Ord 0141-IMPOSING MUNICIPAL LICENSESORDxNADTCE N0. ~~~ A19~ ORDIIVADTCE 1NtPOSING ~UNICIPAT~ DICENSES TN TFTE TOW1J OF ZOS GA'~OS, AND PROV'IDINC} `F'OR T.R1, COI,T,EC`~ION OF Tr3E SA~tlE', AND FRESLR;~~3;I1VG PENAI;TTES 1+013 THE VllB1:,ATT:ON TH + ~0~.. `L'1TI~; BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T[dE TO!FlN OF LOS GATQS do or~daixi as follows :~ Section a. Zt shall 'b~; ui~lawful..fsor any person t4 engage iri ar carrry on any bus~.ness"y :occupation o~ e~pl9ym.entT'within the Tawn of T,os Gatos, heroinaf~er specif~;:ed..,,wi:t7iout firs~ti obtaiaingsfrom the Towri Mare .. ~ shall s. lioen~e~_ and ~iay ~herefgre ~tk~e airio~,int ment.toned~thi~ 0~*d:'iz~axice here naft~er set..: forth;-: ` i~setign 2. All persons, firms or corporation having a'-fixed place of °business in said towm dealing.- in ,go:ods,- wares= and ~nerchandis"e hall pay a lcense.in accordance. with',the~provis ons"of Section 3iNo~hf~~ in Section 3 shall be construed to apply to any of "the. bus;iriesses`an other ect',ons of this ordinance licensed spec:ifically~,-bu~the license-,of.,any bu"siiness in any. other sectfon specifically enumerated and licensed shall be governed by the provisions of the section so licensing the same. Section 3. Dicenses off' the firaL class shall, consist of all per~•s"ons or `firms`whoFars estimated to make average monthly sales or hire t,o the amount of° five hous'e,nd dollar~s:.(~5000.00} and sha11 pay a ice~se of ~t~wo dol ors -per months Licenaes~f the second"~,e ass hall consist of all persona. or f isms who" are estimated t o 'make average monthly' salles or hire "t o" t:he- amount of: two thousand five ;hundred do~.l,a~s 02500.00) .and less `than five . thousand dollars. (~50~O.Ob), shall pay a license of one- dollar and fifty` cents per month.; - T~icensesof -the third class shall cons st of "all persons or firms who are estimated "to make "monthly"" sales or hire to the arrtotant of fifteen hundred dollars {1500.00): -and less than twenty-five hundr;Ed dollars 02500.00) shall-pay:a license of one dollar per month. shall consist Liven es of -the fourth;elass^of all per ons or firms who dre - estimated to make month7.y s~,lea .oar hire to the amount`of five hundred • ~~ __.: dol7.ars (.500.00) and lass than fifteen hundred dollars '(:'~1~0000) sY~a,ll pay a license of Seventy five cents {x.76) per month, ~,icense of the firth mass shall. nons3:st of al]. persons nr Trims whn are estimated to make 'average mont7•ily sales. or hire to the amoLlnt of thx^ee hundred dollars (~~300,00) :and less than five hu~d.red dollars (;500,00) ~1~e,1:1. pay a 1"~:ccnse of fifty cents (:~~50) por ~n:ontla.o i,icense of the s':xth class. shall consist of a17. pers:orzs or f irans;,,whn are est im:at ed _ t o make; average monthly sales or hire 'to an arnnLtnt areas tr~an three hundred dollars {300.00) and shall pay a license of twenty five cents (~'~,25) per monthA Section 4, 2n all .ce.ses where the aYnount of license to be paid by any persoz~~, firm or eorporatian, ~s based upon, or regulated lay the amount of sales, the persons applying for such l:nense, shall, bn demazxl: oi' 'the Town Clerk or.:Pttarshall furnish a awc~rn sta-temezit of the average :amount of sales for the year preoedi.ilg -the.. date oi' maklalg such applicais;u. ion, which statement. shall de-Germine the ..amount. of license to be paa,d; provided. h.ovrever, any. person, agent, t'irm or aorporatian syial7., wli'.en required 'by either _-Glae ~t'pwn Clerk ar lUlarshala., furnieh a svrorn statgrnent of t;he arnottnt of biusnes~ transacted in the preoeding quarte:c~~e and fc~r this purpose the Town Clerk or Marshall is authorized to ei~arniz~;e on oath a:ll, pers4x~s or members of ::Firms. or Ufficers of eorparatiorzs doing Such business; and upon the infoa°mat:~.or~. sQ dems;nded, tk~e beard of trust~.eos nay determizxe 'the. class cr grade ne 7.ic~nse to be issuacl in sua7z case, Seotion 5,~ 'J?he :rages of ail other licenses shall be in accorelm anc:e with the ~ollowii~.g sb:hedu~.e; Section 6, 7J`vary pe,rsnn engagocl. ~.n teaming.,: or ~~n~t.ing a jo'b wagon, dray, truak~ cart, hack, cab-, onmibus, ca,z^z~iage, stage coach or automobile fqr hires a lipezase ;~hal7. 'be charged as fp77.gUrs:m Tor each one~hnrsa oart, dray, trunk, hae?~, nabr onzyttibus or carriage ar express or other wa on Twa :and 50 100 7ac11ars per anntiun g ~ 02.50) ;wand for each twos-horse . wagon, dray, carts cab, truck, omnibus ar carz-*age or hack Foux° Dollars 04.,,.00) per annum; and for each automob:i~.e `t'welve Dollars ('~~12.00:) .per L.~~~ annum. Section 7'. .Each shooting ,gallery shall pay a license of Five col°lar~s (~~.00) per q;uart.er. Seet;ion 8. 7ihe propx^iet;or, manager or lessee of any theator, motion p~~~~x?'e .show or Niekleodc~on, so~oalled, house, x~nom Qr plane in which any theatrical perforznanae is girren or any exhibition is given by motion pie:itures, .rnirsstrelsf opexra or concert siiagers;,,:~.or pub7.ia -amusement for which. a ~'ee is chax••ged, shall pay a license of ~1.n0 far each perfox~~ marice or exhibition, i~° graxi~ed i'or a term oi' lese than one month.: if f or• .._ , ..., a t,errri of one quarter X3.00. I?rovi~ed, however, that the provisiions herein shall .not apply to: arty exn.ibition Qr entertaixunent, given for the benefit of church sooials or otl~,cr charitable purposes bar any aTnat-eur dbramatia association or 'literary society of the 'own of Zos .Gatos. Section 9. Ex•um the •owner, manager or lessee oi' f],ying hors'es., snacalled, or mertcy~go-mound, #'or each..day or por•tic)n of a d.ay in which t-hey are: run, $~1.Q0 i'or each ring or set.; pr if granted far one mant;h ~l~'x.00 ~ayab7.e in advanc E.,, ~~, Secti_on 10'a . T~7very pezc~son, lpise or firm, eriga,ged, in beeping a publ ie roller 'sxat izlg r irrk' ~, OQ p pr month. No 1 is ense granted f`or any merx°ydgaarciund:, bowl ~:r~g allay, skating ririlz or shooting gallery, skzal]. be ~~ intended to grazxt any rigk~t to parxr~y on. the 'Uus,ness on `Sunday,,. and it is specially provided that zoo sash businQSS.shall be carded on dur3.n:g such ¢ay. Any .vial.ation Qf tli~ subdiv~.sion,~ in addition to the penalties already provided, shall fpri'eit the licen~~s issued. Section, 11,, From each persons ,houce~ firaax, com~?any or corpo® u~ation supply~:ng water to •the xaunicipality 4r consu~.ers for pay, Fi`ty 7)'ollars p:er anniur~, Sect ion 1'2. E'x'am €:aoh person, house, f irm,''' c ompazy or' :c oz•pom ~raticn au;pplyii~g gas to the muniaii~ality or conaurnex•s for pay,. '~wenty~ ~'irr.e Dollars .per annum,. Section 13. ~?rom each person, house, i'i~m, company cir corpow x~at:ion supplying eleot,ricity to the municipality or consumers i'or pay..,. ~~ ~ '!~'wsnt~~~~'ivr® 7~ollars ,par t~nxzum,. Ssct~an l~, every person., fix'z~ ar eorparation .oper•atirzg a tsZeph.ans system ar portion thereof ,in said 'down far hire shall pay a l.eansa x afi` "~'exz Do7:7.ars per qu~a,x't~er~;, Sectiazl 15. Every person, firm 4r corporation oparat~.nS a ~c:.l.egraph business in said Tawn for. hxs shale pay a, liasnss oi' '.Cwo ..and 501,.00 Dollars-.per quarter. Sectfon 1~i,. Every person, firm ar capa~'~atian opsrating,as car~noK. ... .. oara°~3.`er, an express: bus~.~?ess within said Tpwn whiai~ consists wholly or iiz pax!~E~ in the transpar~~,tian a~ meralza;ndisa to and from and througYz poixzts within the. St.ats of Ca,19.fox'nia,~. and w:1~ic1? bu.siaasa. is not done for the ~ov~ernmez2t of th.e; Uxzitsd Sta~tQa,_ i.ts officers ar a~;¢nts, shall pay a li~aense of :Gi•~ra Dollars per° q,uarts~ Section ],'"7, T,`very pex~san,, firm ,ar c.a~.aarati~n en~a~ed in the business off' banking shall pay ~. liceass of Five Dollars .per quar~t;~r~. "action 18. Ev;ar~• person, ~'c6x~n or corporation engaged in tkie 'busznes of a, bui],ding axid ~.a~~n assoo,iation in said !own shall. pay,a. ,. license off' Tvvo and 50~1.Q0 Dol~,ax~s pex• cauaxter, Seetion 19, Ev,ary p.ersaxi, firm or c,arparat~-cn en{~aged. in the real. estate business ~.n said 'C-awn sha7.l pqy a License ofi :One and 501;00 D01.1,sr s p q u° - gUE1;Y.°'t er' 4 Section 20., Evcary parson,,,, firm ar co~pora;tion carryiYZg on, pur•suinS ar oozrduetir~.S tho busixaess o~ fire, li~~, aeaid~:nt or other i:ri-, su~~ance, far aa:c.h 4oxapaxiy rlaing; bzzsi~iess~ ~n said Town thra~tgh agents lrap caged in paid flown, the suau oi' 4ns &nd 50/100 Dollars per quartet^, .Tor sash. ~enE so1.~iG3.~ing insurance, either :fire, life, acc3,a dent af• ather•, within the s~,j.ci..Town, wlziolZ sa9.d F~gan~ is .employocl by some par•=song firm .ox carparatian without. the a:s;id 'Town, a,nd is uYieerxnect.ed with a fi xud plac;~ . of 'busness> within said 'Town; doing such insurance business, a license of ~5p'QO pier. quarter shall. b, e paid. Seetinn 21. '.Z+'very person:, firm or cor•'poratiaz~ engaged in the business of keeping or .e onduetia~; a kioi~el of twenty~~'ive roorus ox• le`ss shall pay a li:ecnse of ~hr•ee Dc~.lax°s per quarter, Eor each. hatvl of over C~J twenty~:five rooms and not mere than. f i~~y m•c,Fnas shall pay a liec.nse of rive Dollars per g;uar.t:er, ~'ar aacli hotel o~ over fifty x`ooms shall .pay a License of Soven and 50%00 Dollars pur quarter, Sectiwn 22Q Very person, firm or ez?rporation engaged in the keeping or conducting a lodging houses of less than ten rooms shall pay a ~.icense of 9ne Dollar per quart•erp ~'or esach lodging house of ten rooms or less than thir1;y roams sha~.l pay a 1.ioenso t~f One and ~,0~100 Do7:a.ars pei~• quarte~*~ for each lodging house of thirty rooms and over shah. pay a ~.iCense ci' two Dollars pier quart;sr, S eot i on 23. < ~'vsry p ers can, f x•m or c or.p Drat ~. on engaged ~n the business oi' oonducting a rQS~rau~r~an~:, lunch oouxate~r ox° tamale parlor shall pay a lioen~se of three Dollax•s p,ex' quartax°•, section 24„ T~vex•y person,, i'irm or oo~pporation engaged in the businesb of beeping o:r c4nductixag a 'boarding house .shall pay a license o~ One and. 60~14Q Dgllare per quarter, Section '25, 'very person,, house or farm engaged in peddling or vexiding i'sh~ poultry, csggs, 'bu~t~~er a~i~d cheese, about •~he tgWn i'rorn cax'tsy baskets, wagons or other'vehiolc3s, shall pay a license of ~'iva.Dollars pe~° guar~~•~r and no licex3se shall bs issued for a less. laeriod than ozxe quart er . Se~ltion 26:,. k'very person, heuse or firm engaged. in peddling or •vend~.ng vegetabl®s or fruit not. Uf t.hcaiz^ own raising about tYze t Dorn from earts, 'baskets-~ Waggz?s or othEx' veh~.4les, ehe,ll pay a~~ aE~xiua]. 1_~eense c?f `.~`~enty-~'.ive ~oJ.~.ars and no license ~hal~. be issued i'Ur labs than... .one year, Sectign 27'. +~ -ery per.san, souse or firm engaged in peddling or vending veget4a'blss ar Fz^ui•~ izz said ~-awxi, w~.ere axay :pari~ ar port ~gn o such.-fruit or veg®t'r•ables so vended ar peddled has been, grown by said vend or .and apart or portion so vended or peddled has not been raised 1?y said vendor but, has been' purohe,sed in the marke#:. for the puri,ose of Sq vending and peddlixlg sYiall pay. an aznuaJ~ 7,ieense of 'den dollars .and r,a license shah. be isstzcnd .for less thazi oii© year., Section .2£3. Any person engaged in the. business of hauvliialg, paddling.. or• i}i the tt.inerant,, ved~ing q7E dry goods, wear],ng e,ppatt'~al, C ~5 jewelry, grogeri.es, eigaxs, rr~eats: or otYier wades or corrmiodit,fes, or can v'assing, or so].ieiti~g :fqr tkie sale of the same with or without saxuples shall pay' a license of '~wenty~~'ive ~ollax's sexai®annua3:ly`, ;and no license shall be fi~ssued ;Eor a perigd oi' less than six months; prgvided that no~ tl?in.g herein contained skull,. bs deemed to apply to cars~assers or solid •tors of :any established business house in this, fawn , ~anvassin,g or solicit- ing. i'qr their wax-ea ani~. c-gmn~odi~tiss, qr t9 aanr~a~sers or so.'1,iai'ti~rs Qut~ silo of the State, nor to eanvaesexs or soa;icitors of arty establir~hed whol~sa~:m house salic it~;ng ardci~~s from the establi-shed business h~uoes in this towns Se¢~tion S9. ~vexy per~'on, i'irm qr corporati_on engaged in -the business oi' sAl:ling, pedd.lir~g azld de~.ivexing milk to e;onswnoxs iii skid towxz shall. pay fox each wagon used in the deli~rering ai' mills One. Dol'lax pezs° g,uaxtex^. Section 3'~, ~,'vaxy person, i'irm ox asapporation cgnducting a photograph gallery ~,t a fixed pace .qf business in said towxt shall pay a lj.:eense :oi' Ong and 50%I.OC) Dollars p'er quarter. Section 31. `very travelling photographer not having a fixoc permanent. place oi' business in said gown :engaged din tk~e business of phptogm~apky in- said town; or who; peddles tiokets to apply' in who1Q ox in part payment o~ ph~it-o graphs or f,rames~:.or solc5e i:ts orders for the sa'xae~ o~r.• for anything ixz any' way connected with the:business q~ photggraphy, and .from any €~uoh person so~.ictir~g for f:raraes, en~,arged Qr retouched. photographs, shall pay alicense o~ Six 1~ollars per quarter. Section 32, leach laundry doing business in tkie.said t-own shall pay. a license oi' 'ifhree Dollars per quartea: and no lic-ense shall be issLied ,_ i'or less: tlla,n 9ne quarit.erp`" ' r~ Section 33p Mach. and;ev,~ry wagon. c?x otkter vehiel® used within the 't'own .of dos Gatos fqr the collecticn or delivery. oi' laundry worts, which said wagon ,or pth~:r vehici,e is run in oglxneetion with 'any laundry 1•ocated outside of the. limits of the. Tov~n .of Los Gato.~, shall kaay' a licons~ of Six Dollars per quarter, and `it ehall be unlawful f:or ariy pex'sun to dri~v~e or use a wagon,, within said town, i:n the Ggllect~ion or del iv ary of C, ~=1 laLU~dry work., for any laundry located outside of the town, until sa~.d license shall ha~re been pa3.d, Sectf:cn 34, Each proprietor of a bill~iaz°d, bagatelleor pool. for wh3;ch table, nat kept exclusively far family used ~~ no chax°g,e is raadc, o Dollars per quar~tex° f`or each ~rablez.shall be pa9.d. Section ;56. Each propx~iet,o~•, manag~:s~ or lsssse of az~;y~ Wins or tszx pin al~.ey or 1.iUwl~ng alley shall pay a la:cense oi" Six Dollars par° quarter _,..- ., Section 36 Each proprietor or nzana.gsr ~~ any tight rope or wire rope perfcrmarzce, pan8~orar~a' show of figures, jugg~.e~°~s., necx~s~rnancs~e^~, magicians,. slight of :hand exhibi:tiuzxs, mind read.ew'~sr m~smer,ist€~~. l~ypno~ tis~,s or otYzer performane~. or entez~taf.nment exhibited -for ga~r~ or x~ward., shall pay a license of 1'w~o Dolle:rs for each perfarmancA. Section ~7.. each propx°ietar ox° zrzanager o1' menagar~.e, circus or colt®cton of anima3,s° shall ~t~y a license ofi T'ive l~allars i'ar eacYz per4 formance,. and One col".Lar adctitivnal 3?or each side ~~.aw or e~htbit:ion for w.hieh an .entrazie e ;F. ee is c!lzarged;: - SeCt:ion 36 ~, ~acl~. organ ~ririder or other stxect z~usc~~dazz, wh.o chax•ges ox so~.ia•its any compensation for his music, or wkU so~.icti;:s s,~.m~, sha~.l pay a license.°° of Oz}e .Doll~:x~ Baer clays Sect•lon 39 Every ~ar~on, firm or corporaticn engag.sd in the business cf sal:king or soliciting orders: fo;r swing machixzes~, pie,nos, org~;ns ar~ other mus~oin,l nstx~um~inte, or spl~.cit::s orders far t~atoh c1L1be~ suit:. club's, ,j,ewveler's clubs ar similar org~nizatiane where payments ax°e • :made on tYze parta.al. oY° installment plan, :shall pay alicens.e'Qf 7've Dohlars p;er qua>^ter, ~ ,-~~Section ~0-, Ea-cyh. person engaged in the. bus in.©~s/~ ~f zbi7.:t,-p USt ing - ~YGI,G~-~Gr>LFitGicy`'.rj'as~)!~~'~i ~~<~i[~t~ .T6is~ ~Yi~i~F..~'vy Zlo a-Y'GP!dK~Pit-o U 2<~~.~r~/~a//J~j~~cc~i: in .said town/shall pay a license of o .and. 50100 Dollars por quarter' and each advertising sign pa3ntex• shall pay a Tike. sum as l~,cerise of '2'wo aild 54100 Dollars per quarter. Section 4L. Each astrologer, fortune ~;eller medium, clairvoyant or palmist shall: pay a, l:ceriss of I've Dollars per' quarter. ~~ Section !~2.. ~rery persons opor°atng or conducting. any lung t•ast•ez°•,, any lift tester, or° any other machine or instx°uments used fr~r the purpose of det4rminirzg physical, strength and for which a cllax•ge is made, az~d every keoper off' a ba1l:S knife or ring thn~owng game> shall pay a license of I+`ive ~oll:ars per week and no lricense skzall be issued for less than .ane week. , Section 43. Eq,cla. auct~,onee.r shall.. pay a guax'ter7,y :La.eense of I'ive.Dol"lars and ~'sar a perl.od gf l,~?SS than on~;~quar°t9x' for each. auction sale a 1a.eense o#' 'i'wo boZlars pez° day4 Seetiozz ~44. Upon each b~.aycle r.^ack 1o~;:a~~t~d upon any of ths: . sidewa]<ks or stz°•aets o;e said tgtivn there s1~a~1, bQ paid a sezui~~nnur~i. license of Oxze and 54100 ~ollax•<s by tkte parsgn, i'irra ox• c.orpora.•tion zna~:ntaiz the said bicyc7~ x'aok and no liaanse shal,'l. be •issz~ed f'9r a loss ~~'-~ ~io:~trr~~~1 ~~~4!~~G'~~tPe.~ ~.vr7 ~eP~~C.ci cvc.cll.~ period than six months and the Town Mar.shal:l. is hereby authori4ed and ®mpowered-and dreGte:d to remove from any sidew~.;ik to th4 c.orporat3:on ya~r•c1 azly bicycle rank up.Un vrhicll a license is not paid.. Section 9~b R, ,Every Lr~pvel.l.ing m;ex'chazlt,~- la.awk~r, doc;tor°.. or vend~zy str~pt fakir, ,~r: ~dw'e~^tiau:~~, w.i?o advertises good9 drugs, wares or mere charzdi.se o;E` axy kind 'hy mu~3.c, singing or dancing, ,jugglery, tricks, slight of haxid, bixff'oc~~¢~"y.} gyxnzzastics or any spectacu::Lar d3.sp7:ay, ~lzovr or p~rforxnano4~ or b~ spesches e,~r orq;tory or by any p?~°f'orxnancq upon the straets' oal.culatod t-o dravt oz: c ol,lect a~ crgwd ~~' people about t!?,e person so cal.liz•~g or advort'~:s9.ng waiCes, as aforesaid, shall pay a Zeertso of 7~.'en ~ol.lars per day.. Section 4:6 :for every per•sonp ,~'irtxi oz^ corporatiop engaged 1.n the 'bus iness cf solioiting or ~4i~a~ing of baQks, papers, tnagaGinQs, period ice;ls, charts, muzZS, patent, rtgdicines' ointiuents, soaps, toil.©t artlclea or any article of trade, 9x' any goods,, wares or znex~chandise not included in the pz°cvisions of Sect,~.on 28 of t1~.3.s Or•.•dinanc:e, or for splicit;~ng for oi1~ paizl~~hngs, :crayon drawings froze photographs or other pictures, ahal~ pay a sezui~anrtual li:cezlse 9f '~'wenty~l!'ive ;Dollars and np license sYtal.l be issued fo:e less than six. months,. (d~J ,Section 4'7, +very pex"san, f iron or corporation that sells in the Fawn of Los Gatos any bankrupt, assigned or damaged stook of .goads., wares, m,ex°chandise, ~:n`u,gs~ ,jewelry, dry~goods~ boots and slioss, clothing, hax~dwars, groce-ries~ :furniture o-r other stock off' morehandise shall .pay a license of Fifty Dollars per quart;esr', payable in advance., provided how every that this sec•t~.,oxz shall not apl~7,~~ t'o merchants oi' the ~'ow.n of Los Gatos having a 'fixed: iilace of business in .said Town,.. .and no licsi~ss shall be 3.ssu~d for 1~2ss than; one ciuar~e~r~. Section 48, ~'ar carrying ctn. or conduoting the busix•~ess of selling or giv~.ng o~'• trad3ing stamps tickets or ohecks of any kind ~re~ deamable in money,. rq:erohandise or any other thing, and so redeexn.ng the saxae, a license of F~:ve. 7~Qllars per ciuarter shall. be paid.., Section ~5, For the business of conducting qr Uperating any ware house ~assd for t`he stq~age of any merchandise., hay or furnitux'e or goods for 'o~l;her persgns for profit, a license of fro Do'Laars pcr quarter akiall be paid, .. Section 5f~=t For" each dawn '~roker~ Five- Dollars bier quarter shall be paid. In aeldit4on. tq the ordinary mee,niilg oi' "pawn brolcsr", any° person who kscps a place of business ssrhere personal, ,prgperty is rece:ivsd, on :which. money is advanced with the. right or prd~ilege to tkie person to whom the money :s advanced, t c x~ecl.aim the prol~er•ty on the payment of a euzu less than the actual. value tl7.ereof, shall 'be deexnsd a .pawn: ~~~~s yr,A whether the transact'bon shall be called a salE or note between the parties. Section 61.Q every person. or :Firm ceiducting or carary'ii~g on at a f'xsd pls,ee in sand.- Fawn the buisnsss .of deal,itg in ;,junk,, 'old ~ qn (or other mstals)~, old bvtt~],es, raga, ol;d, bags or~ eld, clothing,, sha]:J. -pay a semi.a.annual license: of ~"ive :Dollars and no license sY~ral~. be ~i•ssued -f'or' a less~ericd than six montY~s, Section 52. every person qr firm nct haviizg a filed ~laee of busindss in said `''own engaged in tl7.e bwsiness of gatlxsx•irig juxik, ald :iron, or other metals, old 'bo•t~~,l.es, rags, sacks or clothixlg, or :any other goods as ,junk shall pay a lir,ense of Gns and 5Q~1Q0 Dolls:rs per quart.r:-r for 9J each vehicle used in said business and no licez~sa shall tae issued i'ar a ~.ess period than ~:hr~ee' months. Section 63, ~!or every laorson engaged in the manufacturing af' syphon soda, soda pop, ginger ale, x~aot beer, giant tonic, artificial mineral watery or other sa=palled non-alcoholic drinks or beverages, sha:l.l pay a license of One ~arzd 50/l00 Dollars por quart;ar. Section 5'4, 1+'very~ person, fz°m or corporation conducting the busi:na.ss of deal9.ng in ire at a fixed place in said Town shall pay a license of One .Dollar per guar°ter, Section 5~. Every person, i'irm ar corporation conducting or running any e igar store or e igar stand s~zall pay a license of` One and 50%L00 Dollars per ciuart;er, . Scotian 56, Every zaarson,' i'irm or corporation having n:a i'ia~ed ial:ace oi' busi~zess .in sa~.d ~'awr~ ~ng~Ad: in the business of delivering oil. f'z^om wagons or automobiles al~~]1 pay a .license of One and 50/1q.Q Dollars per quarter. '. ;'' S.ecton 57a Eder ~'ir y porspn,.-~ zp o;° earporat,~..on engaged in the btxsinastt_ of canning, dry~.ngy parking ar pr sparing green or :dried fruit or' vegetables far•. hire o~• otherwise, ~'or sYr~iament or otherwise, or for sa:Le up~in commission or o-therwiser, wlaex•e the arnpunt of fr^uit or veget~.bles . panned, packed.., dx•ied, ??repared or sold in orze yeah does not exceed three hundred trans shall pay a 1lcense o!' ~wenty4Fiva Do~.lars per• .annum, and for each additional one ~,undred 'tons a- license 4f Two and .50/1,00 Dollars; ;c or two .hundred tams and riot taver~ three hundred tong a license. oi' '~~vanty Dollars for one hundred tans and nvt over twa hundred tons a licaise of .:T:ifteen Dol7:ars, and for less than one hundred tons a lic~nse.of 7:*en . Do7,].ax's . Seat~:on 5t3. ~~ex'y person, fizm or corporation operating a .steam or eleotric ra~:7.raad or stx^aet: rai7.way within the to~rrn ].irni~s shall pay a 1lcense of ~'ii"~y Dollars par annum, Section 5~9.. >?,'very person.y Firm .AX' corporation having a :E'ixe.d .place of business iz?~ said ~'cwn engaged in the, business c:~ clothes cleaning (i~a dyeing or renovating shallpay a license of One Dollar per' quarttver, and all persons not h:xving a fixed place of business iz~ said town soliciting; for dyeing,, rencvatizzg and cleaniz'zg; clothes or Ather we~a,ring apparel to be sent oust of said town skzall pay a license of `~:hree Dollars per quartsr•. The provisions of thin section does not apply to the washixzg and laundryi~ ing of clothes. Section ~C1. Ever,y p.er•son., f' irm or cox°porat ion engaged iz1 the busizlsss of keepiz?~ or conduel;ing a livery stable, sale stable or board:. stab.le,.sha],7. pay a ~:iesnsQ of ~`hrse Dvl~.ars per quarter, and for the keeping or conducting of :an automub:i:~.e garage a license of One and 50f1(70 Dollars .skull be paid fox' saGh quarb;e:~, Section fil. ~rery person, firm or cor.poratian carzryng on the business of outdoor adver'~ieizzg within the ~ov~rn of Dos Gatos, or having agents condizeting such business, sha].7, pay' a q,uartex=~:y k,icense o~z eac:h bi7.lboard or ax"ea a}s (allows, to~wit~ having outdoox• advortis9:ng• matt~er~ covsr~ing a space of one hundred squares feet or 7>ess Qne Dolla~'•; over one ' huxidr'ed square feet and .not oven two- hundr~:d square feet;. area One and 2~~lOQ`Dollas^s; over two Yzundred ~quars t'eet, and not ovor three hundred square feet area Qne: and 5a~14~0 I~allare.; over three hundred square i'~sst -and not Dyer six huncix•°~ed ,z$~~are i'ee~t+, area ~'wo Dollars.;. ovsx~~ six hundred squtare feet azid not. ovezr~ one thousand square rest area T'wo and ~0~100 Dol7.ars:; over one thousand squ.~°e fse'~. and not over two thousand aquarE . feet area ~'h~•~ee a;z~.d SOlIC?o Dollars; over two thousand square i'e:e't 'and not over three thoueand squax~s fee"t area"~'aLU^ 7~ol:Lax*s. Seotion 62.. .Every person, firs or Doi^porat,ion wkzo shall keep a ;stallion, jr~Ck, lu~.l or x°am -and shall permit the same to be used. For . pr"opagation, for liix°e or :pro~'it, sha1~, first obtain a license therefor, „_ and pay for said ~.icenss the suan o;f. Eive k~!ollars per annuma :Every such anima9..kept and used for such purpose shall be kept,iin an enclosure eex°~eened: and ®xoludsd from public view, nor skia,ll any.. such. anima.]. when used for purpose oi' propagation be kept in any- building or enclosure w:i:thin one hundred feat of .any building used a:s a family residence. Section 63. Evex°y xierson, firm o•r carporat;ion snga~sd in any ~._~/ ~ ~ lime of business dealing in goods, wares and merchandise at <•~ fixed pace of business in said. town sand which sr~,id business, by the provisions oi' this ordinance, has not hez•einbei'ore been enumerated, designated gar proms vidad for, shall pay a y;uart;erly licanse of ~hr~e Dollars. 5eetion &4, Every person, firm or corpox•ation having no fixed place of business 9.n sai.d town .who solics~it~;s or•~d,ers. or peddles or :hawks any goods, wares or merchandise in said town and not hereinbei'ore enumew rated, designated or provided fors shall pay a quarter~.y lioense of T'en D ollax• s Section 85, xt shall be un~.awful fqr any persQn~, firzu or corpcp ration to engag© ~~? or carn•y 9n. any busizaeas, trade or calling hereinbe~ fore set fpr'~t11, for the txansaat;ion or caz•rying o,n o~ 'which a lie~npe is required., withput first Ming ®ut ar procuring from the ~.cer~se collector the 1:icense required for suoh business, •L•x•ad.e, profession or call.~g. Every poison shall specify by names GYie person:,. .firm or co~•ps~raticn, to whom '~,t al~.c;~.l be issued-, and shall des9.gna~t:e th.o particular place at which tk,e bus~.nes's sha],a:'be oa,r~~.ed_ un, Section 6(5!,, Ev~x°ybper's4n having a licez?se under the provisions of this orciiritince, shall, k.sep the satire posted ;at all tirn.es wlii7.e din his or her pls,ce of business,. and shall also produce th.e same when requested to da so by an~r town offic<er yr rovhen ,applying f'or ..a r. enews,7,. Sect on ~"!. 2Qo license granted or issued under the provisions of this ox•dinance~ shall 'be in any manner assignable:. or transferable, or authorize .any pez`sor~~ other than- is therein named or ~n.entio~ied to do business;, or authorize -any Other business trian is, thereiiz rnen~E:oned or narned.r to be done. or .transacted, or the business therein named>ta ive dons. o~° transacted at any place, 'otheY° than is inentioried ii1 said. ~~ceza.ie, with out. permi sion of"the license c.o7,~.eat~r endorsed kierenn in writxrg, Section ~8`; The term of a7-], annual .hicenses shwa, begin on the 1st day- of_ ~'anuary of each yea~r• of -semi annual license on the lst day of Jaruax'y :and 1'st day pf July of each;.year;, and- of quarterly licenses on .the lst day of January,. 1st day' of April, 7,st d,ay. of JtA~.y and lst :day ~./~~ of October of each year', If any business shall. be commenced after the beginning of the cur~r~ent year, one-ha7.f yaar~ or one quart"er", as bc;f'ore speeifi~d!, a liesense is hereby auth9ri.zed to be issued by the collet-tor' on the payment; of the pro~rata suni for the unexpired term, but in no case dhali. a license be .issued for less than one quarter, unless otherwise speeial7.y prcivided fcr. .:Seat ion 69. I't is 'hereby made the duty of the Marshal to ens force ai.l the previsi9na 9i' this ordik~ance,, and t o mal~a c9m~yaint b ef' ore ~• the rec9rde agai~~st any and a7.1 pers9ns violating any oi' the provisions 9f this ordinance.. The conviction and punishment; oi' any person or persons tr~ansactizlg any business without a license,, shall. not exclude hire front the payment of -.any license :due 9r un~aid~ at the time of c nnviat ion. `.~h.e amount of the 7.icense due shall 'be deemed a debt t9 the Towrn of Z9s Cxatose and on be3;ng notified by the ~a~ Collec.tQr~' th.e flown Att9rnay is arnthoriiP red to commence;-a suit or suits, in the Heins 9f 'the '~ovuri 9f ~,os Gatos., in •Che proper cozzrt, for. the recovery of the .sum due. Seet~;on 70, bicepses ha7.1 b~ ;paid in,-advance at.ahe ;office of the `.Gown ~'ax Collect 9r. Seotion..71,. phis ordinance shall. not apply to or eft''ect any license ri9Vr issued for :any. stated period 'but at •Bhe expiration of the period the.glicense ._ have boen issusda the provisions of this ordinance; shall. app~y s Section 72', Any person tivho :shall. vi9late any o£ the provisions of this ordixiance .stall 'be deemed guilty of a rn;i,sde~eanor and upon Dana vi~.t_on thereof shall be punished by a fins not."e~ceedilzg One Huizdred: 'Dollars br by imprisonment in the C`ourity Nail Af. the County- of Santa Clara for a term not exceeding tkiirty.'days or liy botY,..su~h f ine and 'in.~- pr•i s onmert , Seetiein 7~;.+ All, ;9~'dinances 9r parts of ox^d•nanoes in canfli;et. herewith are hereby r.epeale~. Section '7~#. 'fld 7;oarn !Clerk sha1,7.; ~aus:e this ordinance to be p~'blish®d once. in the iF~~ ~'~~'s~"~-'°_ ~' ~~~'°~~~c~. .~~~-~~ a newspaper of general . ~_~t~_ circulat3;on, printed and pub~.ished in the 'Town of T,os Gatos, and this ordinance she,1:7. take effect aYld be` in f'oroe~,~f~Q~and after the lst day of .3'anuary' .A.U, 1~J10, T: Passed, approved and adopted t3is ~.~~~ day of December, A,`!1,,7.909y by the. following vote:» Ayes : 'T'rustees ~`~G-t'~%z~~l~/c,~-~-c ~~1 ~ -~~~~-~_ ~ _ ... _.. m. ~ ~ .; Noes... 7.'rustees _. ~ . ~~`.:.: `z..t ~. .~ ~..... __ .~ .._ w.. _ __ ~. __ ~. .._ ..~ :~lasent.,;-Trustees /~~os~..~ -,-~r~ '/ President of~the~~oard of ~'rusteea AT~"'EST~ of the Town of Zas Gatos. '',.~ ~~ i ll- vii 1,/tv , ~__.~~® C].exk--of the 'down of - os Gatos. 1 hereby approve the above :and foregoing ordinance this ~~`~'~~ ..day ~f Dec emb em,. A..D,,, 1909 , y -.:..:. _: -.: - ~ ~ ~ ~residen~ of~the :Board"off`' ~~.Trustees of the"Town of Dos Gat as, .:. ~~~