Ord 0278-AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO TRAFFIC AND REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC STREETS AND HIGHWAYS IN LGO? D I_ C. E I` C '117 I'-f T n T n Z,1~7- r i + R.- r T T + m `V° i' ri1 , , CT F B i A'CT I:.' n_:•T fir:-.ii': ?,C7J 'n,T. `i,TCS; ~1;-ES0` BI_ G ul.!-•° . `r m n - r,- - r c ST ni - La'IC..S :.~,T - i'I7 wC rra ! I0" VE { E:~ UP01'' ~1V 1 _ uBLIC - i ;j ill _ r xT7 ' cm•r~- _RE7 1 D ; lu_ S , P_;.0 _ !lr '0a -,TJF r.3 , tiv!.•. J I'. u -y I ,.d Ij....U.. 3 1071' , r J 01 1 y L t rT"'C n !l,1 e_•, r-. T- 4S Dt T,T` T t i l V°7T r( '^f•v Y{ 1 _ ✓:J ii 1r.4. :.J.Y-•.YU i___1 ._+'1 ...1~-•..'.n ll i rl r, .^i Y m l^ T 7 r ° j ' PT-,- - T C- C•c T7 i"'rj I +J .ti" .L .L'1. J. ~1~ \ v. v.i. 1..,:. L1Jl_~'._FJ S~i1 r *e 1 r ~ zm mr~ n rt ".TD G1I'i:. ti 4:-'7D PRO' !DI`G FOR mf_.-r , ~ ,--tr--:=HIV ~ s 4 SEC 1" C01t1TROLLING AI~~ PRCVIDI- G FOR THE IFSPECTIO?V OF T-E PA_~KI1 G OF VEHICLES THEREIN BY T=E USE OF PARKI_~G KETT. I S PRESCRIBING LI?2ITS O 'I ° I FOP. PAK✓iI1 G I ' ~'I'_vC METER Wi, ES : P-9.OVIDI11u FOR A TRAFFIC ~AY B E CON TROL FUND AID P OVIDI72G TT Y' PUR=OSES FUR Yt1r1'"CH SA-ID NU11~" D • USED; ,,1-OV±DI ,,F'0~. -EOr A'.`\D O"iI7I u _.ALT ES FOB. T VIOLATIOi -TEZR'-'OF } T_ FJ4='ASy because of traffyc conc-i - ons that heave existed ;n CieW LG_ii: ..1,i0`ly of 4_- Tot": of .u0 Gatos,, the free GOVe ens of trcr. fii s c,i o ' s s 9 s. _l - ia, s b - o dn., ml- e rv i n a l o s e s e c a, or~g -:)erio6_ of time; anc_ t h , re e the f~ q S, a Uvs -,c JJ.1c t ~ . ~C sC'_ 7c in the `,i r e a Y;ave n v`o-- been as C „•cc se-fu l I_ as ti i ~ G_°slr`c.'I✓_ E e; and 0- e s a. a IR.EAS, because o" the habit of numerous o-Pera -ors of Motor vehicles of nari:inS for long oerioc s of time in close ~:)roximity to other motor vehicles so -oar'•:"_e.C_ on the most congested parts of "the Mo?yin's busiest streets tends to further i.~-oede ffic and? in P-, - ci t'lon thereto constitutes ,r: a o '_G~ `'nger to the life, limb and oro-oert f of lotorists, -0eciestrians and others; and 11~_-~ ASp it is the ooinion of the Council of the moT•.'n 0--- Los GC:tos that the best metb.oa by T•rInich the above-m.entionec- con- ^._t~ O S ay be remedied- is b; the 05-esignc:.tion of in -iviC_i;;a -,pa 1L 1-ng sPaceS in the sai~_ area bj' c?'OUriC_in for t-!e use Of !1E',ch - c=.1 iitc -cators in con junction t'-{ere -i t b; y est_. is - M .c...',._.~_ _1= G.rto reasonal"le y.aertJal° o1 t-'--e an f c- e- 11 l_ t-1,-'-e o-,erator's of vehicles who eN joy the use of t-.e ,cap =_-ing s-ace so oesignateo to pay a ')C7rtion of vr'_e :cost of estab_-1 s''_i.i-) fi ' TILE-J:-~' , COUI,~CIL OF "70 7~ ~RF0 , -HE _ 0L OS -TGS 0._. S JAT_ AS FOL . Section I For t'Y'~e 'Du'r .ose of u _is o_-c it^_an cE -i - • • (a) Wherever any term is c_efi ned Ln t'-..is o (7d i nonce it shall be deemed and construed to have t'-_e meanim -ascribed to i t herein. (b) The definition of any term used this orC-incance not Ot'_:!.etIn- i s e herein efi ne6L 5112,-.Ll be t:1e sez,,e aS S1ZGh t2r'i i S defined ;r in -U_~'h,.P d e'_1i cle "ode of the State of G l ~ o~ri~a. a ...~~c._ ar.endr,~2n~s t- thereto. (c) The wort. 1'vehi cle" shall mean any device in , upon or by- i'r11i c_n any person or property is or may be transoorted upon a high-way, except cevice TSrhich is one_:°ated uieon rails or tracks. (d.) The OrO 11street" shall mean any public street, avenue, I1 'Gad, 'boulevard, igr:'.°ayS Or other UbliG dace ICC 'Ge6_ in tree TOTv`n of Los IG'atOS .>~0 established. for t:'ie USe of Ve'1i CleB. (e) The T°TOrd 11'"Derson" shall mean anc', in clu(fe any ind ividu.al, f i rm, cc--nartnershi-o, or cGrocr ation. ( f ) T'---e -i'.To d 2i^c.ll ^i=ecan and. incluC~e every _.O shall C~8_"at2 a zfe^i Gl2 as tY12 OT°e'_12i ti1t'80f O' as the agent, erployee or per_aittee of the oTirner. Section 2. Parking Meter Zones 1'_1e folloTvTin.g areas within the Toim of LOS Gatos are hereby established to be kncim as -par'King meter zones in t'--,,e folloT,ririg streets' and avenues: ',4orth Santa Cruz Avenue on e East side from ,Test Main to Royce St. North Santa Cruz Avenue on the est site from ?'iest 1,aAn tC -Nicholson T Tit =e Bean Avenues from Tvor tvi. Santa Cruz Avenue to bnl c~ ~ Street :Test 1<'1ai:~rors bricc_ge to Lyndon Avenue South . Santa Cruz .:venue on the ';lest sic;_e from 'lest M-in tC Br oadTrTay a E 1on~,e Bello, also known as iOnt >tl'26~a on U11e ~-St SiC'-2 from. ';`Test .1,1a n to 'u-1 --e Post G-`fioe loading zone ~n vers-ltV ei^ue ! . O c S u - i1 to Elm East- r.. J 1`A C-'. -T _I t- he t C.ge n J..._rl.JJ VJ... C''_IP UG' nli O21V {:..EaSe, 1;!c.y_1 C?._ v_ie brlCge on I'VGr >Jh SiQ.2 i,0 C-Ihu-cln Street And from time to time ,e--eafter as traffic condit..ons req,,ai'e in suc'_ other streets ar_d avenues as are selected bT,r resolution of the mown Council of the TGT.'n of Los Gatos fr~r the location of such zones. Section T,_e r1 lief of Police of the lGT<;n of Los Gatos i s hereby -2- c^,Z,-ho-."ized 5D.I1 _ 7,__1'ec~-ed t0 stall meters 1_,n, me -u er zones hereby es t- abl, i s1e6 o '1e:.. ec.f e'. c::"ec? t eC:_ ...:.e oG -.n Counoi1 CI ' ,he Tot':'n of Los Gatos f or u1.e Ju~'y~Gse -f and .._n such nu,.:.io'e'''s a if_ at such p aces as in, t"-,e luf_ ment of the Towm Counc4 1 _ ay be _ ecessec ~T to ,he rugu._.._tLo-L!, _„n ur - _n u~.;e t_or. o _ t -~E.1•.:.._ o 'T eh 1 c.~es ,herein. Section 4. That the f olloi^ain rpar!-_i ng li!"li its in the 'oar?r-ing meter zones be and, their are hereby establ i shed: (a) The pe.r!Z_in- tiriie limit on Bean Avenue frcr_Z North Santa" C-'uz Avenue to 4^J i lce~~ South Santa Cruz ;-enue o t1i.e `,est sif_e from, 6'.'est 11'=a1"_ to BroadvTayr; 1'iC'slte Bel-O, also as Front Steele, cn the Last side from ~:Ipst Inai _ to the Post Office ~ Cadin~ zone; ?,ot'_ s-L -es cf Un=Ve1`s_t; ii"'e('te f.G A t he SGl.t11 OCUt c of' t_ e Los Gatos School ,TCL'th to Ll: Street both sy^_es o Test 1.°'io.1 ~ Street- fro 7m, Victory Lane ''u s:, t, C Lyn" , on Avenue ; u^ e stab ~ i he Cl. at two hours, anf_ that meters set for two-hour parking be installed on these streets. (.o) The -oar?-zing time limit on North Santa Cruz Avenue on the Last site from West 11a:i n to Royce; Niorth Santa Cruz `avenue on the lv"est side from :';rest 111"ai.n to Nicholson; -East ).Main frCii? the Orif-ge on the South side to Pageant Last %,lai_1 fro II the b-riu_£?:e on the _ ' I-ge on the 'North North sic.e to Church Street; West l~ ~a_ ~n f ro.-~ the o ~ =C _e to ri ct0?'y Lane; est 1 i.n frCT the C: i6g on the JCL?th side to Park Avenue; :Vest l'''ain on the South side from Santa Cruz Avenue to victory Lane; both sides of Urniversit, -venue from, '';'est IIa n to tae South '.CCun a!y line t11e Los uatos uramurc,..' c_1C0~_ be establishe6 at one _.our, anfl t}_1at - eters se , ror Cne`_ ou-_, be i nst-alled on t "-ese streets. ( c ) The _:)e.rl•_i g time I i 7it on :'Test 1=11ain on the South side irGi Gi1te Bello, also llmov e.s Front Street, 'to x a k Avenue be est-a?llished at ti e i y--your minutes, any that -oar'iing "meters set for twentV-f ours --minute be in stagy -_ed in this location. • • W ' . oT iC, er; S, - S = r _G conf i -o n 5 2C, I ,v _ ~ _ U v_~ r-,,te'v .._..__'e 0 -~•p r r n ' r: U uo t! v G, e t ra1 f1C co d:i -Uoils, public ace, health, U c..1.' _ ge_.e; ' _'e^uire 1e Tc n Oo__nc1? a7 ~,f Ye soyat1o"I , 7; o c_e cu_.P , 'Y'1,~ L es .:ll .i.' e J i 3u 1 ore e ;c V o 4 V l n o.:' U .L or iD oi1_ itin ?c_.-1 'P 1 e~ v~i U'..i G 7 ni_ 1 e C r' roa r, _ C .__.i ~l.i lam.. iV _.:.o vL W__v ._..GG a C.._ C-1 7E, __.e.nner as to 8' OZ'T or i 's_ c e to s C'-- r by signal • Y,a+ ce~_ or' se _cz tl'le i T1r1; S %.l'e -__s ta 11 ec_ sJ -P.? 7 11Ca te ('Tr c a~ 'ov~i~ Le`,enN u'-e e ai "'oc,._ eS%c.1Si1eC_ the GD =,t C_, Cx b its ~"1C4~l:tle~ -`l, _'c`lt,=o1 G. -':].e :JPriC^ O~. on l e~iD.J._._~- G. :x _:..0_1 V_ i'_': i: 1c Q., shal - Sect-ion .'rv 1 I o,~r^.i v- ,o•CJ O a ',.t' -1e1 of °C -i "1 •r~ ^ e raj 1? ; Gc -i y i-- 6 _iw UT^ Police _':t G o' Qii'" to each i`;J^ol_ 1 ~ cU' rl e ~'7.a.'.li GoJ1C1..!C''" Uri on the a s iace__~ ~ o- i,._._ oy - --reef a..J 5. 1 e -S be P Vri._o or nex' to an-, S _ S u. _S' eC_ a it be c'na 2 O u_.1 S o 'v_ I " _,5:. ce '-c -,n-V- -7--l1i c le across any such line or or- to i1 e S 1 c', Sc.1 Vei._c~e _n S .c os--, nn i,l`.c.t a- t o S', nn be ere1'817r 0 • tn1 n he a'ea so r'-es"' ec_ by s uc!a lHies G_° :°ar.r1: pr's. ,C ~1Oi1 1. W",.-en a i?C r ? r s-c Oe _ c^;: -9:, ! l _ e t~'._ ZOi1e 1S -pax. a lel T- Yr ei i(' c:~:-cC -7, curb u.:'~ Gr. a1c.. ? v - _ h in such e 2:.0- 1,.. J-~ti Ci? sLLo^_' e 5ira~I 'I,e 7c?1'ZTeC .Lu1! l^ 1G e.1=GSi ^c't Cf s%.C i1 vehicle nearest to s'ac' Deter. Section 8. It shall be unla?:°ful for any person to cause, allow, -perm t, or suffer any vehicle r egis tiered in his name or Operated. Or controlled by him, tc be Oariied in any ear i n^ s Jc^.,G'e u JOTS any ' street within a Deter zone adjacent to ..._ic'n a meter is estc.oliShed for w!G:"e than t_'-_e time -nc_i cat-"'v'_ by p.-,o-)er signs oiaced in suc_1 o-r!T:inS Y ete_ zone ?ni lcat_- = the .11 ti-_,-.1e ?_lowed .n such sar% in soacey or any luime d'.;rin tine ter. 1s C•-isol^yino, s'-,, al i ^_C'_icatinc that s-Once _S .~lerc^slly in use, exceot du 'i_?o t_1a t1-e necessc:r-r tO set the said mnev- to s1Oti'r le al pa°~~ing, and excejoti_n_g also during the ti-me from 03:0^ P.MF. to 9:00 A.H. and on Sundays and the folloi,-ing legal holidays: Nei,,! Year's Day, Washington t s Birthday, Decoration Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Adriission Day, Armi sti ce Day (Novel_'lber ll), T':-a:rhsgivi'ng Day and Christmas. Section 9. Pegulations Pel2t ive to Parking ?Teter Loading Zone Hoods. (a) The Chief of Police of the Toun of Los Gatos is hereby aj.thor ized to issue ~arki2 "Teter loading zone hoods to -oersons, firms or co"r-porations occupying pro-:oerty adjacent to ~ar%ri pc s_oaces locateC! -.ithin the i~ar~'ing meter zones, and_ such -oe_c°sons, firl S or cor-Dorations are hereb- aut'~'Coued t use suc' "_coc!.s as ~GViaed herein. (b) Such :hoods shall on! -v "ce issued after due a:oclication as .crovided her-ein, .',,hen the circumstances indicate to the satisfaction of the Tovm Council that there is a need to unlit the ing in certai r! -oar-i= areas TJ1 -1- i n the -oarhing meter zone tG a=:'1Tinv for 'the Dur:~ose of loading or. u.~lOadin;_ passengers, mer- • • chandise or - ateria' S Cert^i__ =Il?P,S (c) -oIica, t i o n for t e issuance Of a 0;r:i _ etenr lo- -zone 1^_ood shall be (lade on a for..,Pn r -o-roved, b r the -Chief of o .i cey and s1--a l require the iv!1c4,71n, i _o_,_,^.u ion: (i) 'Nazle ;.n':_ address of -r,- icant 12, ) Name anti _ ac'_E_-ess of jDerson, f1r;1 or c0r_, oration occul)y`Ing the -ore-M_ises ad;a.cent to the -_car'-? ng space concerned. (3) The number of parking meter located at the parsing space for ?,.hick restricted parking is requested. (4) A statement of the reasons for the need of such par'.ing restriction. (5) The estimated hours of the day during T? ich such restriction may ':oe necessary. w (6) Duch other.' relevant inf Ormc^ t7.0n as the Chief of Police :may require. (d) TI-le oar-:ing Meter los.,d i ng zone hood shall consist of: (l) 1=! canvas hood cf sufficient size to cower the meter head. ( ) Ecuipred ?'.74th l oc''.-2 n.-• C ev Je -!-h p t,7o" ~C_S y tf ' _ t t 1 drE _g o 1 G_ , r_G only 11 o:'i t ed on the '-OOv_ in 1 e er ng a.. s a -n' p Ps- a i- e ran.ce o the 1!1o': T'T11_l ti C {.)ermit . (e) The -oer soil, firm, or corporation issued a, pc'r?Lin _ieter loading zone hood shall pay the sum of $8.00 to the ToitiTn License Collector, upon receipt of such hood. i,ionthly thereafter on the first der of each month SuC'ii person, f1r:Il or COi'oOrat7 On Shall r,ay to the `.Corn License Collector a, sung amounting to the difference bet-'.Teen S.00 and the amount deposited during the ~recedi'ng miont:n in the narhinc, meter over rr !ich the hood. is authorized to be 'Dla.ced. U-'O 0n revocation or surrender of the authority to use such hood, no refunds shall e :"lade. (f) The T o-wn Council may revoke the authority granted herein to use such hood for an-,r of the folios,-ing reasons: -=_-m or c_o_c=:cra.tic'n ,--.s fE.__ee ~o Ja',r ~I e "ee s ea were! n. '?="_en the r'O''.??^ Council 1s S2u tiSie0 that 161ne C.rCU_ i stances no icnge'r room-.e the existence of such a u t h o r i :;T, (3) +Uhen the ,oerson, firm o r cor_,o ,a.tion is found to be using the hood for ot'_nel, rjur'Doses than to fulfill the need for i.-hich the authority to use the hood uas granted. (g) The person, firr? or c0-r)or2.tion authorized to use such. par =in.' a_eter loading zone hood shall place such hood, over -he head of t'_.e ^r'.=inv __Ze r with 1--c letter i. facing t'._e street, anc: sh ll 1oc'T the ,_oc'z o o,ric_ed on the hood and sha l' on !-,T e or -^l p" a l ^ s'.ch 1Coc! to remain on t_1e De n ' i f_.g SL'.ch t.. eS as the linit...~!-on of as here-In is needed. h) u s1a11 be an1p-i for any ~e7,son to cause, per it or suf e-r any vehicle operated- or controlled byr '--i ri to be parked in any parking space within a nar'_sing meter zone adjacent to which a parking meter is established ?vhi'_e a parking rneter loading zone mood is crocerly ir? :)lace on the head of such -oarking meter, unless such pr=r' i^g be w _l? actually engagec_ it loa~ _ing or unloading G2 SSengere, :r~eha,„noise o materials, and I no event longer than ~;'0 _`m nu t e s . ~ Section 10. Pe_r?~ i ngM' netF3`s, 7-' :!_en instc..I1ecL, be So adjuste' S el,r_e_ to si_C''. legal C'_.uri= a. oG o~ u'0ielve ' i nutes u,_-on anr.L after the ae-,oosiu of c United States one cent coin therein, or tt'7e1tJT-fo'a?' minutes u non ci1c~ after theepOSit of two Ui11teC: States one cent coins therein, or thirty-six minutes upon and r ~o} ^ree Unit ed Stat 1-11- al the a.eposit Of : es one cent coins U e n, or forty-eight minutes upon and 2.=°t e?' the c.e~osit of four United- States one cent coins therein, or sixty ninutes upon and- after -U. e c_e,oosit of One United States five cent coin, or one hundred- tT'_enty ninutes u--on anC_ after the de josit therein of tv,-o United. States five cent coins. Section 11. iV 1en any vehicle s'_iall be parked. in any space alongside of or next to Ti?=1ich a. earl ing Deter is located in accord-raP_ce :^•'ith ~..le 'OVis' CYl~ of this "C_ cn .n e the o-~. s^. G veh--~ e i t ll be 'Llnl2 . fall to fa; l.:._ t O, Le-cosit ~Gn so anc;. S'' - 'U 9 7' ~ pig ( of tul1 e 'e in i , _ne"-_ ately one on-, o, e one c"__t o.° r c. t co_. s c united States in such met-er r tu_n the operating hey of said. ?peter in a clop' 7"Jise d_._ =ction to the extent allowed- by t'ne Jroper orere=tion of the peter. -7- F Sect_on i%. 1t 11 'tee u ,,rfu1 violation of he ~ ,ov_sions of' t _ S O'C_in..'.^_Ce for a?1~7 °t'SCn to C_e"clCe, iiilu-oe, tcm-oer ,%rith, Open T'r~ i - ! ' ~r `r - ;air "he usefulness o-' an,; -o _"-i ng on, _u _y ea C!_es ^y, o- 1'"1_ r k'__ meter i.istal?ed unG_e' the 'oviS CI1S o- this ordinance. Section I'~ shall be un1_as,r~.u and ~V iolal-,-_cn of the -0.'CVis, ons of this ordinance to decosit or cause to be d epositea in any, oarki rig 72cuer, any slugs, device or 1netailic substance, Off , any other substi- .ute, for tie coins of the United States of America. ` Section 14- It shall, be the 6mt~." of police officers of the -o,,,Tn, actin, in accordance i^,ith instructions issued b-- t'''-e Shief of Police to re -ort : ( f e nu?::~' e of e a ci r .e t es> t.r cz i r dis u" w _~.t o 'v the T ; - l O nv~✓ l_ J-~^, r„ sr °^v Nf s -eter J. J __c..ru-' been b` a . 01 ct.i!y of i_i,l. .:t ~J__ r.._ 1_~u o-I c_ina.n c e ; (b) the Mate license number of such vehicle; ~~c^r ~ 1PIo (c) The ti?i_e anc_ C:7-a.te du-_-_J n,--, !_ich such vehicle is O" G__ LianCe; in violation of a.nv O' U'-c rovis-ons o= this (f (d ) T!_e I a we of such vehicle, or any other faces, a iowleC`_oe of t,, hi ch is r_ecessar:- to a. thorough underStandi l.g of the ci rcum- st-anceS te'~ __~_in such vy.0ic ui Each such ,c'~ liG'e officer shall • G' ~ c~.~J ViO a.tta.ch to such vehicle P. notice to the c-mer or otoers,tor thereof „t such ve=y~,~ -r_~_ t-hhat vehicle -has been n i)ed ir v~.clatio_ of this ordinance ~..rl.r. --sue 1r' a^ 1 tat ion _ Qr ll egal -oar-r1 ^i =i e s^ :_^_'c i crl ^ G,.:., _J~_~l~:.. .~,tom:v_~_1ic. r~~~ SUb eGt to the s ~JC~.~ -fie rrCnl7 'u1e ,0:r1G-eQ _ C~ tL., the r the C `lC~!c..a.~ o- ~,__e o`_ Los Cs c'-°i'C_ .,...e =~eSCi'. C1 c of t'fle of `n- '_'o"-'n of Los I-a'oS anC_ t.1-le of t -he State C;_, C.a1_-* f,-r 1i,-,_y c^. _icable to tfc_f=_C v-olatio'^s T'i;thin t='e To-.°n of Los ,a-cs. -t ~ n o - l i is 'L Y : T7' U,1 )on ac_ i .I~ Sect -ion 15 Hotels Deis _ a•~ , r_ c.. __on to y u _ ' S reve c^,. ~..,ce in wJ. o<:u of t_._ entrance u0 the hotel free from, 2.c._lii:" eters. Gi' S riti' ile~"e i_ ^._O 2! ,.1! 7a..` tJ t_ie '~O,,~Tn of Jr Los nitos -ICIe s of .01 _ _ao th, :ale ,nnua_l_y i__ a _i r=-.ce. D;.;.c!"? s+;7ace si_._Ll le ~_eS teC. c. es° v eel Oe an'. be s b t c'F'e' 71- p-~.h" o O such as tse as ,ay - e es o on to ~L L of ,'-)-e T'o-qn Oo,_,ncil of .11ae To-.7--r. of Los `.,.TC^..UOS Section lo. Any soerson violat ilg any- evis-on of u'-.is orc irar_ce U -1 small be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and u-oon conviction thereof shall be - unishaD e b' a fine not exceeding rive HunC_re0_ Doi Ie,y s ~ ?v0C,,.00 or by J l~Dr'isOn_"..,=t ir, ~Ihe Count, ~al.l o! the County of Santa Cla.ra , for a -e rioC not e--~rce =c_ing s' x (o ) months or by both such fine and i'_,-'w..~sonn_en Section 17. she coins C_e-c. s it eC': 1 ° rS ds 'OV°d ^L j " e i _ a,. r e eb y i e'. _ e G_ ^,,%C_ a;. 8 e S S°, G c ° 011: ..U E; S'S Co Ovi''..U ~`_-e o re e _ _at__on control of i c u--•or he l ~ic S J V s tr ee vs, and t' 1e cost of supervising, r eg ul ting and inspect-! ng the parI ing of vehicles in the parking meter zones created hereby, U and to cover t'_ e cost of t~^e ?ourcr_ase, supervis4 on -orotection, installation, fz.. m aii_tena.rce, control 2.n! se _ of Ooar:.-ins -'eters inst"__y~ed therein., and the fund created- thel"ebT shall be devoted e-x-clusively t0 t'"'.ose '.DU-- 00ses, exce-ot that any sur- ,lus =.s may be used for t-',-._a ; ur-.oose of accuirin~, of?-street parking areas ='o- he use of the public -it 2e ~.'C-'"~i Of LOS 'uc?.t0s" the •ourc ^-ase a.nd installing of sins P.nd mechanical signals; safety islands; street mar-k-1-.n,- to c~_irect traff=c; salar"i es of -ool1_ce o"I cers engaged ii'i traffic control: i3U~'c-Lase of eouipa gent and- facilities for 8;:iti!li_ g rc- c cases ^iC_ 0 5, c"i Ct!:'°r -;sec ._:.S te ~G"'i v0'?i1 ma-',.- establish as bei r o'er e_i " - ol L~ l, lorl n~ necessary anC7 :J.....,.. _~1 ~ r eG.~._nv ul"a:.f l is 1--egul,tien a_nc? control. Section 118. TII-is orC_inance, s0 far 2s consistent there-ith, shall be C eeT_"!ed to be in a d d.i t ion and suon- lementary to, end i O t in conflict :-;7ith nor a re-oeal of prior o -f, existing ordinances of _c. s ub7im 7 o! tu. . y_ey-e in ~ i .i - r i-' be r ._t,_onal -~lov~sry o n lo'- ui.L 'e _c..uiOn - oV .!i('. U._..e e •one rl- , iG-e v_ fO.~. erection lS. an-,, sectlcn 1 .1 -0art Of sect _cn' senuG_ Geb O ali.se' cr -,D!1rase of t'--is c- CLinance --.'--,all be ':!elf,. to be nconsL~. '`~'~;,-"~U-icnal, or invalic_" t.l_e remainil'1g -~rovis-Cns hereof S_'-all nevertheless remain in full force anO.. effect fi.G~ ~i~r o► }vw l~ c~ / w 's'he above and fo_ eo of no, ora inance duly ryn6 regularly w t 'OCl_1~ceG slu phi .Z' meet! rig Of the Councl of 4 To7"-n of Los Ga i^ s '1 e 1 C. r on l i'i 8 $77 C f l 94-7 an, ' y G.s vJ'-e= 8c 1 6T on _ e to C_c^,T o'1 1 94L7 e foz` v e o U r, - r° r r r,-0 TL N ~_LiC l 1 ~C UN CIT ,E N c 611 3r~1~is ~i~IJT'~v1LT'ius~Y rP Ar.~ _ .C V~ D > _ c~ '_r J "S C~LTCS TO':.;_'T VT OF ''THE. LOS G.~_Tcs -lG--