Ord 0144-ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN THE TOWNORDINANCE NO.~~'. AN ORDTNANCF4 RE TVT' ' 0 THE ALCOILOLIC LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN THE TOWN OF OS GATOS.:AND PROHTI3TT-TNC~ TJJZ ` 1?I I OR FURNISHING OF _INTOXICATING DER'111I CONDITIONS 1 ERETIT.. LU UORS tCXCF,PC TiS IPII_ MANNER AND UI PROVIDED, AND PEPHAT-UG ORIDZNANCE NO. 142 AND ALL OTHER ORDINANOES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN OONFLICT THEREWITH. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos do ordain as follows section l.n Any person, firm, oorporation, club, or association, that, within the Town of Los Gatos, establishes, keeps, opens, maintains, or carries on a place where spiritous, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors, or any alooholio or intoxicating drinks are sold, kept for sale, or offered for sale, except as hereinafter provided, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 2. The Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos may ;grant„ by a majority vote of said Board, to any person, firm, or corporation, permission to .sell, furnish, and serve epiritous, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors or any other alcoholic beverages, with bona fide meals, in hotels and restaurants, upon the germs and conditions hereinafter provided. Said permission shall be granted upon a written application to said Board by the applicant therefor.. Said application shall set forth the location of the hotel or restaurant and the names of all persons interested in the business of conducting the same, Such ;permission shall be granted only to a person who was P y duly registered as an Elector of the .Town. of Los 'Gatos on the date of the general municipal election held in said 'Town next preceding the date of the passage and approval. of this ordinance, or to a firm at least one ember of which tia>a,a duly registered as such elector on said date. Said permission shall be revocable at any time at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees and, may be revoked by said Board without notice to the holder thereof, Said perl-gission shall authorize the holdoi.- thereof to sell., furnish, and serve W j spiritous, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors, or any other a,lcoholi.) beverages, in quantities less than one quart, with bona fide meals served in the dining room of such hotel or restaurant and not otherwise. Such permission shall be in substantially the following !6 orm;g LIQUOR PERMIT. Permission is hereby granted to (name of grantee) -to sell, furnish, and serve spi:ritous, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors, or any other alcoholic bevorages, in quantities less than one quart, with bona fide meals, served in the dining room of the (hotel) (reotaurant) and not otherwise, on the premises located at (insert description of location), in the Town of Los Gatos, pursuant to the provisions of the Ord:inange in such cases made and provided. This permission is revocable at any -time by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos, without notice. By order of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos this day of 19-. Attest;: President of the Board o rust~oea. Towa•a 0"71.6_ r (Seal of the Town of Los Gatos) No permit ass aforesaid shall be issued until the applicant therefir shall have filed a bond with the Board of Trustees with two good and. y. sufficient Sureties approved by said Board in the, Sum of Five Hundred Dollars conditioned that the applicants shall maintain and beep the place for, which the permit has been ,granted in conformity with this ordinance. Section S. The Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, grant r 4 to any person, firm,,or corporation having a fixed place of business in said Town, upon written application therefor, a license to sell .a?- spiritous, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors, or any other alcoholic beverage +n original packages containing more than one pint. Such license shall be granted-only to a person who was duly registered as an elector of the Town of Los Gatos on the date of the general. y municipal election held in said Town next preceding the date of the passage and approval of this ordinance; or to a firm at least one member of which was duly registered as such elector on said date. Any person, firm, or corporation to whom such license is granted shall pay a license fee of twenty five dollars per quarter, in advance, payable at the times and in the manner provided for the eJ payments of other quarterly licensee in said Town of Los Crates. Suoh license shall not authorize the sale or dispensing of any of A trio said liquors or beverages to be drunk on the premises where a dispensed, nor the sale or dispensing thereof in other than original a packages. In no ease shall a license be issued for less than one l quarter unless by order of the Board of Trus:teeso The form of said license shall be substantially as follows: LIQCJOB. LTCI~~NSE. The right, privilege, and permission is hereby granted to (name of licensee`) at (location) to sell sp:ritous., vinous, malt,, or mixed liquors, or any other alcoholic beverages, in original packages containing more than one pint, subject to the provisions of the ordinance in such cases made and provided. This license does ~s not authorize the ogle or dispensing of any of the :said liquors or beverages to be drunk on the premises where sold or dispensed. By order of the Board. 'of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos, this day of 19 Atteett Pres.a ent o:' "tl e Bc'-ird of Trustaoao Town LfF,R. ~Y (Seal of the Town of Los Gatos) -3- Section 4. Nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to authorize or permit the establishment, maintenarlc, or conducting of any bar room, saloon, or tippling place. Section 5. Except as in this ordinance provided, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to establish, keep, open, maintain, or carry on a place where spiritous, vinous, malt, or mixed liquors, or any alcoholic or intoxicating drinks are sold, kept for sale, or offered for sale, provided, however, that the provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the sale of intoxicating liquors for medicinal purposes by a druggist regularly :licensed under the laws of the State of California, upon the written prescription of a physkoian, entitled to practice medicine under the laws of the State of California, nor to the sale of such liquors for chemical or mechanical purposes. Section 6. Any violation of this ordinance, or, of any of the provisions thereof, shall constitute a misdemeanor, and every person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall., upon conviction thereof, be fined in the sum of not more than three hundred dollars, or be imprisoned in the County ,sail. of ;Santa Clara 'County for not more than three months, or be punished by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 7. Ordinance No. 142 entitled "An Ordinance Relative to the Alcoholic Liquor Traffic in the Town of Los Gatos,''P passed aril approved on the 17th day of January A. D. 1910, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section S. The Town Clerk shall cause this Ordinance to be published once in the Los Gatos `"MAIL," a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published in the Town of Los Gatos, and this 'Ordinance shall take effect and be in force on and :after the 6th day of June A. D., 1910. -4. Passed and adopted this Yp day of June A. D. 1910, by the following vote: Ayes---Trustees, Noes--Trustee, President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos. Attest' V ;v 6~ ~~71!7G-tiruirt~'wU-~~ "Town Clary of the Town of tos Gatos. ,r I hereby approve the above aria foregoing Ordinance this day of June A., D,, 1910® President of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos. -'5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE County of Santa Clara, State of California Ord nanc_c_-NQ._-144: AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TOTE ALCO- HOLIC LIQUOR TPIAFFIO, IN THE SOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PR01IIBITING THE SALT OR FUIMSI1ING OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS F,XC,EM ITT THE MANNER AND UNDER THE CONDITIONS THEREIN PRO- VIDED, AND REP]-PALING ORDINANCE NO. Mate of California, 142r ANT? ALL OTHI:CR ORDINANCES AND SS P-WTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT County of Santa Clara l THER IVITH, A. 1.. ....1'...TIT........ bein ~ first dull _ Sworn, deposes and says: That at all tinges hereiaaf ter 79mdioned ..he was a citizen. of the United States, ove7, the a}e of 4jhteen years, argil a resident of Said 030anty, and was at and during all said ti-m es the prin_ ORDINANCE NO. 4441 AN ORDINANCE RELATIVE TO THE' cipal clerk of the pr'L72ter and publisher of tJLe Los Gatos ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR TRAFFIC IN; Mail, a newspaper of yenel"al CL7 caLlati072, printed THE PPROHIBITING TOW14 OIBITINGFTIILOS E' SA GATOS AND LE„ < ORS' and Published weekly y Ln the Town of Los Gatos in said LrQUORS IING; or INTOZIdATING LIQUORS Ebo I EPT IN q`IIE nrnrr- County of Santa Clara, State of 'California; that said NER`AND =IINDEIt TI3;L',.CONrI TIONS TIIEREIN}PRO.VIDED,'AND' - Los Gatos Mail is and was at all tinges lberein nben- REPEA,LINGIOR'DINANCE NO. 112, AND,'A tL0LL OTIIPIt-ORDINANCES 72eC1, a 72eZUSpape7' af' general circulation as that ; AND'PAR'rS OF ORDINANCES IN term is defi72ed by Section 4100 of the Political Code, , CONFLICT THRREWITH. I The Board of Trustees o the Town of - aTtd, as provided by said Section, is publisZbed for the ~ Los Cates do ordain as follows. I SFCTidx 1 ~Any!pers ~o,?firm corpor-,~ di,986772477.ation of local and tele}Tapkic, 72ews a72d i7V--I"JT~ ahon, club or aerortatiou,'tliat within of Iigy the Tow❑ of Los< Gatos, ' est361ieheA',• tellLsence 0 ' a ye72e7'al character, l2avi72~'a bona cle rlrii keeps; opens' rnaintmne, or carries,oo h i la~ti'l, a rr tou e, Vinohe- sLib'SC7"ipti072lis"t of payi72 subscribers, and is 7LOt di'. , Place where p ma rsed liguore, or enVTalcobolic or uteX. m - voted to the 272tereStS, or published for the e72tertai72=JI 1eating Brinks are eeld, kepvfor agle; or i offered= for Bale; except as' herein after 771e72t 0T d.nst7"ZLetr.On of a •pa,7"t•LC7,Llar.. class, ]9TOfGS'sL072,`' provided.,, shall 'bA deemedsutlty of n. mlPdem08❑Or - ?1 . ~ a trade, calling race, or de720777.ination, OlfOr t72e e72teT' f SRUT70N 2. 'The Board of Tnisteea of taLiane,72.1. and instruction, of a72p 7?,-amber of SZic]2 j the To i u; of Los Gatos may Kraut, by a majority vote of said Board, to. any `'y - classes, ].1rOfG'SSLOns, trades, calffigs, races or denomi- ,,o son, firm;"orrcorpo'ation;.perrp'm8ion ,to' I sellfuruish, and serve spiiitons tiuouq;'; - nations; ]]Eat at all said tomes Said newspape7" had t1 ;malt, 'or'imaedl li'q'uors or any other ii '.plcoholie, b everages lvith "bona fide: j. - beam, established,, printed and publiSlbed in, Said Town IG ;mealB, in hotels and rretaurante„npov ` Count te~nre and `conditions' Hereinafter; t. Of Los Gat05', '(.rh said ) and .State, at relSZLlaI t: providedp" Said permiasian >ehall be" i•72tePV0.13 f07" 7noTe tha72 One, Je667' p7'e0ellL7Z} the fLJ St Kranted ,upo❑ a written appl"icatiou [o' I' said Board by the p rnplicnn E'therefo{: f publicatio7L of th.& notice herein, 772entioned; that said Said application shall set fortli,'the efor, j' notice was srt in type, not s772aller than nonpareil Lion of the hotel, or 'ieefahragt; and the` ~ nlidee of'all pereoue mteiestod in tho' _ CL72d was preceded with, ZUOTCGS 1)7"aT22ed in black face ¢uemees of cdnductiug the same Suclj'i~ -j p4uai"i6h shall be: ~rantedt-only to a ty196 7'101% s7TLC6ller than. 7Z072.pareil, deseribina and Person tvho was' duty reg etered as an' Flectorof the To~S,a of Los Gatos o, the' e.,L'p7'.eb's6r'7,_Y 7.72 ('e72,er.al ter77'L8, the purport and char- ; Slate of the general'. municipal olOct] ou' - held in'said Town next preceding Ithe s acter of the 72006 'L72tended to be, .,Sven; that the date of the passage qpd approval oF,fhis! or - - - Orrlna.nce--Non. _144-g- ° ember'of'which was in lul}•regeteroil - - - - suc ehallor on Raid date Said- pcrmra- } - he revocable at ariy ttme'at Of which the annexed Ls a. the ploaeu're of the, Board of`Trusteee - and may bA revoked by B and Board with'; 1-?PLILtGCl`OO7771, ZUas ]9LLblLSl2ell'a7211 printed in said l eaUS *xitnotice„to the holder thereof Ssid eriall?•authorize: too., bolder _ One tulle / d tliereof!to sell furnish and'so ve' spirit paper at least.... L, commencing 072 ` the `tl ....clay of.:~unE.,. . ; andend-in on the ..Yl...._.. clad of .June, ;7:10, .~Ib both days i72- elusive, a72Ct CLS often during said time as said newSpa- per zvaS 7'efu,larlp isszaed., to Wit. June 9th, 1.910. % o"a,bscribed and savors to before me this....- day of-----A-N J- 3..`910-- --------..190 V. t-, .P'ektrn-_., c-errs d r Srerzta Clara Coteratar, Ca2ifortci¢.