Ord 0138-RELATING TO AWNINGS AND SIGNS OVER OR ACROSS SIDEWALKS STREETS OR ALLEYS IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSORD~N,ANCE : ~d0 A ~ ~ ~, ,A~7 bTi,U:C~NC~+, .13T-~I~A~'xI~TCr `J,'0 A~T~N4S ,A~tD S~Cx~S OVER OR :AC~OaS 5~7~ +'-~ WA,~S, S'~I~F~Zi'7'.S `-OR~A~I~ES'S IN TTi~+ SOWN OF I,QS CiA.TOSa . ,_: '~~I'E BOARD OF~'~RUST~S 0~' ~NZ T09V1~T'OF T,OS G~.7.'OS do ordain.. as ~'oa.~.ow~•- "ecti`on ~.~ Noa~.,.&wninge oP-any- other triaterial than clotYa or oanva~ w3,I.]. be p.ermit~ed .~:o hang or projecit. from anon '~ui~,d~~g :: post or ;pole over or acraoa the .>id~~ralks, streets or a1.7.eys in said: town, Sec„ 2~, . No•s,i~ns off' any desc~^iption w~.y1 lie perinitt,ed to han¢ or prp,~ect t'rom any l~ui"?dinga: post or poke over or across the sidevvall~s, st~`eets or a1,].eys inn said townA Sec,3. Said awninga;n~ust be secur.e,ly.fs,stened to the bu~.~d.ing and. in;no instance w~11 ,an .ownir}g 'be ~perint~ed to Y~a,ng 7.ess~ than seven..{ry) feet from th:e sidewalk, aid the~~:nrr~, mint rio"'~';,gUa the width of tk~e wa~..k ° and said avan~,r~go must "~©. o Ox~ s'~x'uis$,ed" and put up.,,,.~:n a ~ood• a;nd workmanlike x4anner and approved by' 't'he 1~dax^€Sht'a„1, e' , ' See:: 4Q All` or:ilinanc'es:~or psrts oi' ordix~az~eses ~h co'nfliciG; her;ewfith arse hereby repea~.eds: ~.. ~,ny of. `Secs .5, Any person- found=gui 1ty oi' violat'ng~~,the pro.-: v;istons of th~.a Ordinance., sha17..~1ae gu)i1,;ty of a misdemeanor, and 'upon conviction thereof, shall be f'ir_ed not 7,ess tlaan~ the surtt ' ! 'of,~;/~~~~; nor Wrote than th,e Burn of ~~~• $, or be _~.mpra.soned:.- - to the County Jail ,af Santa Clare., County, 'or a. period. 4f not . lesr~ than . dayrs, War more than ~~ ~~ days } :or by 1~;oth sa.cll firi.e and' iznprioox~mezit, Sec.. S.. '1'his•Qrdinance shall take e~~ect e;nd Ze in fc~ree ,~ `. 1 ~ i i :from and after it~~passage, approval and publication. Passed and adopted this(~~nd day of August, 1909, by tYze f ol~.owing vote:- ~ Ayes , '.Pros t e ens . „~°?,~~ ,~~e~~t~P~.s~-z ~ ~ M ~M ~ ~P~C ~ ..., .,..`j~~~~ ._ . _„ .... _. _.. ,.... .... ..d /r~~~\ f -~~i'1(il~(/'l .<.~% i~' C .~/ ~C~l it f~~ `x- ' [%`vcO ~ .~ I Noes. Trusi~eos. ,v .m ... -,. r! ;~.`-v`~,f.... _..... ._..... _..~. __ _ ~. _. _.. ;~/ ~Ybs ent . ~1Y~u st e e s . _. __ ~ f~l~ ! '~ ~•~~~!L _. _. ~. __ ~.. ,.~ _.. _.. _, fires id ent of"'~3o and o ~rus~.ees~o~ the Town of Los Gatos, ,~TT'~ST "~ ~ , -1~ Y.~2-Yt- +~i ~ler~ ofY tY~e~Town of os nGatos;