Ord 0154-PROVIDING FOR INCURRING OF A BONDED INDEBTNESS FOR AND OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSE: 1 2 3 4 i I 5 6 7 8 j i 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2B 27 28 29 30 31 32 O DTKAa € R NO. 154. OIRDIM~SCE P OVIDING FOR THE 1WOURRIi G OF - BONDED 114- DEBTEDNESS FOR PUTDu '^F THE TOTT OF LOS GA=OS, IN TEM COUNTY OF' S!-'U-TZL STAITE OF T_ , O OF EIGITYy ONE `F'FfOUS13ND .u~;.,LnRS rN GOLD COIN OF THE u:Cy..ED ST-L ES OF A!.~.,,~CP~x'HE QOM! 4a GERU'diT PUBLIC MONTO,_ IPAL Ii; PROVE.M... ail i ~ 3I' ,01017 :di PROVIDING FO THE ISSIfi, VAN-PE O EON-D$ O SAID 'MO 111 EVIDE,'.gCIINIi'x' ScTxi{"R iND E..tB"T8DIN_SS. WHEREAS, the legislative branch of said Town of Los Gatos, to Wit the Bo~:rd of Trustees of said >omn, did on the the me, . t _91,, by ~ unanimous vote 7 O. all i~~ day of AnJ -,(~-~;L?,~'G, ~ hers of said legislative branch, determine :e 11 due fem that the public Zrterest and public necessity demand e ra-1 nublic 7m,rz,roverle Sts in and for sadd town of Los Gatos, to wit: a1° aCL7L?? ~iti0Y3,, construction and cta mp e ti oil. of a gown Ka l and the necessary land, on which to locate the same, ?a"1 and for tke Town of Los Gatos, said Ty'.-,,, Hall to be, fitted up and used for s place to hold the meet]'Lngs 3f the Board of Trustees of sa__d. ToS°ari, and as offices for the os''a.di',cers and oaf-? cials, and the keeping axid preserving of the Records, of said Town, and any other use necessary or coni ve,_i~aat: t-o carry out the objects, purposes and t,,owers of the said mZ3,}'i- cipalitJ°, and 20 The aeTa sit=0=2 of land y. '.°ark =2 t to grOinlid T lt~GtiJG aria &_ny o`611 r' use 1G'v 363e3Cy GL1?1VQ1tvA carry out, the objects, A1urposes3. and owers of said Siunicip*-11- it,'y, and the at:'<~ui ,5.3.tior_., COi struotio]".3. and completion. on a, said land, of a: park and t. lla jy` ground and 3 u The act"7uisit'Lon, construction and completion- 61' a rel = of salver, two out let sewers, (;,tee of said out let sa er to be in and for the East side of said Twun, 2_ d the other ;h ~a I alld for the raest side tlhereo° i - , 9 vit11 !'Ievessax°Y manhol.e, rights- 2 of .d'&,y and there^f.,,., - s and a seigage di s- 3 1 posa2 p=inup 4ctether :.Fitr_ 11e oessary rights of ;Tray any? lar1 4 th~_ne ora for the pa rnede of ca ry-L of and ~,d dis' JoSing ' 5 the sevvasge of said olun; and - 0 sTha aocfZu slt,ion #9 s Cor1SG_'tiC~i,o% and ,cpT.;plpt o1 of t? a ~ 7 i 'Ollowzn. s€reet, work, to r i•4: 8 :Curbs and ngutterS, N*nere the same are no € already built to i Ste. officIal gram, a.7 o__" e "ac11 suede, And t`he prc_ er dra na.ge, and, 10 the bra dih and -g ra 3ng asp t a one , arid on half 11 asphalt- 0 -ear img '8UY face r f oll On half (4-;' rash 12 concrete 'ease, o t" e (0110.1 , ng named streets and portions 13 thereof in, the 'holm of Los Gatos, to Wit4 e I i x. 31 alOse hveivue 14 4 from the n'orthe jY -Town 17 G s h y N en 1 9 1,5 Sir.eat alaizi'. st- c z 4 O?L 1 t s o S . 1v nue 1:6 I om? i ne East the t ~ Wies t'erl of cis . T 9 y .t.Ve113,1P ta 17 99 Cruz.A-g-ej-jue om line f a, drawn a 0 r cBS i.7e at,_ rl ~ as rs Ser 18 ht.Ln.d.1: ed (80 a e t Souther2W" frog the inte'ry- 19 a o:!'1 of saidA-venue tv + a -4h 4i~ v LS -0 U, tarl p y line of rodwray 4~:Vey so Ue, to a31;e to, the ITortIl ? 11E of Saratoga, &V81UC; and S&r-e A 21 atc a Avenue ° 'r 071 he 'Westerly line of S~y c a _ a joruz A;7enU6 to 22 g~ the t?esterl - -art"', 9 - ice, to, And the construe _ar! Of concrete ss cret® CU be and C ,;^C e ua utters a8 af oressiel awOkla 'f3aCr side, and 24 j_. ading c a4 ns as aforesaid of I 25 j , x- -reets -%1,1teroect- ~ `2'66 wG~a?TS `v 4C n r s cis 3G'wr1C •a Y'~' j~ &,I so 27 _ C-=s so called 1 ro~~p?+€ Ei L tL y 1'nes., O s ,e - Tev a r rRq OGti 28 t eG€,E3 i• UGY~ ^orp- Jected across all secti Ong street:, sc© tarp 29 t& 17 g, lotibE vG? I; o= all. 6f the of s eras pork such portion thereof as ~s ~ 'ea t it, 30, 1: fired 1 _ - a ;J o order s or reps, r by any perso_l 31~ or ec -;wn? ~6 - oa€: Cr'S E"e0Y2;y 32 - - ~038n of Los a-at'o,g, t0 2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 46 17 18 19 so, 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 bit. the President of the Board of Trustees of Said To-,Tn, did on said ~64~ a4y of A ghat, 1912, dilly and legally approve su :-j action of said leTislaT :tea branch; AM ITHE SEAS on the 10th day of September, 1912, the --aid legislative brandh of said Towm of Los Gatos did by the vote of two-thirds of al the m-embers, thereof duly pass and adoyt an ordinance calling a Special E'•-leC'cioYl ir_ said To ma of L•C7S Gato-s for the ;purpoze of s-tfo fitting to the e';Ual ="Ia o Iars lie full cl _ pi oLvS Lions for incurring Ind-L~tedness of said of said cT.Md to Mri i s i m The propositien to _1cuiz a 'bonded i'ndebveCv' ess o Ten mou,sa,nd Dollars ($10,000) in gal coin o ° the United tales: of }erica, liar the object. and purpose Of paying the cost of the acquisition coast c,_o?~ and eompletlon of a TaT all the necessary lard cr -hich to locate the samEy.in and for the Town of Yes Gs..tos, said Towr: Hall to be fitted. up and u ead for w place a -zo1 the meetin s of the Board of 'T'rue . of cairn Tfo ars off "cE.z for the officers and of icis:lsj and the keepi-n and pre~36rvi ng of the Reccrds of said To 1m,; and any other' ze necessary or convenient to carry cut tree ob- vote, a pO,av aria po- ers of the said uni cipal.i try and 2. e jp- oposition to incur a horded indebtedness of 8i Thousand ` o l --s Bf $6, dOO j i- 3 3{j sF of the United States Of Amerifi.a f oT t_^e object and pur,- C se of pcrying the cost of the acau.isit_on of lard for puolie pk_Ry and -clay r o-and pur- poses. anti any other use ,soessary co z Teniar_t to carry m it the olbjeCLs, ul.poses and dyers of said mam ci-Qla.ily y and the aoo o '_s= Lion, can v1"ucti.an and oL'mmletion Own said land o-f a pack Crd ]J74,a Lam ' 1-e rro-posi on to incur a bonded indleo v:ed ess :of, `W'hir ty Thousand of lar s ($30, 00-) in go! d, coill of tie United States Of America for the object. and purpose of payinsz the cost of the acquisition, construction and co letion of a 3. 1 2 3 4 5 a 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 1- a 17 18 19 so 21 22 2.3 24 95, 2'8` 27 28 29 30 31 32, rel? e s Wer, t!Fo out let se-wers. (one of said out let ,s e- ^3ers to he sn ana for the East side of said Tom, and the other .al and or the ;est_ side thereof j , T i ch necessary manholes, rig v° of way and appurtenanoss therefor', a; d a sewa'ge LAS- m posa? plaint, together with necessary rights of way, and" lard therefor; for the _ ~ se of carrying off =±c? 'a s-p:osi of the se7ra:ge of said Zov? and 'a the _„z-o-',os.a.t'z ton to, im. our c x ondied '_i3ue-b-tedY'?ess of Thirty Five o_u~ id Dollars ($35,000) in gold coin of the United States of Anerica 2:cr the object and purpose paying Forty per cent (40%) of the cost of the aoqui s Lion, C"on.struo- tion and complet_m of the following street wen? , to wi t. brie construction of concrete. cur be and gutters, cohere the amore are no aSrG' t.i 3t t0 o'ffi.cal grade, along each side,, an6 su.f- 'p_c-,,~r•t `fir aJ ns for the grope drainage, and the grab O.Ing and gE"'ins' . one ania, C f~ i:nci asr'l-al't-c e~am _i _g y a a. T our wild o'=- half _J Pc°h ooncr ate base, vt'. e fC_lG i31,:,,?'1°t23".miv,. strGeots and portions t exeof., jr, the Town of cos Ga,tz , to sit, 'ban :Jose' L,;enue From the 35o_ther- 13" 'Own limits to itc^"1it.~cti'i:#.i7 tr M.a2irl St rest; 'Mlai'_'? Street from its .-,It? San Jose aLverri?l&or? the ERa,7t to U_7e s'G$,UO'-r'1 y of- ERzT,: view iTit3Y?I,Z(J.y Sa3:£. h.C1"J:^G Avenue 1''r3m u, Tine. d].rSv7.il. across ❑.a5 a:venue at ' iG4t angles hereto stx hundred. (60-10) -feet + cut-=D "3.- fray , ~ rersec _G of said Y erlile with„ {''_"_e- s . h V ?P22 of _ Uc•`'? T ?-'i lL~^y thence 'to the Northerly J:i7la of Saratoga Avenue; em-id Saratoga frpm t1--a tses LL- "-fir li'_-ie Sc n to Cruz t_=_ 1 to the Westerly To7 S i t the. oQr.7--u.`t'1: c ion o co --a e c?arbs and gt use:rS as afvru$aAGy along each side a-_ grading and p8ving •a,s aforesaid,, of all s - e'. s int_- seq ~1n €p,? f above named streets withj12 the bt'1.1.3'..'ar ies 'L ::-''rso above Siven to the outside houmdary lines, also a,S.?ed t1h ,s property lines, 4.. 1 8 ~I 10 I 11 g~ 12 j 13 I 14 15 16. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2,4 2B 27 28 29 30 31 32 of said above named streets, respectively. projected across all intersecting streets. Excepting, isowever, frog, a,1i o- the aforesaid work, such portion thereon' as is required by law, to be kept in o des or repair by any person or company having ra.i'1roa.' tra.chs thereont. Said ordi_na nct- is nummbored: One Husidred and ~-ftc t_ar-ee (1153), of the Ordinances of sa3.d Town any. ~zd been t _ ' r~ ore duly and regularly introduced and is hereby epecii' ca ; I and e=ress1J referred to; AIM VMEREAS said ordinance was t ereafterward a;nd or.. the lQth.,day of Seztember, 1912,. d:zly appro=ved by tl a exsoutive of said Town, and was thereafterward ptbliished in all respects as required, by law. and said ordinanoe,.. hNID IAUEr~EA.S on the 30th day of S~eptetbar, "i'9+1-.,, said Special EleCt?c__ as cal ed and specified in, said Ordinance all ? o .153 wa duly,a,hd rsglitly carc ao ted 2P .-j resveots as required- by law and sc A:l 1,1'iHEREA'S a said gbecia.l ?.ectlpn the '1'ct'r pro_co- Si ti Urs for indebtedness and the issuance of bonds therefor, for said several pPcpQsi Jbo as P-S specified in said l7''. i 1&YiGu Vie' 6 d '--21y a Tb 3tubd to: 'L' G .u _ died voters of said ` oi? aS ~%°<S?a? 45r,o n 0Y1C of sa'l ordinance calk- rg said Specie-7 'Iection,F-- d b-Y aaw; 'Nt YrIMEAS, 3;-v aid Special than t o thi rds ':+1T, the qua voters v n F Yt at said special ect-iP i -7oted in favor of each of said four uropos-` 'icons. so su ,:'_i itec? to them aand aja#Lori.%ed the issuance of bonds for such indebt- edness at, provided by said ordinance and by law AND MIETREAS all th v3t3s cast at said alection sere fuI- and r ro erly cast and ocPunted and, the returns thereof G''gly and properly certifier, made, eanvassed and declared %0 `,TURE'AS the whole ntnib.er off' votes cast and thl a B. 1 2 3 4 5 6, 7 8 ,a 10 i1 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 95 28. 27 28 29 30 31 32 hole number o votuezs voting at said special election was 798, of which number 608 voted any. 608 votes ;sere given i2.1 favor of said proposition No. I and to incur a bonded in- debterhn6sz of Tan Thousand. Dollars (A,10,000) in troll moon og the United States of America for the object and purpose in said p ropcs_t- on No, zt t a:-Id, issue ine bond-s of said c+? e`e ory a`Cl'd l73 voters voted and 2.73 votes were riven against said proposition No.. I and re j:eo ting the same and of which number of votsrss roti??g 634 voters voted and 634 votes ;'h'ers given in favor of said proposition N10. '2 and to, inCrEzIr a, bonded Indebtedness of Si ch o°asand Dollars 100) i gold coin of the United States o -mar,ca for _ she object of and. purpose in said p::• v _'Aion No. 2' stated, and to issue bonds o- said Tow their'-- mar y° and 139 voters voted and sag V0,16as were given -against said proposition ?1o. 4 an).-_9 rejecting t_ 3 Sc. me; and 700 vCG3'_ s voted and 70D. votes were giv3i3 iX • -r '?..i of said TJ I"J1r'vsi tiC3Y? REe a and to incur 2 bonded 11- riebte(Lness of Thlia y T Qol4ssanni Dollars ($30,000) in gold coil of the s vu States of Am:5rica for t'he object and purpose 1.Y3 said '["a u_ssaSit'10Y1 No. 3 stated, and to isz-ae bonds of said a°cr,n t i re°^r," and 92 voters voted and 92 notes were given ag4inst said proposition No. 3 and rejecting the same; and 810 voters vo°:.ed and 610 votes were given in :Favor of said. -oropaaitioi No. 4 and to incur a bonded indebtedness t '-Phi_ G Five T"hoLd.Scand Dollars (-qj5-35, f' L7) in gold coin Oa xL'firv- Uni `Lad. States of Arpepica for the 0 -jest and pp r pose in said proposition Xoj 4 stated, and to issue bonds o said Tar't' therefor, and voters voted wed 153 votes Were gI'Vell against said propas ticia No. 4 and rejecting the same VI' ITIMEA-15) each and all o said d four 531TtJ' is,.1 yU' 'G?. oS:it3.t3"_^_'Q' have been dbaly accepted by more than two t?birds of the quali- fied voters of said Tom and said Town has beers, Wild is s now, 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 _ i 10 11 ~j 1! 12 ~I 13 14 15 16 a~, 17 18 19 20 21 22 2.3 2.4 2b 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 a-uLt:Inorized and B3i"i C3ti er:esd to incur the aforesaid bonded im- debtedness and the 711-o1e thereof; 'T01'9 .niy01~Ey the Board of r^3Stee`5 of the 'loan of Loa Gatos do ordain as follows, Section 10 T'at said Town of Los Gatos issue its ne- gotiable bends the samme to be one hundred (100) in 'mbar and which shall be of the sum or denomination of Eight Hundred and ^e-n_ collars eadbs and shall be numbered consecutively from- o'r_+e (1) to one _ ends ed (100) each' both inclasi `•Ie,y and all of said bonds shall bear interest from their issuance until paid r2 the u2 of five per Gel'1 U q s~.5.1, -car a'Cx.jan' both. rr inci_ _al and interest of said -bonds being uayab? e in gold coin of the Unite: States of America in the amn.er fcli aviina,, that is to say One+-t-venvaei,h° part of he l:r]aole c^zmou u of sal-d i ande) ted.- ness shall be oald each and. every yearat the `1'real s'ary of said Town or, the ist day of January, together :-ith inter'est on all sp a an- aid at such dates, provided that the interest of said bane shall be. paid semi. -annually so that there squall. be a. payment of interest or all. s-mms then unpaid in each and f every, hal,,,yea:r: one of suo'lli sera-i-a.nnual payments in, sac spay,. b-.'ing at the datb . of pa-yment of the anneal i asta? l.-rmtent of the -or i'4` c. Pa.7 of such indebtedness, as aforesaid to witu on the !st day off JC; 12T~l9 thereof, and t-e other •^f slich sal' y annual pa-,7-menu' in 2 o mar b'ein7 on t l^-_t day Lr L?'r. thereof 7 and p ovided: further that saif`. interest shall be evidenced by Proper coupons c^a,t tac- ed to said bond u, a se--ar- .ate Ova on being attached to eaf 1? for each semir annual za ent of the i terest. to become due thereon. r-nd the first insta-11-`aT..ent of said 'fonds, to wit: bonds _:Lmmb'ered one, tti p-s tI Zzae y four, and five shall nature and be payable as --fore- .said at the end of one year from date of issuance, and the 7. 1 2~ f 3 4 b 6 d 7~ I 8 y4 d 10 gl 11 12 13 14 1 I 15 ?6 17 18 19 20 1 21 22 23 i 24 25 28 27 ' 28 S9 ' 30 31 32 seconcl illlsta 1ment of said bonds, torit bonds n13:nbered six, seven, eight, nine, and ten shall mature and be payable at the date of the end of two years from ,t xeilr issuance; and the third installment of said. bonds, to bonds ntbered aie7-en, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen shall mature and by the a to of Dana' j e at the and, of three years from \tbhe=r i ss2e`ranoc.e an the fourth installment of said bonds, to wit* bands au-mb.e'_'e!d sixteen, eig+ht4ei q i atee.n, and tw%enty shall the date of mature and be "paiyab @ at the e nod Of four years fro 'thezr issuaneet and the fifth insta?lment Cif said bonds, to ,ui to 'fonds numbered twenty, twenty-o ey enty wo, twenty-thr-ee, twenty-four, exid t een t"y-f i e shall mature and be pay-alb le five years from theme date of their issuance; and t-h-va' sixth instal- IMent of said bonds; to :pit-°e bonds n ie'_,:3.erew twenty-six, tV er?ty- 8''v+3'en, twenty. - eight, tws 1::y-nine, and thirty shall mature and the date of ~ rOYC1AtY C]_ ' issuance: and. a£l•ye c t_-nn end of six' years the sevent'n i?3sualime-nt of sa d ponds, to `'^Tit bonds IUTD- bere'd thirty-l.t'S^a, t city-two, thr°ity t.. ee, thrity-33'.-r, and thirty-rive en-all m LLa_rre and a payable at the ..,nc of seven years from .;he date of their issl$at ce; and the eighth i sta%i° n s ..:,L1.<.so;e['"d "Gi'_ TJ" Bi1 t"?,4y ment of said bonds, to .:it: bonds n ,Q of@ y-six, . seve g th f'tV eji gC t, thirty-nine and. --fo 'ty shall ".'?at'.1'_°''L and the date or' be payable at the end of eig t years frcm the n issuance; and U.-Le froth i?srailmp! a., of said .,ondz, to it., bones r:a tieered fc_ -one, -four, and forty~fi-,-6 da'Pe of srkl.celi mature and t?e -_payable all the end of "_ri.ine years -iom the,,, their issuance,. and the tenth installment of said bonds, to ,wit i bonds =1uL'G t'.rOV:G. 3'+.3rt7'-siz'y _'tf='Ly ae e?'I, ory-G,_ k.t g. ~...7 a? @p and fifty shall mature a cd be payable at the end the date of i q tan years. from thes,' issuar_c&; an he i _s al.l~jent of said bonds, to 'mite ;ands numbered f ,fty'-orLey r1*c". Sr-trop fifty-three, fifty-fe-ur9, and fifty-five shall mature an be S. I 2 3 4 p 5 3 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 I 14 1.5 16. 17 18 19 20 21 22 2'3 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 payable at the end of eleven yea--s from . ei r issuance; and the twelfth installment of siad bonds, to wits bonds nim,-be_'- sixty shall mature and be -payable at the ec)d of twelve yea-'s ,."rem their Lesuance; and the thirteenth installment of said bonds, to wit; bonds numbered sixty-one, s'.x~y '-;'To,. sixty- t'-nee, si"xtG° cur, and sixty-five shall mature and be -payable thri teen years fr oymn their i ssL2a?nGe7 and the -fourteen install- ment of 5-3:1.d bGz2as, to wit: bonds numbered s 5.tyr-s'_', SLxtY- Setfen, Sixty-eight,, Sixty-nine, and seventy shall mature and be pay bl e, at the and of fourteen years from their issuance; and the fifteenth installment of saidbC?i^ds, 1o wit: bends numbered seventy-one, seventy-two, seventy-three, seventy- four and seventy-five shall mature and be payable at the. end of fifteen Tears from their issuance, and the s=ateen re17. - bor3.d ss ? t 'ponds ? "Rb,ereu Se?e?nty uixy 3e57enty- wit: i~,+~.,., of saiy, d ~o seve'n, seventy'-ei~'Y3.'t, seventy-nine, a,zid eighty shall matl:Lre an a be payable at the end of sixteen years (romp their issuance; and the seventeenth installment of said bonds, to drib b€ rds ' n-umoered. eighty~Gnv e ght b'Lo, eiE ty-three, ai h.ty-l' td' and eighty-five shall 'mat-are and be payable at the end of se enileen years frost theIz- isquance. and the eishteen h in tsll° E? t o ss,a-1 to witx bonds r?u sr°9C eig1? vvmsig, eighty-seven, es ot '_6ojri^t, G'1. _itvl' ~n :~7.'9 s,~d 3 shall mat re wad be pay- _ able at the env of eighteen y=ears from t--e? issuance; aid tha nine- eenth i_zsta-Ime-n't of sai bonao, o s ' is bonds numbered ninety-one, ninety-two) ninety-three, n_-ne ty-foi our, and n 3 ne,- ty-f? ve shall mature and be _ ~ ! c le at, this and --f nineteen yGu"s from their and the twentieth ins tall-M. ant 'of said bonds, to ii'ri to bands nambered- ninety-six, nine 'Cy-seven, nin9tV S » , " `^ety -nine, and one hundred sh- all m-ature and be at of r1a,yra.' l eA td } y 7,Tears from their issuance m. 9. 1 ! 2 q~ 3 4 4 5 7 € 8 10 11 12 13I 14 15 16 17 18 E 19 s " 20 Si 1 22 23 24 25 .I 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 And said bonds shall be issued on the ?et day of e3'z:n- uary, 1918, and shall year date as of said let day of IM WI, JA 3:i.arv s 1914, and shall be substantial l in the folio- wing forTM, to wit: UNITED STILTES OF ATMERICA, STILTv OF 0 LIF ©RINTA ;.OUNTI OF SAY1"A CLARI'L TO V'O OF L08 G TOO . 71 oiP. •.T, 7Rv g{7 BOND M Tu-E b"M4 0 LVr~°7~. 5iO~"i.. 1NClq~~+ for 11--ark, Streets TG: 1 =$a1'1, sewer and other public purposes. No IS10 0o On the Ist day of January, 19---, the Town of Los Gatos, a municipal corporation incorporated under the lards of the State of California, for valu.,e received, hereby promises to ay to the Dearer at the Town Treasury of said gown, in the TO_VMI o Los Catoa;' 0JOUnty Of antiL Clara", tate Of 'C alifdra2ia ' the slam o HTRIV ED AND "T2,01 ($810 .00 ) DOLLARS in gold C+..`i_ta o the United St&tes' of mmeriGu., with i nterE s't thereon i h like gold coin from date hereof at the -rate of five per se tum per & 7=, payable ismi a-maa.ally at said so'µ!2a Treasury -ter „__e I st day of uamm y and. ?T daiy of each'? year, upon the pre- se mtnt0wma and. _ ne der of the proper -interest bearing coupons which &_r hereto affixed. This bond. is of' se-r=-es of "tends of 1i7"e date, tenor and effect issoa_ the _ of L va. ,os or -.e purpose of _ss ae . , ipal improvements in ana a.r said. ovm, and is and it pursuance of y an~,. in conformity with, and Act of the T . T A3 ia~9g3S~1^aVt'.a.re of t7.'3,,cy of '~"i_iiG3'Yiiaq entitled tie s1 Aci. A thori zing the of Tndebtednas's by Cities, Towns add lamicip ,l Q.arporations for MIu icipa R _ °~ve tints, and Regu- lating the ac utsiation,,, construction or completion trier ;of,5g ?0. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i 3 10 it 12 13 14 !'s 15I 16 ; 17 gg 3 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 2b 26, 27 28 2.9 30 31 32 in effect February 25th, 1901-1, and the acts of said Legisla- ture amendatory thereof or sizopleTental u.:9erato < It is hereby car t_f=ed, asserted and declared! that this band -s issued irl. pursuance of anti in coif or.ls y with the Con- stitution .'.x'+'13_ Laws of the ;State 6f Galifoi-j ias aan o he i=me G. Tom., of' ?,L`S Csa't3°, and in "i'£~rB'ta.a;:.ce of and in c.o.--form ty with the vote of more than two t?'ii_'C. of 41 the voters noting at a special election aka ard regularly called and held in said T m as prov]Lded in said, Act on the 30th day of Sept embe,--ry, 191 2,, notice there- of having been duly given. and F 4bl eked i the manmer and for the period required by lam, a1d said election having all s2i1 tb' he1:~. a fns nutC~iC ...,gS been - held vVI3.Q'.:.. aCCQrCI1ng to 1aW, and the result °of Said. election been canvassed and declared and. ei tered in, the manner as required 7 r law. It is `t r carti~ifl act cc _ e 1 that all tne -Pro" Visi'o;. s and rec.,j___.~ € f the C.rv^nst iution and Laws of the tat2 os 0alivornia, and of the Ordinances a>' saie ? o ~1< of Los Gatou have been dull and, regularly and fully complied with by the ?Jro:pe-r officers of said. 2)0""L1 in the issuance of this pond, and that a' l acts an cendi tions and t° t1gs _ ei,puired oy law to be. --e <e .e t to and iiii the iswuance o ea d. 'Sands have been c 0_:?e and have been, performed _r rogu l ar aln due forya9 and in direct accordance w_t~h the -Drav sions of tfle lair e y ~ said ~C t__at the •1'^_ tci iy de te. = sp of saiJ Tofu o" L, c'4 ii"_4 lass-'s Of bon d" not, the, limit 'Y cq riber . b the 8ohstit ,ti6n and Laws of th,-~, of Calif that the f8 _ti,. and ore edit c' said Town o ? G';3 Gatos &-1 t- . he ~,rouer.,y J-1it said. Li t u r are 'i?er@b,;;< pledged- to the uu%ct-`a.9$i ry - PEtiY-me t of the p r no i:'f)a3 2'si^.L' interest of this bond ar-- cording to its temsa 1? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 17 18 19 2'0. 21 22 23 24 25 28 27 28 29 30 31 32 'This bond ceases to bear interest unless -,resented at maturity. IN WITI ESE VIR REOF" the said Tour± of Los Gatos has caused this. band to be signed by the President- of its Board: of Trustees, and the "ireavurer of said Town, and to be oluaater® signed. by its' `ovF1 Clerk, anc 1?a.s oauses. its Tovon2 Puler to affzx thereto the corporate seal of the said Tow of Loy: Gatos. Dated: J&niaa'_';J 1st, =913. 3ffSIDfflTr OF :iF BOAFUT) OF MILT THE TOM OF LOS AWS. Tlxieasure~- of the Town of Los Gatos. (.smd-31,' vi7ll`?tvGi _"sir="... 3,j7 . -3.rk of the Cf Los Gatos. T2e interest t 'couj;ons attached to --aid bonds and e v i'doncC ri the interest. to acerue. hereon shall be n~qrbered eonse ~-7ve® ly wed be substantially i the ol-loaring f'orm', to wit, Cou-Pon No. $20.25 Bond No. On the first day of s A.D. 19 , the `CZaMa of Los Gatos will pay to the bearer horeo at he T? C-u'.SL';ry of said Town in sa e. Town of Los Gatos, Qm ty of anta 'ai'sr3ra,~ State of California, the. sL of 2"gi~'L. ..13 ($Z0.2.5) '1`~' 8;73"t 27 100 <DOLL a IR8 iY? of the =1 State's o'I. erica, -Por the somi-Annual ii t,tir e st clue on that date, upon i r; above rca ererd n nicipal improvement bond.. Date'd. January lstl,' 101 Treasurer of are Town of Los Gatos. i _ ~d t is fqr, her• ordered,, tbat he Pres_dent of the Boadd. ~ n, i of trustees a4 said Towr_ who is t ao exegC tt'ive o~ said 4l'o-m-, be and he is hereby aut-h-C ized: to s1~ aa.n anl every one of said-bonds as, the executive of said _ as afo-resa d, and that the Treasurer of said Torre be an=' he is hareby aut-illoriz- 12. 1 i 2 3 m 4 p { 6. ~ 4 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 16 s 17 I 18 19 9 a 2022 21 23 gI 24 V 25 S.8 f 27 j! 28 29 30 31 32 ed to co-an tersign each and never;;' one of said bonds of said Town, and that the ToWn Clerk 01"' said Town be and he is here- by authorized to, countersign each and every one of saiId bonds of said zi?wny and he sxtall affi thereto tae, vorp.ora-ce 'seal of said, Tom to each and every one o said bonds -r^..Y''d that Wai^ s gYn1.n'g and s a-. F. eo nsl tote and, ba a s7a ~ 3 pan? u and 1 emecut ie of each and every one of o-1« bond is and on 'G83a1 of SG.1.~ r= Town" and t au tip..,es:€Sa3l be 1` gg . ed or printed l:a'_ton each and every one of the coapo s u'e,LaL'`3°2C5 tc eac- said bonds a litrographied or printed ' c siy i I e siganture of the Treasure of said 1.'Gvan, and said f ac simile lithographed or printed s'? , 8 t;u: said Treawarer attached to each of sal.( ociwpo ns s a.11 eonstitute are be a. sufficen't and si nd - e ecut'uion of a.ach and every on of said on-upc s bY said z . Said 'bonds ra j& be, sold b said Board o Sect o, Tvals eea. a,- not less than their JF7r value, at eit2er ri-vate or public ssgsle, and withcut fi3-rtnpr notice. ha proce.er?s :;s' the sale of sa-d cond:.s or any of ;herd s1i-a.1 be pDizef~ the _iSas'urY, of Sa_•~' _3kn to the, credit of th fundsher mb d.o'si _ated arO. as l:umi.Gapal v ? ove- -an , Lut' M SomkQ, Po- r.s wive and _r "'-eI?$ C., to the orlei L'f said f..o_ a _ k9 ..bc -c^ _ 1id.in of $`-...1a.' TC;1ri 'cl' F II; =~~LL~•1Ly`i.t`~~:~' f~Stuuk~'~, 14 I- Q =c, C'iI off'-_ L. ~.i sai,-- G a sUI- -f ~h . a 0 o i__'U On t; s° cb._Ci 000 to t'-,e C'~ --ai-- Fum-.! +~0. ~3ve 2: }ding and v©~~ul"]C J^ of S31;a se-,er S } tGa "eT,T:& 3 the Creel.. t of s iu- Fu7bd NpI.a t~J x for 8'o L 'tree improvements Section 3, And is s ,art`a.- ordered Bnd ord.,imed that the--e shall 'be le vfed and collected each. and ever; year ut~ on all property subject to taxation said Town of Les 1 2 3 4. 5 7 8 10 1 1 3 12 13 14 ib 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 S3 24 2`5 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Gatos, a tax ,suf i cent t0 , a.y as:1 the interest or, said bond- ed iiidebte tress as said interest i,n.lls due, an il ffican' , ° am-oust also to pay onca-tabentiath of the whole ,,lo nt of he r: inc=.p.a1 of said indeu tednesw each and every rea.r°, and su_..icen` to pay t wh~c_e of the -p °-nc_-pa_ and _ or~sV of said indebtedness on or, tbefore the r~aittri ty ti_ereof, a.7-d: ~ he said oal.-'d o Mrxastees hereby akee 3,rovisic for the levy and collection of said taxes and for the levy and Collection of all sums that :Tall or may be necessary to ay in full all the interest and principal of said bonded I indebtedness as the sage shall fall use, and hereupon can- -raeta and agrees, represents and undertakes and promises i that 31:.ch ve5"s3 shall be made as ofCr63r3d in case "IIe said bonds shall be issued : as -oforesaid:9 and so fawn as this i 8oard has the power no to make said levy, it i1ereb- njat!' CS the sable. ~ And the said Board of Trustees further ordains t:.'18 t there ' s1hall be and is hereby provided a Eiifr g fund to be kept by t ze Treasurer o said Town, to be designated as i t1, -a S 2inkin t't '1d for the y a;Ty'li_ent of the is _,1Gii3f'1 impro-'re- Ment 'Bonds •Is ued. January let, 191.3,"azd. that the oroceads of the levy above mner?T _oned sh l i ea<_C s_. roll said sInking lurid until rv quircd -p 0l- the reSnPctiv° of andirate est t: be, "made 1SpcS7 said bonds, arl.'d that whezi '._ie syective pa,^,i:L°'ents of the principal ani interest O-f said bonds li ~ , Shall fall dui l--Lca Treasurerof 52..,_d 'Io fa ba, L'r' - he' is here- by sutl-o7ize aLL d commanded to pay out of the r^oneys c sa; d sin- Y z,,^ ^.i the said resreCti'te, amounts thereof ' en G, n shall be _adle therefor as by law requ- naaO and upon the su - 1 render of the corresponding bonds and y.or~s to the said Treasurer the duty of said Treasurer S_._~'a.,,,Ibe to cancel said bonds and ovapons so pad-4, 3.mmeedlately after their payment. i i4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 1.8 17 18 19 20 21 `2 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 And it. s further ordained, - -ntrac v&u , represe e edt z.i i31'om- ised and agrees that n:o9'"1e o the :":t^X'e y s pain into said s'rt- irg •fund shall be used for an-T other purpose than the pay_ m6iit of th6, j`JrinciI- al of said indebtednesss and the interest t4 repn until 'tau :hole ancient of said indebtedness and in- terest sh,%~~'3 have ~en ~^a11v paid; and that each and eve i one of the;' eonditioYiO6, and ro i.s-ia ns stated afad Provided in relation ~o the said nus'~~A said Ordinance calling said 4 elac tier , shall 'be cc :^1' vd with. c k G."'it 'a 'illt 1?' o~.dained and ordered that the Treasurer . „u of said 3:o*- [,ra _ forthwith from the general fi:Ln in said t" Trees s. ruy to Lie s _ - lkY.lg fund for the paymiant o c2>e said l TP_' 14- ov rt. bo ~.0the sum of Two Thousand and ~~I%IWrP2,0 T) D6114.rs to pay the interest mWah Aa11 fall . and be=m6 due on said bonds o the 1st :lay o t L.l,;. 1913; &ec ti Oil I-. Th,^ s'' Orlin nc0, shall a Published once in t Los 'Gatos Mil, a, news-paper pkbiishd in said Tom, and shall aka ef_ _ct a,-Id be i ford- f'sv?,'? and sftar i :s passage. i introduced tI Passed anC adcpt6d as an Ordime;ae$ of theTovn of Los Gatos,. at ex reqMaiy mnett-:7 of the of Trustees of uuV tii laid town held a the: 7 L'a/ of ? 1912, J';i the . _ , a _d in caves of the passage of said Ordinance: the p IS NO Signed, attestsa- ft a'_ roy~-i0d' as an. v+2°i'7&.ce of the Town Of Taos' Eats o -v he': 1- lYL.'§y Of r M2 15 3 ~9 2 3 4 dg i 5 6 7 8 ~g 10 11 ~ 12 13 14 1.5 16 9 17... I 18 19 20 21 22 i 23 2.4 25 ff 2'8 f` 21 it 2.8 29 30 31 32 ms Gag THE BOAR. OF T Ru .TSE CL='; OF TZE .OVIV'1I O./LDS. GATOS. { ° AL ) 12c 2by 'F3 pYOzI'6 4- .L _ `'rJ-mc ri 3lrt aoe h s day -PRESi EXT iVt' BOA -RD v`c TRUSTEES G TLta O ~dTMf OF LOS G 12b's i a 16. INSTRU(TIONS,TO VOTERS fR THE GUIDANCE OF ELECTORS I OBTAINING AND MARKING THEIR BALLOTS HOW T GET YOUR BALLOT The person desiring to vote shall come to the guard rail and write his name and address, (or if he be unable to write, shall have the same writtgn for him,) on.a roster of voters provided for that purpose, and announce the same to one of the ballot clerks- The ballot clerk shall then in an audible tone of voice announce such name and address, and the other ballot clerk shall look for the name given on the register. If the name be found upon the register, the second ballot clerk shall repeat the name and address, whereupon any challenges may be interposed to the vote, as provided in Section 1230 of the Political Code. The challenge then shall be passed upon by the election Board. If the challenge be over-ruled by the election Board the first ballot clerk shall give the voter a ticket, and the other clerk shall then write on the register opposite the name of the voter, the number of the ticket given him. - Then the voter for the first time shall be permitted to enter the place enclosed by the guard rail. The ballot clerk shall give him but one ticket. H® TO MARK THE BALLOT After receiving his ticket and having entered the place enclosed by the guard rail, and with- out going outside the guard rail, the elector shall immediately retire alone to one of the unoccupied booths, where he will find provided for him a rubber stamp and ink pad. The elector should carefully read the instructions printed on the ballot and mark with the stamp, and with nothing else but the stamp, a cross (X) in the square at the right of the proposition, or question the answer he desires to give. HOW T VOTE Before leaving the booths the elector shall fold his ballot in such manner that the number of the ballot as marked upon the back of the half-inch strip separated from the ticket by a perforated line, and the endorsement on the back of the ballot, shall appear on the outside thereof. The ballot should be folded so that nothing else can be seen on the ballot but the number and the endorsement on the back. Having folded his ballot the voter shall keep it folded, step out of the booth, and deliver the ballot, still folded, to the inspector, and give the inspector his name. The inspector shall then announce, in an audible tone of voice, the name of the voter and the number of the ballot he holds in his hand. The ballot clerk having the register in charge, if he finds the number announced by the inspector to correspond with the number marked opposite the voter's name on the register, shall in like manner repeat the name and number, and shall mark opposite the name of the voter "voted." The inspector shall then separate the number from the ballot, by tearing off the perforated slip on which the number is printed, deposit the ballot in the box, and immediately destroy the torn off slip con- taining the number. SECTION 1214 POLITICAL CODE 9214. No person shall, during an election, remove or destroy any of the supplies or other conveniences placed in the voting booths or compartments, as provided in this code, for the purpose of enabling the voter to prepare his ballot No person shall during an election, remove, tear-down or deface the cards printed for the instruction of voters. SECTION 1215 POLITICAL. CODE 1215. No Officer of election shall disclose to any person the name of any candidate for whom any elector has voted. No officer of election, nor any person shall do any electioneering on election day within one hundred feet of any polling place- No person shall remove any ballot from any polling place before the closing of the polL No person shall apply for or receive any ballot at any election precinct other than that in which he is entitled to vote. No person shall show his ballot after it is marked to any person in such a way as to reveal the contents thereof, or the name or names of the candidate or candidates for whom he has marked his ballot; nor shall any person, except a member of the board of election, receive from any voter a ballot prepared by such voter; or examine such ballot, or solicit the voter to show the same. No person shall ask another at a polling place for whom he intends to vote. No voter shall receive a ballot from any other person than one of the ballot clerks, nor shall any other person than a ballot clerk deliver a ballot to such voter. No voter shall deliver to the board of election, or to any member thereof, any ballot other than the one he has received from the ballot clerk. No voter shall place any mark upon his ballot by which it may be afterwards identified as the one voted by him. No person shall solicit a vote or speak to a voter on the subject of marking his ticket within one hundred feet of the polling place- SECTION 61 PENAL CODE SECTION 61_ Every person who willfully violates any of the provisions of the laws of this State relating to elections 1% unless a different punishment for such violation is prescribed by this Code, punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or by imprisonment in the State Prison not exceeding five years, or by both.