Ord 0146-ORDINANCE NUMBER 144 OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS , CALIFORNIA, RELATIVE TO THE ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS , AND PROHIBITING THE SALEORDINANCE 1EMB E-2 An ordinance ariencling Sectiontp two (2) of Ordinance nurner 144 of the Town of Los Gatos , California, relative to the alcoholic liquor traffic in the Town of Los Gatos , and pro- hibiting the sale , or furnishing of intoxicating liquors except in the r,anner ,,'and under the conditions therein provided, and rope al ing, ordinance number 142, and all. other ordinances , and ports of ordin- ances° in conflict therewith. The Hoard of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos do ordain as follows.: Section 1. That Section two (2) of ordinance number 144 of the Town of Las Gatos relative to the alcoholic licluor traffic in the Town of Los Gatos , and prohibiting the sale , or furnlish:ing of in to,xi.cating liquors except in the manner and under the conditions there -in provided, and repealing ordinance number 142, and all, other ord- inances, and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith , passed and adopted June 6th A.D. 1910, is hereby amended to read as f'ol'lows: Section 2.. The Board of Trustees of the Town of ?moo;s Gatos may grant , by a iiiajori.ty vote of said Board to piny person, firri, or corporation , permission to xxxx : sell, furnish, and nerv, spirituos, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors, or any other alcoholic beverages, viith bona fade moils, in hotels and restaurants, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. Uid permission .xhx shall be granted upon a written appl.:i.cation to said Board 'by the ap-- pli.cfan't therefor. Said application shall set forth the location of -the hotel or restaurant and the nar_zies of all persons interested In the business of conducting the same. Said permission shell be rev- ocable at any ti-rlle at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees , and may be revolted by said Board without notice to the holder thereof.. Said permission shall authorize the holder thereof to sell, fur- nish, and serve spirituous-,; viiious, rira.lt, or mixed- lit+uars , or any other al.co'lnolic bevera,ges,in quantities less than one qulrth with bona fide meals served in the: dining room of such hotel or restaurant and not otherwise. Such permission shall be in substantially the following form: LIQUOR PEP01 T Perr!dssion is hereby granted to ( name of grantea-) to sell, furnish,, and serve sp rituus, vinous, malt, 0'r mixed liquors, or ally other alcoholic beuerages, in quantities 'Less than one quart, with bona fide meals, served in the dining room of the (hotel) (restaurant) and not otherwise , on the premises located at (insert description of location) in the Town of Los Gatos , pursuant to the prcvi. sions° of the Ordinance in such discs made and provided. This permission is revocable ut any time by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos , without notice, order of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos, Ire tiri s -/al ......day ~e-d PresMent of the Board of Trustees. !i t t e s t ~r/? . To vin Clark , ( Seal o f the Town o f Lo s Gato s) No permit as aforesaid shall be issued until the applicant therefor shall have filed a bond with the Board of Trustees , with two good and sufficient sureties, approved by said. Board in the sum of Dive Hundred Dollars conditioned that the applicant shall main- twin and keep the place for which the permit has been granted in con- formity with this Ordinance,. Section 2.. The Town Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Less Gatos:~:;'•f,,, a news -paper of general circulation , printed and published in the Town of Los Gatos and this Ordinance: shall take: effect and be in full force from and after its pasmage and approvol a Passed and adopted this day of ;f ; -A•D, I3 ~e ~ by the following vote: Ayes:-- Trusters ^~f se~;,, ..a - .~~9 o DToes: Trustees e-I .1 Absent Trustees ' • . !~V . President of the Board of Trustee>s of the Town of Los Gatos. . Attest: i'....... Toni Clerk of the Town of Los Gatos x hereby app rove the above and foregoing Ordinance this * day o:::: , a:. a. A.D• I3:: President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatar4; ANDREW C. ROBERTSON ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC ARAM BLOCK, LOS GA-ro5, CAL.