Ord 0129-WATER RATES ESTABLISHED BY ORDINANCE NO. 129SAN JOS ~, ~'~iTE~ COM}'~I.~TY. ~' ~latea~^ ~atet~ T;eto.hliehed by~ Qrd3ne.nce N'a,__°~.~.~.,. TOWN pP L~~ GAT(~~s ono~oo~roao TkIP Bt~A~.A OP T3:~,U~'x'fi ~,~ o~ the Tawn o:~ I,o~ Ge.tos d:o Ordain a.~ ~'o1~:ot~ss The. ~c~hedule rAtes tc~ kae ohax~ed ~cax watea^ rate pa~ere ~© be co~.l.sctad Vicar t'ua:ni~hin~r watc~x to cu~t:ontexa within. the Tawn off' I,or~ ~atoa :fax the Ys'ax apm.mc~ncin~r Ju~.~~ 1,~t,1f~(76,ah~.~.~ be e.o ~p1lot~as ~eoti®n ~.~ Paa^ te~.nmc~nts oc;oupieci. by a ~:tn~1s ,. 1'am~.ly a~ n4t maxe than fiv® per~one,paa° montk,.~~~ ~~ .Op faction ~~ Pax ~'ami~.iea a~.d pxivate boaxdin hotasa~ oaf a~oxe than dive psraona , ~ha~.l. be AhFa.x~;sd fox each pex~~an shove that ~,umhex.~.~~..~....~.~,m..~.W.,..,w..,a...~ ',1.i 017ildxen o~ seven y~ea.x~ and tzndr~a^ a.x~e e:~smpt ~°xom, the a"bavs xataa ~ectian ~ Pox ~mA11. :Eamiliee oc~aupyin~; :~aom~ m in eerancl and. third. ~taxiee,~>ea.^ manth,~~~...M~..,....~.~,~~.. ~ 7b ~ect3.on 9:~ Poa~ xe~staure.nt~ and eat~.n~ hau~os pax mQn.th .,...,r~........~~....,.._~,.~®~.....~.~~.~..~~.~..,....~a® ~.;,~~~ U~ to k3.OC~ ~ecti.one~~. 'Pox hotels and lad~;:tn~ houoa~,xate sub~se:t to skaectial a.~;xnam,ent in aocaxdance w3.th the quant~.t~ ~~ wate.x uaed,ta be detea:mixaed by mst~x as pxgv:~.ded: ~.n ~ect.~an ~7`, usct~.an ~~- Pax em~.11 ~tare~ and ehopa,pex m©q ,6q urac~t3.an "lam Pox etoa.^se and shop,per mantki----~-~~. ~~.. CEO to ~,. 5C? ~3aatian ~~-F.'a~ ~e.lc~an.a,~ax month--~~~~„~$~.. ~0 to 34 b(~ ~ee~tion ~~ Pax xaa~n~ in ~acand and thl.xc~. ~-tax3.e~ ncaupie~: a~i tai'~i'se~f.~,:l'<Qa" each rQOmyper month s'~c5. to ~ G ~eot~.an :10-- Por phato~~rapYa ~allex~.as, sx mo.W ~,no -Ga rQas Sectipl~z :a.:~~ ~'px publt.c watax closets whexe thexe is only ane,pex man~~i_..~__,~~~,~.m~..~Ww....~.~.:._.,..,..~~ 1R~0 fax each c.dd:itioxzal anc~, per, mon-tla~..~-~~..~.,~~-~„~.,..~.~..~a ,~fJ ~'ax pr:tvate one,pex mon•ohm-~-~.4.~~..,.~~~~...~.~.~~_..~..__.M,....~..,..~ .~,0 ~ectior~ l~~- ~'ax ptablir bath tubs used ~.n bathes ink ee~•~abl:i.tthments,baaxdi.n~; hou~.aes~ azad barbex shaps,:~'ax ~.i.xst one,pex mouth__...~.~,.~.~w....~..~_........~_a.~..~ ~,«~i(~ Fox each add~.tional one,pex moz:~t;h_~.~~~T..~..•~-~~:n~m,.~.~...~. :I..a(~ Pox bath tubs used in pxi.v~,ta i'~mt.l~.es,pex nno.~~ n~6 section 13- ~'ax bakE~x~t.e~,in addition tCy •Gx~e i'ama.ly xatea,ace:oxdin~ to the montY~:ty use o:~' ~1pua.^, fox oaeh 5 baxx~le u~ecl,pex mon•tYz~._~.~.~.~~,_ 1 Q 60 Sectt.az~ ~~-- ~'ox drub; etoxes without. tY~a use o~ soda ox othex ~ountaiz~s,pex month--...-~w~md--..,a..rt-~.w 1.Ot~ Fax drub st<axm~ whexe soda ox otY~ex :Cauzlta:tns axe used,pex month~~,_._~....~.a....,....,._w.~.~.._m.~~:»~,~~kN.OU to 3.~0 ~oct:t.oz1 l~-~ Fox black and othax wagon el~.opc pax mcaz~th._.~....,,w..~,__,._w...__.~....,.....,....._~._w__~..~~w ._,..._.r~..~,......w.~,.~ 1.0U ~eQtiorz 16~ ~'ox livery ~~~;ab1PC, 3.z'icludt.n~ w~z.~tox ' i o~° washing b~z~,~;:i.ea and caxxie,es,;~ox aa~h haxee pax month--~,.w____._.M_._.__.~~~,.__.~,_._~.~,.~_...~~.~.x._..v.__.r ~._...._ ~f . Sectioz~z 17~ ~'ox pxivate st~.blea,~.z~clta.c~.in~; wa~tox ~'ax boxes and watex fax we.rah:~_n~ b1x~~Ys pex month_._..._...~ ~,._~.~.~....~._..~.~.__._~...,~..__.__:~..~.~~~._..~,...... ....... F h ~~ ox eac addt.tioue.l. hoz~s~a ox cow,pf~x mon'tY~.~--~ _m-~ ~ ~Q ~c~ctioza 18- Pox stee.m an,~i.n.as,zlot waxk:~n€, ovex 10 haxse powox pex day, fax eacY~ ho:~~ae powax so uaed,pex month__~~-_F.,~ ...__.~..~.Hw .__,~..,_v ............ .n..,._..v_w._.., `7Q ~"ox a~.l woxkixa~~ Avex ~.0 hog.^ee powc~x pex day, t'ox each hox~e po~rer,pe;~' znozxth.~__~._.~,~.p_._._.w...._.,_....,...,~__.r.~,u~, ~ ~; .~ ~3ect~.oxt 1;~m ~'ax bu3.7~c~.i:zag~ or. plas~tex~in~r,~ox slack:~ra~ each baxxel a~' lirr~e__.,_~._,.__..._._,.~.~.....,~..~W.~._..._w .7 ~ ~ax wat9x U.~3~d b~ bx:~ck layexs tC) S~l£~.ke TTIp7^'f;~.x . and dam~aen bxt.cl~, :fax each 14C)A bx;~.c~lc_~.w._,_....._.~.._~,~ , a.,5 ~3ect fora 20~- Fox baxbex shops ~vhex~~ one chaix is used,pex man.t;Ya_~-~-~_~,__d_.~_.~ ~ o pQ ~'ax each additional. ahaix,pAx month-~-~~ ~---~~w.~-~...,,-~, .~.Q Seetiaza ~~.-~ Fax :~'ot~.ntains not used moxe that six l~aua~^~ pex day fox ~.®l~s 3,nch ~et,pex rr~Qrith-w~ ~.OU Fox 1~8 inch ~je~~Pax mantYa.a_~.~,.~....~~._..,...:..W,._.........,d.p..r.....M ~~nn ~'ox 1_ry inch jet,pex zx~on•th~~._._...~.u.~r.~;.:~.,,W.~...~._~.y.w...~.,.~ lt~.OU ~eotion ?~~Fox ixxiga.ti.on,~o~° uae o~ boas for spxin~cl:tn~ ~lowexs and ~;xasr pls.t~s o:~ x~ot moan that i'i~'ty squa.xa yaxds,pex month~.~~-~~_.-~.._.~~---~~...w ,9~0 Fox sza~eh squa.xs ya.a^d excQedin~ :~ifty,pex rxronth~~ 1/~ csnt ~sction ~~~ For uss ofi boss in ~xont oi' atoxes ~.nd shops :fox' washing wi.ndawa s,nd apx:i.xak~l.ixa~ a~.ds~ wal~s,a.GOOxdizl~ tca ~xonta~e,pex montl~~--49~p25 to 1.00 ~aQC3ti0~1~F~i~°° Fob' wAtFJx tx'OU~kir~ ~OZ` ea.ch t~'p1:1.~7,Y1 an aidewalk,pe~r month-~.a~~-~-.-~~~~-~...~~-~.~..•~_~°.~~~- ~.QU to 3.OU section ~~°'- T'ox G`hix~a 'W'Q.~kl°-k1o11~3P,~i,~.'ox U~3f~ ()~.' Vvt~tex four' an6 WFishex,pax rl'1.OritY'i~-~-~.-~...p-~.-°,~ ..-~...,w~_~~.~.~ ij."l~~ Fox sash add:i,tional ma.n at the name ho~.~~~,psx mo. 3..00 >ection 2E7~ For watex oax•t;~s and wa~on.~3 fox uae o:~ wate~x fox spxinklin~ stxoQta only,t'ox' eg~ol~i 7.fJOQ gallons uaecl_-.. _...~s~..._w_.~._..~ .....r.m .~~...,_a~.._...~~,....~w~. ,:1.0 .. SectiQZa ~7p For watex used. by mc~tex,minirr~~am chax~a oi' ~1.q0 pex moxath,which ent~.tlea usar tc~ 30UQ gallons. A11. ovex' 3QU0 ~a:1.l.ona,psx 1000-.~-~,~ .1.5 ®etion 2~3~ ~x~y aon~~urnsx dissatia:.~ied with the amount cad ha.a~ monthly rate fox wa.tax Cara have the same e.d~usted key mstsx key pa,yiri~ tlza ~a,ter Gornps.ny r6~ln~, a xF~aaonak~le pxic~c~ t'o~~ sstt:tn~ a metax a.t tho rate psx tkiotasand {;a7.lona t~.a pxc~vidc~d 3.n section 2"l of tha ~oxe~o3,n tmcxJ~f :t~ xa.tes. ~ec~tion ~9~, Tha F3oa.xci. oi' Di:rootoxs o:~ tkl~ W~~tex ComXa4~,ny sha].~ have tha ppwex iz~ a1.1. c~~.~~~;a tc~ ascaxtain by me;tex the quantity o~ wt~te,r used an.c~ ~'ix thy, pxice a.a pxovidsd Y~y aeation. 27. Sect3:.on '3'Qw Tred.ata~:y upoxa the aa.:s.xz~r e?~ ~ixe all pex~~ons uain~ wester for. ixr.:t~c.tin~; pla.~~poses moat clone thc~~.x ~auosts and k.sPp them c~.osed dla.xin~~ th~r eoa~-rinua,nc~s o~ the u~3e oi' the ~n-atex by the Fixe ~e~paxt,nrent. 5ec;tion q'~l~ ]~'Qx w~.t~x wi1l:Eul7.y ox oar.®~.~°a3~~l.y allowed .~o xtan. bvex n~.~;ht thxou~h a kior~e,€~. spxix~k-~. lax ax a. ~auaet,tl~e xats sh~.ll be,pox r~i~;ht-.~~.~~ 2.5(? faction 3~~ Fo~° wat®x used fxon~ hydr~~nta fox fixr~ puxpo~~es h:~l they ".t'own o.~ Loy (~•atoa,:Pbx each krydx~.nt,psx e.nnum,psyable ckuaxt~;a~ly-~.w~,u.~.~.,. ~v.-°..°-~ 5,00 -,ertian 33~- Fox watex used for f;l.l~.~ahin~; sewexs and spxinklin. atxeets only by thQ `Gown. o~ ~,os Gatos, per. ~.Qq gallons-~_ ....,......~.~,~... .,~,..„ .,......,.w....M~.....,.,w., ,~,p emotion 3~-~ ~hi~ orelinanoo ~ha~.1. ta]~e effect ane~. be in force From and after June ~Oth 1.~~~'« aoc~G~.an ~~-~ All ox~c~,inance~ or pare of orc.~.3.n® ance~ in cpnfi;tct with this ordinance ~.re herek~y ~'aasec~ th~.~~--~ w~~day of Fe~aruar~ 190~i. i(~~~.~, i rf r c ~r ~" .(!, ~ .. d Tr"~ .r;~ 1 ~„ ~ .•i.. ~ ..~', 1. t_ ~ ~+~~ ~° ~ d' ~ ti„ ~ s'a.G? ~ ~~'„' ~$~~. ~; ~f ~ ~ S ~~~ ~ ~ } a4 e t °£ ! ~ d s~ fy ~ ~ ~. ~` ~ F i> .J. ,r ,~ ~, #~ i,,, yr + C"" ,~d t //~~d , ~~ ,~ t,~ n ~ /r ~~ t~ r r ~, ti ~~C~f~.~~ ~~~ r4 tr'~ ~j' ~I t ~ f~ ri ,y, M - ~~f ~~~~`~w 4+ \. ~'d ftr'~~t.v.d},.a ~ t.. i t,.? is t lo` ' ~ .. ~ r 44 ~, ., 1t