Ord 0259-AN ORDINANCE. ESTABLISHING CERTAIN EMERGENCY SERVICES A-D ORGANIZATIONS)ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE. ESTABLISHING CERTAIN E RGENCY SERVICES A-D ORGANIZATIONS) A DEFENSE COUNCIL) AND A COORDI11AT I NG CENTER) AND PROVIDING FOR THE OPERA- TION THEREOF. The Town Council of the Town of Los Gatos does ordain as follows: See. la The purpose of this ordinance is to provide facilities and agencies for the protection of civilian lives and property in the event of an assault upon the Town by the enemies of the United States) and to cooperate with other county) state and national facilities and agencies for our mutual protection. Sees 2. There are hereby created the following Divisions of Emergency Service and said Divisions shall include the following emergency service organizations) whether volunteer or otherwise: (a) Division of Emergency Fire Service (1) Fire Department (2) Auxiliary Firemen C3) Rescue Squads C Division 'of Emergency Police Service Cl) Police Department (2.) Auxiliary Police C3) Bomb Squads Cam} Division of Gardens Service (1) Air Raid Wardens (2.) Fire Watchers (3) Emergency Food and Housing Corps Cd) Division of Emergency Medical Service (1) Medical Corps (2) Nurses Aid Corps (3) Emergency Medical Field Units (4) Ambulance Units. -1- (5) casualty Stations W) First Aid Posts: (e) Division of Emergency Public Works Service (l) Repair Squads for roadsa sewers and water-mains (2) Demolition and Clearance. Squads (3) Decontamination Squads for buildings and streets i (f) Division of Emergency Utilities Service I (l) Municipally-owned Utilities (2) Privately-owned Utilities (31 Volunteer Repair Squads See. 3: There is hereby created in each Division of Emergency Service the position of Chief of the Division. The Chiefs of the several. Divisions of Emergency Service shall be the following: (a) Division of Emergency Fire Service e Chief of the Fire Department, (b) Division of Emergency Police Service - Chief of the Police-Department. (c) Division of Wardens Service - Such City Officer or ether person as may hereafter be appointed Chief of the Division of Emergency Wardens Service by Resolution of the Town Council. (d) Division of Emergency Medical Service - Such City Officer or other person as may hereafter be appoint- ed. Chief of the Division of Emergency Medical Service by Resolution of the Town Council. (e) Division of Emergency Public Works Service - Such City Officer or other person as may hereafter b appointed Chief of the Division of Emergency Ptibli c forks. Service by Resolution of the Town Council. (f) Division of Emergency Utilities Service - Such City Officer or other person as may hereafter bg appointed Chief of the Division of Emergency Utilities Service by Resolution of the Town Council. Seca 4:, Each of the emergency service organizations listed in Section 2 of this ordinance under each division of emergency service$ other than the regular police and fire departments of the town5 shall be strictly volunteer and separate and distinct from any regular or permanent department of the town$ and. shall be under the complete control= authority and command of the Chief of its Division. Yo person shall be deemed a member of any such emergency service or- ganization until he has been registered as such in a roster to be kept by the Chief of the Division of Emergency Service under which -2- the particular.mergency Service Organization is operating, and until he has taken an oath that he will support and obey the Con- stitution of the United States, the Constitution of this State, the laws of this Nations State and Town, and that he will carry out the duties of the .Emergency Service Organization for which he registers to the best of his ability. Each member of each Em- ergency Service Organization shall promptly obey all commands. and orders of the Chief of his Emergency Division, and of the Captain of his Emergency Service Organization. Each member shall sign an agreement with the Town that he will not demand or claim from the Towns compensation for services or damages, or compensa- tion for any disability or damage that he may suffer in the per- formance of his duties. See. 5: Each of said Chiefs may appoint an alternate to act in his absence, and may appoint a Captain for each of the Emergency Service Organizations in his Division, who shall have charge and command of such organization under his Chiefs Each of said Chiefs * of Division may appoint as member of any Emergency Service Organiza- tion.under him,, for which personnel has been provided by the Town Council, any person qualified, as provided by Seca 6 of this ordinance,, and may reject any applicant. He may provide for the training of candidates for membership and for the further training of members,. Sec. -6: The Town Council shall by Resolution determine the qualifications and provide for appointment of members to such of said Emergency Service Organizations as it may from time to time deem necessary to man for the safety of the gown and its inhabitants, prescribe the duties thereof, and make such regulations for the governing of said organizations as it may deem proper. See. 7: There is hereby created the Los Gatos Defense council; said Council shall be composed of the Mayor,, who shall be ex-officio chairman of said Council, the City Clerk, who shall be ex-officio Secretary thereof; the Chief of the Division of Emergency ;tire Service; the Chief of the Division of Emergency Police Service; the Chief of the Division of WardensService;, the Chief of the Division -3- of Emergency Medical Service, the Chief of the Division of Emergency Public Works Service; the Chief of the Division of Emergency Utility Service, and the Chiefs of such other divisions of emergency services as the Town Council may by Resolution deem necessary. Seca 8: It shall be the duty and responsibility of the Los Gatos Defense Council to co-ordinate the,activities within the Town of governmental and private agencies and of individuals co- operating in the defense effort; to stimulate public interest and participation in defense activities; to consider and recommend to appropriate governmental authorities plans for the public safety, health and welfare; to plan a major disaster program, capable of functioning in a defense emergency; and to perform such other advisory functions as may be requested of it by officials of the town, county, state and Federal agencies engaged in the defense effort. The Los Gatos Defense Council shall receive, acknowledge and ap- praise proffers of facilities, service and ideas originating within the community and make appropriate disposition of the same; clear information concerning defense programs and objectives among co- operating agencies; to recommend adjustments of arrangements necess- ary for prompt assimilation of government programs for defense to the appropriate officer, departments or agencies; receive requests for assistance from the State Council of Defense and from Federal de- fense authorities and transmit these requests to the proper town authorities or agencies; accumulate or assist in the accumulation of information regarding local governmental, financial, economic, industrial and human facilities and resources and transmit any such facts, az well as other necessary information, to the State.Council of Defense and to Federal defense agencies. Sea. 9® The Los Gatos Defense Council shall meet at least once in each two weeks, and each Chief of Division of Emergency Service shall attend said meetings and shall report to, and keep said Council informed and advised of the.organization, work and degree of efficien, of his Divisions Said Council may advise and instruct each of said Chiefs in the conduct and management of has Division, and said Council shall report to the Town Council any Chief who shall prove r -4- himself incompetent or inefficient in the management of his div- i sion, and the Town. Council may remove him from his position as Chief of Division.. majority of the Defense Council shall constitute a quorum, and a .jority vote of a quorum shall be sufficient to carry any motion or resolution, or take any action. The Defense Council shall elect one of its members Vice-Chairman to act in the absence of the Mayor. See. 10 There shall be established in the office of the Chief of Police in the Town Hall a Control Center, and which shall be used in times of imminent public danger as the center from which the Emergency Services hereinafter referred to shall be directed and coordinated. See. 11m, The Chiefs of the several divisions.of Emergency Service shall attend, either in person, or by their duly appointed alternates, at the Control Center during periods of imminent public danger to direct as far as possible the emergency activities of their Divisions from the Control Center. See. 12: The Control Center shall be organized by a Coordinators which position is hereby created, The Coordinator shall be such officer of the Town as may be nominated by the Chiefs of the Division of Emergency Service and whose selection is approved by Resolution of the Town Council. During periods of imminent public danger the activities of all Divisions of Emergency Service shall be organized in the Control Center by the Coordinator. The Coordinator shall arrange for the privately-owned gas, electric, transportation, and telephone utilities' and the American Red Cross to send representa- tives to the Control Center for the purpose of assisting in the emergency work thereof, Sec, 1133: The Town Council shall arrange for the installation in the Control Center of such communication facilities as may be nec- essary to enable the several Chiefs of the Divisions of Emergency Service to keep in touch with and superintend the work of their respective Divisions during periods of imminent public danger and to enable the Control Center to keep in constant touch with the County - 5 Control Center, or other Control Center of any larger area in which this Town may be included, for purposes of regional co-ordination and mutual aid, or the Control Center of any higher level of govern- ment, and to enable the Control Center to receive the messages and warnings of the United States Air Raid Warning System. The Co- ordinator shall arrange for an adequate number of messengers to carry messages to and from the Control Center in the event. of the failure of communication facilities or other necessity. Sec. 14® The Chief of each Division of Emergency Service shall install in the Control Center such .maps, files, and office equipment and shall provide such assistants as may be necessary to carry on. efficiently the work of his Division of Emergency Service during periods of imminent public danger, and he shall maintain an accurate roll of the names and addresses of the members of the several Services included within his Division, shall supervise their training and shall designate the persons in his Division to whom equipment., and any of- ficial insignia provided or authorized for such Services by the United States Office of Civil Defense, shall be issued, and shall have the authority to dismiss any volunteer member of his Division and to re- quire the surrender of eq,4i,pment and insignia by such dismissed members. Sect The Co-ordinator and the several Chiefs of the Division of Emergency Service shall designate Deputies to take their places and perform their duties in the Control Center in the event they are absent, or otherwise unable to act, See.- During any period of imminent public danger the Co- ordinator shall keep all Control Centers, referred to in Section 12 hereof, fully informed concerning conditions within the city and, the necessity for and availability of personnel and equipment for mutual assistance. All requests to or from other communities for assistance shall be cleared:" through such last mentioned Control Centers and shall be complied with to the fullest extent that circumstances will permit. Sec. 17. In.the event this Town.is included in any plan for a - 6 - larger or higher Control Center, which plan calls for the presence therein of a representative of any of the Divisions of Emergency Service of this Town, the Chief of such Division may be authorized by resolution of the Town Council to participate in such plan and to arrange for such representation.. Sec. 18: It is the purpose to hereby provide the machinery for the speedy and efficient adoption of rules and regulations necessary for the preservation of property and lives of the citizens of Los Gatos during the period of rspidly moving events that occur because of the existent national emergency. Sec. 13. It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the rules and regulations adopted by the Chief of Police in con- fortuity with the purposes of this Ordinance as stated in Section 18 hereof and posted as hereinafter provided. Sec. 20: The Chief of Police is hereby given authority to adopt rules and regulations for the purpose of safeguarding the lives and property of the citizens of the Town of Los Gatos when requested to do so by the following-.(a:) The 'town Council of the Town of Los Gatos; (b) When deemed necessary by the Chief of Police; (c) The Fire Chief of the Town of Los Gatos; (d) The County Health. Officer; (e) By any law enforcement agency created by law; (f) The Army of the United States; (g) The Navy of the United States; (h) The Marine Corps of the United States; (i) The Los Gatos Defense Council; The rules and regulations adopted by the Chief of Police shall become effective as soon as they have been posted upon each of the bulletin boards at the two entrances to the Town Hall of the Town of Los Gates. Any such rule or regulation shall cease to be effective unless it shall be published within. t.en. (10) days after the posting thereof in a weedy newspaper of general circulation printed and pub- lished in the Town of Los Gatos. - 7 - See. 21: Any person violating any such rule or regulation after the sane shall have become effective as hereinbefore pro- vided, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, punishable by a fine of not to exceed THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($300.00) ~ or by imprisonment in the County Jail for not to exceed three. (3) months, or both. See. 22: FALSE PERSONATION. It shall be a misdemeanor,. punishable by imprisonment for not to exceed three (3) months, or by a fine of not to exceed TE E HUNDPM DOLLARS ($300.00), or both, for any person to wear, carry or display any Emergency Service Organi- zation identification card or insignia or otherwise deceitfully represent himself to be connected with any such organization' unless he is in fact a member thereof. See. 23: This ordinance shall remain in force and effect only during; the period of Rational Emergency, and by its own terms it shall terminate after the President of the United States has declared that an emergency no longer exists. Sec. 24: This Ordinance is hereby declared an emergency Ordinance necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, peace and safety, and shall be in full effect from and after the date of its passage. The facts constituting its urgency are: The United States of America is at war and the Town of :cos Gatos is liable to assault and bombing by our enemies. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the Town Council, held on the day of , 1942, by the following votes AYES, C 0U-xVC_-LLVM: - 8 - x%OES , C O I CII;IE1V ABSENT 7 COUNCIMEN: MAYOR OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS ATTEST (SEAL) TOW CLERK OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS - 9-