Ord 0121-GRANTING F. S. GRANGER AND SUCCESSORS RIGHT TO CONSTRUCT ,MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE A SINGLE TRACK STANDARD GAUGE ELECTRIC RAILROAD~, To i;h.e Hoi?oray'la tha }3o€Lrcl 6~ Tx°ustovs o:" tha To~~ri? of T,os ~atos,Cour.ty oi' ~aJ:?ta. Clara,St~i.ta oS Ca~_i'orr~i<.L: l+'. S. C~1•cLl?~aY• o:P the; Caul?ty oi' `aal?4;~,. C1ara,~t~tii:.a ai' Ca:Li"forl?ia. harat)y lx~tita.o??s your }TororaLb:ta I3ot~lyd,ald L; rays that ;;our }}ol?ora,l~la }~oc11'CL ~Y'dI!.t t0 1'lilTl,hl..i SuCCa,nSOrS ci==CL ~Ll?Cl dSBi~??S t:}.lU rY'cLTtCfll~icJ, rit;klt,})r•ivi.la~;a ~.YZd parsliisaiol? to aract,coT?;:;truct,r.(ais?thin ar!d o"parata G(, sirl;la track stilrzel~~.rct U~xu{a a:tactric railroa(:i a-1ox1; , a.cr~ss a:cd ov~)r. tlla hi~htivays aT?d pul~:Lic ways aT=i't ovar t:l?a t'o11o~;rir?~ ~ Y'olA"td`a 11? $}).:'. TOY/YL 0f1° T,oS (;a'tOS,tO 1"!'1',;: ' Start itc<; at ~. 1)o:il~t ~Lt tha ll~~,arsctlol? oi' tkl~ cax?~aY"'liilas O f }VII~j~ 1T? fit; , d)?(:1 ~i7'c1I1tcL C )'?.l! 11 Va'.. , d ]1 C1 rU1 T+ 11? [~ 11~ •L r ft'd ~ tc Y l~ } (liraetioaz <L dist<u_e€) of: 900 Ct. ( ~nora or :Lu> ) ~1oi.L; tha eui~t~3r 11-n,.i; oC Tfiair? St., thal?c(~ 1-)a~1Y ire}; 7n ~!, TTox'th~)u >tarly (liracti,oa ,~L1?cl cor!tilzl,(iT?};" irl this di.ror.cion ~.1oI1L, tklc-~ car_taYl.ir?c~ o.[ TRair_ Stroet , t}i.al?ca baarirt; to t,ha ' ~, dist~ti??ea oi' 300 1'T. ( morc or 1~5 rl~,}it ir! az? q;~s,sturly cliroctlol?,a:l?(l tlxl?'Y'1T'[; ~i1onG "tha ecarta?°:L ii?a y oi' k~~Ll? `~>t, a distal?ea oi' L~J?,"l it. ( noxo ox lass) to ~~ poir_t at th.; it?tGx's~ctioi? of tkl~s cal?taxlilly of ~~,11~ ,~t. with ihr, eal?Lar- ~ 1iI?~ 01' "Gkx~ itY..e~,t k~l?o1~ri2 BLS S:.la? Jo ~, Ava. at ~~ 1)otl!t 02:1)osta the '~1 Aior!tc: }lot~l, thar!c~ a.,r~~•ail? >haa.r:i.r~ in c1 1Torthaastorly ~ d1rE~CtiC)Y?,c11?C} 1.'lJl~l~il?( ~1;~.01?{-~ t118 Cc)Y~t.c)Y'1 i1?c: of :i£).l.(l X72;1? JCSt3..A.vi;. ~ a. distallca of 305"7 ~t. ( nlores or ] ~a.~s) to a lroil?t Lt t;h~ ~ ir_t«rsc~ctiol~ or tkle c~rtur:Lirx~ ai -Sal? Tosci Isv~~. xztlYi t}ia :rTorthal^i? I,i,nits o:C ~ha 'Colvl? oP .Los {7~titos,x~a}sil?L; c1 tot~.l ckist'~~1?c o~ Ei16d i't. . ~ ' rora or lass) or 1:16 rili'1_os :from tlla ~tartlszz; 1)ail?t a.t tlza ~ r_tarsactiol? o'!' T•R~ 9:IZ St. axld Sal?ta Crum A.va. Said I)~tstiol?e)r or Lra.rzt~ja ir_ "tkla Arai?chisa vahich rn~Ly ba C;rarttcsd t.r_ 1rurslz~-lr_ca to t;l-i ~:s I~ai iticn, to hc: va 1;ha }~rivil~•)~a aI?d riight ir_ t;hc; o;~~ar.°atol? L~:1?d z:~rLil?tiLr:ir!c; o:P th:~ said railroad,-ro use: ~Llld h~1va ~:! si~~~c(~ ai?d spacas su_r:Ciciax!~ ii?~wicttll'tor its l.)iir;~osas' ° ~Lloz:g t}r~ dif~°arar•t atr~4ts h(~r~JixzUc~P(~r.a ~i~scri}~J~1,i~;c, tlla;T:~ ~v-itli thn T?oc~,~:s~try si)aca ai?cl el~a,e(~s a.`I.oT?~ ;;s~Lict raspactivo .rout;aS :C'or CO:PSI;I.^IlC{:~.1?L ,ITki1.lY!tiEL].i?1:Y.'.['-; c1.1?C~ Oj)%reLtll?j~ LL1:L 'tk1.3 1?8C<i:>Scl?"'U Cl7:rVC:Sy ~ S§VitC}lv(i a]?{:1 CroS`.~'UV(Sl.'fiyal?Ql ScL1C~ 1'cL11Y'Oc),CL tP }:)a uSi:C~. :f'oY' t:kla ~ j Cva~O~ ~itN.D°°~_ kaurpo;~r3 of ear:ryin~" l)~, ;'~(;ar's,l~a~~;ag4,a~.k)rass arcl Ia;~,.~7., ~~• I '. ,- ._ _ _ -_ -- ~.~ Youx• pa titionar .fttr thax prayr~ 1;h~:~t stackz Pranchisa,~t^ivi:L~t;o ~ ;,;:rrl per.°missiorz 1~~ (;r~~z-ted in ~,'r!d 1.,J a,z orclir~anc~~,~i. dL~~ft off' l^=rich stt..ir~ orclinanca i:s ~Lttaclra.d here~;o and,r~1<`~rkac~ O,P~DTZTATaCll.2TQo...,... I% a.rzel is hareUy trkxek~a a 7~~crt ci_r tl?~is 1)~~~.~tiorz a~zcl i s1)ae~.l~ically Your patiti.~x?er• :furthex• Drays that your Hor2~,ral)"la 13ocly ;aloe 7 such .action on,-this 17(;titi0r2 cY.z is r~lc7tlir(%d 1)~T "l~~:Vr,arzcl rtor•e, pa,rt:i.cula.rly ley a.xz ~er,t of tht) T,el;islatur~a oi' i;he ta1;a of Cali:i'ori2i~~. ~ l~;ti;l~lrac1;," .Ar_ Act Pr•ovidir!~ :for t1r~ ~~~r:1~ of, >:tx~a~t :. F2a.il:road al~rl o:1lYa.?:• T-Cr~tilnelri,~os it 1t4u1?ic7~€,.lit~.as,arzi3 provlc'ri),f; ~~z~ Cci7!rlricar!;~, f'or tha Cara Ming; r~i' such b'ra:.chisas rj ~.a~3slativ~ or c)tkYOr Govar~~ixzg; bodias aazd l,ol?es,lla~{ Cor?!'1ict,iYz; Act.>",tvhicn said act l~~lrarn.a ~. 1~~~:v ur_dar cor_utitaational l~rovisiort ~vit]?out tk)r~ Covel~,o~°'s :~l~l~rov~7,1~•:lla.x^ch :t1t;k1,1.~0~_,s.s e.~f,i~r~c'~ai ley <:t12 ~LCt ofi' the T,egsl~~ttar.a of tl):~ tata of CaliC'ornia ai)L~r•ovld r,r,~..rcl) 6,1903. • - ATLC1 yOUY` j)dtitiUl2.jx c?~ik%S vUllr' llorzoral:ll~ 130d;r "t0 ~~Y'd.!?t 111:fit ua:Lc1 1'rar?chino to overate s~eid railroad fox° tkte t~r~tr ~,i' 1'..ftf 3raars,~,a~1(1 six°c)es 't1).a.•t if such :['rat?cliise,I)r°ivilrlg;a ~tircl })oniisyior_ l~s {r~rzta~d tci your•• l,atitiorzar°,ho~~vil:1 colnl~tl-y vritlz al:L l;ha terms ' a'-d colzclition,s of thH orclii?ttxtco r;r~.l~.tx?€, tho sZme, o.r?cl tvit;h t}ia laves oi' tlr~ ~tata o:[':Ca1i:t'or•xz,i~e ~ovarazing; tlra saute. . Anri youx..:i~atitox?(~r vv;ill aver l~r~tiy,ate, D~itec3' T,os C~a,tos..,C~. L1:f`orr>_ia.• Oetol7er 191,h.;AeD.,1rJ03. ... -- _ ,,,, - ..: ,. >~ ~_ .:: 2. _ i ,: r: e''~'.a'`~l~y+ '~. 0 R D I I7 A 7'1 C !? N 0 ... ~. ~. APT CP~IhTAITCii; GF,E' ~ITTIl•tG TO .. </, ; ; , ; ;~! ;`;'.` ..]~T,`a STJCCh'~ $OFi~i ATdD ASSICrI:T~i Tlk7±; 1tlyd:I'P TC COITS'.Cl'{UCT,'i•:AIlq'i'.AIIa A~1D U! HPP,AT.1+~ A:,~-.IITf.:pL:~ `PP.fIC']t 4 7'A7itI)A1zIT Ct11UP~J~ ~I,f~CTFt?C PATT~1t01iD IIT TN:E TOl?d!T OT' 7;0`, GATOS,COUl`I'J'Y OP "iA?'JPA CLAl':A, iTAT}i; Or 'C•AI;Ii+~RITTA. ., ~`~,OCT_,Tl?J~l: ' WITT THP 1;;!]C+~S~SAF:Y S4'dTTCII~,.9~,CUITTF~S,G'.~O~S,`3-0V1,1;~ lA:JtI) "TZJP,ITOiJT 13x,. I`P ORI)AT7`TI+]l? ka~T i;k1a I3oa rci oi' "J'7 ai ' u~;e;s ca;f tk1c~ Towr_ o~ Lc~s Gatos iL;~ lp1"loias,to wit`: . SEC'i' IO~T I, Tha r•i&1'71; is k7c:rcaby,~Y~tin'~,~;d to '../ ~-... h:i's •~uCCiis30r.i al?Cl c15:Si~1?9 tU C012S1~7'LlCt,7.~y C1o1VY?,,7?7c1~7?tct7.T2 aI'!(~ oT~ar'ate for tka.o tax-1T1 01' i'if~t.y y.aar,. ~'~~o," a.nd ai'"(:a.r tYaa dato oP . Gk7e ~I~.~.;TsaUc: an(1 ~x.plxroval ,of this of°di7~a=race ~. sxct;'l.a track >ta~!cla.rcl {~ii..11~Ta a,1_a:C tr:LC.. T'a 711, Y°oael .:.. to~a:tha7.-dFJ:L I,'ft i-, il: i9 x!ac.eu:udt'S* Sl'J ~. 1;:G h.l3 s,y c,ur.~vcs,:cx~o~sovers.aTacl tur;7?cuts ovcxr 4i,nd a:lral"{;, ~7.1xci ufaol? l,kx;x ~tr•urrts an_u 1x~Jiv"rays in 1;,he Towr? o!' Taos: C(ato;s,Cour?ty vi' ~;~'-?1;a. Clrx,:r~L,C3.tato c.=f.;.Ca1iPo,x'1?i~l,c~'i.,:~'(~.Z.L01° ,to wit.:. - ~tar117 ~ at ~i (7ola?t, at thv ir_ter,>Eetion Oa°, tlla Cantc.r'_1_ixCP,sO'T' I~~ktix7 St. a~1ci Saar>~;~( Cruz "Avo., iZ:hr1 rLU?T?i1?f; i7, c11? r~,s~:,or1y cliractiolz a eli ~.c6xkC(3 01 ~C)C) J'T. ~1110Y'J 0i' _aesi) cLLOl_t; Gc:n't;ar1111e Oi' p~laiCL ~3tx'eet., tr~aric(3 17aa.rir?L; i1? a.idar(,17~aia1terl.y d~ract~o'1?;`a.1'1d c'ontil?uin_~; ir? this eliractiol~ a o1?p; tha can ~ax1,1?e o'. ..~T~.>_n " t. a distance of 30:0 1't`. ( more ox. 1as,,) ltihar?c(: l!aa;riT~;, to o-na rx{;~k1t in ~!?? ra>1,(~rly cll,tlecta>?,<,.n...cl rLU?1?~.1?f L1o1~F, ti;.~ ~~:r.',srlina o T!r_a i1> St. a (1> ;i;ta.xzca o:C •192"!' i't: ( mor. o o r 1c~ur>>) to ~, ~,c~ it c at thv in bersr;ct io1? o'!' l:ho eari;arln_a oT' I~~ai1i ;t. ~rii~h i,llj r r,t,c r~ i7i2 0~ the :si;raet knowx7 as fan dose AVv'. at c't I?oixlt (l,~lf)0c.1.t,~ i;']c,Jl_ ~i0r'_te 1'Jota1, t•haY1C0 cl{?;cLixt Lv<i.r it t: .Lr! ;.L TT~Orth"ear ~7'~Ly (]'1T3( .??-0i2, t!%~ r1A!t?lYLf; alon_~; tha ~cZ~tox~liTZ<, o~t' u~a.~.rl"'Sar_ J<i: ~j ,~v .', ~ d~.~tz~?cv ci'~ ;~C3"l ~i'c. (~~iore ~~" - .I:J,SSi) -1`2Q. ~a 1~07_l~ l;. ilt ~ f }lE~.. 711 QY.SI%G,.:J_C1? 0 ~ 1.;1.1d Call-i eY' ].12v (!.~~..1~1!? JUST. ova 1v ~%1( t]la STo'ri;Ii~r.•1y h mits of ~ha ~oti`r7z o~ Loy U~.toa, ~~.lci1_,+; ~~ i;otr~.l CJi;~~(,anc<~ o:[: 6L6~ i'f,-. ( ino~~ orb, lutes) o•r 1~.1f>< 7ni1~a :E'roln the ~1;~~,, Gir{ poiTZt at t;h(; i1?tarsc~etoa2 oT ~~Iaii?. St. ai?cl f;a~xtc~+. {;rum: ~.va. Tha rails 'fltsecl, kay the {;rant~o his stir>ccasso:r;; a.1?ci assi{;1?s_ sha"1:L 174 "T" .stain Yai:l,s,w©i,f;l?inL1;, 1xo1; less th~~.n J.}~s. to a.•ya.rd,a7'!d said Y'cLilx.oad aha,1'1 lie op3r•atad Lox' tk1~~ purl;7osa oP :~ t Y'cti?sp{)rt ir?~; al^cl Cci rY'y j.17 tJ j)c1S~S'c%1"_[~'.,%1'S,~~i.jj.ia.{'.is3:.[)cl.Cla.j~c:Syjlcl rC;:l1''9 i7k:i. l l , i) }Cl) T'c: S 5 ii i.'_ii F Y' 3 1{1'1 't , '1'Pta frti. i?Cliis~, i:ir-d pr'ivi.l:,,,s r- ho.vl)J 1;Y=.zi't~d :;he~.1:I. COi?t'ii'l1d :CO Y° tlld tc['n1 OY' 1)c91^i0C1 O1' lltz ~T~,.l.-f> J ~~ r From aqua c .ci:;;.r tYla dat,~ of 1;ha pass~:t.s and ~,.pl)roval o~ tYl.i;s o;•clil?aa2ca. 1'lla o-oz?struc;tiolt of ;5a.id railr'r~ac1 shad--!. ht7 corn~:ia':c„d. vrithi.r_ t:h.rao rnol? the Fror,i tha dai;a of tll-;; i)a ,;;~i"e tti'~d te:[Jl.,l^ov~t:t o:[' t:llis ord.il?ai?Cv,i,ncl sr>till b: coi-!pl.atad. ti~r:il;YliY! nl,a }%aa,r From said Clatii, s_lc'r IorT 5 , IF tha Bald {~~'ralztc)dylll:i itlccas oY'~ a•r.° a5 ,Z?;1?~ shal:L Fail to co;llJly wi-L-h rti 1?y of the i)lovslar~~~ of i;h o:l~ciil~ar?ce,than c?~_.L Y':l{1l.t~i O:i 1;hF; fici.ld j~'rct~ItOd,l_17u SUCCijSSOrs Or a.SSi{;i'Iri LIY?tl(j.r t.}115 fY'ci1;Ci715c) sha.1.1 Cdel,`Se'tr cte.:.(1 d3tv.1'1?lll?3yc1.12C1 G11C1"1 Fc;.ill11.'"ii shall 1)ii dt331riaCl al?cl tt11Cd1? t0 1)e cl _~Or:('t311;L1i:"d 0~' 1;.}11S 1')"ctr_C)118d 'U'1?.Id5.3 saki c;assa.tioT2 alzd. F~iili.ll°~; ;sha:ll 1.')ti 1)1^o ii{hr ~tbol:!t by raa;sol? os' c1r=Y laFiL,ir~lte,bol?~; i';icla a.rd iar?avo'idabl~ 1'.tit;~~ti01~ :il?volvinj tl,a r.i.~;Ylt '(:o col?st1'!ict , lnait?t•t3ir or Opor~4lta said rai.li°oar) aloT~1; 1;llc: l,ir!a;, hal?a712 (lt;SCr(l;r,d.,()r U'Y?1_a:iS Sa.1C1 Cc)•F52tti0.l', O:"• is i-Ll.irJ stl<:i1:1 }~,a l;rov{ht ~;.l:x)ui: or occaciol?ad by tha- acts of C+od,1JUl.ilic dl^_dlly,lnlctY',"t11<; a:Ldl('ld't?i:S,StY'l.lia 0.1" Strilcds,.rie>?(; OY' ri0tS,0Y' d,l?},% aCt OY' E4Ct;+: L)ay01?Cl tile) COI?trot O1 ict`1C7 ~rFlrz.c+ s .}1 :LC"! ~SUCCt)55Ci1"S OY' a..S $ i X1'1;; . ;S :C T I01;~ 6 . Tha motive po)rrer o,~' said ra,ilro~ticl 51x1:1 l;a al~actr:icity, ct~?d tha prol~ellil?j; 1)1a.3?t a.l?cl systa'rl. lasad ;silal.l. be of tlla best class of ovarlio~d con.,dtlctors for propa_1.1i1?t3 ears; tlla ovanc~;ad coi?diii~tiorz vvix•t;s s11a.1_:L bh sul~pol^i:eci by cross sizspal?siol? vliras 20 Faat ~tbova t}'le 1^OaC14Vd.y,1)Y'O~iOY'l~r it?uU_l.a$<9Cl cLi?(1 i.'ti;aCilc;d 1.0 ]'Seat c`611( 7)Y'01Tei',ly 1~' Ciilril'_~j 1;}id 't .',Y7!'I ti Y' j)aY'i0(}. O_' 1. }""lip, fra"_C1"'i8t9 tl ~'U1)(r'i0Y' S~/St:i'(l C:(' al(•lC 'f; r•ic~;t1 ~L})plial?ca .ror.•_ j)ropal:L:ir~ a• ca,:rs .. { £i h 0 1.11 ('t 1J i; 1I'_V.:1'!tdC1 Or C01i1J it?t0 ldSc)y1:}1a iL(:(Oj)'ti01? %z??d c1.~f)liCa'f;i012 0.~' Y"J}il:C}1 sllal:i })a elaarll~cl b;' 'tha ~~r~.vtau hts suceassors or ~ti;;sir'l~s for t}i„ - > ~l)dSi: it?tvrc3S t 0:):' Sd 1(']. P'rci,l.?'Ldd }1aC~ :i1dCCJ8S0 Y'S 0.1." cLSS1(T? y'tl~];~ said grar.'ta:~ hies succe)r>sors or assJ.glzs shall havU t}l~ priv:i:i~~~ of a(1oj)t:il?t; ai'd usir_L seticl ;systc,rn,sul~jcb,llot~rGv~r,'t.o a._1:1 0_~ i;he pr'ovisiolls ir_ tl'.iis o.rdiral'lec) tuhich ln~'ty )ci <tPl:)lic~(1-~:L(~ thareto. S}i?C P I OAT 7 . Y I'ha rata d:f fara fw-r' each p~,:ssezl?~i~r shal:L zzo-t in ~~_,?_,T case 1)~n1ol^v t}'laz? _r'ive c~:lat, ov:;r the3 :Liz?HS coverall l;y t}ais i>articular fra]?c}lise, S7~CTZO~i F3. Tlla bra]?twa hi, succasso.rs a11(l. assi~-:,, shall cart°y free of cha.rFa al:i m~til_ ca.rriar•s at?_t}le arnp_l:oy of tll.~ iJz?it~d Status Go va]~n?Yilarrt in said _ Cit~r Or fl'OiVl?,~ ]~d a-1,I 1~,:1 iCa]^ld'1?. c1.rCl f 1Y :,11G1? i12 ;'a1('L '}'O1'JY1 al; a~1:1 ti7~nCS lvllel? i1? 111'.i1()r]71 t » ~, _ d ur_ia E;., d ir? i; }iu a r, is~za.L di.schi:irla oi' dla~y, ~i??,C2'IOI'T 9, T1 ii: Sd 1Cl (;rclll'(;di his SUCC;HsSOY°S E.il?(1 aSfi l~?;]~4 Shali. aurir_tj t}lu li.a of tP)i:;> ~?Y°archisc: xat;r=r 1;o t11.a s~(ic}. 1oi~r?'~ o;° 7;0;; CcLt05 tGlii 1j c3 Y' C81?t (~o) Of 't'fld jr0 ~;& ~~.1'?1?l,.la 1, r~C .', i~j ~'1"01ii t}ic; l1Sc,,Oj)BY"c,iiC)1"? OY' nOiS;iF).sS10Y)~ O .' ~ r -. f this :Crlr_chisa,said 1.)arc,ert<:L1u "to t):~ pai;; arir?tial:Ly,}~rovidacl;hoti^rc~val.°,i;hat rlo per•certa,~a shall 1)~ )aid .for l;}ia :['i]~;; t viva ~~aars' succaadi]?f t;hu dat:) o:l.' ~t.}ie passttre ar_(1 a~1)rova_L o 't}l :is frar_chisa, sl::.i(1 parcarttaL;~; of 2j, to ba })ELSd(1. u})012 t;l`lc; ~->'rOSS cLT2}'f..U£i.l raca;.l:)ts cl.l'1SlY?( jY'pllt 1;}ld 1.1Sa,01)a'PLlti011 OY' j)USSeS5i01? Of i:llis i'ra??C 11158 ~rritliilz l;ha 1'C)1V1? O is T,06 ^Li tOS OY?1Ji 3 ..~i , ~.~ ,.. a~: . /Gc®P~ ~ttiU-l~ %~G~w4 a~i•"u~~`.G~C.,,~~. (~-~ `~- ~~y ~~i..~~ z~~ ~'~L~ ~ ,, a}~~ ~~ zorr ~~ - Tl.'ie gra.2?I;oe h~r~in sl`~r,1`[, Lilo a bo2?d rue?z2irct; to thu Town ai' Zos Gatos rvi.i;h ~~t bast tyro ~oocl ar?cl sizf2 icia2?t sur°et° <s to be al>l;).rovad by tlla F3oa.rcl o:C Trizte~:s oP s~'`el Towle o:L'' I,as Cr~.i;os in 1;lio L~crn~~J_ sialr2 0~ ~p;~OC ,conclitio I?F~ci ~thGlt s~~icl. ~;r~~2?toy: shall ~va1'l a2_,1 truly aUs<srv~, ; ral.~f i11 c-~)?ci lr@ri'nl^ni aaclt al~rl ovc:ry ..-.,corcclitio22 ar_cl. t~,r),1 oi' sack) fr•a.l~chise;,,l~~~l that in c;~~se; of a2?~. b:rcach r< OY COhCl.itl0n 01' S1aC)"i 1J03?C1 , th~a who.Ld t1„1o)t~?t OiC t11d ~}~d1?cla. SUY~ tYlorai2? nalrlod,shaJ.1 1:~~ tl~l~ar_ ar~~l rle~-~iiecl Ir) h~ 1lcluicl.at~c1: (la~r,~+~;;~s,. d,2?C? "8)~~L.L.L 1JV ;r000V'Ort;.l)L(:• '7•nin 117.; jTti'1t G '1?=L .L •'P_(1. SU.rU:~i~B UZ)U9'2 ,ia1Cl A 1.`,onct; sa icl 1)02?~ shall l,u f~; 1 .,cl witlx said ~~it.~~& oi. Tr•ustoos oi' i:ho TovJn o1' l,os Ga4,.o, `,vithir~ _~°; ,,~) c'iasrs afi;ar t'))u v1:~~.rcl~'i~~ o:[' tkris . ,,, ~ ~ a, ~, .tl-,is:orclihancu. i'r+~tii?clz'a.:~~a and ~1i~.3fi'~~i~U 1,1,x, ~ .~I_~'.1 ~~.ssal>.,':c ~~7~r1° ,~ - . - .. SFCTICtT 11 ' T}~.i.,~ o~r•fli~ ~~~ c,~; ~ s ,all t~_1,~~ ~:ct ~,„ci:b~; , ~?~> ~,ar, ~eo S:_ . ~, . zr•orc)-a^ntl..a:C~l;c-~~r-it~s~li€t ~aa ai~dat,),l°u~r~~1,1,,~t1~~Lciud 1,},:~t't ~a el -- ~'Y'i-I,Y~tE36-~.5)'Lal_~~':~'i~_EJ°~'111Fi'"~IL'1~'lUl'~.cLCCC)p~~ ,.Ci3 0~' `k;t1C~ :(,~~'cLhC'111:S~F3 '1Ni`t:)'1' . tihae CLc~rls o~ ~•atcl Te~wr_ pig' 1 ~;~ ,C ltn ,_ ,l lh~ix_ that tiuaa. . 7'a>:sor, tlri„ .f.clay oS'... ~t :~`.:''•~i.1~:,190u by t12a :['oL:l.o~~vi~?~. vo t ~, : -: _: .. ~~-~~(~.~+~~ ~ %~~G,l ~""" `", G y"""am. ~,,~"~_ ha'OC;B: Tru,1~s :, h:bsent: Ts•Lrstess. ~_ - _ /`rte -~ ~ .. . 1., '~ (C ~ ...~ ~ .. .e ... ;, :. '. °~,9Ja,,4~ ~~ ,o ~ Lh ri<L ofryTlrus.t~-as _oz . 1~,:a T ~ °rx~ o s' j-~o U2 t o s. _ c . ~Pl?ro J~c't ~tYris `~ ~' c~~,'Sr c,~ ~:~':~-,A..P., L~JO~` ~ JAG y 2 '~=L ~. ~+~-,- o`r:~th~; I3o~?r~ oi~T..StF;es 03'.•t1?E3 To~rrn :o~' 2,os Gato-s,.~ I 1-1i±,RH,BY AC.C~~1".C tl~c,.rvit}:r..x~ .,~?ci :PoraF..oi2?f; ._r^-ralzc;.isc~,stzhjoct; to al'J_ it> concltl.ons a.,~~1 1 i.ab_L~itio5 tlior•c:r~ 'inik~~s~dy aLCI aC;roo i;o`' T~~ii,hi'til:Ly cor?,1~1y with •])d• r,n~. Ddtocl ~:4•.,cis.y b'f., ':°i.1?.D-.,7.9C~,. .51.~~.~~ t~,/~/J.,~~-~ ~ ~ ~C V . a G-r~i.ht ~a .