Ord 089-TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 39 AN OEtDiNANCi~ 'PO AL~~I~ND ORDYtdANCl N0a E?') 1,N'i'I"_'I,1D °1 AN OTtDItaAt3C`g TO 0 I,E~'CnNS~' TfIE SALE OP' SPIRI'1"t1rtTS ~ILN~~, ~tAL'i' ANp Z~1IT~l) LLQCTOR, W1TIIiN ~FFi; COf'.1'OFtA1"F I.:L2d];TS Ulu' `.Ckii+ ~.'OW1V OIL' LOS CiAt}!OS E+OR TfTT+' 1't7Ft1'OGu1~,S0E~' RLCTt:Je' 4 X '~l LAl'TON AtVI) 1t~Vt~1ViT1:S11 YASiSED BY THIS BOA?IFa Ole 'PFI~ $'Gka DAY OP' ATJ~"rCTS'!' , lfl~~~e Th® Board off' Trrtst~~s oi' tka~s 'Down of T,ocs Crat,os do ords,lYi a.s Poles lUw:i: - Seestion l:- St9e•tion 3 of OrdiYiance lUoa 29 is amended Co read as followfs<~ Said application shall b~ ptab:11si1ad orTee ire some news pape:x pub~- liskaed ire raid `!'own ct't tkie co Qt of said applfoaYi'ty wkaa sklall d~iposit wlitkl ttie said C7.E;Y'1C, Ft'1'ii ti1a~ time elf filiYa~ sa.ici app]~icatie)ny a Sidart stif fieieaYit 'to pay tkiexefox°t~, ~trTd the sctarte siaall be hhard arld ooYasidt~xed at the ra~:~tilar aneeting of said Board next ensuing said public~.'tioti, wiae;aa any person or persoxTS may be laeaacd ilia appo~sitic)n tiaeretom I:E' :said Board shall find that, tkie applicant is a Pit cared proper per=3ori lay rea5oa~ of sobriety and food cheraeter, 'ao condtxr,•t a saloon or other pleas, where; such ligt.iors are to bE sold, ~1'VEtYi away or disposed of, cared ha:~ filesd a bond as kZp~'c;iYibef'ore pxovide3dy 1Yi a,11 r+~5•peots as 'to form and stareti~is sa'tisfaotory to said Fsoard, tkie said T3oaxd :skull s;xant 'the said app~lioant a license for tkie craxxylYa~ on of ties wane, a't tYa® place dPgi~;a;^ aed in his appl'~tzation, if tkiea earns be approved 1:)y said Board, fpr tl'le~ pFriocl oP th'd"@~ fSt~naErCfLatiVF' Tr10Y'Ttiac3 thexea~t'tex, lipOra payrrient ll$ a ~-ieF)YiSP, fa3e1 of `~ ~~~~ ~- , which liC~'Y1~G' ]nay ~l? r~nPwed at teas' e?xpiratiori of every three; ITtf)nthS tta®rvaftPx, witlaot.tt i'orrrial. application to tkio Board tkierefor , upon payment oi' s.iid l1e~aYise fee 1Yi adtPanoe, providc;d, that, the saF.d Board rT~ay a'¢~ F°ny 't;inTw xevoke Said licseri9e, ga" re:futse ttie renewal tkieareof, if y iYa 1;he jtadgeuT@nt o;f' sa~.ci Board, the licensee siaall 11avas ~riola'ted any of the pro~ri5ions of this orditaance or ttie randit,iaY7s of Ytis said bond ~.~ -:P ": {i d ti ' 4 ~(~:. -... s=:~.q ^'aa+3~-' \.:/V' ?~°.i .. Sec~in2i 2:~ All fIY'CZi71~,1"lp~~ aX~d pats oi' ardipY~nees ~:'~ ao~ii'liai~ with "'~'.:is a~'d~x~a'~a~ ox~ h@ra'r,~~' x~Pe.aied. This. orclixs~r~s~~ shill tae i~a i'etxa~ az~d t:~ ~fi'~ut ~xc)m ahd ai'tex' ~,$.~, p4~,ss8tga7 ~ ~tpp9t"('~'U.'3,7. i~Y1d ~lxT;'~lit3r~~'i:4g7t7to ~~- Fa,ssed this ~`~ ~~y oi' &i~e oh p lEZ'A"f R /' l A / L~l ~l ~ t ~~L',~l~ yc ,( ~ 7 N08k3 Ataf3s'Ct'C ~, ;' / ~ ~ ~,. ~~ ~ -~ Fk'.~:f~~d6~1~e 0~ '~ha k?o8aa:'d4 i ~lttss't ~ -ry , o f O "rv 0 f o f: 9 f f 0 g f A f M R Z~~~xZ ~°~~%~~ 4