Ord 062-CONFERRING POWER UPON THE BOARD OF HEALTH-'.: `'r'% ~,.r~p ~ 1 E ~J ~ 2 3 4 5 .. 6 ~ ~ 7 8 9 . 10 11 12 13 1h 1"5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 `` 27 2s iF'""~ ,paW+wx 1.. ~eetion I~ The Board of a.$ of tha ~c~wn <e~' I#o~ Gatg ~,~ hereby vetted with ~®~er t@ set up~p~~ define, dc~ter~ mine,. and adjudge whit shall. pvtnattute- a nuisance in ,~,hQ ~Q19rt ©f l,os Gatos and to require th@. ~tapgs tq be abated, i;n ` a aurnnary manner, "" V~Ihenevar a nuisance shall exist upon tha property.- of;any non-resident qI' on any prope~rtyft~~e ©wnex or .owners of which Can not be found by thenHealth ^~~-~, after diligent se8:rch ~r qn the .property off' any owner m.r o~~ers upon whom duo notice ma,y have been Served t~p,© shal]. f®r tktrae days refine or rteg~eQt to ,abate the.. e qr on any City property, it shah. be the duty of t12~ Board of. Health tp Qa1~se the sa~.d nuisanee tq be at wnoe remeVe,d or ab8~ted~y Anc~, the entire u®st mr re~nsvin~; ®3' ab.$ting s~~t nui~~ta:~ sha~~ belS4Cge a lien on.tha pro- perty-from which said nuisart~e has bEen removed mr gbate4t in pursuance' with this #~~~-timn~ and ~,y be -reeQV~ erred by art action against such pr©perty~ A~td it shal7~ be the duty of the .City Attorney tm f'oreel~se all such li.@nsy in the prgper Court in the name of and for the benefit of said City, and when. the property is sold, ` 'enough: of -the proceeds $h8,11 be .paid into .the. City Treasurey to"satin fy the 1z En .and costs, including a reasonable Attorney's fee and the aver-plus,,. if any them I 'be shd,l~. be paid to the owner of the .property, i f IZe tie kn®wn an'd if n®t~ then into the Court fob hia,use whin ascertained: AnY person who maintains, permits or .allows a nui-~ sanCE to exi8t en his mr her property or premsesy after the satpe has been cietertnined by said Bm~,rd is be a nuiA Sa71Ce and s,fter ngtica t® rsAt©ae the.- wine has been served ~~i upon such person-, is guilty of misdemeaner and shaJ;l tie punished aReordingly, and eaCYi day`of such existance after noti ce, dh~~:~. be de~p~sd a aepd.rs,t a o~fense anck i t i,r -the duty of the City Ildarshal~. t© ~rpsecute all persona gu],ty of viol~,tin~; this lad by continuous prosecutions. u?~til the same is abated and remoued,, Section II# A71 ordinances Qr parts of ordinances in e®ni'liet herewith are hereby repelled, Sacti~,n III, This Ordinsnoe shall take effect frortt,axscl ~,ftar- its passage,, sppr©val ar_d publicat4nF ~ASsB~7. tkli s daY of Npvett3b~r:/~/~89~ /-' / N©es;~ ~~ A, t~ s en't T ~~Z ~~4 ~ r. i ~ ` (~~ .~ ~o~vy~ .~le,rl5r "~.,-~..