Ord 0240-IMPOSING LICENSES ON AND REGULATING SALE OF BEVERAGES AS DEFINED BY PROVISIONS OF CHP. 178OBDIMECE No a 240 AN ORDINANCE 1 OSING LICIM99S ON AND REGULATING SALE OF IE RAGMS AS DR PIi%TM BY TEE P.ROVI5 IOmVS" OF CHAPTER 178 OF TER STATUTES OF 1933, follows The Town Council of the Tow of Los Gatos does ordain as SECTION 1. This ordinance it adopted pursuant to the prov1s~ oils' of Chapter 178 of the Statutes of 1:933 of the State of 0al.ifornias eititleds' "A4 .Act to. levy an* excise tax and to regulate the 'ms ufactute, distri:butlon and sale of certain beverages; to pro'vide for the licensing of the manufacture, distribution and sale; .to presdribe penalties for the violation of this Act and to provide that this Act shall take effect immediately." The definitions of the words, terms and phrases which are set forth in said Statute are hereby adopted by this reference as the definitions of such of said words, terms and phrases as appear herein. SECTION 2e, eery person whose application for an "on sale" license is approved by the Town Council shall pay a license fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($2a®00) per year's Every person whose application for an "off sale" license is approved ley the Town Council shall pay a license fee of Ten Dollars (10®00) per year. All license fee, shall be paid to the officer of the Town of Los Gatos who is charged with the collection of busi- ness licenses for said Towno All license fees shall be payable annually in advance, commencing on the date when such license is granted. SECTI(3N..3® No sales of any beverages shall be made be- tween the hours of one c4clock A. IL® and six o'clock A. 1L® of any day. SECTION 4 .(Peddling. Prohibited) It shall be unlawful teas engage-in the business of peddling beverages within the Town of Los Gatos, For the purpose of this ordinance the term "peddling" shall be defined as.going from house to house, place to place, or in or along the streets within the Town of Los Gates, taking carders for, or soliciting orders for, or se ling'and making either imm d® late delivery or delivery at a later date, or offering for sale and delivery, any of said beverages to any person within the Town of Los Gatos SECTION 5® (Penalty Clause) Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), or by imprison- ment it the county jail of the County of Santa Clara, for a period of not more than three (3) months, or by both such fine and im- prisonment. SEOTIOIF&O . Every.. such j?etson se all - bC--'dee3Aed guilty of a separate of a se` fo ..e ery..aay during any portioi of Which-any ' viblatfon: of-a&y,provision...of'this ordina~aee 'is comaitted,-- contin® ued a ci° er mittee~ by such person, and shall be punishable therefor as provided by this ordinance. SECTION urgency Clause) The immediate passage ` of this ordinance is hereby declared." to be 'nece`ssary as an urgency measute for tie iih~tedi&te preservation of the public peace. health, and safety, and the fad-t s constituting' said urgency are as f ollbws, td-'wit m-- That the Congress of the United States has ' enacted. leg s- letioh'permitting the sale and possession of the beverages referred to-herbin and that the Leigislature of the State of California has enact ed an urgendy- measure prescribing certain regulations for the manufacture; distribution and sale of'said beverages, providing for the licensing of said manu,facta:re, distribution and sale there- of, designating tie ' eity council of each city to be the licensing board for said city, and delegating to said city council the author ority to provide the amount, method and period of payment of license fees by ordinances The Town of Los Gates has no ordinance in effect governing said matters, and the immediate enactment of this ordinance pursuant to the provisions of said Statute is' necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety of the people of the To%Yn of loos' Gatos® Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Town' Ocuncal of the Town of Los Gatos, held on the 5th daft of June, 1933, by the following vote; A"MS, TRUSMS HOES, TRUSTEES /Vat ABSENT TRUSTEES: ATTEST Torn Olen of the Town of Gat os ® 2 -