Ord 0423-WEDGEWOOD NUMBER ONE ANNEXATIONOP DI I`TAIa CE 1~ 0 . - , A- ORDII AND"DE APFROVI iG THE A.Ni'EXA°TION OF ~~R~ U.:-._,H4L3_ TED TER-RITORY, DESIGNATED 't!`MD-E'vVOOD NUIL'=ER O ;E A. ,,T- V' TO THE TOVE OF 'LOS GwA'20S. rI' Z a "~~,~r Var~l'~,,V IL OF THE E i"17 ~.7 f T-T ,I, l 6"iO21-T Or LOS GA".`OS DOE ORDAIII AS FOLLO," S: 'D ER SAS, there has heretofore been filed with the 3oundary Co-amissien of tae County of Santa Clare., Stake of California a written description of tlae proposal for tae annexation of territory -co the 'Iloimn of Los GaTos of als teat territory malcia is hereinafter described; and said Council lias received evidence :~_za~n - tY7at, anc finds that, said v'.L'it-en description Of its +orO Dosed annexation atiOn so filedd zriLh said, 'oundary I-Jo fission has. been acted Upon by said 3OUnCary COalriissiOn 2"1.d that said 'boundary Cornmission has prepared, or caused to be prepared, a report upon said annexatiOn props .l, all as required by law, and that said 3oundary Coruraission as a oroved t-he boundaries of said -oro-posed ar-vexation; a21C ' -P. JAS, this Council Iae fi furt_aer received evidence show-'M-G, and as found end again finds; (l.) _°_~`iat said territory is situated imediateiy adjacent to and touc'aes and is conti ?ous to the boundaries of the Tom- Of Los Gatos; and (2.) That less tu-han tr,,elve (12) registered voters re side6. wit'ain said territory at tr e ti.nie of institution of tae Pu exation proceedings by said Council on its oi:m 'no"- ion, and that said territory is therefore uni.nha b i ted3 That Consent mo Ana Petition 7or by Owners of at leazz 195 o rJf the land in t1ae Sc.'iC? VCrritory ,)roi3oced t0 Je annexed to the '.iO?,,n of TLOS c SOS, Oy area, a a~~e of cZjeS O 1,4 0 0 a and by assessed value as shores on the last equalized assess- ment roll of the County of Santa Mara in v.nic l said ter- ritory is situated, is on filed vrith the Clerk of the Tovm of Los Gatos, and all of the owners of property located in said territory proposed to be annexed, which oro--?erty is zoned and restricted for agricultural purbposes exclusively pursuant to a i_aster Plan of the County of Santa Clara, have filed. their written consent to said annexation of sa id terri Cory to the "w"o~ n of Lo Gatos; and {4. 111-1.at on Au2;usu 2,01 1:56 this Council did OasS anQ aC_OaL 4 aESOILtirJn wherein -it oave notice that it i2aCL initiated on its .10},i0i1yprOCeeGiilss to. annex said territory to the "'own of Los -1-atos, described said territory and desi,na.ted it by the 2'OOVE'iT1eT1ti0nEG na.ie, nadE Certain findings resi:)ectin,,,- the same, set forth its reasons for desirinU said aYmel ation, and save notice of the time and ;lace t ,.is Council would :tear protests thereto; and (5. ) 71hat on September 22, 195b this Council did. ,o,as s and adopt a. Resolution. cumendin,~, the hereina,bove Aention- ed Resolution dated ku"ust 29, 1950 wherein it Save notice that it had initiated on its motion ,orocee,:7Linc,?,s to annex said territory to the Toifi*o. of Los +'.-T(atos, described said territory and designated it by the a~ove mentioned name, made certain findings respecting t_h-e some, set forth its reasons for de- siring said annexation, and Gave notice of the time and- place this Council would hear prole su s thereto; and 6. ~'i~at the I-"o.-rn Clerl, has caused a copy of said Pesolution dated Seat :tanner and tlithin ti^.e caused i,,xitten notice :mai led to all !.-)ersons required by law to be quired by lay;,,; and ember 22, 1 50 30 time recuired of said propo and bodies to given; all in to be -ublis',.ed in the by law, and has also red arinexation to be w no such notice is the manner and time re- (7.) That this Council did in said Resolution dated September 22, 1956 set and designate ionday, 22, 1956, at the sour of 7:30 p . of said day, in the Council Chambers in the Toimn gall in the Tovrn of Los Gatos, County of Sang Clara, State of California, as the day, hour and place when and where said Council would hear protests against said annexation; and this Council dily met and convened at said time and place for the ~ourpose of hearing and -oass1.ns Toil all prote,sts to said proposed annexation, and also at the times and daces to vrhich such hearing was continued, and has at the hear-ins in open public session duly asked for protests, if any, to the -,,proposed annexation and has re- ceived evidence relative to said annexation; and this Council at the time of said hearing aid find and determine that no protests to said proposed annex- ation have been made 'ay or on behalf of the oirvrner s of one- half of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as shown by the last equalized assessment roll, nor by public and prJ vote ot:Tners of equal to one-half' of the value of the territory proposed to be annexed as determined by said legislative body; ^HEREFORE, the said Council of the t-.,}ov; of Los Gatos does hereby approve the annexation of said territory, designated as Ir AMDGENOOD NUMFBER Oi1E` r?erein- after described, to the To.,=n of Los Gatos aLild does hereby further ordain that the said territory be and is hereby annexed to the Tovm of Los Gatos. 'hat said territory, the annexation of which to the rw'own of Los Gatos is herein approved, is all that territory situated in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, more Dart icularly described as folloy,- s ; tee 2 of ?aVes ~ Beginning on the0orthwesterly line of the Limits, Town of Los Gatos, at the point of intersection with the easterly prolonga- tion of the northerly line of that certain parcel of land as described in the Indenture between Elizabeth Mundhenke, party of the first part; and Elizabeth M. Disque, party of the second ;Dart, dated August 5, 1916, recorded October 24, 1922, in Book 564 of Deeds, Page 167, Santa Clara County Records; thence westerly along.said easterly pro- longation of said northerly line of said last named parcel, and con- tinuing westerly along said northerly line of said last named parcel to the northwesterly corner of said last named parcel being also a point on the easterly line of the subdivision shown upon that certain map entitled "Castleview Heig;it s'4, which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on January 24, 1956, in Book 66 of Maps, Pages 30 and 31; thence northerly along the easterly line of said last named sub- division to the most northeasterly corner of Lot.12 of said Castle- view Heights Subdivision; thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 12 to the point of intersection with the easterly line of Lot 11 of said Castleview Heights Subdivision; thence northerly along the easterly line of Lots 11 and 10 of said Castleview Heights Subdivision to the most northeasterly corner of said Lot 10; thence following the exterior boundaries of said Castleview Heights Sub- division westerly 140®00 feet and northerly 25.00 feet to the norther- ly line of said Castleview Heights Subdivision.; thence westerly following said northerly line of said Castleview Heights Subdivision to the most northwesterly corner thereof; said corner being also a point in the southerly line of that certain parcel of land as des- cribed in the Deed from Capital Company, a corporation, to Stanley B. Smith and Isabel Smith, joint tenants, and Albert.B Smith, dated April 25, 1944, recorded May 4, 1944, in Book 1203 Official Records, Page 21, Santa Clara County Records; thence westerly along said southerly line'of said last named parcel to the southwesterly corner thereof, being also the southeasterly corner of land as described in "he Deed from S. J. Leider and Esther Leider to Stanley B Smith and Isabel Smith, joint tenants, and Albert B. Smith, dated January 16, Page 14" of V Pages 194$2 recorded January 23, 1948, in Boo's 1457 Officlal Records, Page 165, Santa Clara County Records; thence following the exterior boundaries of said last named parcel westerly, northerly and east- erly to the northeasterly corner thereof, being also the southwest- erly corner of that certain parcel of land as described in the Joint Tenancy Deed from Stanley B. Smith and Isabel R. Smith, Joint Tenants, and Albert B. Smith to Se J. Leider and Esther Page J_ of Y Pages Leider, dated Januarv 12. 1948. recorded January 23, 1948, in Book 1457 Official Records, Page 166, Santa Clara County Records; thence following the exterior boundaries of said last named parcel easterly and northerly to the point of intersection vrith the southerly line of Wedgewood Avenue, as the same now exists; thence westerly following the various courses and . distances of the southerly line- of lVedgewood Avenue to an angle point where the southerly line becomes the westerly line of said Wedgewood Avenue, thence northerly along said westerly line of said Wedgewood Avenue to the point of intersection with the south- erly lire of Pollard Road, as the same now exists; thence westerly along said southerly line of said Pollard Road to the point of intersection with the centerline of the San Tomas Aquino Creek, being also the easterly boundary of the proposed City of Saratoga, as said boundary was approved by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors on July 23, 1956; thence southerly following the 'meanderings of the said centerline of San Tomas Aquino Creek and said proposed boundary of the City of Saratoga to the point of intersection with the southerly line of that certain parcel of land as described in the Joint Tenancy Deed from Kenneth R. Dixon and Elizabeth P. Dixon to Harold C.. Easterbrook, and Louise K. Easterbrook, dated March 24, 1952, recorded March 24, 1952, in Book 2388 Official Records, Page 238, Santa Clara County Records; thence easterly along said southerly line of said last named parcel to the point of intersection with the westerly line of that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from Emil L. Cecchi to Harold C. Easterbrook and Louise K. Easterbrook, dated November 15, 1955, recorded December 6, 1955, in Boob 3353 Official. Records, Page 142, Santa Clara County Records; thence following the exterior boundaries_of said last named parcel southerly, easterly and northerly to the point of intersection with the southerly line of'the hereinbefore mentioned parcel described in the Joint Tenancy Deed from Kenneth R. Dixon and Elizabeth P. Dixon to Harold C. Easterbrook and Louise. K. Easterbrook; thence following the exterior boundaries of said last named parcel easterly and northerly to the Page of , 9 Pages i point of intersection with the southerly line of that certain parcel of land described as Parcel Four in the Deed from Anthony L. Rossi and Beatrice Rossi, Emilio Massolo and Jeanne Massolo, Silvio Massolo and Alma Massolo, James J. Breen and Alice Breen, Remo Boragno and Doris Boragno to City Title Insurance Company, a corporation, dated December 9, 1955, recorded December 13, 1955s in Book 3360 Official Records, Page 157, Santa Clara County Records; thence easterly along the southerly line of said last named parcel to the most southeasterly corner thereof; thence northerly along the easterly line of said last named parcel being also the westerly line of that certain parcel of land described as Parcel Nine in the' Joint Tenancy Deed from Hills Development Company, a corpora- tion, to Solomon J. Leider and Esther Leider, dated August 31, 1945, recorded September 1, 1945; in Book 1282 Official Records, Page 439, Santa Clara County Records, and continuing in a northerly direction following the various courses and distances of the north- westerly line of Parcel Seven and the westerly line of Parcel Three, as said parcels seven and three are described in the last named Joint Tenancy Deed from Hills Development Company, a corporation, to Solomon J. Leider and Esther Leider, to the point of inter- section with a line parallel to and equidistant at right angles 225 feet at all points in a general southerly direction from the southerly line of Wedgewood Avenue, as the same now exists; thence easterly along the various courses and distances of said parallel line to tye point of intersection with the northerly prolongation of the most northerly course of the easterly line of the sub- division shown upon that certain map entitled "La Rinconada Knolls- Unit No. 211, which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on June 7, 1955, in Book 57 of Maps, Page 4.7; thence southerly along said northerly prolongation of said most northerly course of said easterly line of said last named subdivision to the northeasterly corner thereof, being also a point on the westerly line of that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from S. J. Leider and Esther Leider to West Valley Development Corporation, a Page of _ Pages i California Corporation, dated April 13, 1955, recorded April 22, 1955, in Book 3119 Official Records, Page 543, Santa Clara County Records; thence southerly. following the various courses and distances of said westerly line of said last named parcel to the point of intersection with the northerly line of the subdivisioh shown upon that certain map entitled -"Country Club Vistas Unit No, 291, which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on August 26, 1952, in Book 40 of Maps, Page 16; thence easterly along said northerly line of said last named subdivision to the point of intersection with the northwesterly line of the subdivision shown upon that certain map entitled "Country Club Vistas", which map was filed for record in the Office of the: Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on August 22, 1950, in Book 30 of Maps, Pages 16 and 17; thence following the exterior boundaries of said last named subdivision northeasterly,, south- easterly, southwesterly and southeasterly to an angle point in the northeasterly boundary of said Country Club Vistas Subdivision, being also the southwesterly corner of the hereinbefore mentioned parcel of land as described in the Indenture between Elizabeth Mundhenke, party of the.first part, and Elizabeth M. Disque, party of the second part; thence following the exterior boundaries of said last named parcel easterly to the most southeasterly corner thereof; thence along the southeasterly 'line of said last named parcel northeasterly a distance of 250 feet; thence easterly, parallel to the northerly line of the hereinbefore mentioned parcel of land. as described in the Indenture between Elizabeth Mundhenke„ party of the first part, and Elizabeth M. 1Disque, party of the second.part;:to thR point of intersection with the northwesterly line of,the.Town Limits, Town of Los Gatos;. thence northeasterly along the various courses and distances of said Town. Limits line to the point of beginning. Page X of Pages V 0 0 introduced at regular meetinG of the Tov~n Council of the Town of Lou Gatos, State of ualiforn-a.a, held. on ' T-HEE OF " i"v OF ?ASSFD ".1" ADOP'_"TD ~.S ,3 i'' 41ORDI'_'A_,,C r L05 n ray n ri T 2111 a1 OSa vt;i i_y 0~~1,"~" 1 J~..Z.1.~i~ OF f;'1HN7 P7TO,dT: T 001;,` jCl L a _`TE'EOF , ilEisD I O PH DAY OF T1~ w : _7 ~ J..''1.le f o..l.? o w i ng vote: y7, S s 007 TC-r7 "Aj"E1dSu_J ° o CCU.:CZLLEid r A: E T LEFa. T07d1T OF LOS uA~.OS Fade ~L._.., of p2`je"J