Ord 0211-REGULATING THE ACCUMULATION COLLECTION AND REMOVALGR;IIiv' 1ItTU ITT. 112-11 AN ORDINANCE OF ME TOWN CR LOS GATOS RRGTJIATI1NTG =T ACCMUTIsATIGN$ COLLTICTIGN AND RE2111®VAL OF GAGAGR ITT AND FROM SAID TOW a. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Las Gatos do or - Crain as follows: Section 1. Me word "garbage" used herein E a. ll mean and include kitchen and table refuse; offal, swill and every accuni~ulation of anima= fruit and yegeta.ble matter that a.tter~ds vhe i,reparatio2a3 €zse$ consumption, dealing in and storage oL melt, fish, fowls, fruit and vegetables, and all waste substances which are and may become putrofactive, broken crockery and bottles, and tzn~ cans. Dead animals.. street seeping.:sq :_:::aL- e and the contents of cesspools and dry closets :hall not 'considered garbage. The word "person" as used herein shall mean and include every person, firm, association or corporations whether acting as pr ncipa.l., agent, officer or employe. Secti on 2. The Tovm of Dos Gatos its agents, servants or e lcyes or any otter person thereunto authorized by contiact nade by said Tins, or othe rai se authorized, by said Town, through its Board of Trustees, s'r_all ga trer and co3lect garbage within said Tov and shal.1 dispose of said garbage, and it shall be un- lawful for any other person to col-ject or gather or cause to be collected or gathered, garbage within said Town., or. to carry, con- vey or transport, or cause to be carried, conveyed or transported, garbage through any of the streets, alleT,rs or public places of said Town. Sect i en 3. e The Town o f Lo s Gato s may agree to pay and may pay to its agents, servants or employes, employed, or other persons who shall cont.-act to gather and collect and to dispose of said garbage such compensation as may by the Board of Trustees of said Town of Los Gatos be determined by resolution; or, said. Town may authorize and permit its said agents, servants or employes or such other parson: to charge and collect for such service, from -die head of each h usehold iri said Town so served, such sum as may be determined by said DcaVd of Trustees by resolution, and it shall. be tmlawfu.l for any greater charge to be made for such service. Section 4. It &.a,ll be unlawful for any person to de- posits keep or accumulate or cause to be del:osi ted, kept or accumu- lated., any garbage in or about any tot or parcel of land or any public or private drive, al-ley or street or any house, stare, restaurant or other place in the Town of Los Gatos, unless the same be enclosed in a receptacle of the type hereinafter described; provided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance shall net be construed to prevent the feeding of garbage to chickens in proper amounts for immediate consumption by such chickens, and so that suc`la garbage shall not accumulate. The receptacle he rein men timed must be watertiall t, equipped wi lh a close fitting cover, provided with handles, and of a capacity- not :'ess than five nor more than twenty gallons, and made of galvanized iron.. Section a. It mall be i-m awful to keep any such receptacle in any place not easily accessible to the person collects ing or authorized to collect garbage, and it shall be the dutjr of each person having garbage- to place such receptacle containing the same on #helarking adjacent -Ix- his place of residence, or in an alley back of the same, can each day when said garbage shall be collected hereunder, in compliance with no Vice of said time of col."Lection, as sh-,l.1 be given him by the collector of said garbage or by the Town: Clerk of said Town of Los Gatos. Sect ion 6. It shall be -Lm lawful for any person to in- A. ere in any mariner wi In erf the collection or disposal of garbage y by ti }e loto or 2 a? agents, loge s. servants o em Section 7. It shall be umlawful for any person to bury in, or burY.t upon any lot, Piece or parcel of land, or in or upon any streets way or alley w i-diin the Town of Los Gatos, any garbage. Section S. Any person, firms. or cori-ora tier violating any of theprovisicns of thisordinance Ball be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction l ereo shah be punished I y a. fine in a sum not exceeding Three i3vndred. Dollars 4~3GGefi4~ or by imprisonment for a tee not exceeding thirty (30) dat, s in the County Talks or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Court. Secti on 9. Thi s ordirlanc e shall be pu ili shed. once in the Los Gatos Ma.' i°Ye~*ss Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Beard of Trustees or the Tovi of Los Gatos, held on the eS. ` day of October, 1925, by the following vote: AvE S. TRUSTF3F S NOES, TRUSTRES: None. AB F T TRUSTEES: zl° 2-4 / APPROVED. ~ President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos. ATTEST: G . (SRAL ) Town 'Z e o h e -Town of Los Gatos.