Ord 0242-MAKING CHIEF OF POLICE TAX COLLECTOR AND LICENSE COLLECTOROrdinance Number z `'l 2 AN UItDiNANCE MAKING ` Hh; CHIE' UP PULICE 1AX COLLECTOR AND LICI08B COLL15CTOle The City Council of the Town of Los Gatos do ordain as follows: 0 Section to The Chief of Police shall perform the duties of 'sac Collector and License Collee*or for the Tovm of Los Gatos Section 2s This ordinance shall be published onec in the Los Gatos Mail hews* Passed and adopted at a regular meeting held on Monday,the ,4" day of April,- 1934, by thv t ollowinG vwbo t Ayes Counoililien Noes Absent Cam- _m YYl • ~ _ ~ Mayor. ATT NS'r : _ City Clerk