Ord 0393-ORDINANCE DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS TO ORDER THE VACATION OF A PORTION OF HILOW ROAD PLUS A FOOT STRIP ON THE EAST IN THE TOWN OF LGf 0 i <s i V u I'ry i T - 11\v m J t U - t-i IJ ~.J ~T r 1 8 j,T T 1 ('1'rect.OnI fi - lanQs _ e y C.T,r 1 nc L; _°ioi i a T nn 1 O_'C.cYy s J n- P + _ e v 1 e n nFl ^ r l • 1, <y ~ r ' u o i_ P, ZT c-. C•.2 a e d l q q ~n .1. .J n ca l' C' C_ 05 e U ! ' - ^ -n t i e R O c f: w 1 u c, -i h e1 e C ^,n e .s~Y1 _ n1 J .Cr u 1,7 ti. ry N Ce O x,18 mo* y v _ O_ o v C t or ]e. Y?r0nosed vacaiion. Fu- - ~ ther ref, ere 1 nce is made to y 8 O co,T_..ender-io,~ O_ Ile t~ a D . O:"1 "i s siC l , c^~.niceI•ni ng this a, t e c a, n d- /arch 1 _n e oT., r v1C w_-y J. O Sc O.J T 1Q- ca Ge F C= o Y ,e rooc^ed ~a. -~o_~. erection T at t:,le Town C1el-k of the TcT•Tn Of Les Gatos ; c here- _ 1. L y - - LJ l a -1 . J _ _ . _ P, . t J _ -n e -il 1 v c 1 C ?rte _ rr ;C I Ua rV C, t e nom^I ,er- i. t ,D o E, V ao a n e 7 T _ ^ ^ r> c, t -n e - c~ e~ t e r 1 _ Section 4 Th..t in the he_-ein-prooesed va.caticn of a. -oort on of said. road, the ToT,jn Council of the Tov7n of Los Gatos hereby elects to proceed un.f.er and in pursu=nce of the "Street Baca- Lion Act of 19 1", and_ being Division part 3 of the Streets { a.nd Code of the State o -.lif cy_n_~a, Section_ ._h t'__e -corU_on of Hij_o,T _Q1UF3 P1. `0 foOt strip adjacent thereto on --he East intended to be oro_ered; vacated is ra.rticularly described as follows: All that certain real property situated in the Town of Los Gatos, Counter of Santa. ClPra.., State of Ca.lifonnia., described C?.,, f 01101,~Ts ® __oa a B; GIi~?; I,rG a.t a. noint on the ^:'es4_ 1y, Line of Hilot,, hereon Nortn 50 481 1561 East 35 ? eet +~e dis anU lcOm ~l center line of Kennedy Road, a.1so ?,_nown as Crescent Avenue, a9 said. -Road and. A.Venue are shoi,-m uon tha.t certain im ent itled, °o T-_--act 1\o. 329 Kenlvocd Acrest.rhi c- ~ at i^7a c... f ec_ for record in the offi, ce of the Recorder of t,,e County yo i n of Santa Clara, Sta.te of California on June ` 5 19 Book 10 of TYP.; s, a,t -op ge 50 ; rune n- u inenc e ,TOrt 1 ~ O ~ gT 15 c' °l'~'? 1C `L~1 ca C, c~+ar L' ^2 Of I1-oo,?d. 5S5 9 feet; yi. n` e ...1 _ i v .i. yr r. .i . hence Northerly on c' r.ve to the lef t. s"; t ~ a "''?.d__i s Jf '153,.09 ` S e ~ J t4 '153,.09 feet, from a t a n e n t Z^ar_i ch bears ~ o 'th 530 East throu:=:h an angle of 47n 40' 10" for .a. distance o_ 127.37 feet', to a.` point in the Easterly prolongation of the Southerly line. of said Tract No. 329; thence South. 50 48' 15" 'rest and parallel T with the said ';esterly line of Hilow woad .670.87, feet; thence South 600 5S1 02-11 'Vest 42.89 feet, and South 690 541 35" West 16.44 feet to the point of eginnin:g, and being a. portion of nil ow Road as shorn upon "Tract No. 328 Ken.ti,rood.. Acres", above referred to and a portion of a. 20 foot strip of land ac_jacent thereto on the East. This Ordinance shall be T)uvlished once in the "Los GF.tOS , of rJM.°r`J f' circU~ ~ tion r1. ed and - Ti~m'S-OK;!Ser _ Ter Q 2, neT ei , Slap circulated in the -own of Los Gatos, within fifteen (15) days "of itS Page. introduced_ at a. regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town o., Los Gatos held on the 12th day of March 1956. TM ~'-~1 G TECULi~RI:E11_,!Cr OF yt!~iti PA`s _ --D E T)Oa ED A,--P r T y, COUNCIL OF THE TO; O LOS GATOS held, on the 19th day of March 1950, by the following vote AST S: COU iLIr.,N Lez 1 u So COU v IL 01 EN: ABSENT: OJTJRILMEN: !~IFTE 'OF R 'ST. TOWN CL IF THE TOWN OF LOS a~ATO