Ord 0134-APPOINTING 5 PEOPLE TO CONSTITUTE A BOARD OF HEALTHORDINANCE N0. ~~ mu~oo0oo=DP04 AIJ ORDINANCE APPOIN`PING FI't~E P7~RSONS TO CONSTI'~'tJTE A BOARD Off' HZ+,ALTH. vm~oo0oom®= THE BOARD 02' TRUSTEES of tlae Town of Los Gatos do ordain as follows:® Section 1. ghat the Board of Health of the Town of Los Gatos shall consist of the following members: Dx°. Eleanor S. 'Y.'elland, "Pl. C. Shorn, Dr. R. A. Urquhart, S. D. Balch and J. Barber, AHarshal of said Town. Section 2. That the term of ~f'~ioe of said Board of Health shall 'be four years, provided however, that the term of the persons herein s;ppoin9~.ed shall be as follows, to~wit :m That the said Dr . Eleanor S . 5lelland axed 'W. C . Short shall hold offioe for a term of two .years on and after the passage and approval of this ordinance: That the said Dr. ~. A. Urquhart and S. D. Balch ~ha.1l hold office for a term of four years on and after the passage and approval of this ordinance: ~°hat th.e said J'. Barber sha~,l hold office during the term of his of~'9:ce as ~lLarshal and ExeOfficio `r'aa~ Colleotor of said Town of Los Gatos, Seotion 3. That wacaxLeies occurring in said Board of Health by death, resignation, removal or expiration of term of office sha],l be filled by appointment of the Board of Trustees of .said Town of Los Gatos. Section 4. .All ordinances or parts of ordinances in oonflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Seotion 5. This ordinance shall take ®ffeot from and after f~ passage, approval and publication. Passed and adopted this ~~~ day of April, 1908, by the following vote: Aye$e Trustees: i~~L~l/'~~, ~"~~'(~<,~~~ tee/ ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~ c~!~i/~-~mr~f~~„~, ®~ ~~~~.~ Noes, Trustees:®, m_ ~E~ih.P,.~ ® ~. ® .~ .~, --- ~ ~. m m m Absent. 7tarustees: ~~~-~.~ _ ~ ~ ~ _.. ~. ~..~ ~Chaix°mail/~of~' o d o~ trustees ®f AT'T'EST': the Tosi~n,. f Los Gatos. C~,er1~ q~' the down`-' f I,os Gatos.