Ord 0409-VASONA HEIGHTS NUMBER ONE ANNEXATION1\110. ,1.09 17 .ilk C~'_~ \ zip A i'~ia~i, FL LIMI..LVJ il'. 11-ta+ ~J:...+ XAI L?l~u OF BTT,T1q{{\TIaBT z• .CJ r E-R, IT J l1I_.,. C DESI1.;''fD "T' S`Jw1,~~ H ^~~;~i-s ~A~ w1~+--I ~ L.Lit .1.J...S 1.~1. l~il'.d. _b 11) A. ,11T'7, 'r T` "ti ; It Rii-1 r~1 i\t '.a +.3s~J ill 0 AY l:l Vi is liiu1~.t i ~1 }.~~r .tli till, i.. I AI" 1 LJ J L 1Oi OF LOS G-A C D: ri:S 1;'L 'd l" COUI'mCI ilr^ F ti aYd on the 5th day of September, 19502 the Council of t' e Toi",n of Los Gatos did pass and adopt a Resolution giving not- ce of the proposal to annex certain uninhabited territory to the Toi,,rA of :uos Gatos, said territory being therein designated as I'VASONTty uElG i"s'S and said action being taken by the Council of said Town as the legislative body of the Tow pursuant to a written petition therefor, said Resolution describing the boundaries of the territory so proposed to be annexed to said Toxm; and sa-d HesQl~ t-Lon did contain a. notice of the day, hour and place when and wil-iere the said Council of said 1"ciVII would hear protests made by any person fJ :,ning real property within. the territor -r proposed to be annexed, the time of said nearing being not less than forty nor more than sixty days from the date of the passage of said '_He soluti on; and rHE T_; AS the 22nd day of October 956, at the our of ii,T . ' '~''v%Tn 7:309 Qlc oc'~ pmrtle, it the :~•os uatos `Q°Y~-n ✓1 I.~ouncil Cham1bers in the Tc gall of the TQiA:n of Los Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of Ca! _ornla, said time and place being the day, hour and place fixed in all -4 1 said ?esolutioii for hear*hg protests to the said a~ nex ~~o'ri, t he s ai d CQUncil of said Town did hear and pass upon all protests made to said i l,L i•.J.4o- dA,.i~l"!e.c:xciv.a:tl ]_0 tJ, r,a g. c p. QJeSt L s LQ s ry7 ba~, ^ 1•~ r : aid did determine =s..'., : rcosed annexation have been made by or on behalf of the o-^rners of one- half of the value of the territ-ory° r). oposed to be annexed as shown by the lest ecualiued assessment- roll, nor by public an private o er_s of ,N 1'n " of v y p _ , C A be annexed eq al to one-half file value of ta'lc' ''"3"ttrJr j proposed iv as determined by' said legislative body; and Page / of a~aueS' I .d:._ EiS, said territory is contiguous to he To=."'n of Los Gatos, and is uninhabited territory in the Coiz~^lty of Santa Clara, a:nd all of the procedural recuiz emen:ts of the Annexat.ion of L'nin.Ihabyted l'eY'ritt7ry A-t of 1939, particullarly Government Code sections 35300 to 3`314 inclusive have been fully complied Tit THERLFOREP, the said Council of the. loiTn. of Los Gatos does hereby a-cprove the annexat on. of Sc''.id territory, hereinafiter described, to -he Town of Los Gatos . and does hereby -,:rther ordain t-'--at the said territorv be and is 1ereby annexed to the lows 'of Los Gat,as" as, 'That sci`'I territory, theanne<"'a ion of w]hich to the Town of oC ° 'heroin app r oi?GC~p _L all t h''t i ,eY'~°it,ory s-* ul..ate -n t-h- County of ,:'aY ta Clarap .SJt-ate. of "a" ifo.rnia, more particularly described _,s yo -I Se c of j t o e III M Beginning on the northwesterly line of the Town Limits, Town of Los Gatos, at the point of intersection with a line passing through the most northerly point of that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed from Wendell C. Thomas. and Edythe A; Thomas to Santa Clara Valley dater Conservation District, dated November 16, 19:4, recorded November 22, 1934, in Book; 712 Official Records} Page 150, Santa Clara County Records, which line is perpendicular to the center line of Santa Clara--Los Gatos Road (formerly known as San Tomas Aquino Road) where said road bears N 230 091 E; thence from .said point of beginning N 660 51t W in a straight line to the said northerly point of the hereinbefore mentioned parcel of Santa Clara Valley Water Conservation District, being also a point on the easterly line of the hereinbefore mentioned Santa Csara-Los Gatos Road.; thence southerly along said easterly line of said Santa Clara- Los Gatos Road to the point of intersection with the center line of Wild Way as said road is shown upon that certain map en- titled "Vasona Heights", which map was filed for record in the Office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on January 4, 1910, in Book M of Maps, Page 89, said point of intersection being also a point on the boundary of that certain parcel of land as described in the Deed of Right of Way from C. H. Clark and Jeanne T. Clark to the County of Santa Clara, dated August 15, 1955, recorded August 19, 19552 in Book 3258 Official Records, Page 580, Santa Clara County Records; thence following the exterior boundaries of said last named arcel outheasterly, south- 4 fie, fie, ,.24 westerly, westerl r southerly, easterly and southerly to the point of intersection with the northerly line of Lot 5, of the hereinbefore mentioned Vasona Heights subdivision; thence easterly along said northerly line of said Lot 5 to the most easterly corner thereof, said point being also a point in the center line of the hereinbefore mentioned Wild Way as Page .7 of -,E Pages I1 i i shown on said map of Vasona Heights subdivision; thence northerly along said center line of Wild Way to Station No. 2 as shown on the hereinbefore mentioned subdivision map.of Vasona Heights; thence easterly in a direct line to point W, P. as said point is shown on the hereinbefore mentioned subdivision map of Vasona Heights (said point being also on the easterly line of Lot 40 of said Vasona Heights subdivision); thence further easterly following the easterly prolongation of the last named course to the point of intersection with the northwesterly Town Limits line of the Town of Los Gatos; thence northerly' along said Town Limits line to the point of beginning., Page of J- Pages Inu oduc ed :;a. rems _~wr ar~~ vii c ) ~ ~ ie ~ C>:± . J•..u.~ y' i vita' 1O; r., ~~e v8"2it3" astir Ts O L„, c^;,ov9 Syvc ~ a v e A. 2nd daft cf - ^ r r, "T U1, 1. i L L J . -~e.;-,.. =Z `~~1 +y °'1 C ra n. f't !'e X 71 AT A _7 ET G --T 77T 7-1 v..J11L - _ 5 95 l All r B S21 C N, N:1 t, i J. J Y