United tales of kmerica, and Thrho has the right under statutes relating, to reinstatement of }persons after military service to return tc his -QoSiticn. -2- (b) "Leave of Absence" shall be a leave of absence of an employee or probationer duly granted by the Tom Council in accord- ance with Section 4 of the Personnel System Rules and Regulations of the Town of Los Gatos (q) "Pensioner'*-: shall mean a member, or former member, entitled to a pension under the provisions of Section 9 or Section 11 hereof. (r) "Beneficiary" shall mean any person designated by a member as one entitled to receive benefits 'which may be payable on,or after the death of such. members Vuherever the rights of the members are stated or limited by the provisions hereof, their beneficiaries shall be bound by such statement or limitation, (s) "Insurance Contract" shall mean any form of annuity -contract issued by a life insurance company, including, but not by jay of limitation, a 'group annuity contract `"or a group annuity deposit administration contract. (t) "Insurance Companyt' shall mean any life insurance company which, upon application by the Town Council, in accordance with the provisions of Section 7 hereof, has issued one or more insurance contracts (u) "Council" shall mean the Town. Council of the.Town of Los Gatos (v) Wherever, appropriate., words used herein in the singular may include the plural, or the plural may be read as the singular, and the masculine may include the feminine SECTION 4. P,,N S10N BOARD CREATED. (a) The Pension Board shall consist of five members, Two members of said Pension Board shall be elected-by the participating employees of the Town of Los Gatos by a vote of the majority of said employees present at a meeting of said employees called by the Town Manager for the- purpose of such election, at *dd ich meeting the said vote shall be taken by 'a secret written ballot. The remaining three members of said Pension Board shall be appointed by the .Los' Gatos Town Council. _3~ (b) The terms that the members of said Board shall serve shall be as foll ows (i) As soon as practicable after the effective date of this ordinance, the Town ivlanager shall call a meeting of the participating employees for the purpose of electing the members. of the Board to be elected by the employees, one , of which members shall be elected for a term of one year and one for a term of two years At the expiration of each term so provided, the Tosm manager shall call a meeting of said participating employees, sand, at, such meeting, the said employees shall elect a member to. serti:e` for a period of two -years and until his successor shall.have been 'elected. Removal of employee elected Board members prior to the expiration of their respective terms shall bemade only after a two-thirds vote by secret ballot of the participating employees at a meeting of said employees duly called for such purpose by the Town P, an.ager, In the event of removal, employees shall elect a successor by secret ballot at said meeting to serve the balance of the unexpired term. (ii) As soon as practicable after the effective date of this ordinance, the Town Council .shall appoint three members of the Pension Board, one such appointment being for `a `term of one year, one for a term of two years, and one fora tern of three years.,. At the expiration o . each such term the Totl Council shall appoint a successor to serve; for a term of three years. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and qualified. A majority vote of the Council shall be required to ' appoint a member • _~~_s vote ut a four-_ifit, of the Pension Board, b ~ shall be necessary to remove from office prior to the e~-,piration of his term any member of tr_e Pension Board appointed under this section. (iii) 'lembers of the Pension Board shall be residents of this 1 oT,n. DTO person shall be appointed to the board by the Council who hobs any salaried public ffise or employment with the 01,1 of Tos O ice , nor shall any such member, v-,rhile on the Board or 1 "or a period of one year after his term has expired, be eli Bible for appointment in the competit; ve service of the Town of ?cos Gatos (iv) An-Jr member of the Board may be elected or appointed I to succeed himself, (v) Any vacancy on the Board shall be filled by election or appointment as hereinbefore provided, and the -oerson so elected or appointed shall serve until: the next regular election or appointment o members of the Board. (c) vo remuneration shall be paid to any member o f the Board. for services performed as such; but any necessary costs, expenses or disbursements shall be paid, by the Tol,mM in addition to its contribut- ions provided for in Section 6 of this ordinance (d) The Board shall elect, its own Chairman, The Clerk of the Board., who shall be the 'I o Tri Clerk of the '„oven of Los Gatos, shall keep regular minutes of all meetings' held by the Board, The Board shall hold regular quarterly meetings' it the ' T 'own Council Chambers at a time to be selected by the Board. Special meetings may be called as required in accordance with I'Dection 5495.6 of the Government Code of the State of California, Four members shall constitute a c,uorum ?-or the transaction of business (e) The management,` control and operation of the Pension Flan shall be vested. in the Board, and the Board shall exercise the powers -5- • 0 and perform the duties conferred on it by this ordinance, subject to the limitations imposed by this ordinance; and the said po,,7ers and duties shall include, but not be confined to, the follokATinge (i) The board shall prepare, or have prepared for adoption by the '-Coln Council a set of rules and regulations governing the conduct of the Board and. the administration of the Pension system,,. (ii) In addition to any other records and accounts, it shall deem necessary, the Board shall have the Clerk of the Board maintain or have maintained such records and accounts as shall be. necessary at any time to establish the total accumulated contr.but- ions of each member, to show the total benefits paid to each pensioner and each beneficiary en- titled thereto, and t.o show the benefits to which members and their designated beneficiaries shall be entitled under the provisions thereof, provided, however,that, the Board shall not be required to maintain, os have maintained, any records Y,&Lich would duplicate records kept by any department or official of the Town Government, or by any insurance company, (iii) The Board shall report annually to the Council as to its administration of the Pension Plan, which said report shall include statements of the total contributions made to the date of said report by members and by the Town and the benefits to which members and their beneficiaries have or will be- come entitled under the provisions of this ordinance. (iv) The 'B'oard shall recommend to the Council and the Council shall determine whether any employee is a temporary employee or ari' employee employed on less than a full-time basis, or other person not entitled according to the provisions of this -6- ~ 0 ordinance to become a member. (v) the Board shall have authority to determine the amount and kind of benefit to which each member, pensioner, and beneficiary is entitl titled under the pro- visions of this ordinance and to determine the con, sensation and lena-th of service of all members for the purposes of this ordinance; and (vi) lf, ti,~±thin sixty (60)- days after the pension effective date, at least seventy-five (755 ) per cent of the employees qualified to become members as of such date have not elected to become members, the Board `shall have the right to postpone the effective date of the Plan until such time as seventy=.fi've (75%) per cent of such employees do so elect; and, in such case, the Board shall have, J the right to prescribe °a pension effective date, entry dates and normal retirement dates for all employees;,or'in its discretion, to postpone the 1 operation of the Plan indefinitely and to request the' Council to repay all, employees any amounts withheld from their compensation as contributions under Section 6 of this ordinance. (vii) The Board shall make its financial records available for periodic audit by the Town -uditor at such time as other Tovm records are audited, or as required by the Council SI!,CTION 5. 1,; .`~T~sJ SII1P 111, PLAN (a) Every employee in service on the pension effective date, who. has not attained age 65, and who is a member of one of the employee groups set forth in Section 45305 of the Government Code of the State of -California, provided the group of which tbxe employee is a member has approved the retirement proposal as provided for in Section 45,303 of said Government Code, shall become a member as of the pension effective date. !very employee employed by the oi-,mm -7- • o after the pension effective date, which employee is in a participat- ing employee'group, shall be required, as a condition of em-oloyment to become a member on the entry date after he has completed one (1) full year of continuous service, provided that, on such entry date, he has not attained age 60; and every such employee shall be required, at the time of his employment, to sign such application for membership as the Board may require.. (b) Every employee qualified to become a member as of the -pension effective date shall become a member by filing with the.:Board, his written application for membership in such form as the Board may require, on or before the said pension effective date. SECTION 6. DOXT RIB M IONS. (a) The 'o,,n shall make due and timely payments to provide the benefits to which members are entitled under the ;Mari, as. -provided in Section 7 (d) of this ordinance, of such amount of money as may b.e necessary from time to time, according to the certification of the Board, but not in eX cess of the limitations provided by the laws of the State of California. (b) each year, beginning with the year 1958, the Board, between the first day of May and the 30th of July of such year shall estimate the aggregate amount necessary to provide the benefits to which members are entitled under the Provisions of this ordinance) and shall certify suc'h aggregate amount to the Tov,rn 7'•iana erg (c) Each qualified employee who' elects'to be a member small agree, in his application for membership, as follows: Ti at, commencing with the date upon which he becomes a member, and con ti nuing until his normal or ear'! Ti retirement date, an amount eaual to four (L ) per cent of hie compensation, before any deductions as the same nay become nav ble, shall not be paid. to him by the To,.n, provided, however: ti) That such amo,.,nt so ~,,Tithheld shall represent the contr bution. of the member toward the cosy.., on ~ -he current service benefits provided by Section 9 hereof; tit) That bNr making such deductions, the ToTnrn. stall -8- reimburse itself to that extent for advances u'lade by it for the account of the r?ember, and (iii) That, upon termination of employment, such -nember~° shall repay to the own a.iIT such advances for h ch the lotion may not have been re ,ibursedo vot. '_th-, standing any provisions of Section o hereof, no li +e . .i i,~at ~e opl,. :.oyee rl.~~ -4;_t l bnef;c~ ~ar~T, s~_ '~al_l be ~~n_~_.;_ . a~__, or' r entitled t o any sur.ri w'_riatsoever ";,.rt_l ,'_'le I o7,;n shall have aeer_ reimbursed for any such advances _:1ade on behalf of such em ployee (c?_) Each member shall be deemed to consent, and agree, to _ is contribution as made and Drovid.ed'' for herein, and steal' receipt i r full for his salary, compensation: or w, ges. Payment of such salary, ;,age or compensation, less s~ id contribution, shall be a fell and comolet, e dimchar ge of all claims and de-_~:ric!s ,ihat never for the _ _T _ sere, ces rev erect 'oy s to rn~ r~r~er du» n. tie period covered by such payment,, except I- s claim to any. oen,e its; to w'nich he may be entitled under the provisions of tr_iS or-'°dinancee N v 611 _ i%: 111 r~ F The contributions ti D- 7. provided for by Section ;o of this ordinance shall be invested. as follows (a) Upon: the written request of t'r e Board, th Council shall purchase, from designated life insurance companies, insurance contracts of such kind an d in such amo,.)_nts as the bard may request for the purpose of providing the benefits to T^.hi ch the members shall be entitled under the provisions of erection q hereof. (b) The Board shall use as the standard for measuring. the amount 01 any insurance contract purchased to provide such benefits, the amount payable to each member under the settlement option contained in such insurance contract which ;guarantees monthly payments of the L ' ';t v r normal rei,irement benefits to ,,:nzch the member is e~i _'led u. der Section 9 hereof, at the early or, normal retirement date and continuing` during the life of the member,,. rel-laNdless of such other settlement options as may be afforded by such insurance ;contracts and regardless of the possibility of -payments in the 'nature of -9- di V4 In excess of the amounts guaranteed under the settle - meat option used as a staidard. (c) any dividend, refund or recovery due under any insurance contract purchased in accordance v,-ith the provisions of this ordinance shall be annlied to the payment of premium in the next succeeding -years on all contracts held for the members and shall, in corresponding amounts reduce the premiurris payable hereunder during; such years. 9 (d) The Town shat-l pay, in accordance with the certification by the Board under the zrovisions of Section 6 (b) hereof, all premiums on all ii surance contracts pure .aced in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance, such payments to be made as they become due under the terihs' of such insurance contracts SCh 0I~ GUAR.l' T Y: (a) The payments by the Town as provided in this ordinance are hereby made the obligation of t'_ne Town, subject to any limitations imposed by the laves of the State of California. The Council shall annually appropriate such amounts as are necessary to di schar~e the obligations of the Town hereunder, in accordance with the cert_ficat- ions made by the Board in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 (b) of this ordinance. (b) The T ovrn, subject to any limitations imposed by laws of the ,state of California, may at any time change, modify, amend or repeal this ordinance or any part thereof in respect to future obligations to any member. It is hereb;T specifically provided however, and the Town hereby covenants and guarantees, that the Tom's obligation incurred prior to such change, modification, amendment or repeal, to pensioners, to members then eligible to receive pensions under the provisions of -Section 9 hereof, or to beneficiaries then entitled to receive such ber efits, shall continue' in full force and effect as provided in this ordinance, and that the Town's obligation to all other members at the time of such change, modification, amendment or repeal will be a_ pension, at the normal; r.eti cement date or early retirement date of each member equal to the actuarial equivalent of the accumulated value of each member's _10-- -ontr4 bution s and the contributions of the To-,,tirr, made on Sys behalf to such data, but without. further contributions from the 'Lov,m, except such contributions as may be provided for by such change; modify c at? on, amendment or repeal; provided; that nothin in this section shal". obligate the `'ovoin to make any payments bejrond any limitations imposed by the laws of the State of California. ST I~~I 9. B IL S. (a) The normal retirement benefits contemplated for every member shall. be a monthly pension, to be :.)aid for life commencing at'his normal retirement date, equal to the sum of the follov-n nga ' (i) For Current Service, after January 1, 1958: An amount of Monthly income equal to one forty- eighth (1/48th) of total contributions made by the member while ;under the _plan. (ii) For Past Service, before January 1, 1958: If the member becomes a member as of January 1, 1958, one half of one (1/2 of 1%) per cent of his monthly rate of compensation on January 1, 1958 multiplied by the number of years of his service prior to January 1, 19518 (b) Upon the written request of a member:, filed with the Board in such form as the Board and the appropriate insurance company 1 shall direct, the actuarial equivalent of his normal retirement beneit, taking into consideration among other things the life expect- ancy of such member, shall be payable to the member for a stated number of yearsa or to the member as long as he shall live and after h:~s death, 1n _monthly payments of a like or such si_laller amount as he may elect, to such beneficiary as he may designate; provided, however, that no such election shall 'be accepted by the >oard :unless it is in accordance .?,rith settlement options offered by the appropriate insurance company, -iti T ~I ;ii 1 N r1 Trl _'vL v_d lvo 1 ri~1 1J1 OF L ~ 1 S3 (a % iuheY_ any member shall reach his normal retirement date and shall retire from service he sha__1 be enL*Ltled to the benefits provided in Se-t2,on 9 hereof i!1^ Board sh al1 take such action as r11~ i.2aTT be n`,GESSa ~r t0 ~rOTT1de f0~ ~l e pay.rAent of such benefits b the anprOoriate insurance company. (b1 '-TLf any member shall elect- to retire on his early re- tirement date, he shall: be entitled to receive such proportionately reduced payments for life as may be actuarily determined on the basis of his contributions and the contributions made on his behalf by the To-vi-r- to such early retirement date; and the Board shall take such action as may be necessary to Provide for the payment of such benefits by the appropriate insurance comicany,, either at said early retirement .date or at a deferred 'retirement date as the Board may elect. (c) Tt shall be a $'ull discharge of the duties he-re-ca der of the Board' u,rlth respect to the payment of retirement benef-tS, to deliver to the pensioner or retired member a -contract of i h e appro-oriate insurance company -whereby such company agrees to make the -oa.yr~,ient of benefits provided for in. Section a hereof. (d) Tn the even'>t of the death of a member before ret'remer_t, - i there shall be paid to s1tcY) beneficiary as he may have des?gnated a sum equal to `contributions made by such rnEm'oery under' the n~roir~ sioY_s of t=_4 S ordinance, together with interest to the date of death. This rate of 'nterest shall not be less than th,e rate of interest uaralteed b"T the appropriate insurance company* J ~eJ Tn the event of a retired member' or oensionervs death before he shat have received retirement benefits equal to the '--ater of (i) the total amount of all his co, -ibc,.tions under the Provisions of ..,his Ordinance' together ~ ti'? interest to tT?E date of death at the rate determined in accordance V,,'it ! the Provisions of subsection (d) of this Section l0y or- (ii ) the total amount L,ayaiJ E to . said member and .A x11 Ef?E~fidry or be 1E!_? ,mar es ! n accordance 'rith the settlement c-otion selected by such member under the ?J'^OGTi SiOnS Of eCtiOYi 9 (b) Of this Ordinance, there s, be iDaid to such beneficiary as he may have designated, the excess of the breate_• of the said total amo.,nts over the total of all retirement benefits .:1 i ch have been ;;aid to t1im at the time of his death. (f) Tf the services of a :yen b e r s..c,-:ld be discontinued for any reason T; i<?tSOever, e`,:cept retirement, death, authorized military leave, or authorized leave of absence ,,,dthout nay, he shall be entitled to receive, and shall receive, a sum equal- to the total of his contributions under this ordinance, together ~.ti.th interest to the date of termination of his. services to the ` o;ti7n at the rate determined in accordance with the provi sior_s of subsection (d) of this Secticn. 10. The said sum shall be paid to hire as promptly as possible after the discontinuance of his service, provided, i ow ever, that the Board shall not be liable to pay such sum until -he said sum.has been paid by the appropriate insurance company Iy' s however, the services of such member should be discontinued after twenty years or more of service, at least five (5) years of ohi cry shall be represented by current service participation in this Plan but before his early retirement date or normal retirement date, said member may elect within 30 days of the discontinuance of his service, in such manner as the Board shall decide, not to withdraw the amount of his contribution, with interest, as herein provided, but, in lieu thereof, to permit his contributions to remain in the Plan, and to receive a paid. up annuity, commencing at his early or normal retirement date, of such.amoun.t as can, on the date of the discontinuance of his service, be, purchased with the total of his contributions and contributions mad e'- on hi7s behalf by the Town', including contributions :for the -oast' service ;benefits; or., Tnrith the approval of the Board, he may elect any other benefit i.,rh ch is the actuarial equivalent of such paid-up annuity and which is available under the appropriate nsurance'contract (g) If any member, pensioner, or beneficiary entitled to receive any benefits hereunder shall be 'physically or mentally. incapable of receiving or acknowledging receipt thereof, and i f no legal represent- ative has been',;anointed for him, the oard may cause any benefits otherwise payable to him to be made to the person or persons designated in writing by the member as authorized to receive and acknovrledge receipt thereof on his behalf, and any payment so made shall to a _13d com'o-Lete discharge of as_' 1=abilities in respect to such payment, (h) Should the service of any imember be disccnti need -for any reason except: death, retirement, authorized r.ilitary leave or authorized leave of absence without pay and should payment be made to h ice. it accordance with the provisions of this Section of this ordnance, and should he again become an employee of the Town, he small be considered, for all purposes- of this ordinance, a new employee, and entitled only to the rights giver.,. by this ordinance to an employee em?oloved after the pension effective date, and only from the date of his reemployment (J_) Should the service of a member be discontinued by reason of authorized military leave or authorized leave of absence without pay, the member shall witn-Ln 30 days of cessation of service to the ToYs.n elect in such manner as the Board shall decide, M ether or not to withdraw his contributions and applicable interest from the Plaza, he shall be entitled to arid. shall receive a sum equal to the total of his contributions under this Ordinance, to the date of termination of his services to the Tovm., together with interest, at the rate determined in accordance with the provisions of subsection (d) of this Section 10. Should the member elect to receive, and receive such sum, and should he again resume employment with the Town, he shall be considered, for all purposes of this. Ordinance, a new employee and entitled only to the rights given by this Ordinance to an employee employed after the pension effective date, and only from the date of his reemployment as an alternate to withdrawal from the Plan, the member may elect` to permit his contributions and applicable interest to remain in, the Plan. until such time as the authorized leave shall expire. If the member so elects said alternate plan neither the member nor the Totim shall make any further contribut- ions to the Plan to the credit of the member, but all contributions of the member and the Town, together with applicable interest,. deposited, accumulated or• which will accumulate to the credit of the member, shall remain in the Fund bending further disposition. C1pan conclusion of said period of authorized leave, if the member has elected to remain in the Plan, and if the member, ~%Tithin 3 months, -14-- resumes- regular employment with .the Town, he and the Town shall resume making contributions -60 the credit of the employee and all services rendered and all: contributions made prior to and all interest accumul- ated prior to and during said leave shall remain to the credit of said member.. Should the member not resume employment with the Town within 3 months of termination of said authorized leave, he shall be entitled to and shall receive a sum equal to the total of his contributions under this,ordinance, together with interest to the date of termination of leave at the rate determined in accordance with. the provisions of subsection (d) of this Section 106 Should the m,agib-er not resume employment with the Town within 3 months of term- ination of said authorized leave and should said member have rendered, before his early retirement or normal retirement date, twenty years or more of service, at least five (5) of which were on a current service basis under this Plan, the said member may elect within 3 months of said termination of authorized leave in such manner as the Board may decide, not to Zfdthdraw the amount of his contributions, with interest, as herein provided, but in lieu thereof, to permit his contributions to remain in the Plan,; and to receive a paid-up annuity, commencing' at his early or normal retirement dates of such amount as can, on the date of the discontinuance of his service to the. Town, be purchased with the total of his contributions and contributions made on his behalf by the Town, including contributions for the past service benefits; or, with the approval of the Board, he may elect any other benefit which is the actuarial equivalent of such paid-up annuity and which is available under the appropriate insurance con.tract* It is further provided that in the event an employee on authorized military leave has previously elected said alternate plan to have his contributions and applicable interest remain in the plan, and such employee voluntarily requests an extension of his original term of enlistment, service, or tour of duty with the Armed Forces of the United States of America or with the Militia of the State of Calif- ornia, and if he is accepted by said Armed Forces or said Militia, and he has not previously been repaid his contributions to the plan and interest thereon as herein provided, said employee shall in such -15- evert be deemed to have elected to withdraw from the plan, and said employee shall be deemed to not be on authorized leaves and the said member shall be entitled to and shall receive , a surr. equal to the total of his contributions under this Ordinance, together with interest to date of- the commencement of the extension of his original enlistment, service or tour of duty, or to the date of his re-enlist-w mment whichever is earliest in time, such interest to be at the rate determined in accordance with the provisions of subsection. (d) of this Section 10; Should said member thereafter -resume employment with the Town, h-e, shall be considered for all purposes of this ordinance as a new employee and be entitled only to the rights given by this ordinance to an employee employed after the pension effective `date and only from the date of his re-ernploymente It is further provided, however,.that in the event such employee and member shall have previously elected said alternate plan to have his contributions and applicable interest remain in the plan, and such employee voluntarily requests an extension of his original term of enlistment, service, or tour of duty with the Armed Forc.es,of the United States of 'erica, or with the Militia of the State of California, and if he is accepted by said ?=armed :Forces or said Militia, and he has not previously been repaid his contributions to the plan and interest thereon-;as herein -provided, and should . he have rendered,, before his early retirement or normal retirement date, twent;j years or more of service, atAleast -five (5) of which were on a, current services basis under this Flan, and such member within 3 months of his discharge: from the Armed Forces or Militia is re-employed by the Town, he shall be deemed to have resumed his regular employment as upon the conclusion of Authorized leave and be restored to all rights,.-and privileges as contained in this ordinance. Should the member not be re-employed by the own within 3 months of his said discarge, the said member may elect at any time prior to the expiration of 3 months from his dischar!e from the Armed Fo--ces or iVlili tia in such manner as the Board may decide, not to withdraw the amount of his contributions, with interest, as herein provided, but -lb- in lieu thereof,. to permit his contributions to remain in the Plan, and to receive a paid-up annuity, co~r2enci_ng at his early or normal retirement date, of such amount as carp, on the date of the discon- tinuance of his servioebe-purchased with the total of his con- tributions and contributions made on his behalf by the T of%m-, including contributions for the east service benefits, or, with the approval of the Board, he may elect .any., other benefit which is the actuarial eauivalent of such- paid-up annuity and which is available under the appropriate insurance contract. S);L'TIOV 11. iPbOYJFS OV_'R I;AX MTV \ AGE FOR l~_i,~ P~SHIPo __:w (a) If an employee, otherwise eligible for membership in the Pension Plan has attained age of on the ?pension effective date, he shall, comL--nencing thirty (30) days from the date of his retirement from service, be entitled to receive, and shall receive, a monthly pension for life in an amount determined by the Council, but not exceeding X 30.00 per month, the said pension to be -paid by the T av.m - without `contributions from any such employee (b) The Board shall annually estimate the amount required for the payment of any pension to any retired employee entitled to pension under the provisions of this section of this Ordinance, such amount to be in addition to all other amounts to be estimated by the Board under the provisions of this Ordinance, and said amount shall be certified by the Board to the Town Manager, and all such pensions shall be paid in monthly installments by the Town in addition to other amounts required to be paid by or on behalf of the Town under the Drovisions of this Ordinance i?m: LXL-"iPTIOxV HJ~Oj 11-2,CLTTION,. The right of a person °s CTI'v'N to a pension, to the return of contributions, to any optional benefit, or to other rit_ht accrued or accruing to any person under the pro- visions of this ordinance, and the moneys constituting contributions p under this ordinance shall not be subject to execution, garnishment, a%tachmenA or any other process ir_hatso ;per, and shall be -i sign-- ab_le except as in this ordinance specifically provided. Noty, ithstanding anything to the contrary herein, if a par-u- -17- w Ct 1erZ i se indebted _C i7 'sI25j, t'?Tl JlC rP CCi C;^%S G"1 0, jvn, 0-1 1, u.Cii atlo s ov,,,ing t0 the CU",i 1, t'le C: ".m st=all c.vc^ 1i st 14en for t o -L to the eeXtent; of t e ;C art3_c a pat- ing e-n-1 oyee' S .rested ri g tS si a.t2 , p r` it s o r o vi -.aa e u i e_ , r. o s n 1.t n -vo i E) n i ^ such 1 r r ~r o e n e ._r , I ~_c;.C J, us are not -1 U - u _i 'j Oa'_.d ~o ~hc C':n C;7 O^ ±;efore t^e a2,:tie on Z\IA_. h the. 1:~c'a~'tf - patino' ioaymeY? i. ..of any ef;p 'See v; r.'yvtiS I.J ei e:-P1 i1C.i y becomes eii"i-held to the e e l i s In e^ Y ~ e -L- lea a bat c e -hen v v~ ` mr ' a t l'? e "own shall Ce 1.~..st o a ii -o --PC .t_ e a,-1.dl r l utioi2s a."`,- G_Qe o the, rai _ c ~ Jv inn rt.ll l ogee o h b e_J C_cJ~ _ r The L;I\I 11'1 '.J •l(~_LTi J- i> i_, 1.>p o"✓ i i. i r c.'T i J'n. t P Y' G ;I into t- i y. e c J- C_ _ If nC-:'..!_Ce GC ei 01v vanu_ ry 15, under -he rovi moons o >e t onS Of _ ' t ~ C f „ l O~P. L_y- C__ v ! i C~_2 13775 C_ he :Dv =m tv OT e C.: C o e. -r a J' 7 o e-:mplo eeS l,_e^ the _eCl '7 al 1~,ia_ Se C," i L~~ _ti, r'y n'yr"n~bZT e_`Ti ,.~'?JrS provided that the t~ 1 an r;Cxv be -mia,d` - eCi or ."haT1-e in an-,..,- Imp t:? CCCidi-i_'_atie t.-I, with 8_n _ `;;tre men - - ; e n'C' s v'0 .r.. S a ~ e cz C T--✓ 'or -:it_l~:. . an%' r - Gt:... t" , - iC. Federal la^ ."T n P ~'ea - - i;~ c, to r)rovii, Je ola' age ter_efitS, oI 4vit2 m-.Y ? avv enacted by% the ler tu-'e C~ the tatE Or cil OiYl?a to CViQ'e C1C ei!e"its~ r.G_ ION l1 vi4 . ST ylm y 10 an tieCt1CT1, or eci, ons, or Dart, C' any Section ofr ti _ r' :ra___~-_a shall b~ e f,✓;z.Iu. ~ ✓o be d~. ~~tc.,...i- _ce on_ St ? t?.J_tlCnal or Cn v a ± _d; -L or, aany reason, the 1 e a1 . P_.S C th e Cr Cli ante sha._l not Tide rieryT be Invalidated, but sInyal _l i "F;ic`~i ' ~ c'nJ.,_,ce i1 ~ i:._~y eJ f ec v~ vim %1~\: 1va);1, i J1~~r___~!7 or. 1 a vewS and :ic2.ttS _ ;V r• Ca !Cnc,=2CeS y-sofe a_s ti e'% G=' -1st u:' ~h tIi'_yc or 1Ylc`lA'cP, are i2nr ,,T ,jealede v!: a1_'y;~ V loo ! _.._.~..\7~, _LuceC! at c_ re>- -,:._lai meet.-inc• of the, rCvTn lyirJu'?cC. t1,_e 0,M11 .011 o_- Gatos, "tote ~alirOrrllc, Flrl on t?2e 25th -lay of 1~over.Iber ~~1 S -f 1M1,ue~i sl .iJ PT '"D aS a:.. rd? dance Of t he OS.^iri of T Os GctOSg State of va.lifornia., at a re-zular meeting of the o4;gin vouncil thereof, held on the grid day oI' December by the -following vote: AYES, Si, and in IaVO thereof; C;'T` viLi H. F. Boone 1^~m. 0. Graham James A. Stoops James F. Thomason Alberto T'-Terrill iJ0 B: COU ;CiLi~L_T~I: None ,,BSElv1 : COU"lLl None l I1_ `loll. "10:11W C,- -V f`ll`y ~ t: n V~y .L`? 1 t GV I~ ~ Sl'c..: ii.. 8'.. 2Lr TL ST d C ~1 LL.1 ~ i ~i rl OF L11il a .1 OS ~19~