Ord 0187-REGULATION OF SANITARY MATTERSf'9 7 A, ORDINANCE OF THE Tv.iziQ OF LOS GTOS ADOPTTL\Y. REG-v ATIini\TS FOR THE REGtT1 AT TON OF S NIT T A-E dIATT:EERS ,,VI THIIIv T FL : SAID TO Fi . The Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos, do ordain as f of l O`r7S SECTTO~; ORJE© That the Board of Trustees of the Toa of Los Gatos adopt, and it does hereby adopt for the regulation of UlatiOnB "as Titar2i natters within the Town of Los Gat OS, reg filed with the Clerk of he said Town of Los Gatos or, the 4th day of October, 1920, and entitled: lm ca REG7JLATIONS OF TF ^1OWId OF LOS GATOS FOE, THE CONTROL OF I NSIUE:CIZ H t " 2 a ~r PyG iMATI CqS Coy, CE"Ri IFG G0i1R1FJNI CABLE BiSEASES a sa 3m SCHOOL 9G-mrATIOIIS FOR COIt~JJIC-BLE DISEASES." Se.CTIOITJWO< A-ny pe"!'son, firm or corporate on v! olating any of the provisions of said regulations, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, punished by fine not to exceed One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or by iu® orisonment in the County Jail not to exceed thirty (30) days or by both said fine and impraison?ient. S-CTIO'-KT. TH~® This ordinance shall. be published once in the Los Gatos --Ka.il '-NTec,s Pass=ed and ado`uted by the regular -meeting of the Boated of Trustees held on this 18th day of October, 1920 }by the follOlv3t1~ tOU AYES Trustees 0 A NOES. Trustees ABSENT. TRUSTEE'S P -PIIZ D.~ Tr 01, TF BOIL-RD O~P TRUSTF~:L° vY, OF ?•GS Gfi -OS TOT AT-TESTI TG1't'11 CT-E+IR OF THE TOE, OF LOS P,;j OS. .s R MJT.t-T-ii_rS O 7?.'._052r OF LOS GAT OS OM aMj CA ME DIE SEASES Pa. ti entS 8rl'c'+.?I be is ola-ea or a mininurri od of In z?rS y and shall continue isolation "tl !?:t.:._l µ''_.i ,-,,A. IJS fallen off. Children in contact ?„_i a msey and who has nct d'11421:enpo., Sig ai x _ -isolated fc:r. ini-n;.ml,i_^.? of 14 J_y"S 4f`. T the last e}_ po are to the or until all Clan-er of contr ct-.._, C li h-~s p, Lesed. DTP"11"'i. RIA> (i'.re r..n_:znn US croit_pa TI)e ..al i f orni, State ~•0:~.=~? of for the Y-eventi on and Ountr01 Of Zi?',i1'..iierta, issued 1,1-,14, are as he ih_ _lv]o 'o ti'i'i B09=d' ex i?t ti--at as irovi d ed a .._e a! .iY et ..'nary 0 - 7s.. o IN C-"G 1 t-1 = nal. °".;'t.. on :J:`,.[i iey !de or oti_t_r' fi'...7. nt _v her_lr de__ared to i. _'i ci t any '.?:'P_c loll not Patients s'WI isol'__c...l uf~oi ne 1^?-crni for a of seven '(7) _ ay s i"1"C'm the a pe. ra:n:.;8 of tiie Y".:;.5.';i_ ..-:v8pt .,%]at in a,aSBS tSaB v.', tl?c`-?'e, are .;l :µY; 8n in the ,._._'YB or fiti id_ n,y 4o . a not pre Ti ou5ly nad t_le .,i . a88 y t.ie atlu;n i 5olat? on pe-cio;i shall b- ten llQi::-ays,, or io!,~er if necessa--yr in the jud~n'. nt of t:n8 :iealt Y Officer r`'_dult^v o.?"'ic.- hilc:,len ..o ;sly had t - „-,d aho ire not in o-citact ;,ith the pa.t enty shall not be re Aricted~ Child:-en in fie .v L;ic family .Jit.: case of re ,ies who hive YGt pr `Tivi.lBly had t.... 4.',Sc,~:.vc ,nd O't's_e_ 1S otLlo c,iild en who hasT° een in r2riCY?cCUatu contact U th the patient y need not he i s Ol wed for a od of ei !ht da}y S - rnn-, "t,.-. ti i?ie of ex-posu rB - ^G-ri ied they are i4 -)l;aae'- from t__e: pi.. ei"'t but shall ''h . -Y be isolated For 118ri C,.::i of ten (Id day's' or until all , sibility of has ryas_>ed., A 4varnii -z{; rAy containin. 'n' . :Gr. u¢zy,. s n N gin and n-;ri .,uous ..F-r£i Stall b con i CFIc?u8'1y of i ?;erl the pr..:riises on the G `..i eni. i~3 isolated., .:.n". Shall r]:;G be cri wed imt.i l isol'.,ti on is t -errnin°Lted. The patient shall he isol::ite+ until all s'.°aelling has di sapper. red. hhildrer in contact ;its k-;3. be i Soli. ed t the discret? cn o the :eaiQwffi certl Children in con- tact the case are perimitted to at tend .-5c'nooi for 1.. days and then all dan.3e of ayi.lC2~3.ed fO_r a, period of eight .,~la."'S y or until - _',:'llmpd h:s naS-ed6 Children have had lie (.Iis::'ase are peer•nItted to attend, scnocl. The patient sJ*,a.1-i isolated in u. se_ -t8 room U-00c, the premises, and he y" eznises __......e'd anger 1J.arant! es Or the y),tient~ hall be irJ to G> « The "period of is,1';,-ra.nti'n'c S•`?all j)e ti?irty days, and the patient shall net be released from ,imra ntine until all ae..iua?n is ,n ?^_ar. 5ed,: and a until all purulent discharges from the nose and ears ha,. re ceased. The premises upon 'which the patient is quarantined shall be con- S-oiciousiy Placarded at each and ev=r_y entrance with a car statin_ the fact of 7i;.arantine and the name of the disease in large end le ible letters, and such card si?ail not be removed until the termination of uarantinem -luring the 'vro-_Ttess of the disease all artic_es in contactiti? the Oa`i~nt Shall be disinfected by ~j being burned, boiled or soaked in -a disinfectant solution before i being removed froii? the room in i4'hi ch the patient is is ol.,t ed, and ~ the person in immed ate i;;r of the patient shall exercise - asentic precaut.' Gns to Prevent the spread ~ all Of file dsease® ~ LLI contacts 'with the ratient still „ ° isola-ed f r o_a Period of not less than seven ? days frn7i the date of last eX'o0SUIreo At the e-,7niration of such isolatipn said contacts may, at the d.-iscretion of the Wealth Officer, be _oex-m tted to leave the JUarant_ned i)`eYi'ses under such conditions as t.ie Wealth ifficer may ,-rescribe, provided that durinl- such peri od of isolation all rules and re 'ulati c is of the State 3oard of -Uealth, the poard of ?»J.I7li c Safety, and all lawful di ect i ons and orders of t ne T,,Tealtth r7ffi cer have been complied 7,%1-t h < At the t?rminati. on of gizax'antine the room i n tivhi. Ch the pati e:nt was isolated shall be- thoroughly renovated. 411 articles whish were in contact wit'ri the patient shall be burned, or sterilized j bJ boiling, steaming' in live steam or soaking in a disinfectant solution, and the floor, walls and furniture shall 4.e ;tia.shed ;(,Tith ,i so8.'y(''I and water, or a disinfectant solution, or both, as the n-ealth Of fi cer may direct = After such renovation and cleansin- the room shall b thoroughly sunned and aired for net less than forty-eight r I t48) hours fore being reoccu,ri ed. T f the patient is removed to a haspital the same renovati:_€h and cleansing shall be required. -:f ore ter, iinating quarantine the patient shall bathe thoroughly and _out, an a complete outfit of clothes ',which have not been don- 1 taminated, or else have been -,oro-oerly disinfected. 6. ! UBERt.OST S OF THE' rU GS GGq LAI i s All cases of tuberculosis of the lungs or larynx shall be carefully instructed by the attending physician, if there be cne, or if not b- the Health Officer, in the proper disposal of Sputum and other san; Lary measures necessary to prevent the spread of the disease from theppatiento No person afflicted -with berw Cl::io3Ls of the lungs or larynx shall exnectorate -upon any floor, ualls,, -or :)lace xithin any CL'uJellin- or building or u-.-po any side- wal _3 Street Or w, ley, Or any where exCert into a proper Clot:? or raoer receptacle which can be burned or disinfected, or into a spi.tooh privoded with a s-f-Ficie-nt quantity of disinfectant Sol- ut D, whi ch spitoon must be each day emptied and. proyoerl~T Cleaned and disinfected, and a nevi quantity of disinfectant solution sup- Plied. Every "person afflicted with tuberculosis of the lungs orlarynx shall sleep in a. separate bed and room, and shall use separate utensils for eating, which- Shall be boiled after each time said utensils are used® No uei'son afflicted v:*ith tuberculosis of tine lungs or lar rnx shall j _-,n any manner be engaed. in themanufacture, prep, sat; on, or handling of any fond or food product for human corsuYaptiono Tn case any person afflicted ',N.th tLiberculosis of the lungs Or larynx shall be unable, or shall refuse o" neglect to tae-Ir such 'precauti ons against the s-Dread of the disease as are herein set forth, or any other reasonable precautions which naS~ be r. cared by the attending physician or the grealth Officer, the i_ealth Officer, shall, upon the request of the attending _-hy- s i cian or upon his own ini tizati Tie take such measures as ray be necessary to rest ain the said person fro=m transmitting the disease= UT-oon termination of a case of tuberculosis of the lungs, either by death, removal. or recovery, the room occupied by the case as a 'Oedroom and any other romm habitually occup=ied by the case,, shall ' e thoroughly cleansed and renOVated, and shall there upon be sunned and aired for 3;Ot less than ei r_ty (80) hours before beir reoccupied. 7 + TYPHOID F ti.V r . The Re-ulati (.ns of the California State Board of wealth for the Prevention of Tyirioid Fever, as 7-Lfolished in the ;lay 1914 issue of the Bulletin of said Board, are her eby adopted as the Fe ulati onsof th-isBoard for the Preevention of Typhoid Fever. Sm V7500P_`ATu C'0L1GI_. 'Pert]:,SSiS) The patient a hall be isolated upon the premises, and shall not leave the same eFcept in a separate vehicle or conve;yTance, i,vh Icri behicle or conveyance shall not be left b~ the patient ilnti l the Qatent r'Et urns t o said premises, except !hat in par- j_ cases the patient may be permitted by the Health Officer to leave the said -premise, under such other rules as will properly -protect the public health, provided that no patient -oe=1I tted to attend or be taker. uo any school, place of amusement, or pub lic asse:m__blage, or upon any public and fre,.uented street= The -per Lod ofisolati on shall be not ess than three (J weeks, or lan~Er Is s-nasmodic coughii_g and the tvp-cal -,.,,hoop c?tinue. A warg placard, containing the words "Whooping Cough" in large and dis- tinct letters, shall be conspiciaouslyattached to the Pmemises upon which the patient is isolated, and shall not be removed until the period of isolati m is terminated. During the time that the patient is away from the premises in the manner as above st:I, ed, the -oatient shall. be in the charge of a re3'_pOnsibl.` adult person.'i., who shall exercise all due diligence to ensure that said 17ati env shall not some in coact with any person or persons, or hold any intercourse tiiith any perSO_^_ Or rersons other than said respcrosible i adult person. Al? persons in contact •,iit.h the patient, who have pre- , t h1ave a cOu~~h or cold; vi cusly had pooping OOu. and vGfi~O d0 'f_ O I shall not be restricted, pro?%ided the pati ent is properly iS- olated. All children in contact with the patlient, and who have not nrevi cusiy had whooping cough, shall be is olat ed for a minilro= period of two weeks, or longer if a cough Or cold is present; or until. ail danger of cOntra:tinq the disease has passed. t Or or o . r V i i s '..L t I 'i t? f 5: 3::L i.G. J r _ 2 i y t t r;., mac, r room > Jt- d ^t u t ; S - fi'ung t- saY]? m Y 1 r1n in the 0-F tho 4 fir,,- t Y'7i 'C - Z ,J 1 f ran, z. it - R WHO t oil Q r a if 7 ' dm no -n4,wtly Tliced. J, its w,ii-nnt.; 3!-n r 5 to i^ c u t . , 1- (y . 1 .1 'Int 01 r; in r III in wev or an, a a no i 43 f t a n.w, 9 ~ 10) J , i•~:'73 nil ..1 -t .i? J i1 J. n s a r t r , O z. s g a C 2", yell „Zi the ln(~ "Soma wood 4 r 1 L ~ -3 maul,, Sint room !-,r:Ij.-id roor. of i J Are - i,. n c e Se 0,4~"{ t~i G1' L Ch o of UIP se rev Lf 3 a :y Taft ted isnl:Y rot ? 1L 3.•mi $tE d rBG1JTy}a'v r G -nor. i„l g wfk - J3 o- "')e Y From the Vii? the s.Oy Y L{;:r( sr -ealth Of 3E x 4t(' k.:rj E § s h Ol 'E' s fan i x i a3 Of th5 t+if itro,?.. Cot:,ta * s r, Yl t: .1 .~fi e. . ,nd~,t'? 'Iy i i 5,~. 3I3a Y i 7 ~ e h 1,3 c ? r'v! Ou.` l X3.xd th . aim be e. 3;i de f to i" r minimum p ."i 4'9.' d,.-), s R. In is `lva':Sr s G'1+•:4 SaL'# tt?dsa-..:,rYSy.a Yl t3.A t"}t a a r a .,?Pt"S.iC.3 •a'?i..i2Yn d3[ t~,~. Vie. rtW ex, e IN to g school of th~-, Trealth, officer. 10T"q-% r kI P.8 ro, i Mi. Q y.., _ .^B I 'U P 1, 1 G s a7, .~S the oS teacher aa.,R,_ e e-xc~1 as .ze .,an Ii C°t-,.r 2s 4c-n1tl ete, o, ° Lintiu t a^x ^s r,f x Chi-Idy-en a,zc i g aJ°ua:3 "wn"3'' ;;fS.'a 5h?ls^.'i aF'-'. F:ol.#_T°v`CL s.°:"tt'= -e,-ho 1 v t di acret3.t1"n of t'e : l.Wsu f i ae e 13. CM . id.s ct^ :s,t^. x e.'-aKena ext'>l-%14~s%:. c Gbh S:m'mlri pbl:: ,liseamee ,..h.".e°,ll !irat be 3.E'm.-anit ed to scii..ol except .,a °-r,^y t ,rx+; -n 7g°s`F!•i~y z "'3i~ o the, Rwi:3.lt'n Of ftceT e 5 e Te v oers s. a.ll I3, e ,Ul ' ,e.,n-ce. x ;n Y..V. ;r-P-' s 01-0 -IdTer for t , ?1'e early of the facts of auYl -'7?f.?i7s'€or, t1, the -.e G=>ltn officer.