Ord 0210-PROVIDING FOR THE INCURRING OF A BONDED INDEBTNESSESSRDIFIANO E No. 210. ali OKI?I1S vl,E PBOVIBi TG FOR `.,H 1 CTjTRIEG OI A BOYIF EB IIINIDEBTEMEESS TFmORl~`I'THOUS ~ `~'OVI ? OFLaS GTATOST IINT I Q 's `b 3 i - t RE V ND FIVE 1101 R.S1,tJ ($22,'500.00;) DOLLARS and PROVIDING FOR THE ISSTJ NNE .Ow BO TBS TH,EFEFOR. The Board of Trustees of the Toj=ate of Los Gatos do ordain as follows: Section 1. That pursuant to the results of a special municipal election held in the Touan of Los Gatos on the 2 th day of April, 1925, the Tows of Los Gatos issue its negotiable bonds, the same to be forty-five (45) in number, which shall be of the denomination of Five hundred (8500.00) dollars each and shah be numbered from one (1) to forty-five (45) each bond inclusive, and all of said bonds shall bear interest from their issuance until paid at the rate of five per cent. per annum., payable semi- -annually, both principal and interest of said bonds being payable in gold coin of the United States of America in the manner follomy"ng, to-wit: 3ne-ninth part of the whole amount of said indebtedness shall be paid each and every year at the Town Treasury of said Town on the first day of July, together with interest on all sums unpaid at such datesm The interest of said bonds shall by paid semi-annually, one of such semi-annual payments in each year being on the first day of July and the other of such semi=annual payments in each year being on the first day of January. Said interest shall be. evidenced by proper coupons attached to said bonds, a se?arate coupon being attached to each bond for each semi-annual payment of interest to become due thereon. Five of said bonds shall. mature and be payable at the end of each year; the first installment being bonds one (1) to five (5) inclusive; the second installment being bonds six (6) to ten (10) inclusive; the third installment being bonds eleven (11) to fifteen (15)--inclusive; the fourth installment being bonds six- -1- IGoupon 1740~12.50z Bond Rio. Gn the first dad of $.D. 19 the Town- of Los Gatos will pay to the bearer hereof at the os Treasury of said Town at said. Town of Dos Gatos, County of Santa Clara, State of California, the sum of Twelve and 501100 ($12.50) Dollars in gold coin of the United States of America, for the semi-annual interest due on that date upon its above numbered municipal inyprovemen V bond. "Dated, July 1, 1925. "Treasurer of the Tovm of Dos Gatos." Said bonds shall each be signed by the President of the Board of Trustees of said Town and by the Treasurer of said Tovm and shall be countersigned by the Clem of said Tom , %who shall affix the To Seal to each of said bonds. Section 4. This ordinance shall be -published once in the Los Gatos -H7ail--I\-Iews. Passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town. of Los Gatos held on the /g! day of I?ay,1925, by the following vote: .AYES, Trustees NOES, Trustees ABSENT TRUSTEES ATTEST: Town Clerk of the Town of os Gatos. _4_ the Tovm of Los Gatos.