Ord 0184-FIXING THE COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF LGI1a.~i~v~ ;Lem / rte, ordinawnce fixin the oca-!-ensation of certain offiyeas 2 and e=_lovees of the 'Tow'-n-, of Los Gatos.. The Board of Trustees of the To- n of Los Gatos, do 4 5 ordain ,.•.s fc °c vi,S~ Seeti on 1. SSessor 7 The salary of the Glerk, and ex officio ` '`--r of the Tov~n of Los Gatos shall b? the sum of seventy-five (0•75600) 9 dollars der month, gprovided that this incre~:.se shy;,Il not a~~ix sy 10 to V_d d Clerk- d r in: present- term Of, Of'- ice* Section anzd exoHlco 7-ax Collec'o~r. 12 The sL..lary of the hla..rshall of the Town of :cos Gatos sh 'l be the sum of sevent- -five l :7~< OG~ dog i .rs er lno'nth. 13 Section 39 14 The saa.a.ry of the Street Shyer-n-1enda,rit of the Town of Los Gatos snug be the sura of n41 net-%, 090.40 doi! ars per month. 16 Section 4. 17 T__e sa:iexy of the J_~ht 'Watch-man of the Town of Los Gatos shall be the sum of sixty=five Ut 65e 04) dollar_ Per month.. 19 20 Section 5. 21 The town nttorney of the Town of Los (a.tos sh:;Il receive T ^ 22 as his CuTlCensation the sum v. t's`9eYit~ mfi ve 0~ 0 vgl rs per 23 M0nth for at ten:iing -e eta nzs of the Board D, T itti St°8 g and Z;ivi ng 24 advise thereat, a.nd shut raceive _n aiditfon thereto, -for L-Ll'l 25 suits pros°cuted'or deI°nded b5' him, by and on behalf of said Lawn, and for his serra:;?s in connection with bond issues of 26 2 said tv an, re,, or -~'7~8 cLjount to be a..i.~.C~."ied in ~CTil~7 wn to sr A? d 28 months;- p6,y~ 29 Sect~cn 6. 30 T:' is or din <,nce shall be -publi shed once i n the Los Gatos FRY & .AEI KINS SAN JOSE; CAL. TTai l-l ees. 2 -P&ssed and -.do ;ted at t"he re6ulax meeting of the Board 3 of Trustees the Tovrn o Loa Gatos on tae dcV off' 4 August, 1919, by the following vote: 5 AYES. Trustees- 6 r R.IS ru s t e e s 9 ~Rj A0 Trustees 11 12 DR7. CT z. rsTi. .'a:k. S°nn{tr. G_~. ~T TH -a s ';div OF L 01Z W ,am s_ e O 13 14 n ~ T G~ G?~TG 5s ~6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 FP.Y & J'ZNKIINS SAN JOSE, CAL.