Ord 0137-ESTABLISHING WATER FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSOI,1~I;NANCE 1V'0, ~.3?7'. ATf OR7~IDTANCF 1r1S`CABLTS1iI1~'CG WATIIt 1~1T1;S FOR Tlil; TOZ~~tN' OF LOS GA~C~S, COt11~T'Y OF SIiNTA C7~t~iA, .STATE OT' CATTI'ORNTA.. 7'.I-IF BOARD OF TRUST + ~ S OF TT~T TO?1fN OF T,OS CrA.TOS da orda:tn as 01.lolNS:m 1?'.h.e sci~.edu7. e zr•at es t a b e charged far wat or' rate payee°s •l, o 'kre I collected far furnishizlg walt.eL:• to customer°s vrit~zin 'the Town of Las Gatos far the year eomznenc~:n~ JulsT 1st, ~,90~~, sl~.al1 be as follows: Section ].. ~'vr tenements occ+upied by a single family of nat more than five persons, per rnonthp•R..~...~..rm.~«~....~.~......~M..«..w-._.._..R~~ <~0 Ssc. 2. I'or fariiilies and private boexding harzses af' raore t~rzan five pzrNons,, shall be cla~rged far .each persaxi abave that nurribex^.,.,.._"w~,ga4.~..~w..~~u«...~..........o~M.~.~,.w~...~..._.~M.... .W.~~.~.,w.n..w..~..~........~m ,15~ Ch3.ldren of seven years and under are exempt fx•om the above z'~at e . See, 3. .For sma11 fanv.lies aceup;~ing roams in sec and and third st.o~•ias, per month...~Km.~....w_..~...a~,..,...,a..WWpa AFm,..~m..«w.~.~.,K....~a <~i5~ Sec. 4. Far.restaurazlts and eating; houses,,, per month 3.00 ~to ~mw.~..r.a~,e.~.<..•.....«..w..«,...K..~..,..~a..a.<m...,.~~.m.~Wk.,.....•µw.~.~mw .,.~„ ~:.OQ Soe. 5. For hatels and. ladgln~ houses., rate subject t o x~~~ special agz7^eemerzt in accordance vrith th:e cluxantit+.y of ~wat:er used,, tc be determined by meter as providc;d in Section 27. See:„ 6. ~'ar small st.ox°~s and. shops,. p:er mgz~:~th~«~.-~=M~p~ .50 Sea. R(', For stores and shopsy per month 1.00 t.a»~~-,.,.~ 2,.50 Sec.- f3, Fior sala0z~s' per mazzth 1.50 to mw~»a-•--RM~.L~..M.. 3.50 Sec. ~. F'or raoms in second and ti~.ird stories aea;;upied as ofi°iees, for each roam, per znan~th ~.25 t:aw~~~a~.~.~..-.R.~~w ~.~.S..wR.. e5;0 ~..-~_ SPC, 10. :N'or phatograph ga:Lleraes per mazath 3.00 ta•a~ ~-.00 See, ll. I{'or public wateryclasat.s vvhara ther.,e is only one, per monthw_w....~..wma.~~ .~~a_..,...__dK..gwm__d.,..e...~. ____...__~M.,_....KO~p 1.00 . ~i0 For each additional one, per month-®~--~°Rn.,..........°°°.°_.°_,_N•°._..a.....,~..-w For private one, par month: ~.~°-~-_-~ -6-~-°°~°°.~`~.`"°"`."'""`_.-..a.....,-..~ ®40 Sea. l2. For public bath a;,ubs usad in bathing establish ment:s, boat•ding houses and barber shops, for first one, per month ' l.'5.0 a,G .,.. l .00 F'or each additionnone, :par month-A~KF~°~°°°~~~~--•°'°'°'°".`°"'.".°""~ For bath tubs used in private families, par monthw~°.~~.,°•°°-~°~~°°.`® •25 Sec. 13. F'or Taakarias ~.n addition to tYze family rates, ac¢:ording ~.o the monthly use of flour, for each. 25 barz els used, par:~mbnth...~~qvw..._....F.~.,..u.~~,~aW_..__.....<_._.~.,.._.~~.,mdaa,~.~ww_..._ ._..,a_......w 1.50 See. 1n. Far drug stores without ~tl~.e use of soda or ot~3~r~ fountains, per month...~,~.,,wAaR~m~~.u==may.,~......~w~w.~am~e..~m~~G~.;m~®~ :L .00 l~'or dx•ug stores ~~rrhere sada or other fountains are used, par 00 to -~~-»~> 3.00 month ~~2. °°•°w_...~.~w..~.~.~...,....w...._.~....md_.,...._m.,.._.._.......w._Mm..., Sec. 15. For blacksnia:th and other wagon shops, per monthwKma..Wrpm.~M.,~.m~a~.,~A..M4aR.,m..N~~.~~_,em~n..e..._,~.FG.~.,K...<~....~....M.tiw.. Y.00 Seo. 1~,~> For livery. s't-ables, inal.uding water f'or washing . 25 buggies a.nd carriages, for each horsey per month ~>~..w~°•°°~-~••°~•••'••'° Sec. 17'. For privata stolales, inclLiding water for riarses g gg:l`r per month:.,.,......~,_..,M.,_..~.,......M..__.....M.,.~ .35 and water for washa.n bu For each additaonal horsy or cow per month~mww--_.,aw~~~~°~~`".."."°'"°'° .2U Sec. 18. For str:am engines not working over 10 horsy for each horsy power so used, per month ~~~mK.,..w,.w -~'0 p ow ex: par day , For all warking ovex° 1,0 horsy power per day, for each horse: paver, ...~w...<M~.F_~...~..b .45: per month ....____~..w..,,.a.,.,.......,4.xi.~w~w~~<.~d..~~~.....d~<..w Sac.: 19. For building or plastera.ng, far elacl~a.ng each barrel of lime-,.a~®......LL.,m_,~.o..........,N..__M.,..._R.S..R~w ......., For water used. by' bricl~ layers to make mortar and daxnpan brick, for each 1000% bra.altw..v.~..~...,......a..w..._w....~__a._a~w.,.,a_..b~..w_.,W~_.r_._,..u .15 Sec. 20, Far barber shops where one chair is used, per months. ~.,m„~,_.,.._.~,s__ ................w_~......~..b., _Wd~zR..~RU..~..am~ ~.....~..<.._... ~ 1.0U ..., . ~0 For each additional chair, per month®~«-~R~u~~°°°°-~.•°."°`"""""°'"""°`"'° Sec, 21, Tor fountains not used more than six hours per day -:for 1.16 i.neh jet, per montkzmww=u~-R_..a.~w-.a__-.A_.-.--~..._.~w_ma~<...~~~ 2.0'0 For l~8 inch jet, per montkz°m=°-•-•-•--•~~--~_.W______...._...,.._.„.,_,..m.._..__.. 9:®00 I'or 1~2 .inch jet, per month =w_..____.,_..__.._a.._.,_®..____...._.._..F__~,~ 10.00 Sea. 22, For 9.rrigat1.an, for g;se of hose :for sprl.nl;lS~ng flawers and grass plats of not more than fifty square yards, pex- month_.._..__~_.~_..om__.a__omA__<4__.._,.4.~m..w_W_~.•,.._k__b...._.._d_...._....AW__ .40 For each square g?•ax•d exeeed.l.ng fifty~t per monthm--•-,wk.•w-~.=g•~•»~~~~~••~ .OU~~„ •• Sea. ti3, Far use of hose in front of stores and shops fur vrashing windows and sprinkling side~xalks, accord3.ng to frontages per mozath ~.25 to -.dd__..__.W......_r___K_..__a...~_.._a.~_a_.~.~.,_m._.~.._.._.~_._a 1,00 See, 24, For v~ratex• tx°ou,ghs for each trough on sidewalk, per month 1.00 to m__.._.._M_____..__.._..a_.,___R....______ ...................._m 3.00 Sec. 25, For China washhouses• :for use of water for one washer, per month- M-~---..____-~_ __..___..___...,_.._..~.._r..d„v...._.,.._..,. g '~5, . For each addi•L•icnal man at the sar<ze houses, per month.-~~~4--•--Ma~-~ 3.00 Sec, 26. For water car'~.s and wagons for use of wager for sprinkling s~tzreets only, for each 1000 gallons used-m..e..__..__ ,08 Sec. 27. For water used by meter, minimum claurge of 1.00 per month, Vrla.icl~. enta.tled user to 4000 gall.cn:s, ~l;l. over 4000 gallons per 1000A-....nm.._.._.___...._.._.._.,..__.....__....n____....~_~..~a~ ~~:~¢:~~~.- Sec, 28, :any consumer d~ssatis:E'ied with the amount of his monthly, rate for water can have the same adjusted by meter by paying the Water Company a rea,~sonable price far setting a rr~-ter at, the rate per thousand gallozms as provided in Section 2'7 of the foregoing tariff rates, See. 29. The Board of Directors of the Water Coznpany shall have the power ~ixs all cases to ascertain by meter the quantx.ty of water used and fix t:he pr:i.res as provided in Sectiazz 2"I. Sec. 30, T.zrunediately upon the alarm of fi.rc all persons using water for irzA•gatin~ purposes zuust clo se the:~r faucets arzci keep them e7_ased d'uri.ng •th.~ continuance of -the use of t:kze water by' the Fire Depart•~ meat. Sec:. 31. ~'or water tivilfully or carelessly' allowed to run over night through a Y:tose, a sprinkler or a faucet, the rate. ~al.l. be, per niglrt~»w_M_~...........,..~~......~..._mm....___..m_..W.,.,~e....as.......,~......,....~~~vK~~ 2 . ~.0 Sec. 32. Por water used fx•om hydrants for fire purposes by the T'otvn of Los Gatos, for each hydrant, per annum, payable guar-teal.y..aw.~.....~~w.~_........,..~.,.....,_....~__.:w~,~., _.._...,..~......,mw........_.._..~.aw 5.00 _h Sec. 33:. 1{or water used ~A~ flusing sevvers by tl-ie sown of Las Gatos per 1.000 gal.lon_spH~...._w~••-.~.~.~.n:~roa..®w~~we._.F...®~rW.,k~:s.: ,08 Sec. 34. This ordinance shall take e:Pfect and be in force from and af-~sr June 30th, 1909. Sec. 35. All ordinances or parts of ord.inancPs in eon.flict, with. this ox°dinance are hereby repealed, Passed and ad optE:d this /s--r~ day of I'ebruary, A.D, 1909, by the folla~+r~.ng vote:" Ayes. Trustees: _ _....._ _w~~~r ~ -- -. =~/Y',~,P.A .,~~r_t.ls i Noes. Trustees: _t%/~-( Absent. Trus-i:ees: _. ~/~~~_-. __ _...~ _ ..~ _ _.._ _. _.., .__ __ ._ _.... _., ~. rr„-«.-rei3 Zvh"ai~^rnan of hoard o:f~uTrust.ee.~ ~f' the To~~nz of Los Gatos California. A`.P312+'ST : Clerl~ of~tLe`~Tocvn of (J~os~Gatos, P '" Approved this /cS~ day of k'ebrtxary, A.D. 1909. ~~~~ _ ~Charinan of Bpa~'dWo:f `lrustees~ off' tkie Town of Los Gatos, California.