Ord 0114-IMPOSING A LICENSE ON SLOT MACHINESibR~INANCE N0.114 ~n Ordinance Imposing a License on Slot Ma- c:i3ir~e~, Yt'HE BO_°.RD OF TIiUSTEE6 Or THE p Town of Loa Gatos do Ordain ae iol- rows Sxclro~ 1.-Every person who shall iglate anc of the p}•o~4eione gf tlljP ar- finance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor S ~ nd on conviction thereof shall be pun- ?Ished by a fine of not more than $100, or !' by imprisonment iu the County Jail of ,,r Santa Clara county for a term not ~x- peediug fift}' days, or by hotjr Stich tine find imprisonment In the discretion of ~he Court. Sxc. 2.-It ehnll be unlawful for any per- 'eon, fine or corporation to keep, main- tain or alloR' jn pr shout their premises ?any slot machine of any description, without first taking out or procuring from the License Collector the hcenae re- gnired. Stc. 3.-El~ery •Rereon, ftru} qr cphppla_ :,ion u•ho shall Gwn and operate a slot nachjne shall pay to 4he License Col• ect.or the sum of :~26 per quarter forench said slot machines or devices. Sr:c. 4.-Every pcr on, G,tu orcotpora- Lion having a license under the provis- jons of thit3 ordinance, shall ]reap the same posted while in their respective place of business and shall also produce the same when required to do so by any 'fovu officer or when applying for re- aee•sl, Sr•.c. 6--?Qo licence granted or issued under the provisions of tide ordinance shall be in any manner assignable or ,transferable. Sec. O.-It le hereby made the duty of the Marshal to enforce all the provis- ions of this ordinance, and to make com- pluint br:fore tho Town Recorder against any porsou,6rm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this m•- diuance. The conviction and punieh- rneut of nny person or persons under the provisions of this ordinance shall not ea- I empt them from the pacment of any h- ~ • cease dui or unpaid at the time of con- i ~ viution. 'Phe amount of fire license shall I be deemed a debt to the Town of Loe t` ----------- - --- t;atos, and o^ being notified by the Tea Collector, the 1'oaur attorney is ^ulhor- ired to omuurence n suit or soils, in the name of il:e'1'oe•n ai Los Cintos, in the ' props- C• ui t for the rerocer}• of the sum due. t:c ;.-.1nv person not n municipal i odirer, ni:rking n complaint io the Tutvn Recorder Ihat will lead to the convictio^ of ::ny cue violating Chia ordinnice, Trill ~~pon proof of rhrirr., lie entitled to one h•~.!f fibs net tine collected fraw said con- vieted tarty. ec S.-all ordinances or earls o[ or- dinances in conflict ,vith Ihia ordinance are hereb{ repealed. Sec•. 0.-This ordinnnce sbull bN in toll force and efl•ect frmn and after its pns- safe, approval and puh!icatian. i Passed this TG16 day of J ane, 1002, Avxs-D. 0. Crnmmey, J IT. Pearce, B, P, Shiner. Iroxs-J. H. Lyndon. Anexr:•r-R. R. Bell. Approved, J. II. LY~II)0\, President of the Board of 1'rusleee of the Toa•n of Los Gatos. A'rras•r ''" J. F.•flxxnxaso:~, Town Clerk. ~, ~~ ~:'':. s i rl a ~! 1 ~,,: t. ~~ff ,`~ ; f ~,,~ •1 t`\J` ~ ~~~rr>z ~/ l ~~ /lam /~ ~i~ ~~,t%yv -(lj~vyL ~ (/ """~ / - " J~~' ~~S~r~a~2~c%uiyc' _; ,