Ord 0117-APPOINTING W. PEARCEk ~~ 9 ~ ~ .~-~' i ORDIN~NOE ~0, X17, ~ An ordinance appointing ~. W. Pearce Town P.e- corder of the Town of Los Gatos. The Board of Trustees of Lhe Ton'n of Los Gatos do orduin ae follows: Section I,-B. 1V. Pearco i,~hereby ap- pointed Town Recorder [or the Tosti•n of Los Uatos, Sec. L~.-E-le shall receive ne compen- sation a fee ofbt.hree dollars for seer}• ~ misdemeanor prosecuted i^ the'Po;vn Re- corder's Court. Sec. 3.-dll ordinances or parts of or- dinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SEC, ~,-Thls ordinance shall be i^ force from and after its passage, ap- proval and publication. Passed this 1Gth day of i+ebruar}•, I~J03, by the Gillo~r•iol; vote. .~1~'ES-D. C. Orurnmep, J. Il. Pearce :~. I'. Shuler, J, II. Lyndou, 1;. IT, l;ell. ocs->\ orie. tLI3EE\7'-IJ~ine. :lpproved, J. IT. LYSi~O~, President of tba 13oard of 'Pru:;lees of the Town of Los Gutus. i :~1`I`E61' J. F. Hr:~nereo~, Clerk. ~ --- ~` .~ ~-rat i~~2~~/ ~~~if rr~2t~.,~ F! ~~a~~~' ' [~J / r /A a + - ~ "` , ..' ... .__.......MS~vrorw~-.-,_~... _ __.~._.-.~nzr8'A~sa~.e»snm.~~.~. _.. a~+vmst~#F. . ^ a r~+