Ord 0143-AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS,ORDINANCE NO. 143•. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING WAT.M RATES FOR TIM, TOWN OE' LOS GA`IOS, CQUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. THE EOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS do ordain as follows:- The schedule rates, to be charged for 'water rate payers to be collected for furnishing water to customers within the Town of Los Gatos for the year commencing J'ul<y lsty A.D,191Q, shall 'be as follows Section 1, For tenements occupied by a single family of not more than five persons, per Section 2. For families and private boarding houses of more than five persons, shall be charged for each person above that numbexfim.,.._..,4----M.....,._,___.>w. _ , .151 Children of seven years and under are exempt from the above rate. Section 3. For small families aoeuupying rooms in second and third storles`X,per month-..•u -~--W .'151 Section 4-.' For restaurants and eating houses, per mont.hv..,------_...vw.........._.......m___,»_....__,..._...,___---------$3.00 to5.00 Section 5. For hotels and lodging houses, rate subject to special agi-eement in accordance with the quantity of water used, to be determined byk meter, as provided in Section Section 6., For small-x. stores and shops, per month-.,.,_- .50 Section 171; For stores and shops per month--$1.00 -to 2.50 Section For saloons, per month------------ 1.'50 to 3.bO Sect On 9., For rooms in second and -third stories occupied as of'f`ices, for each room, per onth~^ to .50 Section 1Q. Fo.r ;photograph galleries per mopth&.00 -to 5,00 Section 1'1,. For public water-closets where there is only one, per month- _we.,-.__.._ -........~__----..4___----........... $1.00 For each additional one, per month .SO For private one, per month w•-,-A----------- .40 Section 12. For public bath tubs used in bathing estab- lishments, 'boarding houses and barber shopu, for first one per month 1.50 For each additional one, per month ---d------ 1.00 Ivor bath tubs used inpprivate families, per month .25 Section 13. For bakeries in addition to the family rates, according; to the monthly use of flour, for ea&h 25 barrels used, per month 1.50 Section 14. For drug stores without the use of soda or other fountains, per month 1.00 n For drug stores where soda or other founatins are used, per month- 2.00 to 3.00Section 1.5. Far blacksmith and other wagon shops, per month -p•p-_.-----.,.._.,.,..__-------------,-_.._,___.,_-_.......------ 1.00 Section 16. For livery stables, including water for washing buggies and carriages, for each horse, per month.-.-w .25 Section 17. For private stables, including water for horses and water for washing buggy, per, month-~p..~__A--wwnw,e .35 For each addition. horse or cow, per month------------ .20 Section 13. For steam engines not working over 10 horse power per day, *.for, each horse power so used, per month .70 For all working over l0 horse power per, dozy, for each horse power, per month 45 Section 19. For building or plastering, for slacking each barrel of lime --------_..---.._„_---__----.._.a,.-__.-...„---- .15 For water used by brick layers to make mortar and dampen brick, for each 1000 brick .15 Section 20. For 'barber shops where one chair, iis used, per month------- --.-..r--- w...._-_------.a....----..--- 1.00 For each additional chair, per month-------------- .40 Section 21. For foLuitains not used more than six hours per day for 1/16. inch jet, per month-------------- 2.00 For 1/£3 inch jet, per month --w-wM-----p-..--------»tl--- 4.00 For 1/2 inch jet, per month----------------------------- 10.00 Section 22. For irrigation, for use of hose for sprinkling flowers and grass plat's of not more than fifty square yards, per month---•----..,...„w___....__.._-_..w...._.,4w-- .401 For each square yard exceeding fifty, per month---w_4W -.0011 Section 23. For use of hose in front of stores and shops for washing windows and sprinkling sidewalks, accord- ing to frontage, per month------ #,.2& to 1600 Section 24. For water troughs for each trough on side- wUk, per month.,. -_.._..a-ro-.----w..MM_-------- $1.00 to 3.00 Section 26. For China washhouses, for use of water for one washer, per month. -....,.M.....-oA..m-------- . --3.76 For each additional man at the same houses, per month 3.00 Section 26. For water carts and wagons for use of water for sprinkling streets only, for each 1000 gallons used. .08 Section 27. For water used by meter, minimum charge of $1.00 per month, which entitled user to 4000 gallons. All over 4000 gallons per 1000--.,.a----_..__..----....4..-.._.._----. .15 Section 28. Any consumer dissatisfied with the amoLtnt of his monthly rate for water can have the same ddjusted by meter by paying the Water Company a reasonable price for setting a meter at the rate per thousand gallons as provided in Section 27 of the foregoing tariff rates. Section 29. The Board of Directors of the Water Company shall have the power~ in all cases to ascertain by meter the quantity of water used and fix the prices as provided in Section 27. Section 30. Immediately upon the alarm of fire all persons using water for irrigating purposes must clo4se: their. faucets and keep them closed during the continuance of the use of the water by the Fire Department. Section 31. For water willfully or carelessly allowed to run over night through a hose, a sprinkler or a faucet, the rate shall be, per night -»Ww-m-.----•...,w- w---,.--~--~...6-.- 2.50 Section 32. For water used from hydrants for fire pur- poses by the Town of Los Gatos, for each hydrant per annum, payable quarterly -----»-M-_-..__..4.,....n_.,._» 500Q Section 33. For water used for flushing sewers by the Town of Los Gatos per 1000 gallons .Ofd Section 34. This ordinance shall take effect end be in force from and alter June 3Qth, 1910. Section 35. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in con- flict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Passed and adopted this 21st day of February, A.D.1910, . by the following vote: Ayes Trustees :Tl'fn~~ J,~. Noes. Trustees: Absent. `frustees ~7?f" c~~% Chairman of the Boarof-Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos, Californi C1.erk-of th.e o os Gatos. Approved this 21st day of February, A.D.1910. l-1a-irman of the BcT~Cfd oCTz List'~;e's of the Town (f Los Gatos, California.