Ord 091-DUMPING GROUND FOR SEWERAGE AND THE CONSTRUCTION AND COMPLETION OF A SYSTEM OF SEWERAGE FOR SAID TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF- .r.- _ (;~17 . p Ip._hi_A_N- C u N~~ o ail o -~-000--__~. An ~rdiYlanc+~ detrrmirliYir; ttlat 2rxo pilblic intex'~:s~G and Y'it6UE~3fi°- ity delnand 'Ct1e arqui~;itiori of a :L'owY'Y diznrr,iYYg ~;roizY~.d .f.'or 5e~wera~~ and the cozgstruction and eolx;p].etion of a sys'tein oi' sew~:rar;E t'or said '?'own of lios r~at~o,vi and tht) inhabitant: thF~re~oi'o 'PhP 1"oard of Trustees of the '~:owYl of Los rlatos do ord~.irz as ,- follaws:- tiF,rttoil 1, Tt appF`ar. iYl}; to the T;oarri of `Crilste?es oS' tt~le '.Gown o!' Loan Crates r,}lat a 7.a'r};4 partioY~~ of.' r,}zE:; said Town is w~ tttiout adE,quat,~ or a°iJf sy:;tent of :~ewera~e, fetid tYle~ said hoard oi,' 7.'x°lir;'Gees reeo~;nt~iY?~ ~k1 e i'act tl•lat the F%rl'tira~ Torn be proporly ~s~:w4r4d® rind it appeariYY~ to vile 7JUc1,i'CI V7: 'Crl.l`lt~~r; Va LI1P, TolNn 03 Lnes ~a.'tUfi ttlFtt th4 pTPSF.p'P, di!XYTIi1°~ ing Y;:~^'zYld .Ylow rinsed 'by thy, said Tn'xYi and ttl~: v^i.~1~:f.z~iYtY3 thereof', ~' =,s a plaoe f'or diunptng the of'f'al, r4:t'>,l:re matter acid ag th4 przt7_E~t ~orthP pr~SF;YI'G i°sh'wHr fiyStf'.YTI ].;s tU() C.t.US4 tU the reSideYiCO' pUrTa:Y6?-~ O{' ttl4 eOwxl, and r.ecognizin~ i•.he faot that the public hea,~.i:h and neoetisity deYnand that ~ trrzot of land be aer.}aired f'or said purpose at n distanco t'izrtkz6~r~ r4move~d #'x'oni the said 'ro~rri and i.tt8 1,Tlhabitants ~cl~ex'eo~; aY~ui if, i~..xrtheYc app s:arini; to t}ye said Board oi' TrtistPes t}~a~c ftl+~r~; is available a Graot Of. ~ aY'.d itit fl. prUi;4r diSt<lY1L'P, f'Y•()YYt t}1W. /aid :PnwY1 t}tat wOt11C.t be Slliti:~t .1.4 as a drunpin~; plate i'o~r the rrPworage aY'id ai'f'a1 oi' said 'i'owxlg And it filrther =~pi)eari*i~ r,o th.o hoard o.f 4'rririt~'efi 'thaat the public int~;r~:st,, of file saki `i'owY'i and the iYi~latJitfl;YttS 'GI'1G'reU~' deYrland that a sititaT)le s'ir~ alarm systPY•ri tie prozi'ided, ~•r:at iYi '~ti,c- event of r~ fire, 'the members n' than i'.irr ^olYtpar~y acid ttl~, irillabit2z; •r,<; of said Town may be readily cared outs AYid i.t ar~ppari:i~ to t})e ~3oard oi' Tru~itees u3 the Tavrrt of I~n'3 teens that the purchase of a sr.lits.bla/ dr.ir.:pink~ ~rourid and the 4e~ tabli:7hYnent of a sewer System flip p~rticillarly described t1e;rQin and ttl~e ... _. ..- ests~'b1i.~uenL off' a ~'j.r-e alarm sy5;tem :fie d~m~nded 'tay the ~~kal~,a ~ri~Ge~~ . est ~.t'1d ~sece~ss~ty derirazldc end x_sg.~~~~.~e~ ^~he- ~~~,i~d: inprove~ner~ts tcz bc; t~a-de ~n ard~x '~ha'~ r,~;e h~a~th and we~.'?~~re o~ ~~ ~.nhat~~tatyts of` ~kYe TE?'N~tl. a~' ~,oa Gatp~ raay 1a'~ pr©mo~e~t~; arzd ia.~a~~ect:~d'•,$.a it';app@~x~ilg' to bhe.~aaar.d; of Trityte~~s '~ta~,`{. ~~: '~~r.c~v~~riten~~ ;~~.7~1 :r~eix~,x~e axx ,e~p;~rzclite ~' E~ ,the amo,uXt a13.owed #'or' St~aTa~: ivorkg =said improvements Y~y.;the `:~i~e~ Vii; `~~'+~uJ* q f thA said Taatn a f `Ltf s ~}$tpS y ~;tl th+~ 4~t'S: p Wh~a~ ~".?~~'~'~'~tlr~~l'i'ts wi7.l °be Loo great; ~o k~e.`;1~ id aut ,of the ann>xal ~, pt~blic~ int:+~x~~ ~, ~~t~~ty h~b~ ~ .<r~qui~es the a iti,c~~~, car~fi~ud~~,a~ grid 'co~~pxe'~~c~~i ~o~' ~ ~-r' 'fewer .~~~t~. ~~~~, ~~c~~ T~Va~i to aars~~.~st= Q~ land fob ~_ dumping p~~ee~ x'~gh~a ;~~? ~/.~'or -~Y ~ei~e~+ `and ~he'outl+et ,c~ 'fi'r sievrer ~d the er~at~o~t azid ~sta~aa~,i ~;~ menC of~ & ~t`re sierra syst~m° in said lawny which impro~~nents .wi11 7r. q~iir~ an ~xpend~ure greater than ~kt+~ amount' a~~owed try the= anrnzal. tye. Ieof t}i~` TQwn 'Gf L'os t~ata:5 ltd tlie' oust '~~' evhich will be< too g~'~§~t ''~~#< tae `paid out. oi' Lhe &n87~t~7. iXioa~ae a'nd revenue of se,1d .Towne 'S9aton 2. Th~.s ord~nana~~ is iri~encicd to' have Yp~Ce end ef'Peetr 'aon~*;: ~jo~.T~t3y with oxdinance~ to be hereafter adapted: by the :Beard of Truster ees'of said ~*oivr- et~tabllshing tFze aewer'sy,~tem herein eantem~~atec~, a?~d "th,e }~uz'ahase uf' latyd for a`dump#.~g ground and: the, erection of ~, ~ ~ ' fire 'alarm` .systeri, which said ordinances will provide a methacl 03:- pe,yi,r~g i'oz! `the $a~~~ii's~ti.on and oor~~'~xuctian ~S said xave~nPr3tst . See'tian 3 ?'his ardixzanae"shal.i be pucaliskaed :Per the ge~.~.e; of at, 7.e~is~ 'Gv~r ;cortaeat~ve creeks affi.e~ it' p&,~~~s by ,the Boa,~c~ a Trus~Beis aid its apprpval '~y the 1'x~esi,dent of tkae ;said~aaxd~' in tZ~'~ T~tfs Gatos ~News$ a riaw3p~$r ~' iYlted and pe~t'~?:..sh~d i919ek1y in 'the ~~qzs; t f , f ,. - ~ - - _ ~t~~ ,~ -' off' Los Gsto~, Passad ~hi~ /7 /~ day o ~~ ~ 1.E3~17c (/ / ' % ~'IQ~~'ia ~~Cni:G~L~1 .C1.~w~Yl~r' . %Z-L7 L~V j--., (f ~yipro~re~d this 1;7,~ da3* aR .mil 188"to F~os~ent o~ the ~+~d cat' T~us'~ee s ----~'~ L./ Town Cle~rk4