Ord 0191-MAKING THE SALARIES OF CERTAIN OFFICERSi It 1 n oarcl ofT rush the. Tow Los Gatos do, chin as fo11o 1 S'8 4s :rk~9 q~ ° a n . I: he sal ry, q;f e 11~ l~rs and ex of M1 Tax Col c# 6~.the To fiP#s Gatos hall the .sum of C)ueIiih= red 611ars ($1'00) per month. t ` Se 1140h, .1 1, The salary of the a5tre } kSu eri P foie"tit . of t1~e Tow Of Los pos shall :be the stxm cf` Une u'rzdred Dollars' ($1 per month t Se 6,n III. The salaryN of''the * ?ea1 la Nurse of the.Town of Los. Gatos fall be the sum of Fifty Ijoll x.($50) ` W.1116 th ,P I Se bn IV '!,'he e salary"tiff,-.the Recr of,, the Towrz of ,dos ;Gatshall be the.aum of T.em Do1lizs ($10) per month. veer .f the Tvvn 'af' Los Gatos. shall TOPeive as coxOp,.ensation, for. all 'services rendered by Min the tim of Seven and 50-100 Dollars ($7.50) for each day actually spent .'by him _;upon the Town'.s_ bixsineSs as such Surveyor. Section; VJ This ordpance shall be published once in the Lo; Gatos Wail News. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the $oard of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos held <~this '16th day bf May. 1921• by the following vote: AYES : Trustees Crider, A. L, Ericlcso Walter Mabie, C. 'A" Gertridg•e, D. NOES Trustees : None: ABSENT- Trustee L: H. worth. President C' W. Gertridge of the Board Trustees of of the Town f I Los Gato o s I ;Attest: Donna M. TJV n Clerk of 'Winning t 'boa Gatos the Town of 7 J. e4~4~ ff r ~ s~ + ~ as ! rc~.~