Ord 0385-IMPOSING AN EXCISE TAX ON THE USE OR OTHER CONSUMPTION OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE PROVIDING THEREOFs ~i ORDINANCE 10. J L ORDIN,iANK;E A11ID i;~G CRDINA?'~ OE YNO. 34 S OF THE TO ,j`. OF LOS GATOS' E-.ITLED "AN On.DIT`1AD1OE CF TT E. TOWN 07 LOS GATOS Ii:POSI lG A`\; FXOISF TAX ON THE USE OR ~ .,-I-L'E~' P?'>Or~1AL PRBI~Tv' OTHER 00NSiTiPTION CFm^..Y ~.A1.`u 'E'= P R0--7IDING' FOR REGISTPL,=ON OF RETATLERS SELLING m n T 12,E T rLi .in lAN',C]*IELE PERSOWA.~, .i:~? ittlT L) PROVIDING ~ DI,,, 1' r: COLLECTION AND PAYING OF SUCH TAX AND PRE. SC-F-'IBT7I "'I PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE P- ISIONS THEREOF". TH' T07.111 CCU,'-",,TOIL OF THE TOI,r1~ OF LOS GATOS DOES ORDAI14 AS FOLL0V1Se Section ? . Tha,t Section and. Section 17 of Ordinance No. 34S of the Town of Los Gatos entitled "An Ordinance of the Town of Los G .tos Tm1--,osing an Excise Tax on the use or Othe.- Consum ,ti,-,n of Tangible Personal Pro ~erty,Provic ing for r'egistra'tion of Retailers Selling Tangible Persona.l Prooer•ty, Providing for the Collection and Paying of Such Tax and Prescribing Penalties for Violation of the Provisions T-'r-ereof passed and a.do;o -ed by the ToT-~n Council of the Town of Los Gatos or the Sth day of Sez;tember, 1952, be, and Is the same is hereby, a'mend'ed to read as follow Section 2. IT~- "ILTIC,- x`r!. RATE OF TAX. An excise tax is hereby imposed on the use or other consum;otion in. the Town of Los Gatos of tangible personal property purchased from any retailer on or after January 1, 1055, for use or other consumrtion in said Town at the rate of, one per cent (1-~} of the sales price of tI^Le -0rooert . "Section 17. SO , D' L- ,rR A i 1 T OF T X. `rhe Tol, n Council, by resolution, shall adopt rules ?prescribing methods and schedules for the collection and payment of the tax. Such schedules s 10,1 be so determined as to facilitate collection of this tax at the sa.rle time that the retailer -1- collects the ta.x imposer. under the California Sales and Use Tax Law and so as to produce an average t-ax -return of one ner cent (1,%), on all purchases subject to the use tax. rt` Section 2. EFF4 CTIVE DATE. This ordinance, inasmuch as it provides for a. t,-,.Y. levy for the usual current expenses of the Toi-an, sh2.11, under the provisions of Section l of Article IV of the Constitution and Government Code Section 36937(d) take effect immediately, and before the e,.piration of fifteen (15) days after its passage it s la.ll be oublished once ~v?ith the names of the members voting for and e.ge, n s t the same in the Los Gatos Times-Cbserver, a neiis-paper pub- lished in the Town of Los Gatos. Introduced at a. regular meeting of the Town Council of day of E-i . , 1955. PASSED AND ADOPTED AS AN ORDIIIA OE OF H TOJ,v"? OF LOS the Town of Los Gatos, State of Cs::lifornia, held on the~Z~,& "77'S: GATOS, CALIFORNIA, AT A REGULAR 1-'EETIN(-- OF THE TO!v?'q COUNCIL T1- EPEOF, HELP ON THE DAY 04 1955, by the 'z full ov,ing vote NOES: ABSENT: 0OUN ILY-` N. CCUNCILNiiEN [ x l p he f LOS `Ga o s ATTEST: Town ~lerl. f the Toi~,,n of Los Gatos e