Ord 0106-ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE YEAR COMMENCING JULY 1ST, 1901 FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSi a. ~ 1 ,,//JJ ~,, ~I - ` t-eeWOm28, .Any conenmer diesntiatied with the e ~' omtt of hie nronthly;;rale for water, unn have _ '~ he same adjusted by meter by paying the water emnpany.tho cost of the meter and renaonnhle cost i for setting theeame, at the rate per thousand gallon ae pcgvlded in section 27, of rho forgoing LnrIR'of rates. ' Section 20. The Raard of Dirertorsnf the venter company shall hnvethe poyvor In all mtses to naeor- i thin by meter theynantity' of venter used End iiz the price as Provided'Uy seatiou 27.. ' Sention 30. Immediately npon.the alarm of lire d all peremts using waterfor irrignHng purposes mast ' close their faucets unR keep them closed during the continuance of the use of wntm• by the fire depart- ; meat. ' fieet.ion 31. Ror venter wilfully or carelessly al- ~ lowed to.~rnn over night through chose, n sprptklor, i or a faucet, the rate shall he, per night ....... ..... 2,b0 Seetion.32. Ror cantor need from hydrants for the purposes by the town of Los Gatos, .for euelr hy- I drnnt per murnm, payable gmutedy .... ... 5.00 Section 33. 1'or water need for flushing sewers and sprinkling arrears only, by the town of Los Ga- tos, per 1,OOD gallons..., .................. 12 5eatiorr s~l. '1`hie ordinance shall take effect and ,. he }n force, frmn mrd after Jnne 3), IDUO Bastion 35. Al} ordinances or parts of ordinun- cos in conll}at with this m•diuaneo, are hereby re- • pealed. Passed this+f91.1; day of Rehruary, 19UU. SAN JOSS WATER COIKPANY. WATER RATES Established by Ordinance No.laar,,,,. TOWN OF LOS GATOS. '~'Hti 6OARD OIP TRUSTR.liS OR THR TO{YN OR - },oa Gatos, do ordainas .follows; The sohedule of tutee to ho ehnrged to venter rate payers to he collected for flirnishtng water to consumers within the TON11 of Los t3ntos for the year emn- meneing July 1, 190, abaft heats folloy+ Seotion 1, L'or tanemeute occupied by n single fnntily of not more than five persons,/per month ,9D Pension 2. Ror families and private hoarding houses of more than live persons, ahnll be ehnrged for each peramt shove that number, per mmtth.... .1Fi Children of seven years and raider iu•oexempt From the above rate. Section. 3. Ror small families occupying romne in sermtd and third stories, per month ............ .75 Section 9 p'or reatunntnts and. enthtg he11809, ._. pm• month........ ........ .. $3.00 to G.,,n ..~ 8eolion 5. Ror hotels and lodging houses, rates ~ .- snbjert to speniul agreement in ncca•dnnre with the yuuutity of worst used, Lo be determuied by meter, us provided to Pertieu 'L i. ~~ I' it iI ~, ,f ~1,, II - ~1 ~j~"yam ~ „y/I ~~G~,~.~~ - ~ I i s!Ga- ~ .off O ""'°'' p"6..~1~ ~ y~.< ~ _ _ Y / ~ ~` 1 ~'I' has' . i~ _ G~~i'Y~~" _" . "~ . ~ ~ ~ _ ~. ~ ~J~/ (~ , !! ~i ~ ~~ li ~f ~~ ;I tl _ l~~! _