Ord 0224-19TH OF NOVEMBER 1923QRDI'MAXICE BO, 2,;Z AN QRD1EUNCE AME.11DING ORDINANCE !!uO.~TT 1YYI 3 L 9~-5~ T T E2`2TIT } "A ORDINANCE IMPOSING St'U1YSts 1•ICE NTH B.S IN THE Mi OF LOS GA.TOS AIM PRO- VIDING FOR THE COLUCTION OF T SAME AM PPaSCRI:BIITG PENALTIES 'OR TTHE VIOLATION T1B'ERE.QF", PASSED AM ADOPTED ON THE 27th PAY OF NO TMOER, 1922 AS MIEM D BY OR- DINAU N0.201 EI I .IM9 9 AN QRDINANC AIMIUM 13vG ORDINA1'CE. NQ.195 .F;NTIiIED 'AN QRI)II7ANCE IMPOSING MUNIICIPAE LI URS IN THE TOWN OF LOS GA.TO S ARD PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF THE. SAKE AIRD PRESCRIB- ING PENALTIES FOR Thy VIOL TIOIT THEREOF, , PASSED AND ADOPTED O THE 27th DAY OF NQ- VMMER, 1922'*, PASSED Aim ADOPT ON' THE 19th DAY OF X07M- F,R, 19-23e. The Town Council of the Torn of Los Gatos do ordain as fo 11o~s SECTION 1 That Section. 24 of Ordinance. No. 195 entitled "An. Ordinance. Imposing Municipal Licenses in the Town of Dos Gatos, and Providing for the Collection of the Same and Pre- scribing. Penalties for the Violation Thereof,R passed and adopted on the 27th day of November, 1922, as amended by Or- dinance Xd. 201, entitled.,. *An Ordinance. Amending Ordinance No. 195 entitled, 'An Oridinance Imposing Municipal Licenses: in the Town of Los Gatos and Providing for the Collection of the Same. and Prescribing Penalties for the Violation Thereof g, passed and adopted on the 27th day of November, 1922", passed and a.d.opted on the 19th day of November, 1923s be and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows, to wit t ItSECTION 2.4°., Every person, firm or corporation engaged in peddling or vending of fish about the Torn of Los Gatos from carts= baskets, wagons, automobiles or other vehicles, shall pay a license of Twenty (~20.00) Dollars semi.-annually and no license shall. be issued for a less period than six (6) months.1- SEC TICN 2: That Section 35 of said Ordinance No. 195, as amended by said Ordinance No. 201 be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows, to wit: 't'SECTION 35. Every person, firm or corporation, not a peddler or hawker, transacting and carrying on the business of delivering by wagon, automobile or other vehicle, bread or bread stuffs of any kind, or any other product of flour or meal, baked, mixed or prepared for human consumption, coffee, tea, spices, ice cream, soda water, mineral wa.ter~and ether beverages, butter, eggs, cheese-, cottage cheese, sausage, Saratoga Chips and all other ..products for human consumption, not having aa: fixed place of business in said Town of Los Gatos, shall pay a license fee of Ten ($10.00) Dollars semi-annually, and it shall be unlawful for any person to drive any such wagon, automobile or other vehicle within said Town of Los Gatos for the. delivery of any.of said articles unless said license has been paid.. ",a d no license shall be issuec7 for a less period than six (G) _;?onths SECTION 3. That Section 47 of, sa.id Ordinance No. 195 be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows, to wits #SECTION 47. Every person, firm or corporation-conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a builder or house mover shall p,ay a license fee of Twenty-five ($25.001 Dollars annually,' ._rd no license shall be issued for a less ericd than twelve (12 nontns." SECTION 4: That Section of said Ordinance No. 195 be, and the same is hereby, amended to read as follows, to wits SECTION 48: Every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the, busir_eas of grading, paving excavating work, or laying or constructing sewer or sewer connections or cement , ork$\r shall pay a license of Twenty-five 025.00) Dollars annually2,4nd no license shall be issued fora less period than t- ele (12,`s SECTION 5: That Section 49 of said Ordinance No. 195 be, and the sam:e.is hereby, amended to read as follows, to wit: "-SECTION 49°. Every person, firm or corporation conducting, managing or carrying on the business of a contracting cement worker, plasterer, plumber, painter or electrician-shall pay a m.1 i7.C9 license shall be issued for a. less Period, than hvelve-' (12j -oxl- h,s ® license of Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars annually worker, plasterer, plumber, painter or electrician who employs 2 - ethers to assist him -upon any cement work, plastering, plumbing, painting or electrical work done: by him shall be considered az a contracting cement worker, plasterer, plumber, painter or electri- cian, as the case --ay be.4 SECTION 6: This ordinance shall be published once in the Passed. and adopted at a regular meeting of the Town. Council of the Town of Los Gatos, held on, the day of Auo2st, 1929, by the following vote: AYES, THUSTERS.. e NOES-, TRUST SEi TRUSTEE:: layor of the Town of Los -Gatos A TEST t Torn. Clerk of the Town of Los ('s - 3 -