Ord 075-CREATING A PUBLIC POUND AND PROVIDING FOR THE BURIAL OF DEAD ANIMALS.. r°~ ~a ORDINANCE T?o. '75. An Ordinsnee Creating a Publics Pound anal Provit~3gi~g~For The Buria,7. of Dead Animals, The Board of Trustees of thy: Town of Los Gatos do ordain as frollo~vs Seetionl, A publio pound is hereby such©rized and the sarri~ shall b~* loeatte d- an:d. e stabl5i she d° b he Y` pound-keeper with the approval of the_ Board of Trustees of thes To~,vn of ~7,os Gatos. Section 2. The AQar~hal of the Town of l,os Gatos. is hereby to be the pound-keep~sr and whose duties sha11 bt as hor~snafter specified. fie shall have the p©aver to appoint a deputy or deputies with 'tYte approval o:P tl~e Baard of Trustees.. Section 3. The official bond .given by the P~~rshal of the Town of Los Gatos shall be in lieyu of any bond given as pound-master and the same shall be a guarantee fore the faithful per fo rma;nc~ of hi s duties as pound-mss e.r. Section 4. Tt is hereby declared unlawful for anr~j ox, bull,eow, hors®, colt.., jack, mule,. cali', sheep, goat, hors;, ducls,s,bhiekens or geese, to run at large in th;e Town ;of Lo's Gatos, or to be pasture or tied; or s aked .or herded ,for tke purpo<se of gro;zing in any of the streets, lanes::, alleys, ¢ourt,s or plr~eses, public squares- ®r other grounds belonging to or under the control of the Town of Los Gatos, and. it shall be ti~n'lawilil for any of said animals, o:r a~~ {.,~, s~"ock ~~£ any tzind tp be tied, staked; pa~tturc~d '~r tci run at ln.r~c -r=i ~upQn ariy privates lii°op~rty vri thin the 1ir~hits ul' said town,. ~unlos_~s by theconsent o f' th•`? owner or occupant of six,eh prop~er~ty,, Se¢ ion 5. It shall be the duty o :~_the Pound-master to take up impound ai-id safely ke~:p any of Lhe. ariirhals enume-rated in Sec3tion 4 of ,hi;; ordinance, found runnin eat 1arg~, stal~sd, ~tisa, •or pasturaLed upon a.ny strec t, la~~e mr e,lley, court, plrge o.r publ:e grounds, or. upon any private lot or ground in the Toavn of Ios_ Gatos coxi'trary to ttihe pro visions o Section 4 ©:f this .Orc7nance;,When any animal a.s so impounded tPie pound rnas•ter°sha11 immediately notify the woner .ther~cof ii' knoi~~~, to him,. and be,•Fore selling shall post three not¢as;. ©ne on-.the. Tows: hall bulletin board, one at the United States Post Office and one ~~ in some othe~.r px°omi-Went pl;aoe in• the Town•.of' 7,o s. Gatos, Said not.i;ee_. shall -contain a full ~.c~scrp~ ion of said animals,. end sllq,~ll. set forth ghat unless :reclaimed. they will bE so ].d at publics auction to thy. highest bidder- at a .ti;me and place to. bo spec.:£~d in ;said- notice, whie'h time shall not be l~;ss th~.ib five a,nd net more than ten days from the ,posting the~reoF, If such animals•are'not recltziried bei'or~ the time speciFie~7 in tl~o sai e1 no ti ce shall. .have expired .the pouhdYms.st er.- shah ~nro cee ct to .sell tl~c same at the time and place spa ci E'ied in said no tiy~;E, Section B. Thy own_~r of any :animal s:mpounded shall Have the right to claim the same :at any dine :prior to tine sa:l¢s car killing thereof izpIDn~ payment to the Pond-master oP the costs and eharge;s hereinafter provided in this ordinan:co for impou}~ding a1d, kESpin;g said animal.,; • or, - if sold, to receive the procos:ds of the sale there of,, less the costs and charges aforesaid, within thirty days after such sale, upon satisfacto.~y proof of the owenerahip of 11_is or her property so3i. Seetis~n `'7,-. The Pound-master shall cause: ,all a~amals impounded by `` him to be provided with sufficenb'"food and water suitable to sink. animals, and. upon his neglecting so td~o rla shall bc~ 'liable to tlic 1 ...-~T_l~ owner :For all damege s ari si ng there from. Section 8. The Pound-master shall be entitled to receive from the owner of any animal,- except dogs, the following ~'®a for im- poundng and ]ieepin, and .selling the same, to wit; :Por impounding horses., bulls, oxen .and eo~vs,, .per head, ~~1. 50; jacks,mules, st~e~s~ and ~~1ts, per head, ~~1.50; hogs sh®ep ,goats and caly ~,~• per head, 50 cents; ducks, geese and chickens, per head, cents; hogs- ,sheep, goafis amxd calves, pex~:~Y~eael; -<a5=~e®rr=trs- For. s.el.lin the- same per head, fifty per serf on the gross sales made by him as hereinbefore provided. but when more than ten animals are im- p®xtnded at one time.,. belonging to one person or firm, the fees of th@ Pound-n~,ster shall. be only one half of the above charge , Bastion 9; 1•t is hereby deela.r-ed unlawful for .any dog, not duly licensed and re~;~stered in accordaxree tirith the provissi,ons o:f this ordirianoe to run sr be ~~at larp;e in :any of the streE;ts, lanes or alleys, courts, or places, or public grounds in the Town of Zos fxatos; and it is hereby :made the duty of the Pound-ma°s ter to take up and impound ary dog riot 1i~ensed a.nd rcagistared; found running at large in any street, lane, alley, .court or place, or public grounds in said town., anal to notify the owner thereof if known, Any dog so impounded may be redeemed by thc~ owner or possessor of t]1e same tivithin three days after being impo•unde~., or after no ties, when notice is .:given, upon the. payment to said Pound°master the sLUn of two dollars for impounding, Eirrd ~e,n cent.g for• e'aeh day for keeping the. saxrre; _A.],l -dogs not redeemed a.s herESn provided shah. be sold or ki17 ed by the Poun~3-m~si;;~r,,,~,and._,ranY,+~hifi.~~ensed ~.n~i~_~, z.egx~ste~rQd°'cio~ 'rouiid running at largE w~-i;hout a tag as requirsd by law shall be tak¢n by the Pound nu~,ster 1;v the Pound,. era if claim-- - ed by tiiF. o;~niF>r within. three days, tlze• Pound master shall be , wntitled t<~ .t,~ suuax receive th.e .:.sum of one. .dollar from the owaier or possessor thereof as a- fee for impounding: th:e same, Arrd :all dogs impounded aazd unclaimed and not iritende~. to. be sole[ try the Pound-master within thres days .shall be killed aril. buried in tho Town 'burial grounds .for dead animals b~ the .Pound-•nlas t~ ~ , ~d he shall b.~~ entitled to •rc>ceive from the csty a feo of one :dollar ~.. for each therefor, Any person desirin a o~, t~~r a.~1 r h ~~~ a~,y, in adv n ~a to the Pound AAaster an anual tax of~~o do~.~~r the" ~enn of ~/ o~ae year, ar part of a year, corrxnen ng on the first day of •+~aua~y of .each year. A .metallic tag shall. be ;Furnished tb:~tx by the po .d- / anaster whi,ah the ; owner. shall aft ash to the eo ll s;r around the ne el~ o~ the dog and keep the same. displa~e,dat a;l:l times. Section 10, ]:f any animal impounded u_rlder the provision of this ordinance be not redeemed ox so,l.d rvi thi:h the t~inxe' and. in the `nlaiiner sp®eified, the P.ounci-master sha.ll~kill and bury the same in the toim Numpin~ grounds•and he sha]:1 be entitled: to receive the fee., as hereinbsfore provided, for the burial o:F dead animals, Section.ll, Tt shal:l be the duty of all persons having dead ~,~~ ~ ruzmals upon their premises, oY' wh.o sha].1 be the ol~nler or possessor. of anan~1 ~yh ~~ d i~t~1~i~~ uhe ee°de~i, ~i~,~~~r~~~ ~o ~ o' u y th it l~ ~~~. '~C same a s t"~`our fee t~der groin ~~ ei then upon his o~ remi se s2~(rGl.(~~ or in the Town dumping grounds, thin twenty four hours after the~yyQ,~. saxne shall die, Upon tthe reque-st of any otivner or possessor of airy dead a~mal, it shall be the duty of the po~,u~d Tna;;ter to proceed fort:hwi th to bury the same in the Town burr' ng g.rounds for dead .animals, for which lze shall be entitled to~roceive from the owner -~ 2- ,~, . ~ _.. ,.- or possessor off' such dead animals the #'ollowing foes, to wit; l,,or burying horses, bulls, oxen and cows, each ~~;4.00; for burying Jaelis, mule: s;, stmee•s and colts, each ;3.00; for burying hogs, sheep, goats and calves, eaelz q~2.00, :For bur'Ying ducks, chickens and geese, each ~~°cents. T!or burying dogs not impounded, each~l,p0 Section 12. Tf any person fail or neglect to bury any dead animal, as provided for in this ordinance, then in such east: it will bB the duty of the pound-master to charge to, ~tndre~'eeover from tl•re owner or pas:;essor of~such dead animal the fees hereinbefore provided; and any such pei-son lvlso shall ne:glec t or refus@ to notify th:e pound-keeper of ~.ny dead animal upo~a his premises or in any pub:Lio placo •of w.hiclz he is the owner or poese,ssor, or to pay the Pound-master the fee as hereaabefore provided, .shall be deemed guilty of •misdeaano.r, and upa~n conviction there©f shall be fined a sum not less than ten dollars nox snore tan thirty dollars, and i~g default of payment shall be mprisone°d in the County .Jail. of Santa Cl~4:ra CoLUZty one day fo.r :every two dollars o f such. lino, And in case the Pound-antister, after diligent search .can not find the owner or possessor of such dead animal, or of an animal .killed r~t•ad buriod. by lzirn pu:r want to Section 10 of this ordinan;e,e, and shall make oath •to that ei'PBet, then he sha;11 be an titled to ones half of said fees from the ToUrn of 2,os Catos 'fbr the burial of such dead snimal. Section 1.3.. 1~' any person shat]. re"saue any animal from the poss~- ession of the pound master,, wn_il.e co?zveying or being about to convey the sarna to the .Pound, or shall make any Pound breach, or in any way, directly c>.r indirectly, coz7veY or deliver any animal out of the Pound ,vi. thout l~n=r~zt a~utl;~;ri t Y.,, 1a~_.:.sha11~ b® ~:d~e~mie'd'=""".°_..-,_ .-,~>.. ~-_.~~uzlty~,of~~rri~s°sde~;i7or, ~i;d upon eoawict:~,on th~craof, shall be f1.ned in a s:um not less than ten clo.l].r7rs;, nor more titan f.E'ty dol]:ars, and in default of the payment thereof', shall. be inp.ri so"ned in the County Jail of tlx+~x Santa Clara Ce~'mnty one daY for _e~ery two dollars of said fine:, Sectionn. 14 The Pound-mczst;er shall nzal~e a rug, aazel cor.reer t report under-oath, to the Board of 7.'i~ustees, on the first No_ndaY of each month,. of a,].l the animals of each bind imp©unded k~Y harm during the month; of the numU~r ~^edeemed anc~ soft n.r,,e; thee. amount re:Qeived therefo:r., and. the nw;iber killed or each. ?rind, evitii the numb@r :and bind buried, and the am~izn~ ,regLU r:~d therefor,. Section.l5. 'The Poun~l~~rzaster shall key-p a record of each a;aimal irr~pouncled, with a deserpti•on thereof, a,?zcl the dat'is .and manner of disposition of the same. He "shal`l also postreonspis~oL~sl; entrance of the pound a :list a.nd description of al .l the Y at the thc?r®in detained.:animals Seestion 16, :Any person owning or having. .control o.f any animal running. at large in violation of any pr-ovisio.n•.of tzis o:r:dinan'ae and every person violating asiY.px~ovsio.n of this ordinance in otlzar parta.culars, .upon :eo,zvietion sla.a.7.1 be-f.ne d, unless othErwisQ pr~veded herein, ~.an a sum not oxeeeding one hundred :dollar's,, or be mprisonad no;t exceeding thirty clays. Section .l'7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in can:fiict kith this ordinance are. hereby repeal.eel. Sesti©n18. This o.rdnanee shall tt~ke effect .and be in full force from an d. after - m-t-s-~pt~~:-ra-g~--•a rl ~-g1~r ~~}}~~,, ~~C//i'L! t t_ ~G -'2.cy _r~~ie~ ~Cd~~C'.f C`~?'P:.: a~" Ps,ssed this ~ da.y oP 0 etober, 195. ~ i Noes... I L•~~ ~~-~._ Absent . V ~..~U'7~ Approved. ~; --~ ~ y~ At test ~~ ~ ~;~T`--- / Pr®s. of ~3oard., ~f ~v U f.,//Glr.~~-'° l Tom C7.erk. . ~` i'`i .a .,~ ;:; 4 ' ' ,. .. ; d -~ "y°~ s ~ E` ,~ ~~°~ _ ~~ r: ? t' r a' t ~..''~ t tF ~. I ..it's... ,. .. ' r 4 } ~ ~ / } z-;•, n.,x s r: ? ~ ~ ,, f . -f`"~ '~:;, v. - . - ..:.,.: