Ord 0212-RECORDER AND SUPERINTENDENT SALARIES OF STREETSCRDI T ls CE NO. Q J 9--l' O'Clio e.c,GCC AT ORDl 4 3CE FIXING T SA-LAR",'S OF Tr TOT RECORDER AND SUP.ERfi 'E; DEZIITT OF STRI ETSe 000 -000 The Board Trustees c f f:e Town o _ ' Los Gatos do cr daill -.s f=ollows: Sev ion 1. 7--vvn Recorder of the Town of Los Gatos shall receive a sW:bxr~ of $50.00 per month as his co rpI:ns?,tlan® Section' 2® 7'he Str3e t Suy erinden e-nt c f the Torn o f Los GatoS Sll 11 re c-`,t ? salary yf q 1215.00 per month as his c ©ili e!1 sa U, on. Se ctiori 3. This ordinance shall tam. e fie v t and be in farce from and after the first dNTr o f llrch5 1926. Sect s, 4® Tnis crdin~m shall be pub1isaed once in the Dos Gatos 'Mail-News, a weekly newsli ape r ipubli ssq !a in the Town of Los Gato s® The alhc,ve anddl foingoino oralLnance was introduced at a regLts tr mee tin a of the Board of Trustees of the 'Tbirm of ~,cs he id Gatos/on the 21st day D f DecPr.r,Je r g 1-925 and du.llr and regularly passed an adopted at a regular meeting 0-f Sold Board nF 1w on ..t~P- v 4th day of Januarv 1?25g b; ti ;:a=lo~vin vote; A7Tn s : Trustees: c.~~ a , o qtzP---- aces: Trustees: Absent: Trustees: Pre sident 'o f tl e Bo vrd of -Trustees o 1 the Town o a Los Gw L"os At to 3'v f -L Lne ovm Town L le rK o cf Los n~tos<