Ord 0193-CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTIONAY ORDII+i ~;CT CALLING 1'? 6YECI°L ELECTION Ii? 1`Ns 11P0:111 Or LOS G TOS FO-1-1 ?LH~ PUi-LPOSE OF SUILIITTIDTG TO IRE EL.U LIFIfi_.D VOTERS OF & _ID Tv YV A I' tOPOSIIIUI< To itl' J'I3 ? bi dJYT) IrMLB' LDidESS TO PAY TIM „OST OIi' CERTaIIe' x PUBLIC S4ID I'Ol'otd, TN'' ;OST Ox' TiHICfI 'jVILL BE TOO GREAT TO B:,.+ SAID OUT Ol' ` KT OrZD`lrrrli2y AlJivu 3L !RE\F OF SAID `i OWIT. The board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos do ordain as follows: SEIC.TZt}N- I. special election is hereby called for, and shall be ?field in the 'loan of Los Gatos, in the County of vanta Clara, State of California, on 11onday, the 18th day of September, 1922, to sub- mit, and at which said special election shall be submitted, to the qualified voters of the said Town of Los Gatos the following Oro- position to incur a bonded indebtedness of and by said ','.own, to-wit: (1) The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of ,We ve Thousand Dollars ($12,000.00) in gold coin or the united Lates of America i`or the object and purpose of paying the Gost of the acquisition; construction and coLpletion of a main trunk line sewer i`or the purpose of carrying off and disposing of the sewage from the `enaorial _'ark, Grammer School and adjacent prof er- ty, and of an outlet sewer along the west •,side of the. LOS Gatos Creek to the present sewage disposal plant of said `i'olnTn for the purpose of carrying off the sewage of the east side of said Town and of such sewers from, the west side of said `i ov n as may be con- riected with it, and the acquisition of necessary rights of wa.y for said sewers. Twelve Th Ord Dollars (12,000.00, its gold coin o{' 'e Lnited ,:hates of America i.. ~ e object and t)urpose 6.f .:;aying the cost of the acquisition,. construction and nrip.letion of a main trunk line sewer i or the purpose_ " carrying f and disposing of the sewage from the Me f•ial Park, Grammer Soho a? a.n adjacent proper- ty, and o, an outlet sewer along the west side of the L s Gatos -1- !;CTIt?Ii 'i' REE. The estimated cost of said proposed public im- orovement is the surn of `icel;Te housand Dollars (5,_112,000.00" and the amount of the princi~.al of the indebtedness to be incurred therefor is Twelve Thousand Dollars (2;12,000600), and the rate of interest to be paid upoxi said indebtedness is five (5F per cent per annum, payable semi-annually. S CTICIvT FGUR. It is further ordered, ordained and determined that the total indebtedness authorized to be incurred at said elections shall be represented by bonds negotiable in form, of the character known as 'serials' and of such denominations as the Board of Trustees of said Town of Los Gatos may hereafter deter- mine. The principal and interest of Which shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of mierica in the manner folloWiing, to -'r i t - One-eighth (1/8) part of the whole amount of the prin- cipal of said bonds shall be paid each and every year at the Town Treasury of said Town of Los Gatos, on the day and date to be here- after aster fixed by the said Board as Trustees, together with i t' -he in- terest upon all surds unpaid at such date, provided that the in- terest on said bonds shall be paid semi-annually so that there shall be a payment of interest on all sums then unpaid in every ?"calf year, one of such semi-annual pa.yL., ents in each year being the date of the -payment of the annual installments of the principal of said indebtedness, as aforesaid.; and provided further that said interest indebtedness shall be evidenced by the proper coupons at- tached to each bond and each semi-annual payment of interest to become due on such bond. SECTION FIVE. It is further ordered and ordained that for the Ourpose of said special election said Town of Los Gatos is here- by regularly constituted and established and consolidated into one special election Precinct to be knoo,Y,n as uunicipal 7uecial.'_g ection -2- Precinct Eo. I, said unicipal :special Election :erecinct being a consolidation of general election precincts No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and o. The place of voting in said ivlunicipal especial Election Precinct Aso. I shall be at the Town Nall in the Town of Los Gatos 041 2,0ast Hain Street of said _`own. The officers of election in said HTuili- eipal Special 'LWlection Precinct No. 1, and who are hereby af)oolnted for that purpose are as follows, to-wit: li^iS76CtOr Judges Clerks; Said Board of h`lection and said Officers shall cniiduct, and are hereby directed to conduct, said election as by late and this Ordinance provided. It is further ordered that said Board of Trustees shall meet and eanvass the election returns upon the Monday following said special election and declare the results of said special election. ST,? C 'ION- : The manner of voting for or against said indebted- ness shall be as follows, to-wit: A &U, icient number of ballots shall be, and are here- by directed to be, prepared and caused to be printed upon the proper kind of paper used at general elections in said Utate of California, byifhe Clerk of said town, and to be furnished and provided for the use of the voters of said special election at the expense of said town, said ballots to have the following mat- ter printed thereon in addition to any other natter which may be required by law, to-writ: 'illfb`TIAIUCTIOI. z, TO VOTERS" ' To vote on any proposition, stamp a cross (:x:) in the voting siuare after the i,,ord Ives' or after the word no,. All marks exce-ot a cross (x) are forbidden. All distinguishing marks or erasures are forbidden and maize the ballot void. Ii' YOU 41VRON - -3- LY LSTr"_-, 'I OR DEY CE TNI ; BALLOT, RETU E IT TO TH . T_vSPEC'foR 01' *M C IO AIM OIL LAI1tiT 21C`T R In U-NI C 11'AL T I CIQgT LOTS' G ATIOS _EUNICIPAL SPECI'=:L:r C` IOT m Special election subditting to the qualified voters of the of Los Gatos, C:ount~F of Santa Clara, Mate of California, the following propositions, to-wit: Proposition No. I. Shall the 'Town of Los Gatos incur a bonded indebted- ness of T.rPlve 'housand Dollars ($12,000,00) in gold coin of the United States of America for the object and purpose of paying the cost of the acquisition, construction and completion of a main trunk line sewer for 6he purpose of carryin 2. of and disposing P--EE C-- i NO. of the sewage from the lfemorial Park, Gran-_ mer School and adjacent property, and of are outlet sewer along the west side of the Los Gatos Creek to the present sewage disposal -plant of said Town for the purpose of carry- ing off the sewage of the east side of said Town and, of such sewers iron the crest sine of said Town as may be connected with it, and the acquisition of necessary rights of way for said sewers. BH SECTION SIX. it is further ordered and ordained that any voter v7ho desires to vote for and in favor of said proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness,as aforesaid, and udho accepts such proposi- tion, may do so in said elections by stamping a cross (x in the voting square in the right land margin of his ballot and after and opposite the ,,iord °'yes`~, and after said ballot shall 13tve been so stamped and deposited in the ballot box it shad be canvasse4 and counted as required by la,,, as a vote in favor of said propositioxa -4- and accepting the same; and any voter who desires to vote against said proposition and to reject the same may do so by stamping a cross (x in the voting square on the right hand rsiargin of his ballot after and opposite the v*ord 'Ino'l and after said ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in the ballot box it shall be' canvassed and c,cuAted as provided by later as a vote against said proposition and rejecting the same. . '+'0_'?OiT SF•VEN. This Ordinance shall bea.and it is hereby, ordered, p-pblished once a V,,reek for two weeks in the Los Gatos iaiai 1, a neKspaper of ger_e_•a= circulation ublished less than six days a week in such municipality, to-riit:rublish.ed once a tiveek, there boing no newspaper in said zmunicipality published oftener than once a week. IVo other notice of said e'_ection need br given. SECTION tIGNT This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage. Introduced and read in full the 021 day of august, 1922, at a regular. meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos, held in the Town Mall on the said day. Passed a.-ad adopted as an Ordinance of the Town of Los Gatos at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of said ' own - held at the Town Hall in said Town on the 2,fik day of August, 1922, by the _collo:ring vote: Ayes: Trustees Toes. Trustees .Absent: Trustee Attest/~ - st•i; T ( TEI vH .1 T0'titi OF LOS GATO: By-_ :ll~ iiTSi CL ME' LOS GATOS. P ~:IBE NT C! F Tn,' 01~J U ' -5-