Ord 0101b-APPOINTING A CORPORATION ATTORNEY, CHANGING THE NAME OF ORANGE AVENUE TO PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE; AND CHANGING THE NAME OF PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE WHERE THE SAME DEFLECTS BOTH SOUTH AT THE JUNCTION OF PERALTA AVENUE TO FAIRVIEW AVENUE,;:~ - i ~~r,..:. ,y -~ f t T~O~DINANCE ~~ IOB, ~ { ,t _ ~n Ordinance Appointing ~ ~,. c s `~ ~. • t a Corporation Attorney, A t s `" s and Prescribing his Du- ~~ s~l( { r t -. ~ ~-. [+ ties and Compensation. `•~l- ~~ ~, w t - ~~fi1; BOARD Or TRUSTI:I;S OF TA1; Totvn of Los Gatos do a:dain as fol- lows i . SscTrox 1. R. F. Robertson fe hereby ~ jtppointed City Attorney fn and for the ' `own of Los Gatos. ~cc.'L. fie shall be the legal adviser 1 of avid Towu and all of its Officers; shall `'prosecute nil criminal actions or prxeed- ffags in the Recorder's Court of said Town, ltrhereof said Court has jurisdiction, in- cluding nll'actione .for the violation of am ordinance of said Town :shall repre- aont said Town fn all litigation in which laid Town way be n party or way be in- lereated mrd shall perform such other duties as way be roquired by him by the poarii of Trustees i;}rereof. $sc•.,3. He shall receive as compensa- liou nfee of fifteen dollars for every mis- leueauor prosecuted iu said Recozder'e Oourt, to be paid eui of the f,nes col- ected in said Court. in such cases, and sot otherwise, and for his services in all '. biter matters, such cowpenantion ns ~' say he a11on•ed by said Board of Tru9- 'I des, Sec. 4. All m•diuances or parts of or- linnnces in conflict heren•ith are hereby •epealed. Esc. 6. This ordinance shall be in o•ce front nud after its passage, approval ad pnhlication. Passed this 3rd day of (7etober, 1698, "the fi;lioo•ing vote Ls- B. lI. Greron•, i;. P,, Lewis. 3J. Davis, 1yor~s-Bone. dssrs•r-L'. F. lj'illiams, T. N. Davis. T. s. nacre, President of Board of Trustees. G. F. \Fat:t:ica, Clerk. i t f _~ ~~~~ , ;:,,~, ~; '' art, , . s4; ;a ~~ fi Y ~!,/Ft-22.2~1`s i~C~-?~Lli C i ~~~/(- . ~' /!(-~- . G/%yL •~~~J~~ ~~ -; f / .. ~l~L(iG2Wiz? GL~ l-l ~/l~~G<--~L22 ~?iC~~ %~1~. ~ G ~~ ~G_d,-. i~ ~ . _ !~/L~-C~e~. , Z(///~~jYG~ izyO-~/1 E~'~ j (~~`~i//!~/ D~L2~LL-- G~~!~ - Vii[-G2~2 , CC~v~~G _~L~ ~///>~~- G~~GC.~L may.'- ~c-~:.:` w ~i `~ ' ~ / `'`~i~~~%2~ ORDINANCE N0, ~0~, An Ordinance Changing the Name of Orange Av- enue to Pennsylvania Avenue; and Changing the Name of Pennsyl- vania Avenue where the Same Deflects South at the Junction of Peralta Avenue to Fairview Av- enue. TII>; BOARD OF TRUSTL`CS OF Ti31; Town of Los Gatos do hereb}- ordain ae follows: Sacsro~ 1. A_ll that portion of (irungc Avenue in said town of Los Gatos west of the intersection of Peralta Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenuo is herehy changed to Pennsylvania Avenue. Sfic. 2. All that portion of 1'ennspl- vania Avenue in said Town of Los Gatos south of the intersection of Peralta Ave- nue and Orange Avenue is lierebv changed to Fairview Avonue. S>:c, 3, All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are here- hy repealed, S>:c.4. This Ordinance slrnll take etfact and be iu force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Paased this 19th day of February, 1900. Ayes-B. F. Williarne, G. R. Loomis, .Jaa. II. Lyndon, T• J. Davis Noes-None. Absent-1;. N. Davis. Approved this 19th day of February, i 1900. ~ ;~, ~~~~ ~ a/ ~~ C~~ ~~ • 't. J. Davis, ~ ~.'res%dent Board o~ ~rnetees. ~;ttest r ~' ~ ' x. - -~ ~ _ ._. - f=..... - ~_ w