Ord 083-FIXING LICENSES IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION AND PUNISHMENT FOR THE NON-PAYMENT THEREOF ~ ~ ~ ua~a(u, ~ i _.,,,,. 1 ++41se avd w-hen no I lively for famil; % t K ,u,•sseann+Jat,tlei, ra rrp, r il~' ). ~ grocer-' ies cigars meats or other w e • I U III'91~td 4. I ~V ,, I 011 charge is made, ~1 F70 perquartel' (orlea ~h Il ~ hall vot al 1 ' i~ , , } ar s or com rnodities, or canvassing, or soliciting fur I • r, s table- This sect I tection with a.ny aa• , /coti i the sale of the salt e ,ti~ith or -vithout • ' yy I~ any taBle run se li s:tln leg shall ray li(;ense of !~2[i:00 p ~' cen - i~ loon or tt hotel pat I1,>~.~~lignor An ®rdlnance fixing h l~ I st.er the sum of r sen7i annually, nd,n license shrill ba issued Ior i d fl or eac Third- ~I,GO her quarter, an o license shall he: v o quarter. i censer' i n th e Tow n h i l a uer o eas than six mouths; provided that othing her8in contained ll fi h d __.__-. . a ess issued for s a e eerne to apply to honrtb-rrom th tri tor,.mana- of Los Gatos an d p ro ~ gel. or lessee of any t1~~e o ten pin or h f ' r.anvasieraorsolicitot'sofa yestabliahed bnsiness house in this town ~anvasaing ol i i , • V' or eac r bass•ling alley, ~~1.g0!pt~1' qtl I h or s ic t ng for their tt+area a d commod- f orthe col lee- ~. vid i n l hies, or to canvassers or policitm•a o;tk g ey.' al ' I']fth-I't'0;rt t~0 pl'0 r'tt0]' Ol' lnftna- - 7+'r a4r collcci.ion of• finenagerie tionand• unishmentr p ald© Of fhe first°, ^01' f0 Cri11Va9ae1'a 9r , FOiIC110r'S Cf anJ', Cfital111sI1Htt a~ltolesala :- , sro srformnnce and ~ ~1'p q,6,Ofi f0 lllmala ~ house soliciting orders from th'e eats' ~ (1 ~ , a for the non-paynlent~I•oq•additionalfrea4~at,jesho~vorex- ce fee is `~ t 1abP.d bnEllleaS hnnaea lIt 1h16 C1ty;nOriO lµ5ood, mine, corn potatoes or other , ran -en hiBtpon for w~ ich an , , I vegetables CI' fl'Ulfa Df one's otrn rail~ thereof, ~ ebttt'~ed' .Sixth-hot each Paw^ broker, x5.00 dc!ition,to the ordioat'y I iing, F,i+rhleenfh-I~t'ery pel~>,on, house, m' a n a per quarter, nteanm of "pawn broker " ant person ~ er-' here e firm engaged in,peddlyfig or vonding ush, ponltry• eggs, b~ ter and cheese p ps a place. of Business W ~'I1 !~ !10.1Rft OF TIIU?Tl!:1;~ U17 `I'lIE who ke wt~i' on received i , about the town trot%s,•srts, baakots, u=a• ~ ' g , s Tost•u of l,os t,rtios, do m•drliu as sonal Property 'i ht• ' i • is advanced With the ne ,ous m• other vehiel~s, shall pap the ~ s H ~ } follows: no tirrrto~ 1-Ir.verv Person s+ho shall vj- Privelege to the person to sv toml the : to rerlain7 the 7t'o ~- d - um of three dollars >e ~ month and no ~ ~ license shall be isstteid fora lese pgriod , ulitte any ,~f the provisions of this orrli. tnunep is advance ertti~ un the payment of n sum less than d i d il d f d b d ~ than one month. ~i ~ hf h lf d e- eeme gu ty o +~ nt a eeme e name shall be the actual value thereof, shall ; g een an one a ~ Isvery nutsoij,,., ' tneanu~, and un i+onvictiou thereof, shall a Pasco broker, whether 1,he transaction ~ noose, or firtu engacec~~f ln peddling ~tT"~~ ' ' ' he punished By x fine of nnL mere. than shay) Le called a sale cr not between thr ~ vendin); vegetaBles e)• fruit, not of their ~10u or by imprisonment, in the county parties. diu t I osvn raising, shunt tlie. tow~o from earls, ` Baskets tva h hi excoe jaii ~+l Stotts filar:7 tbunty ou f: seventh-from th,~ n~nna~!or m' Propri• fill}' rlas's, ur..by both such fine and im ' ti.bi, -Cris or wire rope per-; of an t , I guns or ot er vP Cles shall pay an aunral license of ~35.D11 and no t ur e prisonnietrt in the discretion of thecuurt. Grow of figures or ~ I license ahflll be. issued for lass t!:au one ~ formance, Panora arc. •?-lt. swill art he lawful fm• any ht of hand t11tNtion tm• gain ur re- i l I year, g s e prison tr. en„age in or carry' on any bnsi- ward ~L00 for ach porfm•mance, 1\iueeeatit-Evert' Book agent .and It; , ues , trade or crllliv;r• for the transackiou Ei+rhth-1;ver5' axpreea compnn5', and each .canvasser for the sale of hooks,.; telepho eeO ts ,tt s ft t t ~ ~ ' ~ y a ll r ,E'tll pa;v a mantirly~ l l ~ xt eY pro- o, tl. out lc ta khnutibst ss i ed~ quit telep>'<nh ' ePer afid ~nrter~ t I 3]ice nse of si dolia CAt I'lill; fl'S Ill l.he. lirenae (sralle.('t01' the li' ~Om~1ns ~t'~•~O ppf gtiart,c.r. 1 ~ Tw'L'ntlL' h-hl 5t r'1jY.il nrgl'y d01ng I Ual- I - ,, cense required for such bnsiness, trade. erson shall ?`;mtb-T_a('h organ grinder of other );ver ni s ut the 16 l ~r~,. atoll, shall pay 1e of tl • ~ y p ne. );r~,feasinn or ca specify by name, the person, firm m• cur ,treet unlaician, who cl;arites or solicit,, httu4ie, 05 scho ensation for"has ' ~ qua•f~• . a beer:: 9 ts'iei t dol), l fr ~ts~ and uo Ilc(~n, ~ .~~ ~ ~n b~ igs ~ comp potation, to whom it shall be issued, and ,Lt7} articular place at puli(tts alms, abrtll pa n~~,license of the i t ll d h ~ th~l~ ll h b t~~tcr 51 P e. )rua es a s w111Ch the 1lnatneas altidl BP Cf1I9'lPd 011, aG O'I h~l' 171011th, ,i h shodiing callervshall pay E h ' . ot• a L,eorypers(.•. te e.nt} t It::ep a stallion, jack, bull of trim, and ac - 7enl ~>;c. 3-Esery person having n license' n,uter, and uo li- : 50 I~er license ul' :' shrill permit the s,uue to l a used for ; , ~ .. under the previsions of this ordinance, a e shall L'e i,;ued r{r less than one ptropagtutun, f0i' blll'. 01' )1C0fl.t a1:41n filar I ' sha.l! beep the acme posted at all times !;eas d 9 ra'ft'"• i ~ 01', ar,d pug the OBtallt a Ile.e.nae thE`rL't l ~h ness, ntt or her place of bus while iv his n shall also produce the snore when re EI~'scut,,-".+'~c U`oPrietor, mina„er of bse. ser~• , s w same as follows; a!1 anima vices as slows s~teciGed a+•t: charged for guested tr. do so by an}' town officer or lessee 5,( any iheau•~~, house, room ~r atxir;;l per{ur- h t•he snm of one Itnndred dollars and over i e when applying for a renewal. place in wl,irb ary t ls'et) n or any chi iiuon ref i i Shall constitute tl,e first class; of eighty - ve s g Sr;c. 4-c-~o License granted or issued utance I l'y n:iratrels, apcra or concert sip cr for dollars nd Ic~~than i,nt' hundred dot '~ lhr second cl•t44 t ( ll under the pros°tsjons of this ordinance, snhh'. amn$eintltt. tot wiltcl, t !Ce lc, shat! be. in ttnv manner assignable or ~ o!I fur i t hcensc at j , r ,ons ltu lalssl:i of sixty dollar, n,l lc tl.an e '.,; . , , pay a •ha el eha transferable, or authm•ize any person, carp pertorntanc•e or exitibit'un, if tyrant- i dollars, tlse thi!~' (i t«; °I forty dollars , the fourth I l t s l i other than is therein named or mention- :• 1 for s ..term of less than one ;iron 1, ; ii ~ e! n or authorise any other business it l ro- ! d d t , a o, p is ( .and less than s class • of twenty dollars run) less thiut ' , o o e for ,t term of one iluat ter , busive°;than is therei^ mentioned or ~,jded, hnssever, that the Irnvistunsl.ere- h , fm•ly dollars, the tiftl7 +l'tss, and all;. the ixth c1,( s. dollars t d natncd, to Be done or transcted, or t e i`il Fluill not. apply to ,n} t.~hibit~un or; business tberrir, named t.o he Bono or •en for t ire bt;,+:~!it of ! i ; , y er twen un the license for the .first class shall be j ).>,,tPi.;;,inn.c;;t :; s transncled at any place, other than is chm•rh r,o':i,,l; or other rharitrl,le put- ta•enly dollalsperannnm: forthesecond +»evtiuneil,iu said license, without per- belicevseCOllector endorsed '~nefY 5 , Y1 V 7~c~ he any ;mn~,cn.• ,honor .r ;t:~ arid- ! I''''~ TUw'^ of ! f th ~ - ;clasp fifteen donna's per annum; for the ~ -tttrrd class twelee dollars per aunum;~ , eon in svritjng• e r o lino or liters"', ,~aci;; ~ L•s tulto~ for tl~e fourti, clays te:: dollar;, per am , ,Ix. ,i-The term of an annna] licenses ~ Tn ('li! Ir-1 I u the owner, mans-; in on the first day of It1ap of or ocrilled ll be f h sum ; tier the fifth cla. s Eigul doll na pot ' annum: fur flee sixth class hve dollars, , g . a omes, s ;r,i , r LSs~c ~ f tlsit~ ,.each teal of semi-anneal licenses ou r -r. ni 1 f ; e u h da~• or portion , , s ,,,1 sauna;- 'I^' I "' , ~ : ~ first dal of liay and ~ovembcr; and of f Ii ~l ~ ~rl whl b tts~s are ru+t n cents i '1'tvanty-Srcund- I:yel} per,•un engag- I , quartells hceuses ov the first day of ~ r ~+h ri+;•~ r:r tee! • rir~ll <+ra~,ir:! 1 a• ola .1u~ ult.November mt<1 rebruary l lllrt}• n ,t~lyar.u~. i , ciT( lu ; ed in teaming. or tanning a job wagon, dray, truck, cart, -hack, cab omniius ~ , . 1 n , , ,, . , respective:!'. If any intsinosa shall he tcwlfli sr s' a ~n, h~mc or l c:airai;,reor slagCU,,tchforhire,ab(ense _,~_ , I ,l ~ commenced after the betinnin[, of the ~ eel m I ': I n~ a pr,:.;. toiler r i s;,;rll he chat red ns follows fol each one 6 I : t u. , u , eurreut year, one h tlf year or one-gaar_ ;15 r,,,l .!h p, a unite \ li~ a hcenseis here- a6 before s ewtied ter ~ ~ lolls cal(, call tt5 , s~',~on, dlay, truck, twotl45balsar,~l lifty etc anniBu'~ l h , p , (, ( ,ll , i , ,i t~ ,un• ~~ s-co- Bs• authorised to be issued by the col- ~ , J: i ,;i;l tic nit +),~.~ , ., ;, a;~ cts,psr r nano, , .1 m1 lot crack Isvo horse •,,1 le.•Cor on the hacment. o[ the pro-rata w•,t~on, rirnc, cart, cats, omnibus, nr i. ~st.n fur rue unexpired term; But iu u° rar,si+,,~ Ils•e dollars prr•Rnnnm. ~ ra&r sBall a license lie Tssu~;il iorless than ue<s c ,, -oyster, nniess otherwise specially vided n Sunday, and it is specially pro ,,t,e-, '1'sseruy•'third-l~acit auetionr-er shtlll i - license of five dollars l ' , , y rrrter ,~s 1 n I•„ovidc'c, ror• tied orthat nu such business shall Be cnr• t ~ . r ,~' ~1ny violation alr.l nn luense shall be issued for a ~ , of this during such da3'• ~ , •, Iv of art, a-It i=hereby madu uie -. , hub-(liviaion iv .Addttlon to the period ui le s than one gaoler. •* th.~ 1[arshal to euforc•e all tho Proviaiu..,s I penal , blot or etsen 1; o ' , ?' of t)tis ordinance, and to mnkeuomhlaint, the li~iea already proy~ided, shall forfei all ease issued "; , s or., t~ ur- 1'wentt-f t ; ~o•Pm~um doing ha~tel or restaul tat ~i . ; , bvfore'.I,e recorder against any an 11PI C;lI A1•IO:StIn[[ ans. of the trovisions of ~;, ~r[:• Irteenth-from eaUh erron twase ~hnsioc`s sl-ill pey'~ti license of tbleo I ~ P , ,~..~ .. .. n,..,,f , ' ~ t.hi~ ordicrrncs, y'Checovsiction and pun- iah;^rnt of any person or persons, h'an• ess c+!ithout a license i b ~ 'company or co~~arranorl rupplty~in~ ,~r }.o the muni~' yg.~ity or couaum~rs er annum and ~~or hvent do •s a ,. n us sariin~ any p p y, y ~ ~ shail not exclude him front the paymcilt fog {;as or electrictty,`At\ie snm of eight !~ of any license doe or unprlid at the tu~ie dollars per annum. - of convi~~tion, The amonntof tholicense du:• r,hi~ll be deemed n debt to the Tov~t~u rifteenih-Every ast loror, tortune• tester medium or cla ~ nt shall pay a ~- of Los{,aloe, and, on Lein!; noti[iod by ' ' license of five dollars p •t'"~ ~rter. own Attorney is L thv'I'a~ Colloetot','tbe authorrzed to aomn>snca snit ~9t' suits, `, Sixteenth-wepv p, Aon.operatin~ or ft l e ' y, I<~' ;in the name chi the'Po!t.~t Hof ),os taatos, • for%~-the , ecovory of roper court in the `~ i , any ~t~t rcouclacting ally ]un~ t 'tester, or any' ~ ter mae~it~e o• tn~trll ' , p , ,;the sum dues ; ~ ~a~ ~Af,d$tea;gti~•. !moots usPr~ for ~e pttrpose ` l fn`'n~l-i, ~~ ,~ Srro'7-~~ic~i?ses~hull.ho~~~iri Tn G l ` ~ payal~o9n"~s.gf0ii0 cilar~e~istmur~ eh#~~I x o -, ~o~iuo of tLe ~wri c- 'vance Ey~tlte - '1 ~ rding'to t4b '~ollalyigg. r~ ~xw it1Rl~~.perw~~~:~.~_ ~. ~~r~!,... _11~~ l it l tl t~l i lr u A ~ l: i. ,a kk 'Irn~rnts•~ Fif tl~-I:ac•h ~sewinl~ n~rachine, ; 1i4, fire, or ai~ei,(l~nt•:nsnrance a~snt•i shall I~ar a gvailer:;~~liaense of thrae~ dollar. Sr:c S--.hr.~~ ;itier•~I. nvL a ^~uuir,ipnl ofhcer,nrrkin: cnm}~!air,t to tltelown Itrcoider, that- will lead to the convfc•,~ lion of any one liolatic:* this or~unnre t hill npnu proof of alaiw, he entitled toy- . tone halt tLe n i give cu)loot~d irt,m s~lrl~l ;. i ~convwtrd pait5. l~rl ~.~:, ~: Sri 9 '~Y~l~s oidtu~nc; alts!! na a ~ _ ~pl~~ to or e(fe`ctp,trl~~dlko'nr~o no5~)~1~~, ~ and st:i!ecl perra~ ~tt '~~~~$Q4 ~', 1lector a~~ .¢4r' 9 t r., ~ oP rho lertod,lhua~ett schednlo, ~ ~1~ , ~ ,;' , ~y~ , ., = r ,~ ,,ti ~ o fire '~ want • for ~ r~sued, the piro lay i~ I'7tHt- ~'+1` r ~6 1, Q , ~ ,, .~ t b 1~~ I `'~ Aol' Q~q R y ~ ' 4r t7flgeantlp~, a' , l , _ ~ ~, B, 't p ti is l y - ~ •laanlffn~ 'Qb aq >3 ]iQ@ut3e o~~ k , ~ ~ s •