Ord 059-IMPOSING MUNICIPAL LICENSEST` 2 3 4 5 6 7 l s i! 9 ~! 10 '; - 11 12 13 ~ 14 15 16 17 18 " 19 ' 20 21 ~ 22 23 24 25 28 ORDIDTANCE 1`T0. .~~' j _ ~ ~. °°.~ ~ ~ -~ ' I a~ _ An Order imposing p~unicipal I,a/cences. '~ ~ ~ i The Board of Trustees of the Town of Los Gatos, do ~ ~-nao-t as fol~.o~vs:- j F See.l,- livery Person engaged in t'he business of: Ii ~ y , ~~~~ peddling, `or in the itinerating Slending of DrY ~ goods, wearing apparel, jeWelery; groceries, cigars, I >u =~= wine, malted or fermented liquors or 'other wares or -, ', I commodities, except milk and wood, `or eanvasing for the sale of the same, with or without sample shall pay a Li-- - cence cif X6.00 per month and n© Licsnce shall be issued i i ! ~ ~ ~' for less than one month. provided that .nothing herein contained shall be deem ~ I ~ ed to apply to solicitors of any `established Business /House, of this Town; DTo~'~to'the representatives of whole- sale dealers, who solicit orders from established°dealers ~ ~: ` of this Town,- ' ~ ~' Every solicitor fmr the sale of any R,4aps, Sec, a„- ~' i pictures, ar periodicals' sha17. p~ya.. Licence. of Books , ~~4,00 per montY~ ar_d no lice~.~rce sha11 be- issued for less ~ 7 i rl~-t. ~ than one month, ' Trovided that this shall be deemed not, to app.ly:to j any `book,`'rnap, picture o`r period'Tcal"pub'li'shed' madeyv~or ,. r F produced in the To~rr'i-i` of Los Gatos, I ~~ l Sec; ~,-Every person engaged in the hawking, peddl- • i ~° ~. k~~ ing, vending, or'canvRS~ing for~the sale of any citrons : i ~ 2 7 If or tropioal fruits, p©•'tato~s, cord or other vegetables, 2II ' ~ i ~r~ r not of tlieir ©wn `rais'ing sYiall pay a licence of 5~6, 00 per ~ . .s ~~ month and no licence shall be issued forless than ~Tl'E~!- i ~ - ,; i~ :. 1 1. •- c. .: _~ 1' month. Tht:> sECt~ iesn srlall. nvt b~ cloeme;cl tee apt:l].y to tl':~: 2 cstabl.ish~el herus~s cr#' Los r;ateas, i . - 3 SP: r'.-1. pny pP. Y'9Fi 1~1 ~nt~'a f'P. (.~ 1?"1 the 1t1~n. P, T'ai~.t Vf. :1 .j111;;", 4 havrki~~;, <rr s~lli""; of any 1<ir~~ of he~usc^hold goods, wPar- 5 inF apparel, pieturros, carp~:ts, rugs, jew~sl°ry, or crth~:r g rnorcTianclise' on th@ installment plan, i..c~. to h~ pai,el fir 7 lily rnorthl.y, vt~~lcly err other stated paymr;:n.ts sYral.l.' pay a ;I 8 lic:~ncc of ;;15.0-0 per rnontll anu ner licence stral.l L;e isv - 9 su~ei f~,r lass that? thrr.~ months. 10 prclvicl¢d the preavisi.arns of tkris section shall Wert ' i 11 apply to any established business:; ho user i„ the Torrn~l oP Y ~': 12 Los i;atos. F 13 ,ec.-5. Every parson en•~a~;~el in thc~ rnanar~in~,' rrr 14 running; erf a A;!e;rry°~.*,o-round or Flying HorsF;s or any pwr.- i ,I i 15 forrnarrcee caf a sirniliar character sYra11 }?ay a licenco fee: i 16 raf ';x10.()0 Fmr ~ae.h week or fraetilan thereof, an a. ncr la° ~ ., 17 ~ cence shall be; i.ssuec~ fear lm:ss than erne weak. 'i ~. 18 Seac. O.Fvmry pars®n ~n ~!~'cel in the ha~,vkinp, pea- ~~~ ~,~ ~~,, .' dlinv ~~rr itinerant uercAing; as afea.^esaicl~~,ithcrut first r/`~~,,,~,~ i ~ 20 paying the licence fee herein p,~oviczed shall ..pan con- Ifl ~ 21 viction pay a fine of Wert less than ti~20.00 no~~ more than j ~ 22 i ~~200,0~ bese3es the. cost crf 1;r~l and necessary expense ~t ' 23 not less than 10 nor more thei~etea or be impr'isonecl For ~':. 2 4 ~ j than 90 cla,, s, o=' by both fine and imprisoYVnent. ?~ 25 not a Adunici ~l officer making i ;~~ c, -.. Any CitizEn, p~ l ~ , 26 ~ comp~.a:nt z.: '~he To~,vn i~ecoreie,' that will lead to the con•- ~,~ 27 i viation of any one violating; this oreilnance vrill upon ! 28 ~! fffi ; prof of claim be en~itled to one half of the netf"ine p' i~, collected from said convicted pa=ty. .__v.~.__~--~_ _ _. ,_ ~~w..::.. .~.~ ! _._ - • ~.F~ ~~ - !i Seeo 8 ,11 Orc~ins,rices o~- Z~~rts of rdnances in 1 r ~~ conflict ~vth this Ordinance a.re hereby repealad. 2 3 ~ Sec, Via- This Orcdnanee shs:ll be in fot~ce from ~tnct after its ~ass,ti~e, approval ariet publieationm 4 ~' I y i'assed aeptember ],rlth,, 1~3~4~„ 5 ~ ' i 'ti s ~j 9 ~ 3 10 1~ a 1:1.. ~ 1 }' 12 1! 13 Ayes- roe - ~~~'~ Absent- r~(l6~~_ 14 ;y~ ,, ~~ 15 {~ lrr~~ ~(~/a2.a ---y 16 ~ ~~ ~ , ~~ \ , ~~ ,..J lv ' ~a ~ CJ~ iii U i '~ ~~.. S CE .,~ t ~ \ ~ p~ ~. R. ~-' . ~ f: s~~` 'om`, F''' :€~ r1 t~. J 1 G \'TS` ~ ~ I J~ y Y jy . ~ ~ J LV a` •.. ~~ C] 4 f ~ C~ CJ ~, D - . i .. _., ~{ 1 1