Ord 079-PREVENT THE OBSTRUCTION OF STREETS AND SIDEWALKS IN THE TOWN OF LOS GATOSQ R~~ N A N Q~ 4~~ ~" ,,, ~ ,., An ordi,nancse to prevexit the obstruction of streots and side walks i,n the Town of Los Cs1,t4k~:e TYze Board pf Txnaste!e,s of th.s Town af;nLos Ca:tAs ordr~ia~~ as follows; _. secto~a ?~ tt shall be unlawf~xl for anY pe~'son to pl"ace, or eat~seQQ-- to 'bed pl.agsc anyPh//ego upon a public way, street or side~- walk` and xio pers.. n own~,,ng~ 4-c~~u~yin~ pr 1~aving aont°q~' any preM miass s1?all 8ui`fe~^ toxema.n in i'rQx~t thereof upola the side. wa7:]s, street or way next to sucks prEmises~~ar~yt~ii'u~ whicl2 shall Qbstruct the free passage of such stree-t pr s,de~~va].k for moire tY~a,n one hour at a time, This section shall not apply, lst; = Tq goods o~ merehc~ndise in a4tual course of receipt, deM livery or re~nov.~zl, 2tZd T,eanp~^po,sts or hydrants erected by pe:r~siis;si.an of the Board oi' Txustaes~ 3rd Oarnamental tr~es3~~ ple;nted. a,lQiig the outor line- of th8 -~-rr/L 2: c.2r~r aide. walk, pr within the:.eurb,, or a-r~s~ i'gx the protection clf the saxn•af 4thR Ws:tering ,troughs glared by permission .of the Board of Trustees upon the `side~ivalks :for the accomad~tion off' the public;: ~~; o ~ ~y~2.sL~2u-e ~c~a-~-, 5th; I1RatexiaTs used on the ~--o-rr~ra-cz or rept~3r of e, build"i,:ng duMng the existence. of Via; wri't~ten penrn.es:on o~ tha Superentendant Off' Stre'et.s, Seat~an ll;g Any porsoxi v:i;olc~ting the pxova:sions of thss ard~;~ na.nce t~ha,Il be cle~emed gul;~ty of a msde:ameanar and~c~~ycanvic,'ti.an , ,F, //~'30. thereof shall, be punished by a fl:ne not exceeding A:90, or by irn~ prsonment in tl~e County Fail of Santa, G°Tara County far a, peri,Qd c ~... <` ~;~ 1 not exeQ~sd.n~ fiftflen c'~ays, r ,b~g bQth~ueh ~'~.ne ~.nd iffiprisonment. 5eetion ~; All oxd~ ancea~ 3,x~ con~?liet w th this ordinance are .hereby rapea~e~l, ~~cti~n 1V' Thie: a~dr~e,nae sh&17. take effect and be in force from and after its ps,~;asa,~e, approval anal publication, Passed Chip day of January, 1$9B., ~ ~ ~ ~ . ,~, ~ Attspt> . ApprovecT; L(,.~ ~~~~-'--.~~ ~~~ ~~~~~~~ Town Clerk4 Prop, of the Boer-d, i1 ~. ,~ 20 t 4 ,~; ~` ~ Sri ~f ~~ ~ } ,'~~, d _ r _ ._ ~.,- ~.__ __, c~