Ord 0136-RELATIVE TO THE KEEpING OF LIVE STOCK AND POULTRY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF LOS GATOSORDINANCE NO®~~~~~y~ ~~wao0oo®w~, AN ORDINANCE R:GLAT:[VE TO `PHE KEEPING Ot' LIVE' STOCK AND VdTTHTN TFIE CORPORAT7+ I,TNITTS OF THE ~~I6T1~ OF LOS GAT OS AIVD I'O:ft `.PHI{; PRESERVATION OL' FILALTFI TDl SAID TOVUl~l. me~co0oop-~~ THE BOARD 01+ TR.US`I' '+S of the 'own of Los C,atos do ordain as follows; Section lm Every persoh, firm or corporat.i.on eiac-~'r• as owner, lessee, tenant ar occupant of any stably:, sta11, cor~^a~., pen, yard, enclosure or apxez~°tnien•~ in whl.clz any horse, cow, swine, poultry or• any other animal shall be kept., or in any place in which manure of any such animal or animals shall 0 ollect or ace>:amulea,te or any Vraste, fend or vegetable matt.ezty sha11 accumulate, sh.a7.l cause such r~~ or waste matt7.er 'ta be removed to some proper place and saa:d. acotvnulati.ons shall. be removed at intervals not exceeding ~o weeks between th.e first day of Aprl.l and the first day of October and at iril;erval~s not exceeding "'~' weeks between the first day of October and the first day of Apr:tl of each and every year and shall a.t all times lteep or cause to be kept- such stables, stalls, corrals, pons., yards, encl.esures or apartc~inents .and appurtenancesthereof in a clean'and whcl.esome eonditi,on. Section ~. I+~ery person, ~'~a~m or corpa~,rat3.on eil;Iier ~ ~!I. as owners lessee, tenant or occupant conducting a restaurant Ira-~~~~~~ Vic-<.~-~ ~ hotel~n said ~owrz slsall proviele suif;able ~xh recep•l;ac].es~with proper covers fox the same~for receivjng: all slops, offal., garbage and waste mterial of sa~.d x•estauren•t axa hotely~and cause th.e same to be removed t;o some prober pace at intervals not exceeding ~~-edays. ' See•tion ;3. Tt sha11 be unlawful f'or any pex°son, or persons, firm or corporation to keep more than two rouwixze within the cv2^pnrate ~imi.ts of the sa9.d oTown of Los Gatos, nor shall. they be kept within `~-e~ ~h,~~~~ feet of any dwelling house in said Town. Section 4. Any person vid~lating any pr^ovision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon eonvieti or a plea of gui.li;y thereof shall be punished by a tine of not more than e''c.~ ~~~y~~~'-~G~ Do11.a.rs or impxisonment in the County Tail of the County of Santa Clara for a ter°m of~y+~~E~ ~~~ days or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 5. A1.1. Ordinances or parts of Ordinances ~.n conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Secticn 6. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in foi^ce from and after its passage, approval. and publi.aati.osl. Passed and adapted as an Ordinance of the Town of .Los CTatos at a regular meeting.of the Board. of Trustees of said Town this ~~'~~ day of September, 1908, by the fo:! lowing vote: Ayes: Trustees® !~~~j~-,(~~~~/' ~~~~ •",~~L~j~~.~ Noes: Trusi~„ees i~'~_ _. _ _. o... r _ ~, ~...~ _. Absent : Trustees m ~~,~ ~~'.,_ m., _ _ _ _ _ _........... President of the Bird af'M~Tustees of the Town of Los Cratos. A`P3GFaT' : ~/~/~e ~lE:r~c of-t~ie~3oard ~cust ees of the Towr~ of Taos Gatos,