Ord 0105-ESTABLISHING WATER RATES FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1900 FOR THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS di O N b ~ FC2•tn>; ~;,. For nae Hf buss In nance er l05 r um I y .It of stores and shops, for wash- l ~' ~ ing windows and sprinkling side= - An ordinance establishing a•allce, according to frontage, per >- th ~~- a,ter I;,a~tes for the Tear mon ...................... _oc co I OO s,:c••r1Hx ?-i. For water trnngha, , ~(',g111I]]1]g,Tlll~r 1, 1~90~ f01' Ifor each trough ou sidewalk, per 1 t~]~ T0~1-I] Of Los ~a tOS mm,th ......................•.~1 to 3 00 ~ , • 8t•:c'rlvx '_'S. Fur Chinese wash. ~ houses for nae of water for one The Bvard of Tnlete~ a of the Town of ~ washm•, pm' month ................3.F5 , Los Gatos, do ordain as follows: The 1'or etlch additional man at the schedule rates to he charged to water same house .. , ..... , , , o Ott rate payers, to be collected for furnish- Slsc•r,ozr ?}i. Fm• water carts and ing water to consumers within the town , a'agnna for use of water for spnnlc- , of Los Gat.us }or the year commencing ing streets only, for each 1000 gal- •r July 1, IOOO, shall be as follows: Ions used .......................... 1? Src'rrot: 1. Por tenelnenta ocen- Srosron ^;. For Wa[P.l' used by pied by a single Tamil}~ of not more meter, minimum charge of X1.00{Ter than five poreone, per mo th......$ cJ0 month which entitles user to 30110 81:c°rlox °. ror families and pri- I °allone. vats Hoarding houses of more than I Next 11,000 gallons per thousand 25 five peraous, shall be charged for All vver 3t],(]00 gallons per thousand 15 each person above that number, per month 1 ~ ~ ~1ZC'1'IOS 28. At,y consumer (Iis- 5 Cliildren of seven }•eare suet un- ~.,satistied with the amount. of his ~ monthly rate for water, can have der are exempt from t.be above rate. I the same adius(ed by roster by pap- 3ec'rlos ;;. For emaL families ~ ing tl e water company the cost of j necopring rooms in eec:vnd anal the meter and reasonnhle cost for ' thirJ NLOI'IeF, per month .......... i5 ~ setting the same., at the rate per Sac°rtv:: -!. hor rrFtanranta and I thousand gallon aF provided in aer- e8titl(; hUn NHf., Pe.r Ill Oilth .. .;t:i l]() (O o (]~ I [7011 _ , Ol [Ile f01'e~!Olllg tarlfl~ OI ~h: C'I'I(l\ 6. For hotalF and lodlr- ~ ra teF. ; ins huuseF, 1'x to FI1IijPCt tU Fp('('I:II ~li ("r10\ _,I. The IJoa rd Of t,l l'P(' I agreement in acaordanco w.itll the ~ tors of [.lia {C at P. l' Coin{)all\', shall yuanutr o[ a•atrr used, to he deter- have the power in all ca es to aF- mine(i Ip~ meter, xs provided in certain Try meter the quxutity of tiection P; I a'aler need and fix the {,rice as .pro- 8st°rla~ (i, Fur small stores and vided I~q' section 9i. , shops, prr munch ............... 50 Sc(°rtnS Sal. Lnmediatel7 upon tit:(^rtus ;. hvr stores and abnp.a ' the alarm of ti re all peravns using ; a'at.e.r for irrigating purposes most j per month .... ..............$'.1 to 3 5ll - r.lose their faucets and ktu-.l. them ' ~t:c°rtvs S, 1~vr aalnonF, per i closed dm•ing Ibe continuance of the ~ Mouth _ ...... ........... $1,50 t.~ 3.50 ~ llfit'. Ut a'alP,i' 1'1{' the fire departure.nt., ~t:<°rtos 0. iror rooms in Fecond ~ Sec^ru,x;ll. ror tvmter tvil(ully yr and thud stories occupied ae offices ~ carelessly allowed to run Deer night j for each room, per montll,,.HOc to 501 through a hose, a sprinkler, or a I Se(°rurx 10. For pl,(.tograplt dal- ~ faucet, the rate shall he, per night, ^ 601 levies, per(monUt, ..........1F;; to 5 00 ~ Slsc•1•ms: 3`_'• For water used from sr:<^rw~ 11. For pul,lic water hydrluua fur fire porpoFes by the• closets wl,el e there iF only' m~e, l er' I ti,a'n of Los Gasvs, [or each hvrlranr month ... ..1 00 .Fier annum, payable quarterly.... 5 0(7; Feu each additional one 1-per month.. 30 • Src•rum;!3. H'or avatar used for Got pri,~au~r uue, paa• month ........ 4l1' ~ }h,Fhing Fe.lvers and Fprinkling ~rc:non l:'. Fur public bath lobs ~ streets only, hr the t.ow^ of Lus l1FHd In b:lllling P.atabIIFIIRIentF, IialUS, pE;r 1,(10(? gallons............ I° boxrdink Itouaes, }uxl bother shopF ~ Stc(°rtvs 3d. Thietn'dinance shall for.(irat one• {ter month .............. ] oft , take eflecf and l.e in force, [tom anti Fat each additional one per mouth .1 Olt I after ,l one 30, 7000. For axth tubs used iu private farm- I IieF is' nunul ~ S¢e•'rtos ;n. :111 ordinances and , P i ................... 26I I part~so[ onfinxhces in conflict with `~1.~°riu'` 7:;, 1•'m' bak,.,-ies, in ad- ` thiF m•dinan ca, are hereby repealed. ditivn l., th,• ian,ily r;,Pes, .,u:oalill~ • lv th,~ n,unrl~ly use of flour for etu•h I'aased this I!rth day v( rnbruarv, 1800. i ' ' , "5 hith. u~r•1 per mmuh ...... ...1 50' .1ces: 13, r, 11 illiams, i.;. H. Lewis ~,T. II.,Lyndun and T. ,1. Davis. SI:rTn,.~ ]4. For drug stores with- '_~ues: ?\one. nut the use of Foda or other fount- I A6acnt: ], ?~, havis. sins, per month ...... .........1 0(1- :?PProred'this 18th day of February ~~ For drug stores where soda or other ! 18'On. fountains are used, per month..$?to300 ~ 'i',J.Ilw9>,I'reeideul.I;oardof '1'rus-I `t.i'rlorr 15. For hlackenlieh and ~ lees. j . R'.taUn siiupF,.per mmllh ..: .......1 L)(I 3llent: t:, ~.. IC.i A.R t: ti, CI.GRI:. ~ ~i--n"n lu. 'For licerv et.abler, ~ inciuJn,~ water for a'ashiuk iwggica an(i rarriage•~, for each horse, per I wouttl ........• ..... .............. .o' Sr('rmx 1". Fur priests stables includinx water fur horse and mater I ~ ~' / ~ ~ ~- ~~.~~- r { L~2~~~ L"1'2~~ ~' fUY wash lilg lrllp6\', per u,onth...... 8d j hor adctitiuua,l bursa or evw, per _ ~ , " `' ~ // -~ ~ GZ - ~ .. y0 . month ............... ...... ~iiP~, ~.2 C~1/r "c,([ivy~- ~- _ // V .... . .`~b:C'190\ 1~. For Fteam engines, ! •xrt Ivorking ovrr Ten horse vwer I / C~~~ ~ 4`~ir-• ~~ ~ ~~ ~ p 1 per dx}', for each horse power ao used, Per month .....- ........ ;0. , ~., ~. , Z-~" ~ " ,~ ~ _ r ~ For all working over ten horse pow- ' ~~,_ (,.tc ~~Z ~vy~ ~ ~ - - jw~-O-~'L~ ~J"~ . er per day, for rash horse power, per _ ~ ~ - Su rro!: ] J. Pm' building or plas• r ~ tel'1^ , IOI' FlaCkiog each Darrel u[ lime .. .................... . 15 / // /q~ 0 i~_C-,~~~rd `O~Z ` ~ ` y ... . .. ' Fo brick M t d b ~ - 7 -~~ ~ ~~~~, pLC 1-~(/ ~- y r wa er ttNe yers to 1 makes wortar and dampen tbn brick fm' each I(l0a 'brick....._.......... li,I ~ ,/ !/.f~~~ - Section 30. ror parber sbvns ~ where one chair iF nsetl, per mantlt 1 On! f n~ ~ ~ i, -~ ~~>~ /~f~a ~~~ ~ "" / ~~ :11•or each additiuntll chair per lnvnth 4D ~ f?rm:,ox21. For fonntxine not ~' ~ ~G- - ~' --CCJJ •, YY~ / %% ~ /,j Ln~ ~ ' ~ ~ used more than cis hums per day l~ L j i , ..;tor I-16 inch jet, per month .... , ...l -00 1 ,^-For I-F inch jet, per month...... ..4 00 For 1-4 inch jet, per month .... ..lU 00 ~ SLCTIGN 2'. For irrigation, for - tlee.of hose for eprinkliog flutvere ~ eiid grass platPC of noYmore than 60 { P'-- ghare9til(~e;`Uer Inonth......_.... 40 h a ~a1: ~~ tN:. Bre c equate ttlld exgeedrng 50 jot mot}th, __- i.4~r f _ ~> ~ __._ ~ I` ~'