Ord 0160-REQUIRING DWELLING TO BE CONNECTED TO SEWERSP-N ORDIiUNCE RMQUIRING Ti,TEE.! ,INGS TO BF COFN':CTED ';'S SWEW-IRS -I3 D CLARING CESS POOLS?/F_A ijT. S -Pill-1.1 PRIVIES TO RL 01 EUISA CES LNp FRO ILDIIIG F=I A THES THFREFOR. Be it ordained by the Board of -Trustees of the To mm, of Los Gatos as fellows= Section 1. That all cess pools, vaults or prides for the receptio~I of h-amnan excrement or. fecal matter, existing or being on any lot, 1_ t ~JieC.e or parcel of lady within the '"'~.T C.'F'? C=' Los Gu`vo,a i-L' f-11110 o f y _ "c^^'_ 7121. has f`£°'.' acm F which, or abutting whereon there is r lie sc^'. ~h n. cepted by 4-F Tow for `i: ep°°i"ioE"? of time h:1re -p -In the same _e here0Y decla'rea to be a pi7blic i_'izis rce. Sectiot.? 2. Every; ui'.r`er or ocCUpant of a= lot, -piece or rz7xcel of akl an 'h su` uisance e`ists is herebY v_-e.q'L,ireC1 to remote an <3 abate the same ana to conmecti said prerises, an,,: all udc.ter closets ex- isting ~hereo`o, -d thin 30 days from _na after the date of the approval r of this orain.ance. Sectio j. Every ovaner or occupant of any lot,, piece or reel of land in the ormn ,:f Los Gatos u-pan ich a nuisance may hereafter exm s ist as defies- ed in Section I of this orair_:mce by reason of the constrtic- 5. Lion of e. public semen" fronting o- abutting said Qremises, is hereby regained t0 rer-aove ana abate t is same, and to co eL said pr£Y~iS£S and all water closets, privies and toilets existing thereon pith saic. public sewer in front of, or abutting thereon, -within thirty days from. and after the date of ''11£ acceptence by said gown of saiel sewer; provided there is in the scree' fro ti~?g or abattimEg the property on which said. n isance exists y a. water mai', or i¢e u er pipe from which ije mnay procure amjple vaater by purchase or othernise rith which zo flush. Q the serer that is, or should be on the -premises, and tht vault or privy with 'udnicil the sevre_ is connected Cr should, be cC.mected, or that there is an ample supply of eater upon the lot, piece or parcel of land to properly flush the sever and fixtures. Section 4. Any persom violating any of the provisions of this ordinm- ~G ce- is hereby declared to be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be pum- { ishable by% a fine not exceeding ~;aoo. c)0 or 'by imprisommer_t ia, he B' ~ N' / for sa, term not exceedi_g 30 days, or by both such fine ama im- prisonment. Section 5. All ordinances and karts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed. Section 6. This ordinance shall take e=rect and be in force from and alter its passage.-ate approval,:.,,t Passed this 5 daffy of ,V,,%W 1913 by the following vote: 4 es , Trustees 4 1 y/- ~fIr '.16,11 13,11' IV, Hoes, Trustees 1-17- 1/f Absent, Trustees Approved this ~ day of ?resident of the Board of Trustees of the nav= of Los Gatos, Califarnia. u' i I i i rs .FT ~G i~ 4p1 I i ' L7 cc~ rJ C F, ~ for a term not f~'.) Ula'$, Jr b S11011 -fine arld Lzl- f or isomment . _ w Section 5. -111 or;~in2,nces and r. arts of ordinances in .3 or_fyict here- ,Fl -:ith are hereby -repealea. ef' Section. 6. This ordinance shall t,-.le effect an" be in. -force _'roia z7lid aTte-r its passa a;~ alp_ovaZe2-d 2SSed 'GliS day of Qi !'1 by the foll0," g vate: ,,,.es, Tri?SY,@eS .':!J; ~~%yY "~_~.fSy .~G%~ = - may 4,7 a Floes, Trustees Absent , TrusteeS_ ~ - - - - - - - - 3 x ~ ✓ 3. 19 Ap-r=ed tiiis C / f president o-' tn. : Board o- l' of Gr-tos, cti !i-f'Orn`a. .I w ipr yA Y ~E - ~ r~ c I s ~ F wi ;f ~ p o z CN2 y L r H V F I ti y ~a i