Ord 0185-REGULATING THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF HOSPITALS AND OTHER PLACESOrdinance Woo er AIT --q-rH x+^91 i m THE "9 T T ! 't1''\~'e~ :.e.1 I''' i:E TIME F oS'ITALS, SIL ~`ARIUMS, SAIT/ if ;.UHS. TD iisER PILL, ES 2 WOR- TIM" CARE ~ TRPi,y~~~~. ITT. OF C~►''A IOUS ®R MFECTTOUS DIS ,~S, 3 4 5 The Board of Trustees of the :'o%m of Los G•a.tos 6 do ordain as folloviss 7 Sect ~.on 1 s it shall be un.".awful for axVy perso a assocl tiona or cbrporation, public or private, vzhether 9 as ov ner, contractor, agent, mana-qr, superintendent, or 10 officer, to erects 3 tablisb, maintain, carr°,j' on, or operate 11 Yi h he Town. of Los Gatos, Coun V r of Santa Clax , State 12 f Ca? ifornia, ary hospital, sa,nitarv=, somatori or other 13 place . for the care or treatment of 1eIsons suf- er ing from. 1.4 -ry(~~ p9 v ty-p~,7 or ~fi'yy s ,c 14~~ yB V i.~b~A '.d •L1+6o !`.R .1 s or ra other ^d 1616Ldt~d'id V.V `ld da ~$ir WO 1C fad LL b.S 46_ 7+10..ir~-s'i ® o Y 15 tea. vv-hieb P- sons so afflicMe:..,. are cared for, tsew~e~. or 16 mairltain'e d, or are to be cared for, treated., or ma- nat.ined, 17 without first ®b'%tv_i..inP_- the ijermission of the Board of Trustees 18 of the said Town of Los Gatos.' 9 Section s7 t 1'%' s1ha' l be ~2al-awgm 4,tl for sl.ny- pe F1'o 20 afflicted with tuberculosis or w,,V other conta,g- ous or infects ious 21 disease to enter for care or treatMena any hcscltal, sanitar- 22 i, ~ sanatory erns or other ,lace mentioned Jn Section One of 23 this ordinance` or to become an nmaae therein, unless pex 24 arasslan to erect, inj-e.4n, or carry on the same has been 25 `0revious:Ly anted brr the Hoare of Trustees of sad Town of 26 - Los Gatos. 27 Sect.-Ion 3. azU person, associa jo.,., or cor- 28 ~Poration who shall V-10late any of the ro vrisio. s of this 29 y9 ~n d ordinance shall be v"~,7"dltrT oi a ,q FF~~ misalemea or and i.tyo, 've9nvic for 30 the 'eof shall be hed by a fine not exceed..no three h-Lmdred dollars; or V im-Pr6sobiment in the Co-mt uad-1.1 not exceeding FRYE & JENKINS ~ SAN JOSE. CAL. I three mon taus, or by 'both such fine and imprisonment 2 Section 4. This ordinance &P-11 be 1 °ublizhed 3 once in the Los Gatos 21ail News$ a weeU v neul-oaper published 4 in the Tovm of Los Gatos. 5 Passed and adopted as and for an ordinence of 6 sAxd Town of Los Gatos at a, revs?lax meeting ef. the Board of 7 Trustees thereof at a, regu .wr meet-1-ng held on the day of July, 1920, brb the following Vote 9 Ages: Trustees - flV 10 11 12 13 Toes: T ustees ~a-7-~ Absent: Trustees '/Y' q. Vl 1.4 16 01 17 r1!'Hci~!' B4 OF `~?IiSTFS 18 OF T _ . ~M14 OF LOS GATT S. ATTEST (Sea,l® ) 19 TOVI € IRPX OF T:2 TOO-WN OF/ 5 GADS. 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2. FRY® & JENKINS SAN JOSE. CAL.