Ord 0450-WEST SIDE NUMBER TWO ANNEXATIONORDINANCE NO._ % OF 'TIT-11,1 TOji,- 1i SP.l. -CTAL EL. ' TTC,, TO BE GE j__:•~T! A_iY, 19531 PERTAT Oly, s~ dtT _~`S m S iTipk, 712,I ~,L i:~ 7,Tv i T07_- OF LOS GAT'-')S. OF LO`, GATOS GALLING ON T14,7, 1) J7 L.AY ~TI1Vrr T;`;? Tir✓i~ `u4T1_Oiv Jf ;J1, AiS, by Resolution of the Town Counc"! l of the Council Town of Los Gatos, dated September 10, 1951, one Tow- 11 of the Tow-a of Los Gatos declared its intention to call a special election-in certain inhabited territory contiguous to said town proposer to be annexed to said town, for the ;.purpose of submitting to the qualified electors residing in said territory t ne question vvhetner or not said territory shall be annexed to said town; and a copy of said. resolution was published 1L:. "-ir_i1ti., as required by lave; and. 'y~Wi1EP,H,KS, on -November L~, 1957, at the "our of 7:30 p,:T1. in t le Council vrlarr, er Fall of the Town of Lo to said Resolution and r~ gi, larly continued to day oi" ;?ovemiber, 19-157, of the Town Oouncil in and Room, of the Town Council in the Tovin Gatos a pudic hearing was held pursuant said public hearing was duly and the "..our of 7;30 p.r_.. on 14onda r, the 18th to be held in the ;council Chamber Room the Touvn c all of the Town of Los Gatos; u<N:TzErS, said hearings We1"E9 dul}7 held and conducted as required by lave, and all persons owning real property within said territory so proposed to be annexed and havin~D- any (J11~J objections to the proposed annexation desirin-_ to be hear.=d, were heard, and owners of property within the territory so nrooosed to be annexed desirin,o; to :nape written protests against the elections did so and said written protests were read and considered b ; the Tovin Council; and the hearin_; on protests was closed; and .9 the Town Council beln~ fully advised. finds. -S T:rat ;protests Vjere not made by t? e owners of one-half of the value of the territory -oroposed to be annexed as s_ owr_ b;r the last equalized assessment roll, non vveve pro,` tests nac'..e by public or private owners equal to one-half of the value of said territory and, t'neraforo, a 12jo_--ity protest has not bE e'1 _,,iade in accordance with Section 35121 of the Govern lent Code; and _.1 -7 M1 all rroce^dins gave been had in accoraa_~ce ~v J-n said -resolution and the /annexation sect of 1913, reference t.na:reto hereb [ beinsr :jade for furt:ler `particulars; T'='4 he Town Council Of the Town of LOS Gatos does ordain as follows Sectlon 1. i~ special election is ]2e?riebv called to be held on the 14ti:l da-~i of janil.ar-- 10,,-'7, in the terntorv herein- a"described a d. -orOoOSeC', t0 be annexed. t0 the Town of .',cos Gatos, for t_te Pur.ose o_" su.b.rdt-rin 7, to t he oualJ_fi ed electors rosidin;° in said ter,lit,-?ry the question whet er or not sJ(_,tI territor shall be annexed. to incorporated in, and made a part of said To~,,n oi' 3S _~atos. That the ne,vterr:i tor. in w~zich such special election is her.ebv called and shall be held is situated in the Count of S a~ talla"a, State of California, and t."1e soec i fic bo n.da-ries of which are particularlJ, described as follows, to wit: -2- ` 1 S 0 Beginning on the Northwesterly Town Limits line of the To-vTn of Los Gatos at the point of intersection with the Southerly line of the Subdivision shown upon that certain map entitled ??Ellen E. Short Subdivision No. 37`2 which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of L California, on February 25, 1907, in Boolvof -Maps, Page 65! said point of beginning being also inn the Southerly line of Lot 10 of said Subdivision; thence folloUvring the vas ious courses and distances of saga Southerly line of said Ellen E. Short Subdivision No. 3 to the point of intersection thereof with the Northwesterly line of that cep ain parcel of land as descP-Lbed in the Deed from Ruth Seeley Hutchins to 2flarjory Seeley Robertson; dated December 29, 1942, recorded January 8, 1943, in Book 1123 Official Records, Page 512, Santa Clara County Records; thence along said Northwesterly line of said.'- last named parcel Southwesterly to the point of intersection thereof with the Northeasterly line of Hernandez Avenue, as the same now exists; thence along the Northeasterly line of Fernandez Avenue Northwesterly to the point of intersection thereof -.with the South- easterly line of Ellenwood Avenue, as the same now exists; thence along the Southeasterly line of Ellenwood Avenue Northeasterly to Ghe point of intersection thereof with the Southeasterly prolongation of the Northeasterly line of that certain parcel of land as described in the Quit Claim Deed by and between Herman Werner Gerlach a nd Beryl J. Gerlach, dated January 17, 19:7, recorded January 22, 1957, in Book 3712 Official Records, Page 634, Santa Clara Coanty Records; thence a long said Southeasterly prolongation of said Northeasterly line of said parcel so conveyed to Gerlach, and.:along said Northeasterly- line of said last na med. parcel, North*rnresterly to the most Northerly corner of said last named parcel; thence along the Northwesterly lire of said last named parcel Southwesterly to the point of intersection thereof with the Northeasterly line of Hernandez avenue, as the same now exists; thence along said. Northeasterly line of said Hernandez avenue, Northwesterly to the point of intersection thereof with the -1- Northerly prolongation of the Westerly lire of UYissahi c.con Avenue, as the same now exi sts; thence alone said ~~ortherly prolongation of said Westerly line of said Wissahickon Avenue, and al. ong t^.e VJesterl y line of IVissahickon Avenue and along the Southerly prolongation of said' Westerly line of Wissahickon 'venue Southerly to the point of Intersection thereof with the Northerly line of the Subdivision shown upon that certain ma-p entitled "Glen fridge 'ark ubdi..vi lion, Block 7, i.hich map .Ta, filed for record in the Cr" L1!cc of the Recorder of the County of Sa-^ta Clara, State of CcLllforni..a , on May 24, 1909, in Nock M of DIT ap s, -0, 63; theT1CP, along the V-aTfOUS courses and distances of said Northerly Line of said Glen R_d.ge Park Sub division, -talc- 3c-K, :a.st y 7; er7 to the point cf Interw section thereof with the ToZ^In is i_ne of the To?tip'? Of Los Ca-'-, vs 9 thence following the various courses and distances of the mo.- .L,is line of the T mop of Los Gatos i<<orthei- y to the point of bed; i nn.ing. -2:.- Section 2. The.new territory hereinbefore and in said petition described is hereby designated as 11JEEST SIDE NUMBER TWO ANNEXATION and said territory shall be indicated and referred to by the name of WEST SID! NU1v ?ER ONE AN EXATIOJ) on the ballots to be used at special election, and upon the ballots to be used at any subsequent election at which the question of the annexation of said territory to the Town of Los-Gatos is submitted to the electors of said Town, and the name WEST SIDE NU;; BER TWO A NEXITION whenever used in the notice of said special election hereby called in said territory, and in any and all proceedings for the annexation of said territory, to the Town of Los Gatos, shall mean and be con- strued to mean the territory hereinbefore and in said petition described and so proposed by said petition to be annexed to said Town of Los Gatos. Upon the ballots used at the election shall be printed TWO ANNEXATION be annexed the words: l "Shall ',~~'ST SIDE NUMBER to the Town of Les Gates;?" Opposite these words shall be printed the words,.."Yes' and "ado" with a voting square to the right of each. Section 3. For the purpose of holding and conducting said special election hereby called, one voting precinct, denominated as ''N ST SI?E N i.3E t TTO ANNEXATION Election Precinct, is hereby established and designated and the place at which polls.will be open for the election in said new territory herein- before described and proposed to be annexed to the Town of Los Gatos, and the follow n, `named election officers therefor are hereby appointed., to wit; WEST SIDE 'S' NUMBER T'~ ~iO ',r ri~~-i_TIOi~ ELECTION PRECINCT shall consist of the herein.aoove described proposed territory to be annexed to the Town of Los Gatos. 1 -3- Po11in Place; 69 Hernandez Avenue Los Gatos, California inspector: Jack L. Passovoy Jud e : Robert R. 3elknap Clerk; Cat _eri ne Mi. Carty Clerk; Rosalind H. Belknap For their services in connection with said election the said inspector shall receive X18.00 and said jud; e and clerks `fS1~.00 each and the person in, possession of the polling place named herein shall receive for the. use of such pre:ni ses in connection with said election the sun of 20.00. Section a. Except as otherwise provided in said- Annexation _ket of, 1913, the ballots used, the opening and closing, of the polls, and. 5ne conduct of the election in the territory shall conform as nearly as possible with the ;election Code provisions concernin,_; general election. The qualified electors res-i dingy- in said new territory so proposed to be annexed to the Town of Los Gatos, are hereby directed to vote upon the question of the annexation of said territory to the Town of Los Gatos by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word "Yes" on the ballots to be, used at said special election, or by starnpin a. cross (X) in the voting square after the printed word" o" on such ballots. If an elector stamps a cross (K) in the vorinz square after the word "Yes" his vote shall be counted for the annexation., anr' if he stamps a cross (A') in the votin - square after the word zsy,`ots, his vote shall be counted a ainst annexation. Section. 5 The Town Clerk is hereby directed to cause notice of the special election to be published as required by said Annexation Act of 1913, at least once a we k for the four weaks prior to the election in the SA` Y, JOSE ~v ~RCTJR`?, a ne,rvspa.per of general circulation, printed and published outside of the Town of. Los Gatos, but in Santa Clara County in which the territory is situated. -fit Section b. The p.roceedings.for the annexation of said new territory hereinpef-ore described to the Town of Los Gatos have been commenced, and shall be had and taken, under and in accordance with the provisions of anAct of tha Legislature of the State of California, entitled "An Act to Provide For the Alteration Of The Boundaries of And "For The ."annexation Of Territory To 1,4unici-oal Corporations. For the Incorporation Of Such Annexed. Territory in And As A Part Thereof, And For The 'districting, "overn_nent And ifiunicioalControl Of Such Annexed Territ'ory.''' approved. June 11, 1913, and all actsanandatory 'tfnereof and supplementary th_ reto and no other, wilicz said ALct is desio.nated and referred to as tha "Annexation Act of 1913." Section 7. T_-iis ordinance shall be publisaed once in the Lv` GA-T03 a ned'ds'pa-)er of ` eneral cir- culation, printed and publisried in the Town of Los Gatos. The above and foreS,;oin_, ordinance was duly and re ularly introduced at a regular meetinJ of the Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos held on the 18th day of November, 197, and was thereafter on the 2L th day of November , 1957, at a. continued regular meeting duly and regularly adopted by the following vote; T-L ~EN,: H. F. Boone iFlm. 0. "rah am James A. Stoops J James F Thompson Alberto E. Arerrill W0,5, S o n e .i'A.~ iV T 'v ~ _ :J i uj~.j la : LJ ~ V.i_:, r7 J r C 011 55L~-, LOS GATOS ATTEST: M 'T' n m to J c ( -