Ord 0181-MAKING IT UNLAWFUL TO PERMIT A MINOR TO REMAIN IN A POOL ROOM OR BILLIARD HALL` ORDIH CE NO. .A.YORDINANCE YLKING ' IT ' M.t AWTUL TV P-c ' T A ?FOR Td ' REP MET IN -A POOL ROOD OR BILLIAMM HALL, AND PROVIDING FOR TM 3'Y70CATION.1 OF THE LICENSE OF ANY POOL' P.OOM PROPRII TOR MO PEMUTS A MISTO R TO RF ULIT THERE. TIM BO ARRD OF TRH ST F,ES OF TT E TOWN OF LOS G.A O S DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS e SECTION 1: It shah be unlawful for any remson, firm or corporation corductIng orassisting in conducting, either as principal, agent, e loyee or otherwise, a pool rocm or billiard hall in the Town of Los Gatos to remit an person under the age of twenty-erne years to remain in any s d,, pool room or bi.!w?ard hala an said ovv of Los Gatos for any period of time whatsoever. S?;<CT IOZ 2a The Board of Trust des of the Town of Los Gatos may, after a hearing duly had, revoke the yicense of any person, firm or corporation to Whom a license has 'een issued to conduct a -ool "oom, or billiard parlor, under the provisions of Ordinance No. 141 of th e Tom of Los Gatos, entitled, "An Ordinance iaposing Municipal Licenses in the Tom of Los Gatos; and pro vid_ng for the et~3.lection of the same, and Prescribing Penalties for the Violation thereof, as passed and adopted by sa? Bo:-a- -d of Trustees of the Tovn of Los Gatos on the 6th day of December, 1909, and amendments th veto. upon proof to the sati ea action of said Board that any of the provisions of Section One of this 0--divan ce have been violated, or that ar- person under the age of twenty-one years has been permitted by the pro- prietor, or any of his agents or employees, to remain in any. 1 such pool room or billiard hall. Any person may crake com plain nt in writing to the said Board duly verified wader oat's by the cirplainant alleging that. any per sons firm or corporation conduct-ing a. pool room or billiard ].all in said Tons has, or any of his agents or. employees haves permitted persons under the age of twenty-one years to re- m.ain in a pool room or billiard hals. o:onducted by sum persons firm. or ccrpora.tions or has otherwise violated the,, ordinance. laid complaint aniall give the name of said per sons firm or corporation so conducting said pool roam or billiard hall, and 12he name o the said person or persons under the age of twenty -one years permitted to remain in. said pool room or billiard hall, and the time or times %hen sud person or persons remained in the same, and the location of said pool room or billiard hall, At the first fegular meeting of the ward of Trustees after the filing of any such complaint the said Board shall fix a. time and place for hearing such complaint, which shall not ben less than five days nor more than fifteen days from the date of so fixing said time, of itiich time and place of hearing the person] firm or corporal ion alleged to have violated this ordinance shall have five days' notice., if at such time and place it shall be proved to the satisfaction of the said Board of Trustees that said complaint is true and that this ordinance has been violated by such persons f irmor coorporat ion, then the license of such persons firm or corporation shall be revoked by said. Board of Trustees, and it shall be unlawful for said person, firm or corporation to thereafter engage in the business of conducting or carrying on any pool rooomAin the Town of Los Gatos,, nor all any 'License be issued to him 2 therefor, nor to any firm of which he may be a member, provided, however, that eny such person may, after the exp iration of six months from the date of the revocation of said license petition in writing the Board of Trustees for a license to again carry on said business, which t3ae said Board may or may not grant in their discretion. SECTION .30 Any person, firms or corporatioza, violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a anisdemea_or, and upon conviction sentenced to pair a fine not exceeding One Hundr ed Dollars, or to be imprisoned in the County Jail for not more than ih irty days, o r by both such fine d impri sonsert a SECTION 4® All Ordinances and portions of Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: This Ordinance d-. all be published once in the Los Cairo s mail 1bws. PASSED AND ABOpTFD by the Board of Trustees of the Tow- of 105 Gatos at a meeting the eof head on the day of, 3gl~s ASS: Trustees NOES: Trustees' ABSENT: Trustees - d-f PR.ES 'Tv'T Off' B >BOARD Or TRH aTEES TYKE TOE OF LOS GATOS, ATTEST: WN% CL= OF THE TOVM OF LO-S- -G-A-91-7-6~. 3