Ord 0277-REGULATING THE OPERATION REGISTRATION LICENSING PURCHASING AND SALE OF BICYCLES WITHIN THE TOWN OF LG0 0 Altij ORDIIINTAiJCE REGULAL ~'7G ~n Ox ATIO`,T± ~m1 TIChi, LICEi'SI~G, PURCiiASI1I(. An SALE ^ ~BI"YCLES ',TIT_ T'I -L -',L ; r"0 1N 0 LOS GATOS. m11t7~E 'rj' mn;,-r..T COUNCIL Or HI OF m*rr{ nOIl+iT.j,, 'v N X11 LOS r ruAT S 1 rg-r,~ r+ D0.1;3 wVr~-H-L-D 1.E ~ .T..., 'I AS r OLLM S : CHAPTER I LICEI~SI'NG .AiqD REGISTRATION OF BICYCLES Section 1. BICYCLE. Tie term "bicycle" means and indicates a li~-Pt vei'i'lcle TTithout a motor, having two wheels, handle bars and a seat or seats, a~na propelled by the overator. Section 9. It shall be unlawful for any person to o-oerate or use a bi cycle in the To,1.1n of Los Gatos TThich has not been registered and licensed. and ecuip-_~ed T,riti one or more license plates as provided in this Ordinance, except as ma~T be specifically herein exempt. Section 3. Any non-resident of the ToT~rn of Los Gatos a..;r operate in the Town of Los Gatos an- bicycle 2_ch is duly licensee a,nd registered in another mun1 cip- lit and enuipoea TnTiih license ola,tes, TTiunout obtaining a os Gatos license, provided the-L such other :uunicipality :;herein said bicycle is licensed extends the same privilege to residents of the Town of Los Gatos. Section 4 Ever7- person desir'ir_g a bic-u-cle license in the To--vin of Los Gatos shell ma]-Le ap-,Dlicati.on to the C -_ief of Police upon blanks furnished by him? said. application must be filed in duplicate and_ shall cont-ain such informa- tion as may be requifred by t-1-Le Chief of Police as to the applicant and the description of the bi c vcle licensed. No license shall be issued unless the bic•:rcle to be licensed complies :pith the requirements of this ordinance as to its safe mechanical cond ion. Section 5. Every person desiring a: bicycle license shall pay to the Chief of Police a:n annual license fee of One Dollar payable in advance at the time the aoplicatio is made. Section S. Upon malting an application for his first license, registration card and license plates, the applicant small be required to be examined by an exar.4-ning officer designated by the Chief of Police. The Crlief of Police shall further designate the manner of examination. Upon coripletion of said. examination, the Chief" of Police may refuse to issue a license to tr_e applicant if the said examination discloses to the Chief of Police that the applicant does not have a reasonable T,.=T71edge of the provisions of this Ord.1nance, the provisions of Section 45'. of the Vehicle Code of the State of California, or t1 at the applicant is unable to eXercise reasonable cont`ol in operating a bicycle. -1 - U Section 7. Upon ap of the license fee, th bicycle license plate be effective for the is issued. The Police of the date of issue o the number thereof. • proval of the application, and nayment e Chief of Police shall issue a and registration card T,,,hi ch shall year or portion thereof in T,<7hich it Deoartment shall also keep a record f each license, to whom issued, and Section 8. The bicycle license shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year. (1HAPTE_ I ~~UIYYt'lJi~'i MEJOHANIECAL CONIDITION, AND OF IDIC_'CLES Section 9. Application for renewal of a expiring on the date mentioned in Section 8 by the owner, between January lst and March said expiration date, and shall be made by ; the license plate and the registration card the bicycle, and by the payment of the full said bicycle as provided in this Ordinance. bicycle license shall be made lst succeeding )resentation of last issued for annual fee for Section 10. A penalty of Fifty Cents (K0 ) shall be imposed upon the bicycle owner 7,,7ho fails to comply t=iith Section 9 of this ordinance, provicea however, that this penalty shall not be imposed upon the bicycle owner who purchases a bicycle after the renewal -period and prior to the 2xpirati.on of seven ('7) da;jrs of the date of purchase; or on a bicycle for whi c_ an otv7ner can provide adequate Droof that he - as unable tooperate his bicycle during the renezyal period due to mechanical failure, or to a, nes,,r resident of Los Gatos. Section 11. The si,e, form.a:nd character of said license plate a.na registration card shall be designated by the Chief of Police. The license iDlate shall be affixed to the bicycle in the manner designated by the Chief of Police, and shall remain attached during the existence of such license. The registration card shall be carried by the licensed i)erson. Section 1%. Upon loss of a license plate, the licensee t vt thin seven I -L shall be recuired to report its loss or the (7) days. Upon receipt of such report the Chief of Police shall cancel this license and issue a nei,., license plate to the licensee upon receipt of a fee of Fifty Cents (50o). Section 13. Upon loss of a -registration card, the licensee shall make aoplication for a duplicate card which shall be issued to him upon receipt of a fee of Twent,r-Five Cents (25,>). Section 14. Every person desiring a bicycle license must demonstrate to the Chief of Police that the bicycle for -uhich said applicant desires to secure license plates meets t' ne following requirements as to safe mechanical condition: Section 14.1 BRAKES. Every bicycle shall be eouipped with a. brake adequate to skid the front or rear tire of said bicycle upon application of said bra-Ire. ® • Section 14.2 D VIOES. Every bicycle shall be equipped ti:TitCl a horn or bell in good i;;Or { YiG; Order, c2_naGle o emitting sound audible -.'or a distance of not less than 100 feet under normal conditions. Section 14.3 SI~iEivS L_<D iISTLES. It shall be unlat°.ful to equip a bicycle with a siren or t^ I'iistle. bection 14.4 HAMDL BAR, GHIPS. Every bicycle that is equippea ?^jith handlebar grips must have said grips securely glued or cemented to the handlebars. V Section 14.5 CARRIERS. Every bicycle equipped t ith a carrier must have said carrier securely attached to said bic7Tcle, and said carrier,must be of a type approvea by the Chief of Police. Section 14.6 STAN 7. Ever-;, bicycle purchased after the effective a° to o ' this Ordi Dance, if enuippea with a stand, such stand must be of a t~rxoe approved by tize Chief of Police. Section l4.7 LIGHTS. Every bicycle operated at any ti;=le from, a __alf-h Our after sunset to a half-hour before sunrise and at any other time ?,,Then there is not sufficient light to render clearly discernable any person or vehicle on the streets or si aewalv,.s, shall be equipped '.'ith a. lamp a.f f 7 Xed t0 file f ~'O !t Of Sai a bie. cle, w, ich laxly shall exhibit mite light visible or a dista.n ce of 300 feet from the front of said bi c;;-cle, a.na said i:,ic~~;-cle shall be eo.ui o-oed wit-11 a. red lamp affixed to the reary fender., m,:Teich lamp shall exhibit a red light visible for a distance of 300 feet from the rear of said bicycle; provided, hovTever, that a red reflector of a, tuype approved by the Chief of Police, may be used in lieu of said rear la-mr. CHAPTER III OPERA IO'i OF B' CYCLES Section 15. It shall be unlavful for any -person to ride or operate a bicycle in the To- n of Los Gatos unless said bicycle is equipped, G.ra in safe mechanical condition. as provided in Chapter II of this Ordinance. Section 16. It shall l-,e unlas°sful for any person to ride or operate a bic,rcle in the Town, of Los Gatos in violation of any of the rules of t o road as Set forth in Sections 16.1 to and including 16.24 oi' this O;.'aina.nce. Section 16.1. RID11S(~- C )N, SIDEWALK. 171o ride or operate a bicycle on any side:•,al: Los Gatos, except as herein specifically person s l1 ,p n u e °'.o,7 n ofv permitted. Section 16.2. JUVENILES PRIDING ON SIDEWALK. Juveniles years, exercising due care may ride under the age of 10 and operate their bicycles upon the sidewalk, except such sidewali_s as are in front of sto_'es or other buildings used for business purposes,r.~ ~--°'^--ski .sL^.->t..-s..~iz..%-,rte ps`+w.'~E~✓4...e., ~,d~...~,., 4 Section 16.3. KEEP TO RIGHIT OF ROADDVIAY. Persons riding or operating bi c;;-cles on a highway or street shall ti;eep said bicycles as close to the rigF- t hand curb as ;possible, e<iceot K,rhen ore par=_n g to mahe a left hand t - n. Section 16.4. RIDI ,1G I v A GROUP. Persons riding or 03e'ati no bicycles in LOS Gat OS Silali O ri C_8 more t i;~ -3- • two abreast, except on paths or aside for the exclusive use of that persons riding bicycles on in a single file. parts of a roac!t°ray set bicyrcles; .,provided, further, the s i det•,Talk shall do so Section 16.5. CLINGI ,~G TO 1,10VING VE1'"HICLES. !,Yo person -riding or operating a bicycle in the Town of Los Gatos shall cling or at uach himself or his zw:: c- cle to any other moving vehicle, or person in any other vehicle. Section 16.6. PASSENGERS. No person riding or operating a bicycle in the To,,%n of Los Gatos shall carry another person on said bicycle, unless such person or passenger is seatea upon an individual seat or carrier separate from that used by the operator. No person shall ride upon a bicycle a.s a passenger, unless he is seated upon an individual seat or carrier separate from that used by the operator. Section 16.`7. TCViING. No person riding or operating a bicycle in the Toi((i of Los Gatos shall tor:T any other vehicle or person, except that bicycle trailers used for the delivery of nez,rspa.oers, magazines or merchandise riiiay be toi%,ed T-rhen being used in such delivery service. Section 16.5 C ARIHYING AR'TICLE'S. No person riding or operating a bicycle in the ToT.Tn of Los Gatos shall carry any pac~La~'e, bundle or article i•.7,h_-1ch prohibits the rider from having full control of t-e bi cy=cle at all ties. Section 16.9. RACING. No person riding or operating a bicycle upon a public highway or street shall participate in any race, speed or endurance contest unless such race or endurance contest has the written permission of the Town Council. of the. Town of Los Gatos, and under the supervision of the Chief of Police. Section 16.10. TRICK RIDTNG. No person riding or operating a bicycle shall perform or attempt to perform any acrobatic, fancy or stunt riding upon any public highway or street in the Town of Los Gatos. Section 16.11. TRAFFIC SIGvALS. Every person operating a bicycle in the Town of Los Gatos shall stop for all a.rteri a,1 highways and traffic signals. Section 16.12. PARKING. No person shall park any bicycle against jrdind.onrs or on the main traveled portion of the sic eta:*alk, nor in such manner as to constitute a hazard to pedestrians, traffic or -property. If there is no bicycle rack or other facilities intended to be used for the parking of bicycles in the vicinity, bicycles may be parked on the siaeimik in an upright position parallel to and iri.thin 24-" of the curb. Any merchant or person desiring to construct and erect bicycle, racks may do so after obtaining; the approval of the Chief of Police as to the type of rack and the place Trhere such person or merchant intends to erect such bicycle races. -4- • Section 16.13. `_,pE ID To -person 51nal! rJ_de or operate a bicuYcle faster tnar~ is reasonable and -oro,p,er, a.nd every. n(3 c U the jJi c',rcl2 S;'lal1 be C}era.`ved i+Tlt'].. reason alb e re~rg 'a safety of the o-^er'atcr other persons upon the sheets, sidewal'_is and public hig-n.ways of t' e 'I'o1m of Los Gatos. Section 16.14 -^Rb S ?Li~..I- JT SAD SC COLS. Jic erSOn Shall .riae or o-De'ate bicycle upon any -^ilayground, playing, T.T'i i oa u .U --a yr ground, ^;^T r~ 1N Ten are oa or school groa, h'~e ci-t . y U -hper- mission of the -,erson neavf.ng su-ervision thereof. Section 16.15. TURIJIiNG. Every person riding or operating a bicycle u-,on the streets and highways of the Toirm of Los Gatos sriall turn only at intersections except as otheriTise provided herein: Section 16.16. RIGS-2 TURly operating a bicycle intending intersection or into an alley the turning point in the line ha,nQ curb of one s Ureet. Every person riding or to turn to the right at an or drivecmy, shall ap-.oroach of traffic nea:oest the right Section 1^,1 LErT T-Rl. Every ioe-rson ric'_ing or operatin b_c-role intending to turn left at an intersection or to enter an alley or d r~ vevra~r shall a,^-~rQa.cn 'he point of turn_n; in the line of traffic nearest to the cenu-r of the roe"o-T'va . The o':erator of a bicycle in turning left at- an interSecti Cn sho.ll pass to the right of the center cf L. e ntel'Cection before turniflg unless otrierT.,Ti se C`.irected bar Marl;~ers, buttons or signs. y Section 16.18. U-TURi7S. No bicycle shall be turned in any business district so as to proceed in the opposite direction, except at intersections. 'o bicycle operated in resdencedistri ct shall be turned so as to nroceed in the onnosite direction -i- en any other ve11-1cle is approaching from either direction Tvitr_in 200 feet, except at an intersection. Section? 16.19. CROSSITTG. The onerato-r of a bicycle on leaving an alley or driveT•;ay, when his viei"T of either the sideT:Tal7z, or street area i s o4•>st-r-ucteC_ siya.ll sto--) such bicycle im edi atel-; prior to ridinv upon such si (le-walk or street area. u Section 15.20 T_2-H11 HIC-1 T. A right hand turn shall nct be made at an intersection by the operator of any blc +cle agr^•.i's1St a U_ -I7 C Signal unless De `?iliSSiQn UO do so is _L "_1c^Ued by a sign or by an officer directing traffic at such inter- section. Section 16.21. l ETIT•iG A:ND PASSING. Every person operating a bicycle si:._1.11 pass to tiie left v.,'lien passing vehicles going i n the sa.r?e direction, and shall pass to 'he right iyhen meeting vehicles :going in the o,posite direction. Section 16.22. HAILD SIG'; LS. TTo •_oerson shall turn. a bicycle or stop a bi ccle°.Thcw he is riding or operating unless such 7_-o~vemient can be made i,:ritsi safety, and then only after giving an appropriate signal during the last 50 feet travelled by ~.ne bic- cle before or stopoi:!g. the Sect-ion 13.23. 1TET1-L0 P3 Ch' GI.L SIG-.;~?LS• LEE7 T,(!Pj\j. Every person signalling a left tern shall (5,-o • so b exter.5 i ng -5- 0 9 his left hand and arm horizontally bey=6 the side of the bicycle. RI(YH T-Gl-U. Every person signalling a right turn shall do so by extending his left hand and arm u-pward beyond the side of the bicycle. STOP OH SUDD.E DECP.EASE OF SPEED. Every person signalling a.. stop s=hall do so by extending .'Lis left hand and arm dot,,rni"rand beyond the side of the bicycle. Section 16.24. The operator of any bicycle involved in an accident shall take reasonable steps to ascertain whether or not anyone was injured, and he shhall give nis name, address and the license number of his bicycle to the person with whom he t,ras in collision; and he shall obtain the same information from the other person. It shall be the. duty of the bicycle operator to ma-ke a written report of any accident resultin in death or injury, to the Police De,Oa.rtment T;,rithin 24 hours of such accident. 0H APTE-E IV GE!gE-i, PI CVISIC ~'S. Section 17. All persons engaged in the business of bu;f ing second-hand bicycles are hereby required to mane a cail;report to the Police Department giv_ng the name and address of tf.e ,person from wh~ 6m each bicycle is purchased, the description of eac:a bicycle purchased, the frame number thereof, and the number of the metallic license plate found thereon, if any. All persons engaged_ in the business of selling new or second-hand bicycles are required to make a daily report to the Police Department giving a list of all sale s ade by such dealers S~Thich list s :.all include tine name and address of each person to whoa solcl, the kind of bicycle sold, together- i-,rith a descA,i-r)tion <-.:n6 frame number t _ereof, and the number of the metallic license plate a",ac_'Led trzereto, if any. Section 18. It shall be the dut;r of every person who sells or transfers owners,2ip of anyL bic;yicle, to report such sale or transfer by returning to the Police Department lu-ne registration card or receipt issued to such person as licensee t__ereof , together with title name and address of the -person to t°.Yhom said bicycle ,pas sold or transferred, and such report shall be maae "-thin five days of the date of said sale or tra-n,sf er. it slia11 -ire t -e duty of t' _e _ou-rcy aser or transferee of s-.ch bic cle to aol 1 for a transfer of r egis- u.atyon 1._;,1__rl five c.ays o~' u__e date of .,ai.._ tyar_s_e-, or registration. Section 19. It shall be unlairful for any person to wilfully or maliciously remove, destroy, mutilate or alter the number of any bicycle frame licensed pursuant to this Ordi.na.nce. It shall also be unlc^?'? 1 ul for any person to remove, destroy, mutilate or alter any license plate, seal or registration card. or recei-ot during t=-le time in tTnich such license plate, seal or registration card or receipt is operative. Ps°ovi c_ed, however, that nothincrr in this Ord_il ance shall )rohi bit the Police Der, art raent from stamping numbers on the fra. ies of bicycles on ,,T_l!ch no serial nur_.ber can be iound., or on ,,ich said number is illegible or insufficient for identification pur-noses. section 20. All license fees and transfer fees -6- --t it Y P q4-, collected under this Orcinance s:.1a? 1 be --,Oa1.C_ int0 e ''Gv^in Treasury of the To?,.-,n of LOS Gatos. r. , n `1 r SC.LrLLlii\EOIJ S Section ` 1. Any p ersoil ;':T 1o S fall viol~.. ~ ate =an~"- ol' 'U-'-e orovi sion s of t`-is Ordii_F_ice s'---,all Uoon conviction 'L-Inereof -ae Tunis .ed "b-,- a f ine of not .,ore t<1c n T_-ree a G_"ed Doi' a:"s 30+hJ o 00) or by i i,?!..~'1 Iso:.>.__,en t or a y, e-.-; 1 V Uo eliceec? ~ ~'ee ~ ~ .,on ~ mss, or by bo t=(. such fine an (5 Liar s0 _,en u. Section 22. Where this Or dina~_ce has been violated by juveniles under the age of ~ Years, in lieu of such fine and ir:-orisonner_t as provided in Section 21 of t lis Ordinance, an.d in lieu of filing cr arges in the Juvenile COLlrt, the Chi of of Police i a n. prohibit the o Jeration upon he streets, alleys and -Dublic places in the TO,rnl of Los Gatos for a period not to exceed thirty (30) dad %s of a bicycle so used in such violation in w 1ich even, t', e "icicle so used in such violation shall be impounded by. the Chief of Police and retained by hin during the period- of the operation i"T'~zch is prohibited and the owner's registration card shall be held for a like -period. Section 23. The -Q r o v i s i o n s o=' t'r_i.s Ordinance T th r of er- ence to bicycles s1nall supersede and be in li eu of a.nur other cr aInance Or sect' on of arty other v''fs i n a n c e ii c=1 , iS in OGnfii U E.Tit the provisions of a ~iS o,^dinance. Section 24. If any section, sentence, clause or ,-)hr a.se, of t_is Ordinance is held to be unconstitutional such decision shall not affect t'Iie validity of the rena.ining portions of this Ordinance. The Council of the Tmm of Los Gatos declares that it tiould have -oassed this Ordinance and each section, sentence, cl ause or o'nrase thereof ir:.,es-oect~ve of t "-e fact that any one or r.1ore sectio-s, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared unconstitutional. Spcti.on. 25.. T hl s Ord' nance sh,411 be printed once in ~5W tree the 0 :blished 1: 1 nev;spaper ^v in the Town of Los Gatos. Passed and adopted at a revuLa . iziee Ui nG Oi V ae Town Council or tine To,-rn o_ Los Gatos h eld on the ~ da of a , 10 o by the follo ,,Tl ng . ote; , - i 7 / d ,3 ^ l,'layor Q-f rile of Los xato • a j, A" 8 TO'rn Clerk of the To=-: of Los Gatos